t • m » Oregon Historical Society Auditorium Engagement Foupd Dying; Dog is Guard 0 II 0 9 0 0 II T A F T . Oct. 8——Pound lying unconscious In an alley here thia after- neen with a pointer dog which he haa cared for «1 for three yearn* faithfully guarding him. - le e SuV 0 * 0 0 III Vining to Appear at Railroad Hearing in Portland « 0 Hvan, employed by Sam 6 Ovloff, aa a Janitor, fa ll- Z0 0 < ed Jo rally a fte r being II 0 taken to the Went Side It II hospital and died early 0 • • Thursday evening. H eart v 0. 0 trouble la hollered to t t 0 h a re been the cause of 0 II to h B*at distance telephoto mee- page, raooieod hy A. C. Joy, «rom thg Jfllr. gnonnda at .Salem Ute yesterday Afternoon. Dorothy Stevens and Awfcnda ■Bateman, composing the w h ile bread b ak ia g team , took first place In a bread baking demon­ stration, while the flre t three places tor the prune bread bak- ing exhibits w ent to Ashland girls. Adena • Joy took « ra t p lace, E llen Oaley. second plhee and Elisabeth Joy th ird place. In th is com p etitio n . Adana Joy also scored a firs t place In th e cunning os- h ib lt, coming through w ith a perfect recofR tn a contest, In Which seventy-Ove Jars of fruits, vegetables and meats, which have been canned, hy the girls a t home, were opened and close­ ly examined hy several experts. A number of th e contestants.- the message la id , wars disqualified b t ir a u s s o f uncooked or spoiled 8alftven was about 7# years old and had resid­ ed here for 17 years, be­ ing fa m ilia rly t known as 'D a d ." He has no rela­ tives here and the where­ abouts of hie relatives in the Bait la unknown The body Is a t the T a ft Un- dertaking- parlors. Last jrenr, two Arshland* girls. Rosins and Prances Onllatin, took « ra t place In the prune bread baking contest. The la t­ te r finished flre t fn the com­ petition a t the Portland -Live­ stock skow, and la te r were sept to Chicago, where they put on a non-competitive demonetra- The yon ng people a t the fa ir roport a wonderful tim e. They a re pleased w ith the new club b e fld ia g , and the entertainment they received from the fa ir man Irrigation Congress is to Look Over Emigrant Dam - The Irrig a tio n Congress, to he held In Grants Pane next week w ill receive the attention of a num ber of local people, «ad w h ile the chamber of commerce la appointing a committee to represent It, ns many as can are urged to attend the sessions. O. H. Johnson. J. W . McCoy, A . C. Joy, Q. W . Dnnn, L. H. Gallatin and Ralph Billings have beerf P inal arrangements fo r open­ ing th e Ashland W eek-D ay Bible School to the Methodiet church a t one « ‘clock on Monday have beta made. Suitable table«, chairs and black hoards have been Installed, Bibles w ill be pro­ vided fo r elaas room work. Reports from Superintendent Brisco’s office Indicate th a t ap­ proxim ately fifty per cent of the school. T he parents are ahow- t a g 'u splendid Interest Indicat­ ing th a t when th e school opens Mdndcy n t one o’clock fo r thg tk lrd , tp o o’clock for the fourth and t'lree o ’clock fo r' th e fifth . gvnde^ papMe. the percentage of pupils enrolled w ill be largely inereaied. ‘A g a ln w e state that nil children of the grades men­ tioned w ill be welcomed Into the * rhool regardless e f either th e ir p a ren ts or th e ir own ehund' o r Sunday school relation­ ship},*.* said Rev. J. C. Mergler. " A i r Will ha weloomd The Bible w ill be the text book used.’’ be co itinned. M n . Grace B. Andrews, the teach« r fo r the school, and Rev. J. C. M ergler, pastor or the PreSb terian church spent sev­ e r a l,; ays In P o rtla n d the past Wdci^ InvekttgnUag the work ef I W ith M ary Oaley heading , the sewing chib girls, and with the canning end cooking teams win­ ning firs t places. d a b leaders, parents and those Interested In th e d u b work are greatly pleased work demonstrations. M y era am i «arbora ('ornai X tee p f Congrem to Meet la C all* „ forala Cbg O c