Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 02, 1925, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Soolot?
A udì t o r in a s
For Nearly Fifty Y ean
OCTOBER 2, 1925
Auto, Woman,
3 Children
men Told How
Dress For
Ue Church
------- "
Mf, Oct.
2— (IL
nanos, left Wash-
in his return trip
owing Ms week in
luring Which time
with the American
commission rula-
ding of the French
ROMS, Oct. 2—The
„war again* immodest
drew ' In the ' churches
! reached a derisive stage
inday when the control
holy year committee io-
sued a circular to the
' directors of pilgrimages
i notifying them, that all
women found In the
churches not conforming
' to the rules far proper
garb would be ejected.
It I* understood that the
circular war issued at
(he Wheat of Pope Pink
1rhe regulations pre-
g scribe that the women
g must have thoig - heads
their clothing
*g mUBt be opaque, "rea-
g sonubty long," closed up
g to the collar, and the
g sleeves must come at least
g below the elbows.
at 11 o’clock Wednesday night,
bringing them to this city to be
held until the a rriv a l of th e
Lane county sheriff. ;
The men. who gave th e ir
names as Ralph Tlnfm , Clarence
M itchell
NEW LONDON. Conn., Qct. 2
P.J—The "rescue fleet"
operations are still continning,
with the chance seemingly on«
In a million of finding ftvhg the
man within the hull of the sunk­
en submarine 8-51.
Only the motor room astern
Claude Mackey, are alleged to
have committed forgery and to
have broken Into a store near
Eugene. A total of 2285.36 case
waa found on th e ir persons, to­
gether with tw o I. W . W . mem­
bership cards and a pair of brass
knu< kies.
TV.e men were traveling In a
largo car ' headed south when
M etfih o n and Talent hailed them
to stop, but instead of doing so
Speeded ; on.
drew alongside in order th at
Talc it might gain foothold on
the fleeing car.
W ith th at of­
ficer on the car the men stopped
and the torpedo room, forward,
have yet to be tested by^tpe
divers. All other compartments
fa rtl er.
They were ' searched
for firearms, but none found.
The man, upon whose person
the brass knuckles were found,
was taken In charge by Me-
M a lrn , while T alen t bid the
thrbo others to take places In ’
the front seat and drive to Med­
ford, while he seated himself
In the rear,
When they arrived here the
1 men were promptly locked In
' the .city Jail to aw ait the a rriv a l
of Sheriff Taylor from Eugene.
M E D FO R D , Oct. 2-— Relative
Jocal delegattop having ap­
t i o n ' ' b e f o re t he s tat e highw a y
commjagjon 'at
Portland thia
a -news
telegram . .from
source to irrigate the Mer- that c|ty „ y , .
set Ion.
"A new road to Oregon Caves
waver,.the largest head of wal proposed In a petition pre
• ever carried In the main Mated hy W. H> Gore of Med-
d U ls gsttson. It WM • • • ’ford and formter County Judge
d feet at the peak.
The Gardner of Jackson county,
flew during last ssasun .wan asking /o r the creation of a
second fast.
highway Improvement district
■ •.......... ...
|» Jackson and Joeephina coon-
med from E w g sw e
ties. The commission will cull
is Btha Abbott returned last a heariog on the proposed boun-
ag from Eugene where she garles at Jacksonville la the
gear fntpre. v f
“R Is proposed to build- Sr road
from WlUlums In the Applegfto
ThomAs HUl was a bRdki
valley up Williams eraek to the
yfcUor at Talent ye*erda>.
of the H untlngton-H nw -
thornd Oil A Ges oqm-
Mrs. E m llie Fromhers,
<5, told how she “scraped
together” 215 and con­
fided It to the promoters.
Mrs. J. H: Landmeyer
said she invested 2110.
