I I - • IQ&de chOI beau .and . . • ll(i dt>P at N1a1n.-•a-. _. ___ 'J S-tr Llablll ,-a111Nnd'■ for cleaolo& an~ autOIIIO naotellq. . 20-tf !1. Y-. We Written OIi hnrtl•lt ...... Pi.o■'e tbe Bat • •• ) lt-tt ..-uer - Who b Y • we bav no baaanlUI, but • Ste{eOPtlcaa ~ t.nlcbt a&- ePI and 1MaN-. . . w• llant ' mooey to loan on r;ood Preee,n. ..... .....,."'(_.10. eu and • NCIIJ1t7. l'tl_o ne :n. Yeo. (of Pict11rte oa Mr ,.._. Jlblio':1 nd craadt ~ne. . . 19 t worll ~ - •~~ ~•••»11_ --llr. and • • · -- - •• J'amh1." OIYea Oiki-tl10,..11u1- Mencl- plce■ b~ tbe,' Jaa~ 0, Jli'lt. Am,- Langtiela and t,•o welcome. ~ - .:, , d •clltera ban moved .from 'Jl'oierUl Street, lAl Broj)kln11. a Mlucru-_ · _.., All are n -1 &illlertlle Work besltll Croollect RI• ~ •••••••••••• . Babcock Y1e.- tbe modern, ~•lpment' In- .tall.. la tbe LlUU.. Sprbip Band , ..,.._ftd, )!Obi, RCHtm US:. Tiley 91>ectal- ...,_ , . .._. ue In acalp treatmeata,' facial■, luct. 0a Ille • • 119th band &nd eJeetrlc, marcell• --::-----~--~----~~ - lq,· 1l)anlcarlq - a114-- all t1aar ' • -1 llnea .of beHt7 wort. Pbon . tlOO. -.... - tle. • U-tr Moradabad - ~ -~---Brassware Made in India - \ Pbotosrapu ., Qa4n. - - - ~ • ., ~ ; : . ; ; ; ; ; . ~ . nd at Aablau. 011 Qe PIiia. • .Jcoah Hand W c invite your -- ■toi:w. . . . . . . lltila. . none 171. of Pllf display. ioe~tion · • .- 17•2 _parere ... ._· a a t n e d l . l ! ' " fl¥6 Ioli iii OY61'- • Ph on-e 167 Tollel0clod■- . ~• bllw-to.a tliat taua now 1tatte4 ....._ ....._ HT. n-u 397 E. f.am - nn.•11~,,- dH Ilia, be paid without penalty ..,._- - - ' - - - - - - - ' a&Ylla• . before Non111ber li. . JllOIIII M1111APf9 - HOJJIIJ Till■, •a. ••~orrect." _Tbll arew law eoua .. ; ...... · alld Nit aere, .,...,....,..._.....,.....,.....,...,....,. . . . . . ~---~~---~~~...-~--..-. . -----.~-~-~·,•------.-,,.t+tton. )i•~~tij - - ~ - ~ • i ( ;_ I ,imng of Silk ~vc1ty V onet Charming mod tba' Oeorg tl , 'rcr, .... Na,ry, Bia k. dilin« . .,,. aclaievem~t .enables us to I ae l'abriea lavialily ado-.:ned· it all the aew81t . fall eolon. See -•~·· newer fashilmf for-fall and ' winter. Fa11bi OIIIMI,~ Ille n~w eolo~ac~ , Pansy, Ep" . pn~ ,rithia w flares and . Iba• PM-~...... °"'· w... V--1.ta WMte, -■tn Yalae ~tare qr and ENGLISH MODEL Late Mod 1, SnappJ oit ~a t o pair F.arly choosing ia AIL WOOL "f MW Satifis, Crepe _ Green, ·Pene·i·t Blue,, . Childrem W,c1,l Hose . · · -·. ~ 7t • . , •.... , 1 Ooa•ta ·llea.._ .......... , .. • - - • ~ . •. . , ,-a.. ..... ••• 11. · r • w....,.. ........ of -- - ,..... P a t ' ,_ .,..,_._ ... C; a,,a la • . w . . . ' Wool k..- lltlo· oft.he moat that have tlQID8 time. Ta■ aad ·• Victoria_ CA>tto1a Chal1ies • 19°-f.aea . . Bfaell . . . . --~ " .