t. 741 terday to United States Marshall Hotchkls and was released on *800 ball posted by M ilton A. M ille r and D r. A. W . M arrow . A rth u r Chrislebaen, fo n der fed­ eral prohibition agent, and said to hgve been acting as special agent tn A s to ria -w a s Indicted on the same charges ag theye facing the Smith brothers. An additional charge of transportation b i liquor was lodged against Christenson. Christenson was already under a r­ rest on hnother charge and waa out on » *« 0 ball. H la bail was In­ creased to *3 0 0 0 under the new chargee. j There are four counts in the in­ dictments returned against the S m itty and'Chrtstepaen, form ally charging them w ith demanding money to keep from- M aking ar- th e '» *hools In operation there. ** Sck m la were visited in the F lra t 'Congregational, the E p ­ w orth Methodist and th e West- micst. r Presbyterian churches. P u t lie and teaekera were bi- terestod In the w ork. The course of study used is the same as w ill ge used in our school. ■ _____ Mrs. Andrews and Mr. Merg­ ler had a conference w ith the Acting Superintendent o f the Portland schools, Mr. Rice. He and bis co-laborers are actively supporting the W eek-D ay Bible schools in the city. Enrollm ent fo r the Bible schools on the .West Side have m ore than doubl d over the enrollm ent of last year. Mr Rice spoke very highly of the work of Sapm-ie- tendent Briscoe in the Ashmad schcola and wished every sac- cess for the Bible school project here, offering pay assistance hla office could render to th a t end. The parents of the pupils In the grades indicated, • the third, fourth and fifth , are advised that the Bible school w ill open '.fo r p ipils from the Junior High school in the Methodist church ’ on Monday and Tuesday, from 'one <3 four o’clock, and for pu- i pile I rom the H aw thorne school In the Congregational church from one to four on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Th > teacher w ill in every ease appointed ■ hy P re s id e n t' O. A. meet the ’ class a t the school Briscoe ns a special Committee SACRAM ENTO . Oct. 3— -S ta te building, conduct them *to the to attend the congress. Controller Ray L. R iley returned church for the Bible study hour The second day of the con­ to Sacramento la s t week from and return with them to the gress w ill be taken up jvith a an automobile trip through Sis- school building at the close of caravan, m aking a to u r over Jkiyou, Hum boldt, D el N orte and the hour, thus Insuring th eir some of the Irrigated district. other northern counties wold ’ on safety and m aintaining • strict I t w ill then proceed up the Ap­ the Idea th at those sections are discipline at a ll times. plegate, through Ruch to Jack­ entitled to mbre improved; high­ sonville,' where It w ill be met ways. by a . delegation from Talent, R iley Is of the oplaion ’ that a t which place lunch w ill be these counties would get far served, a fte r which the caravan better results In .th e ir desire w ill view th e Em igrant Creek fo r highway cohstruction If the dam and the Talent Irrig a tio n state highway commission was district. The caravan w ill then composed of districts instead of WÀSHINGTON, Oct. retu rn to G rants P ass over the ( represented by three chmmls- K clflo hIgSWaf. kniVTBf (B«n «loners named a i large. vakla wlU t o ashed to »et­ In time for a banquet at 3:30 " I believe there Is too siuCh tei her 8117,«7»,O88.7O w ar ».