Mr». Hlekey «ad daughter. Morr. nih vtoftqp« te Ashland t o day from Dnnamntr. WANTED— Ho»re, nes now Elhart’s. Heme la w Might— Jóhn Groves visited to Ashland late evening from Chiloquin. Special Merchants Lunch, 50c, dally at the Plata— from 11 a. in a 1 D. m. 5-tf Palm Olive Buy one— Can Elhart’s. From Medford— shaving Talcum fwrptofcdd Maxt SuadaT la K a l ^ « ) or unfurnished. Phone Brom- for th » Bible achool aad .1 mar *nt »44L. 303 Oak SL, or Axhlakd for potetlod J r tetra- premiere to hireak all teeoni- 8», Ashland Fruit and Produco keeper. AB applications tn to to k y October 7. $935. e a fl-te be I l a . -«^tendance . apd aalkka*“3" A « '» - • \1 3 - 4 « i made in applicant’. rifcp!hand­ I Site» and “Ma’* Sledge, «^bon.J FOR SALE— Cora, Ö 5 »er w riting, giving MU tafo^gatlon ly known Bible achool etataSete-ÿ ton by weight. Or S3« b y .maa- concerning age. rrehMMO, ed»r will bo p r e s e n t / D on't- Jay mate them. • ?> sure, while 30, tona lasta. Gao. cation, experience, rattoinete and O r g a n i s e d and ta|ututet whfRher married or single. Quali­ fication«: high school education ''Church Night" prdyar meeting FOR HALF,— Orapes and ap­ or equivalent, and nome. clerical last Wednesday croate« will es at the orchard, forty-one present. Bach Bfadue» abiHte. »«— »» rletlea. Any quantity, day night ft Church nffeht w it Phone tvehfclll, Valleyview, supper at <:8Q p. m., ta dlimu «8-3 room, followed by dreottonal ser- gusc- 30-tf The Civic d a b solicits contri­ butions for Its Rummage Sale Oct., 5 and - 10. The Club House will be open Oct. 7 and 8, from 1 to 4:30 fo r , reception of goods. Phone S40R If articles are-to be called for. 27-3 vice and later by choir reheam U Don’t forget Rally Dhfi pro gram beginning te 9 :'«»/». m next Lord's Day. ‘ Sermon li evening at 7:30. Snbjote: “Sell lag The Birthright." Mr. Clark of the Crater Lake In CninmnnWy Hospital— Motor company of Medford was Mrs. 3. L. Haney of Talent a business visitor In Ashland Oeser’s Ashland Service Station Lithia Springs Pharmacy • day and Tuesday. Laava at Mrs. Jack Oyger haa returned Jerry O’Neil’s dM store, ladtte to her borne from the Commun will re-make and ro-trlm -for Ity hospital. rummage sale. Department In charge of Mrs. Swtetanhurg, Mrs. TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES to Madden for naw ones. Ashland Dunn, and Mrs. Jordan.* valranlxlng Works. 100— tl Why buy bonds when wa can Fine Toilet soaps.— McNair M il you city residences and business properties paring from 8 to 14 per cent net. A $1300 Investment paying Alt kinds of dimension lum­ 5 1-2 per cent. ber on hand nt the box factory. Ar $1.000 invesinabnt. paying S93-tf 14 per cent, A »3790 the same good qualities summer and winter. HU your tank and let your en­ gine decide. full oversize only Firestone regular 30x3 1-2 -, ’ The Best Investment, paying 10 per cent. Bitsa Spencer returned to her A $30,000 investment, » a rin * tine on Dead Indian road after 8 per cent. ting 111 at the Community hon- A $116,000 lnveetmeal, paytn< 8 1-3 per cent. AU the above are «taan high grade properties. 87-tf M. 3. Oleen of Salem Is a STAPLES « PATRE ntaaea visitor la Ashland for few days looking for location NEWPORT, R. I., Oct. 3— (V. P .)