- a, ' >4, [B&‘ ^4 ;lr *' » iSu* • . A' •. Jtì'vLu ; '«¿y ‘i’-' ‘ V i 1» ta d t o tirante Paao— O. H. Teo left ywterday for John Barton of Phoen« wa- Orante Paaa where he wtU be a a business visitor la Ashland business vielter until tomorrow. today. / Stated conclave, Wednesday evening. Oct. 7. Work in Order ot Temple. Open in long form. Dinner at 6:45. AH Sir Knights courteously invited. W. H. McGOWAN W. H. DAY, Recorder. I’nn-haMil Car— The Claycomb Motor company reports the sale of a new Ford touring car to P. L. Cooper......... Fall woolens are now In at 291tt Ortes Tailor Shop. Skate to music.— Ashland Nat. \ 19-tf All kinds of dimension lum- f-. T on hand at the box factory. 292-tf Stationery sale at Elhart's. Visiting H e r e - Mildred Humphreys Is a visit­ or from Brockway for a short while with Mr. and Mrs. Alkn Denton When you think of painting think of Blackwell. Phone 3231. Cliff Payne makes ladders. Candy Land Hand made choc- ointes of the best materials. Howling— There will be bowling and basket ball at the Armory Thurs­ day evening for the members and their friends. Buy your box shook from the local box factory at wholesale nrlcea. t it - t f Our clothes are guaranteed, Moved. To Ashland— SWING Fred Horner of. Medford mov­ we invite comparlaon of price WANTED—Sowing hy the day. and quality. Paulaerud’s. .29-tf ed to Ashland. He is at home Let me relia« your coat or furs. at 300 Avery street. Mrs. L. B. Crosby, Phon« IH R , Liability Insurance written on ' 10-tl Photographs of Qnallty. Studie 125 North Mala BL tomoblles and tracks. Phone C O N V A L E S C E N T gDMB— Yeo. (ot course.) 19-tf Ashland. Oa the Plasa. Come and see us. . Wa aro nicely Visitor» H i T O fixed to «board elderly, people. C. 1+ Hulbert, district traffic We win give you a reasonable superintendent of Eugene and rate.'-- Call 153. From ('»litoral»— Mr. and Mrs Leverette Davis Mr. F. H. Shea, (^vision traffic FOR RENT— Do you Want to of OottvUle, California, spent superintendent of Portland, ot live Inexpensively thia winter? the Pacific Telephone and Tele­ the week end with the Barber We have a two room fpraisbed family on Granite street. Mr graph company, were visitors in apartment with running water Ashland yesterday. They left Davis Is a mining engineer. this morning for Klamath Falls. for twelve dollars. Light and water paid. Call 163. Purrhaaetl Home— WANTED— Someone to plough Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamb 25 acres soon. Call 264 Weight- TRADE IN TOUR OLD TIRU* Madden for new ones. Ashland have purchased the residence man St. Phone 257-Y,. 30-2 Ileanltinx Works. 160—W at 4 62 Allison street, through the Ashland Realty company. ¿ FOR RENT— Furnished five- room nuxftern bungalow. 126 Yee, we have no bananas, but Bush St. Phone 289-J. 30-tf we have money to loan on good Reported— The Claycomb Motor company security. Phone 21. Yeo, (of FOR RENT—Modern 6 room 19— tf report that a number of cars house, range and linoleum, on hav6 been purchased and de­ Fairview Street. Phone 278-J. livery will be made on the ar­ From Klam ath F a l l s - 39-6 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott and rival of the new Ford cars. son of Klamath Falls spent the NOTICE week end in Ashland visiting Applications will be received by with friends the Superintendent of thp Electri­ Henry Duncan, Alpine, Ala­ Peppy swimming at the Jack- cal Department of the City of bama, writes: “My boy had a son Hot 8pringj. Hot mineral Ashland for position « store- bad cough and oold, I ' read baths and plunge. Open ml keeper. All applications to be in about FOLEY S HONEY A TAR by October 7, 1925, and to be and after giving It to him a few winter. made in applicant's own hand­ days he was well. He-had been writing, giving full Information having thia cough for two years, Shampooing, facial, and all concerning age, residence, edu­ but FOLEY’S HONEY A TAft other hair or facial treatments cation, experience, references and stopped it and made him. well," expertly performed at The Vanity whether married or single. Quali­ Contains no oplatep. Good for fications; high* school education children and they lik e ,it. Get Shop, over Miller's Toggery. 