-to. politics and too Uttlq buslaers deft to the United Mates In our present commission qy*- tem of building highways,” M id “ Par better reeults ALL HANDS OF-FRENCH R ile y . LINER ACCOUNTED FOR could be obtained, 1 th in k. I f the . . . * - L «aatotoasantoox state weref divided Into dls- whose r Vdpresentatives LBNDOar. Oat. 3— (U .; '.B O *- trietb, T he captain And five mlaslng wdajd compose the highway com­ Also I would favor members o t th e crew - of the mission. French m a 0 , steamer A ttala, tha allocation Of construction landed a t Oorey, Jersey, today, funds hy dlstrloto Instead Of frday to opta after« eleven hoars In an open at large. w l h th e Cao "Sueh a system would give the boat. Tha rem ainder of the di bt commlssloi crew and tw o passengers pre­ ¡people o f the highway .districts viously' touched aher«. rowidg a vktee hi the m atter of high­ three hoars through a rook way. w erl*. which they do not Baker — Assam from mineral studded sen. A ll on hoard were h a te unde»’ (he present system. th a t accounted to r, t o t a nnm- A>o thflre would he tor torn belt > r miles from here show 3105.58 par ton. har of race borsea were dvbwned. politics.** Çzecho-Slovakia Next in Line for Funding of Debt Mlaa Ruth Car» Patton, pretty Kansas C ity debutante, took an unusual method of ending her engagement to Samuel Inm an Cooper, w ealthy A tlan ta architect. She published in the newspapers of two cities an announcement .that the engagement was broken. I t v/ns real newts to Cooper, who rushed to Kansu« C ity, but Miss Patton re­ fused to see him. She has given np reason for her action. Oil, Gas Leases to-be Supervised in 3 Districts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thirtoen D» ' Smaghi W A SH IN G TO N , Oct. 3 0 V—Ad ministration of oil 8 a r i gas leeee» on public 0 lands w in t o udder the • « direct supervision of three 0 divisional engineers em- 0 powered with fu ll auth- 0 YREKA, Oct,, J— N orthern 0 C a lifo rn ia was stricken S atu rd ay 0 and Sunday w ith a v e rita b le 10 holocaust of automobile a c c i-I0 dents In which 11 persons w ero>0 killed and 10 were Injured. J 0 W ith in a period o ft lees than six 0 hours, two persons were killed 8 In crashes «ear Pollock, and 0 w ith in 100 feet of each e th e r, a l - 1 0 though each tragedy waa distinct. 0 T he accidents did not Include 8 a drowning a t Hornbrook and 8 a B a r t e r near Burney, bringing 8 th e total fa ta lity list to 13 per- 8 sons tn leas than 4 * hours. The 8 situation Is thought to he a 8 record tor aorthern California. 8 T h e Dead , tt Jack Lindsay of Chico. 8 Mrs. Jack Lindsay of Chico. 8 W a lte r Epperson, 9 2 * S y c a -8 more street. Chico. 8 W U llam L ak el, *4, tu u n e ta w orker of Pollock, Shasta county. Charles H . Crowe, 60, pnmp man a t W inthrop, Shasta county. John A. Derby of Dunsmuir, captain of tra ffic officers tn Siskiyou county. Andrew James, miner or Buck­ eye, Shasta county. .H a rv e y Donald Ensele 6f Mt. Shasta, 8lsklyou, county. Geraldine Carlson, 7, o f Bay Point, Contra Costa county. Mrs. Ona Manos, 34, of Two Marysville. Antone Mnflch, 70, of Napa - Senator Charles L. McNary of Oregon Is ranking member of this committee, and w ill be present at this hearing. For that rea­ son, It Is hoped t,hat as large a delegation w ill be present at the bearing as posatolo. This committee was appointod in response to a request made by H . R. Saltmarsh, secretary of the Crescent City chamber of com­ merce. In addition to representing the local chamber, McCoy w ill repre­ sent the State Bankers Association of which he is president. Former Ashland Girl is Buried in Medford Crews W ill Start Monday in Imnaha The Injured Mrs. May Couey, wife of Ed­ w ard Couey of Oroville, severe cuts and fern lees. E. J? Donaldson, Chico, frac­ tured . collarbone. • Paul Norwood, Chico, eevore scalp wound and lnoerated knee. Thomas Copk, Chico, minor fernlato. Oscar . Curtiss, Chico, Rlver* Wf ------------ --------- minor Tea nt the 60 acres w ill lie bruises. Qns %ancey. Caatella, Shasta county, facial bruises and lacer­ ated teg. Gerald Cornell, Wlnahrop, Shasta couaty, braises about Mrs. Belle Sprague. Baird, Sbasto county, dislocated elbow W illia m Bellm aa, tunnel work­ er nt Pollock, Shasta county, cuts and toutsee. K H a rry Pitto, tunnel worker a t Pollock, cats and bruises. Last stretch of Roosevelt Irving E. Vining of th ia city, president of the Oregon State chamber of commerce, and J. W . McCoy