— Rear Admiral William B. Sima, retired, announced today he will go- to Washington* next week and toll President Cool­ idge “ straight from the shoul­ der,’* why he disapproved Col­ onel WUllam. Mltchell’a plan, for We are eage r to-servo y o » CHICKEN DINNER WE a very choice line oC'bax candies, which are strictly fresh, to satisfy the most discriminating. A box of Oriole Almond Roca will prove to be a very tasty confection < or a box of Johnston’s or P ig ’n W histle Chocolates surprise of their choice as­ sortment. . „-JS e . s ‘ 4 Lithia SOUDAT _ HOHDAT Thomas Meighan about your car can be found after it has been greased at “■, Williams Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN SUPPORTED BY LILA LEE if you want to got ths tiyrill that coiyes once ip a life­ time, be on the sidelines when Tommy,oomes march­ ing hom el.Back to U»e (¿id home, town and the girl he left behind him. Baek'to the town that went back on him. Shell and General • Gasoline Bees AND^SUNDAY I f E vening« — 7:15 and 9:00 W hile we are redecorating Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store Sunday Night Dinner Oct. H, 1925 ■ e Lithia Hotel Merry Widow Cocktail Ripe Olives Sliced Tomatoes Sweet Relish Chicken a la Sontag ( ’ojiHonunc a la Italian Roast Prime Ribs of B eef au Jus Chicken With DnmplingB, Horne S ty le , Parisienne Potatoes - Boiled Beef Tenderloin Steak with Champignon Mashed Potatoes New Kentucky String Beans Peach Fritters, Wine S a u c e > Parker House Rolls Rogue River Pear Salad with -Mayonnaise Cranberry Pie a la Mode IJtfiia Hotel Strawberry Shortcake Neapolitan Ic^ Cream Buttermilk Coffee Milk Demi tgaee For Information as to how you can keep Fires spreading ten­ tacles from reaching you and from causing you a loss. You will receive help to re­ moving hidden hasarde that cause so many homes,, stores and faetorlea burned every day. Thia agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company sells reliable Insurance and gives free fire preventien service. irts, genuine army issue O. D.-»Serge, Lined Donble Elbows two large pockets. The last In buv genuine army, shirts. Sizes 15, 15 li2, ARMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel Springs HUNT’S CRATERIAN THEATRE M^ N ig r e « e?reiy"e October 8fli , r B " J t a ln a7 8:30 P. M. Not » Motion Picture Tin ! PLAY THE NATION IS WAITING PORI Farewell Tour of Frank Bacon’s Masterpiece ' The Comedy That Broke the W orld’s Becord — Confectionery WerWe Champion hteten Fighter. Bee Herder , AB 'Monna Adventurer Yorntl Lamgbl Y o a ll Cryt Yme’tt triv« Hint Leonard G Pettit claas in the Raastan rehool of_ Violto developed h» Ottlekar Sevetk. tho now •nation,- the tretet of y r e » of :h la rerogntoed for High School credit. a SHORT ORDERS THROUGHOUT THE DAY f CARRY Fhone 116 Dealers in Good B o t Ç andies PLAZ AND BETTY Ç 0M P 80N Ungfeased Parts The Bath Bewitching GENERAL GASOLINE “Raymond Griffith” D rzC C M Oregg, A. M. Buaver ' MAM W A N TH D — City or Coun­ and O. F. BUUngs left this morn­ try. Old established company ing for Eugene, where they will wtll supply capital and start attend the Methodist conference. you In- ypur own (Armanent business selling necessities peo­ ple must buy every day. Ex­ perience unnecessary. W rite Factory 717, ¿8-1* la a patient te the Community the arrangement committee, Is In J hospital. charge of the work of securing Home, made chili bean! and Rally Day—. accommodations for the visitors. SALESMEN WANTED— Two ac­ hot dogs at Nfninger’s. 2S-tf Kearny .has broadcasted a re­ A ll arrangements have been tive, educated men capable of quest that delegates or others mads to handle a great crowd earning over $3.000 early to TSall- Photographs of Quality. Studie planning to visit the c lty ln con- 1 at the Christian .church Sunday. on schools, librarians and select­ Ashland. On the Plesa. nectIon with the gathering of "J Rally Day, something doing every ed Individuals. Leads furnished. church executives cbmntunlcate ' Dodd, Mead A Co» 734- Pacific “Box Stationery— Buy one, get minute. Be there at 5:45 sharp. with headquarters of the corn- 1 Building, ¿an Francisco. one free.