The defendants are a l­
leged to have obtained
a p p r o x im a te ly 2500.000
from credulous Investor^
The big exhibit of the Talenti
separate from the regular Jack-j
son county exhibit that has at­
tracted ao much* favorable at­
tention at thé state fair, also
wins much general praise, as
shown by the following in the
Portland Journal;
“ The T alen t Irrig atio n dis­
tr ic t in the famous Rogue river
valley,* In Jackson county, has a
wonderful showing of fruits and
garden truck, grown by Irriga­
tion In this, one of the most suc­
cessful Irrigation
projects in
the west. The district comprises
12,100 Irrigable acras, ot which
7215 acres devoted to farming
and fr u it raising this year pro
dneed products to the value of
2829,767, according to O. Arn-
spiger, secretary and manager
of the district, who Is In charge
after traveling a short distance Irrig a tio n
dai . rymble denies _
the club Competition
at the state fa ir at Salam, ac­
cording to a w ire received this
— <CT.
» than the 1924 Irrigating
is, according to r e c l a m a
tie. This was caused bp mere
being utilised from the Loot
suit of their high scores. regis­
Lane county. State T ra ffic O f­
fic e rs J. J. McMahon and C. P.>
Talent arrested four men a short
distance south o f ’ Central Point
a main ehanal during thia
ahead of Musker and his
w ife when they dlsap-
Women Who Lost
Testify as to Oil
Gusher Dream
the divers yesterday afternoon
and this morning, and f«und to
be flooded.
This tasting work
was started when th e monster
marine cranes Monarch and Cen­
tu ry were unable to lift the
stern of the sunken submarine,
althongh the combined liftin g ca­
pacity of th e two derricks was
attached to the chains.
Divers, however, believe that
the rim in g of the h e a d m ^ ii the motor room and the
the canal, tba fa ll, w inter, torpedo room are filled.« with
|y Spring storage season water, and th a t all the members
nd w ater w ill he impound- Of the crew have perlahed. -
Two Ashland girls, Mlee Adkga
Joy and Miss M ary Galey, aria
to be th e guests e f Snpestebm-
dent King of th e Southern Par
clflc company, along w ith sdvesgl
other members of boys and CRte
clubs throughout the
tempt to obtain the parliamen­
tary approval of the provisions |
ta t the five year truce on the
settlement of the foot billion I
dollar debt, which was agreed
upon by the commieelene of the
two eonntrlee. after several days .
of negotiation, th e French mis- ,
inter, although hopeful. did not
positively state that ha waa con­
fident that his actions would bo
N avy sailors throng the deck of this rescue tug while w e f
backed by hla parliament. '
It was printed out that the
tlie surface seeking lost seamen o f the submarine S-51. On
proposal for Franca to pay forty
fig ire of a diver going below to join the exploring crew. I n
million dollars annually, for (Jve
sea »lane m which Prank Merta, NEA Service cameraman, i
years. When the payment of the
ight back these first photographs._______
bulk of the debt will again be ,
brought np tor discussion, must (
ba approved by both congress
and the French parliament, or j
the status of the debt will be ,
Identical with what It, was be-
fore Caillaux came to the United
lAW ton was an electrician,!
Staten, and the negotiations will aad his home was in W e r
bare been a complete failure.
LO8 A N G ELE S, Get. 2 X
month, Mass. Lindsey was
Financial experts. In rioae ( a a engineer, aad his home is
— A g I u g women who X
tpnrh with the debt situation, ■aid t o . have been in Psna-
banked a ll th eir savings X
believe that the French parlia­
on an oil gusher dream X
ment will readily agree to the
finding of the
and lost were among the
terms secured by Caillaux. since two bodies, d i m reported
witnesses who testified a t
Notices Posted Aloi
they are considered extremely
yesterday's session of the
Between Grants
favorable to Fraaee. hut thus Are
fe d e ra l- court- tria l
And Kerby
act so certain that codhresC wtir
Drew Haven Dunn and
ratify the agreement.
three others charged w ith
M E D FO R D , Oct. 2— Upon tho|
It was fait before the fund-
using the malls to de­
G R A N T » PASS. Oct. 2— No­
request of S heriff Taylor of
lew neeotutloas were opened
fraud In th e ir promotion
tices which have been posted
Irrigation is
Closed Down
At Klamath
— Deputy sheriffs « e re
m aking a wide search
throughout Loo Angeles
county today for four
members of the fam ily
of C.
Musker of
Hutchinson. Kansas, who
disappeared last Saturday
with an automobile which
they were driving bu­
tween here and San Ber-
No trace of
them has been found.