and J. H. P uller, secretary of the local chamber, bare been appointed representatives of the Iqcal chamber of commerce a t two im portant conferences to be held during the next week. Vining waa appointed a special representative of the local cham­ ber to attend the hearing of the Interstate Commerce Commission In Portland, relative to the ra il­ road controversy affecting East­ ern Oregon and K lam ath Palls. A t thia conference, many of the difficulties now facing the K la m ­ ath Palls section w ill be ironed out, and In a ll probability, the controversy w ill be definitely, bat­ tled. Almost every chamber of com­ merce In Southern Oregon w ill have a representative present nt this hearing, In response to "A re ­ quest made by Lynn Sabin, aecre- tary of the Klam ath chamber, at the meeting of secretaries of Southern Oregon chambers of commerce, held here Monday afternoon McCoy and P uller w ill attend the hearing of the rivers and har­ bors committee of Congress, at Crescent C ity on October 7 and t. A t this conference. It w ill largely be determined wbetbur the harbor at Cres$gnt City will be completed, thus giving South­ ern Oregon an outlet to the sea, ZOO m llg i closer than any pres­ ent outlet. The Crescent City harbor has been started, but about *1,000,- 000 additional money is needed to complete the project. A t the heating of the rivers and harbors committee it w ill be determined whether this expenditure by the national government w ill be Just1- planted hy W . J. Sproat near Prospect in tha Imnoha district, b iirn e * over by a 1000 acre « re last ettotter. Lee P. Brown w ill suporttaa tha planting of the remaining 50 acras tn the Mos­ quito ew ntry near Mount Mc- The S0feee, which are hut a foot high, w ill be planted In sq u afgu six feet apart and deep enough tk give the roots«! good anchorage. Brown’s planting crew w ill include approximately 10 mao who w ill commence work next Monday. Sproat w ill, h ave leas. Two months. It Is J Highway ig . Curry County to expected, w ill he needed to com-i piete th e w erk. ' • bo contracted. Elson of Medford. Th«;y have been in that city but n short tim e, qpmlng from Ashland, where they lived for about two years. M artha was born in Aahgrove, Mo., August 25. 1912, and was 13 years, one month and five days old. Five of her girl friends acted as flower girl.« WEEKS CONFERS WITH PRESIDENT COOLIDGE Here are two pugilistic champs of widely «operated divisions In other words, meet Jack Dempsey, king of the heavyweights and Fidel La Bar­ ba, flyweight crown-wearer. Jack's shown doing a few stunts with Fidel out In Loe Angeles, where both are keeping In training. slightly more than nine cents per capita, probably the groall- est fire loss of any city 'In the state, the slxe of Ashland, There Is some debate as to what was the biggest « re hera. and this question Is likely ,te Conference Held With Noted cause considerable disc usalo«. - As an interested party In the Evangelist by Local settlement of insurance. G. P. People Billings, veteran Insnranee agent There is a possibility that of this olty, w ill be able to B illy Sunday, noted evangelist, throw some light on the question. w ill be in Ashland for a series Several others, who were w lt- of meetings next summer, ac nesses to past conflagrations, cordlng to Rev. J. C. Mergler, w ill be Invited to give their pasor of the Presbyterian church, opinions on the question, ac­ who returned recently from cording to P uller. Portland, where he held a con V. V. Mills, chairman o f the ference with Sunday. fofum committee, w ill preside During the conference, Sunday at this meeting. declared, he still remembered the The forum luncheon w ill ha wonderful reception accorded the first step in a fire prevention him when he appeared in this campaign to be carried on here cjty before, and that he be­ by. F ire Chief Baughman. In an lieved It would be possible for effort to still fa rth e r redoes hint to be