— Elhart's. . mlttee at 622 Canal-Commercial 1 building, thia city, so that nr > J. W- Shattuck of Talent was r- -JOqUP WANTED F rom T a le n t - rangements can be made Jtor 1 a business visitor in Ashland Wanted man and Wife. Re­ John Briner of .Talent Is a their accommodation. ' today. sponsible, competent end capable. business visitor In Ashland tq- Many of the church leaders 1 To cook and lake full charge of day. will be accommodated ip prl- I Have your broken windows kitchen. Hotel Ashlshd. 38-3 of glass rate, homes of the city which repaired. Large stock Paulserud'8 for cleaning and have bean thrown open for fhe ROOMS— Special winter ratte on hand- Jordan Sash t and Cab- remodeling. occasion. However, the hotels J with or without bath. Hotel l. 26-tf lnet Works. Phone 161 are expected to be filled to ca­ Ashland. Yea. we have no bananas, but Skate to tousle.— Ashland Nat. pacity and the committee.needs we have money to loan on good -- LOST— Pair dark rimmed (Continued from 19-tf a few days advance notice In or­ security. Phone 21. Yeo, (of glasses, between High school and der to arrange quarters, for * course.) - 19— tf Enders. Finder' return to Nln- the “overflow” crowds. 1 Returned From Hunting T r i p - inger's. Rewind. 28-1 The gathering Is expected to j Dsn Kay, M. R. M errit and Danta to the Southern Oregon­ be the mont byllllant Church ian music, Ashland Natatorium W. d. • Oldfield Teturned laat assemblage this country has ever < evening from a successful hunt­ Saturday evening, Oct. 3rd. Good known and many subjects of ’ hard maple floor. Ladies free. ing trip at Tule . Lake. vital importance to the Eplscb- ASTORIA. Oflt. 3. — (U . F .) — 25— I t Hot Tamales at the Raggedy pal church are to come ,up (or Botullnug *potoonlng from con­ discussion and disposal during 1 in. ’ 25-4t taminated food, proved fatal this H u n tin g— „ the convention. 1 morning to W illiam Richardson, F. J. Murphy and C. W. The proposal to eliminate the ' Peppy swimming at the Jaek- 23, Standard Oil employe, at W - Walters will enjoy a week end word “obey" from the Episcopal 1 Bon Hot Springs. Hot mineral hunting trip to Klamath Lake. waco, Wash. The source of the baths sad plunge. Open ml marriage ritual Is one of the trip to Portland for the con polso hing-has not been definitely wiutirf? , 23-tf subjects' expected to arouse un- 1 with Sunday wOfe Rev traced. Buy your box shook from the usual interest te the proceedings* ference ' local box factory at wholesale The woman’s auxiliary, which J. < q. Mergler, Mrs. Riley. Mr« Dualaeaa -Visitor— Norman and Mrs. Orace V. An prices. 262-tf will hold Its sessions in Trinity Mr. Baldwin of Klamath Falls CUT THIS OUT— IT IS WORTH draws. - - ’ church, Is engaged In an effort 1 is a business visitor In Ashland _ MONEY Shampooing, facial, and all Ho excel previous records by today. Send this sd and ten cents other hair or facial treatments raising $1,000,000 in a single to Foley A Co., 2835 Sheffield expertly performed at The Vanity . Roller skating, Ashland Nat; session for ' the carrying on of STATE P R O M . MEN Ave., Chicago, UL, .writing your Shop, over Miller's Toggery. ARRESTED FOR GRAFTING good floor and skates, 35c. 7:30 Its part of the church work. name and address clearly. You Holy communion tor the Houses te 10 p. m. Afternoons by ap­ will receive a sample hottie of pointment. . 