0-2tf or equivalent, and some clerical a bottle today from your drug­ ability. gist and it will be on hand to Fine toilet goods on lc sale -check coughs and colds. Sold Stoppili In Ashland— at McNair Bros., next week. everywhere. Mayor Goddard of Klamath Falls on his way to the Inter­ Returned To Ashland— state Cotoniere« Commission 'Mr. and Mrs. H. F. meeting In Portland, stopped have returned froto a in Ashland today for a few min­ Blye, where they vlsifted utes and visited with his mother, Mrs. Tom Oarrett. Tl Mrs. M. A. Goddard. visited in Klamath Fa Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wa HEAT FOR ALL V isitors H ere Three days only, one-cent sale Misses Bertha' Calhoun and combination Josephine Islyun accompanied hy next week. 30-tf sandwiches. their ' mothers • and Mrs. Mac­ Rubber goods and stationery Intyre,- all from Grants Pass Have your broken windows on one-cent sale next week at were Sunday visitors In Ashland paired. Large stock of glass with Beulah Hussey and her The Rexall Store. i hand. Jordan Sash and Cab- mother on Vista street. et Works. Phone 161. 2«-tf Koller skating, Ashland Nat; good floor and skates, S6e. 7:10 Rasine*» Vbdt«^— to 10 p. m Afternoons by ap- SEA HERO’S BODY J. C. Williams was a business 19-tf pointment. • CORNERS Ninlnger’s visitor in Ahland Vlsltors H e r e - Mrs. E. F. Sackett and Mrs Special Merchants Lunch, 60c, daily at the Plata—from IX a. G. P. Young are visitors in Ash­ ro 2 D. ro. ’ 6-tf land for an indefinite time, from Dan Diego. They are visiting Buy stationery—pay for one with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Stokett. box—Get one free.—Elhart’s. Why buy bonds when we can sell you city residences and business properties paying from Father and Son Tickets. Ings Agency. 60c plate. TODAY — TOMORROW PORTLAND, Oct. • — (U. P.) — The body- of Johp L. Olbeon, the first to be taken Yrom the wrecked submarine 8-51, ar- rived in Portland today. The funeral will be held tomorrow-. Gibson’s mother, Mrs Ida Dlb- Horn— To Mr. and Mrq Paul A. Mars a ten pound boy, yesterday af­ ternoon. < Is still open for business, and will stay open regardless of all the false rumors reported that I am going out of business. Our meats are guaranteed to be young and tender and of beet quality. Give us a trial and be convinced. O. T. Moisan, Prop. 28-2 Returned To A »bland— Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wlneland and Mrs. Alex Livingston and Mrs W. J. Wallace returned yqnterday from a trip to San Francisco and vicinity. with Dorothv Macknll I t ’s a I Knockout! tM H iU t«nd» to foeetllxe society. ' » la tbe ferment of Ideaa. the cUah of dlgagreoing Judgment«, the privilege of the Individual to de­ velop hla own thoughts »nil shape hl» own Character, that makes progrAs possible." President Coolidge concluded hie address by drawing together hla two ideal» of tolerance at home and abroad as the way to peace: "We can mahe little contribu­ tion to the welfare of humanity on the theory that we are a auperlor people and all others are an Inferior people. “We ean only make America first ia the true aenae which that mean» by cultivating a spirit (Continued from page one) the eommnnlty, to establish fixed Whatever tends to standardise A WONDERFUL LUTE OP BLAZERS - $4.00 $13.50 ARMY GOODS STORE tei Biggest Little ptore in Town Opposite New Hotel “Rainbow’ It mill GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL ? IN LARGE LUMPS . SIMPLEX SUNBOWLS SPRINGS DISTRICT. ♦ AWT QUANTITY FROM A SACK TO A CAR­ LOAD. The electric heater that takes the chill out of * these oold evenings. The prompt manner in $8.50 wet wash, has brought which, we deliver our ASHLAND No. 384 Oak S t COMPAQ Across the By Track Phone 90 us congratulations from all parts of town. Murphy Electric We call for your wash at stated intervals ernd re­ turn it to your home in a sweet, clean, sanitary condition. Johnston’s Choice Box A box of 22 varieties and all delicious, also a sweet* surprise awaits you in, ih elr Peacock box, a m ix­ ture of Chocolate coated fruits and nuts. These are hard to lieat and several other packages are equally as good. Try a box and be convinced. The Stationery SALE! cost won’t annoy yon. ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. P h m 168 ■ A Chance to Save at E ll A irs We also have a very nice as­ sortment of Oriole Chocolates packed In attractive boxes, Lithia Springs Confectionery _ The Ashland Electric Shop L ithla Springs H otel B u ild in g 339 E. Maia Street Phone 116 B lankets paying paying paying paying paying McKechnie isn’t much of a sentimentalist as Bucky Harris was In the last world’s series when lie gambled hla Judgement and tale reputation to make a hero oat of Johnson and It is considered unlikely that he will start Adams instead of Lee Meadows or Vie Aldridge. The Washington club has no reaped for reputations In the enemy forces and It la known to have n dislike to enrve ball pitching and Meadows and Ald­ ridge are two of the beat curve ball pitchers In the National League. Muddy Ruel has flea* c*11 to work behind the bat for the Senators. He la -worn physically from a hard season but he still has th e. brains ot a smart catcher and brains are considered as ot paramount Importance by the Washington management. "OH". Smith, the belligerent Pittsburgh catcher, probably will do the receiving work of tbe Pirates. He baa never dis­ tinguished himself In the world’» series games he caught for the New York Giants but he le an aggressive wotker and a good mechanic and he has a fine slugging eye In the Pittsburgh park. Pauteerud’s clothes are guar- anteed. A new garment If your suit don’t give satlsfaettoa. 29-tf A Heart,»1 Aanlvemary«». Mr. and Mrs. Alias Denton and family spent the weak end at Brockway where they attended the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Humphreys. The Lithla Beauty Shoppe in­ vitee the ladles of Ashland to view tbe modern equipment In­ stalled In tbe Lithla Springs hotel. Room 218. They ape d a l- T flE lae In scalp treatment«, fadala. both hand and electric, mareoll- Ing. manicuring and all other Knee of beauty work. Pboa* <19. 8A4f WEARWELL. BLANKETS Made from the finest quality long staple cotton, with neat whipped edges, these Wearwell Cotton Blankets with comfortable lightness of combine s n u g warmth ----------....— - weight, always a convenient addition to bedding supplies, these cotton blankets may V6 bought at very moderate prices in time for Cold Weather Wearwell Cotton Blankets Come in Tan, Grey and White 64x70 Pair $2.78 66x80 PaiY 63.19 70x90 Pair 63.48 Wearwell Fancy Plaid Cotton Blankets Made Extra Heavy 66x80 Pair 63.98 70x80 Pair 64.48 Wearwell Fancy Plaid, China Cotton Blankets 66x80 70x80 STAPLES A PATEE C ’mon down and moot O ’Malley—shake hands.with a regular, lic-man, fightin* cop. A cop who gets his man every timel—he’ll give you the biggest thrill in adven­ ture and the greatest thrill in love. ef son has in Washington. Take your Son, Dad 8 to 14 per cent net. A 81200 Investment 8 1-2 per cent. A 91,000 14 per cent, A 92700 Investment, 10 per cent. A 919,000 Investment, 8 per cent. A 9118,000 Investment, 8 1-2 per cent. All- tbe above are el« grade properties. ’ A n*w wgi|, »applying freah. pure water for the resort, was recently sank, and an Mmple flow of pure water for the en­ tire reeort has been obtained. A gabollne station la also be­ ing completed upon tbe prop e r ty ? ‘ ’ m od« WEARWELL Bill 30-4 TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN The Fourth St., Meat Market MIH8 LAW LIS AT ORGAN Heater IS IN PORTLAND from Talen» MILTON Universal Electric entirely renovated and rodeoorat- a^.,"’^ m Miltons, who resided la Honolulu for several years, h a v e ' Introduced a Hawaiian touch to the 'decorations, and have renamed their pavilion rigid REAL BARGAINS Maxwell Roaster 6400 Fort Touring (Starter) 6278 Our mechanics are ready to Tune Up Your Car 66x80 70x80 ,i Pair ' Pair 84x76 68.48 68.9« * 61.98 Pair 62.29 Plaida Pair 63.75 CLOTHCRAFT “ S13O” B lu e S e r g e 44 r AST side—West side—all around the town”—no g* matter where you, go-—ft ffiothcraft ”5180_Blue EXTRA BLANKET SPECIAL Staple Cotton Blankets 66x80 Brake Belining Done by Machinery , 64.75 68.48 Wearwell Part Wool B lankets in ■ Faqey Plaids 72x84 Automotive Shop Pair , Pair Style—any hour-any day—anywhere. ’ Pair > Serge Suit is STYLE. High in quality—iow A type of tailoring you’ve always associati money. And wear? The guarantee is in the pocket