here next June, if he the fire loeees In Ashland. were w in ted. During the past year. Baugh­ In speaking of the meetings man has made a rig id Inspec­ tion of all reported fire haaardv, (Continued on page fo u r) and In many cases, ordered these hasards removed. Thia via Ils nee Is to be maintained, according to the F ire Chief, a n tir every tire trip end tire hasard has boon removed. Although the fire trap and « re hasard hue Is probably smaller than la any city of thia stflh la the state. Baughman bellevee It can to still fu rth e r reduced. An educntionnl eampelgn. In­ tended to reduce the haanrd of «res due to defective flees N EW LONDON, Oct. »— (V . w ill be started by the fire de­ P .l— The body of Paul Daniel partm ent, in preparation fo r tha Burke, of Hhoeiuakervllle, Pa., w inter season. was brought aboard the Camdon early today. The same m ilitary honors paid the other submarine victims were accorded the body. Salvage operations have been Indefinitely suspended because of heavy seas, and a ll ships ,eu- gaged in these operations were Lawrence GUI. yonag ran of ordered into port, according to a wireless dispatch from A dm iral Mr. and Mrs. W . D. G ill Of 355 H . H. Christy. Christy said Scenic D rive, waa slightly In­ because of tha Increased winds jured yesterday afternoon, when and heavy sens, diving opera­ he was struck by n track. According to tha story told tions had to be term inated. It Is impossible under preeent con­ tha police, Lawrence was riding ditions. he said, for divers to go hla blcyela down an allay, whan he Was h it. According to the down Into the sunken hull. story. It was impossible for tha Lawrence Gill is Bruised When Hit by Truck track driver tn ml— the H y,— Oregon and Washington — P air, w ith frosts In tha east porttoa. Light P )— Another body waa taken from the submarine 8-51, accord­ ing to a wireless report received at a local station early today. The body waa th a t of Engine- man Burke, second etnas, which was found la the engine room. Burke’s home wan In Shoe­ makersville, Pa. Taking th e ir lives in their hands, «livers continued today to search the 8-51 tor additional bodies. They established beyond a doubt th at th e h ull contained no living man. A a exploration hole, bored Into tha tor^pdo room. revealed th a t that section was flooded, and established that from s te 0 to stem , the e r a * northerly - winde. was «Usd ^ h W A SH IN G TO N . Oct. 3— (U . P .) — Secretary of W ar Weeks arrived today far the first time since he left here last June. ai*d held a conference with President Coolidge a t the W hite House at luncheon. Mrs Weeks accompanied the secretary. The conference gave rise to the report that the .resig­ nation of the war secretary was soon to be announced. THE WEATHER the history o f Aablan£TV < 7 fh a t were the Intereatlag facto re­ garding thia f l r a f ' W h a t wpa i|s effect upon Ashland Industry? These are some of the queries which w ill be made at the chamber of commerce foram lun­ cheon next Tuesday, Secretary J. H . P uller announced this morning. The entire foram w ill be given' over to a fire preven­ tion program, in line w ith th e Fire Prevention W eek, which is being nationally observed during the week. October 5 -lt. Fire Chief Clinton J. Baugh­ man w ill make a apeclal report concerning hja department and its activities. During the past year, from January I , lfl'85, up to the present time, th e « r e loss in Ashland has been t o t 1516. More than h a lt this to ­ tal. or a *3 9 0 loss was suffered in the fire at the Fielding horns early this summer. The re­ mainder of the lose was suf­ fered due to small fires, none of which amounted to over *4 0 . Based on a population of 6,000, the fire lose In Ashland since January 1, has been but wntor. I Although N ightly hrutoed. Law­ rence was not severely k a rt, and was out playing yesterday aftar- aoon, akoqUy following the ac­ cident. No bones were broken tn the accident.