19-tf of Bishops and House of Dep­ FOLEY'S HONEY AND -TAR Pound paper— Buy one, get uties at Christ church cathedral rests for liquor law violations, COMPOUND • for coughs, colds one free»— Elhart’s. will • precede the opening cere- with holding meetings with moon­ and hoarseness, also sample pack­ Burson of Linn county monies. N. L. shiners to arrange for money pay­ age ot FOLEY PILLS, « diure­ ituNiMMis Visitor— to a visitor in Ashland for a few ments for j>r6 toot Ion, for taking tic stimulant for the kidney«, W. M. Jones of Eagle Point days looking over prospective llqour for their own use, ell these and FOLEY CATHARTIC TAB­ was a business visitor in Abland locations. « alleged acta coming In under the LETS fer constipation and bil­ today. ? iousness. These dependable conspiracy charge. WASHINGTON, Oct., 2— (U. One hundred per cetn coffee It to ate forth in the ladlqtatent remedies are free from opiates Wljen you think of painting Mitchell with real cream, served at Nlw- P .)— colonel W illiam that te Portland on May 31 last. aad a have helped millions of Ink of BlackweH. Phone 323L.* today received orders directing Inger's. Christensen received $360 from people. Try them, Sold every- him to stay In -Washington In­ where. Roy Moore for protection. , definitely until the completion Moved— - On Juljf J, W l , the indictment V;U1 woolens are now In nt R.. J. Luke has moved from of his testimony for the special states, the three accused atate Orras Tailor Shop. Upon 125 Scenic Drive to 869 Har Aircraft Inquiry board. officer» found a targe still Bear submisaton of this testimony te gadine. St. Paul, Oregon, and that they The Lithia Beauty Shoppe lu- written form, Mitchell will ap­ took from there a quantity Of . vltes the ladles of Ashland to pear before the Inspector-General Returned Home— moonshine whiskey, which they i view the modern equipment te- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jackson of the. Army, to receive any sold for their own benefit In M ar­ stalled in the Lithia Spring! A delicate fragrance to and son, Virgil, returned yes­ charges against him that may lon county the next ray. hotel. Room 215. They mieotal- augment the delight of the terday from a two months trip have been prepared upon the I t is a,lso charged that the three ise In. scalp treatments, facials, to Yellowstone Park and points basis of hta critical statement ot atatetspectel agents had to thMr bathing hour. both hand and. electric, marcell­ of Interest In Colorado. They the army and navy. possession, unlawfully a lot of M-i ing, manicuring and all other The water magically soft- report a splendid trip. Ifhes of beauty work. Phone quer on July 11. ROOSEVELTS ARE ON wne o f three weeks with their son nenes GENERAU X expected at 9:46. Splendid pro­ z PETROLEUM' C liff Payne make« truck bodies. TO WHOM IT MAY (V N C FR N gram. Oreat Day. 'CORPORATION The Fourth St.. Meat Market Candy Land— Peanut and eo- Is still open for business, and To Portland— prescription Druggist coanut brittien, fresh and crispy. »Mrs. 'K a te Collins Who has will stay open regardless of all h ta Springs Hotel Building Picture Framing. Studio Ash­ been visiting in Ashland from the false . rumors reported that land. On the Pinna. Denver leaves today tor Port­ I am going out of business. Our be land before retim in g to her meats are guaranteed to Liability Insurance written on young and tender and of best home. automobiles and trucks. Phone quality.' Give us a trial and 21. Yeo, (of courre.) 19-tf be convinced. G. T. Molsan, ' '%'iv *" « :' Civic 4’lub Rummage H al e- — Pro». 2 8 3 Old winter hats wanted Mon­ today WITH THE NEW COMEDY KINO STUDIO 29 PIONEER SPBCUAL OAST HBADBD BY '*• I Freak B mc M Thomas Jsfforson . “M rx J o n e *“ "U ghtnln’ BUI Jone« Bessie Bacon “As the Vaudeville Aterere” -