The missing persons,
Mrs. Patrick Quigley, 65.
and bis three children.
Bernadlne. 17; Catherine,
S A LEM , Oct.. 2— (U . P . ) ~
Ch urges of gambling by convicts
and guards la the “ dog house"
at the state penitentiary, made
hy Rev, C, H , Brysn, chaplain,
the Oregon
conference a t Eugene,. w«re de­
nied today by W arden A. M.
"There has never been any
gambling, either by the prison
guards or eep rlM * within the
prison, to my knowledge,” D al­
rym ple said.
morning by. A. C. Joy o f thia
city from H . C. Seymour,
c lu i leader.
Miss Joy left last n ig h t' fo r
Salem, to attend the banquet.
Miss Galey la at present, a mem­
ber of the Jackson County Boys’
and Girls’ Club Camp a t the F a ir
grounds, being one of the tw o
girls sent there by Jackpon
Cache is Discovered in Bushy county for superior club work.
Thicket on Hill Above
Miss Galey won firs t place la
division two, a sewing division,
and she Is a t present one a f
C y rril, V irg il and E llis Lacey,
the two high scoring girls of the
boys arrested several weeks ago
state In the sewing di vision. The
by Chief of Police McNabb In
wire from Seymour stated th at
of the homes of Dr. Guy Good
and Dale Templar, were last
Last year. Miss Joy, with
night sent to the Beaverton
Ellen Galay. as a team amts,
Home for Boys, by lted Cros*
won first place at the state fglr
Nurse Roberts.
The three boys, - the oldest
This year the two girls are
about 12. at the time of the
slated for the Internatlonhl LlVe-
robbery admitted entering the
Good and Templar homes. How­
ever, when their older sisters
were brought Into the case, the
Rodgers Met
¡And Hugged
By Parents
along the right-of-w ay for the
Redwood highway between Grants
Pass and Kerby, are believed
to signify the intention of the
miles of absolutely new eon
structlon between Grants Pass
and the George Ranch, a short
distance beyond Kerby
highway office here has Been
gathering a ll the data needed
and this has been forwarded to
the commission.
From th e George ranch to
Kerby, the location w ill follow
closely along the present high­
way. N orth o f Kerby, however,
a tangent, carries the road awsy
from the present one' and par­
allels It cloaely to a new pass
between Selma and Kerby.
passes through Selma on . the
present grade but north of Selma
Is on th e west side of the can­
yon. The grade over the north
side ot Hayee h ill Is ntillsed
and th e turns have been re­
duced to lessen any dangers on
Creek to W lld e rv llle . the road
will eloaoly parallel the C alifor­
nia and Oregon Coast railroad.
The road la also being greatly
W lld ervllle
to Oraata Pass.
W A SH IN G TO N , Oct. 2 X
— Commander John llodg- X
ers of the navy seaplane X
PN-9, No. 1. lost for X
nine days while on a X
flig h t from San F ran - X
eiaco to Honolulu, arrived X
in Washington Wed nos- X
He was hugged X
his X
Delbert Lacey, a brother of the
parents and greeted by X
Secretary of the Navy X three - boys, led the police to
and Mrs. W ilb ur and X several caches where much of
Adm iral
W. X the stolen property hsd been
Eberle, chief of the naval X hidden. ~
Thia morning, several more ar-
bnrCau of operations.
dua. identified bv Mrs. Tem­
pressed the hope thnt the X plar aa goods stolen from ile»
navy again would try the X home, were recovered by D. Guy
A cache waa discovered
flight from the Pacific X I Good.
X on the h ill above L ith ia Park
to H aw aii.,
1 By a small boy, who reported the
discovery to Good
The la tte r
dei-lared thia npornlng that the
property waa hidden In a cache
in the brush which, waa very d if­
ficult to reach. The brush had
been cut away In the center
of an especially heavy thicket,
and pillows, blankets aad other
articles piled op.
scattered about indicated that
W A SH IN G TO N . Oct. 2— <11.
P .)— Opposition to a separate
a ir corp» in the navy was voiced
today before the special a ir­
craft board of Investigation by
Commander John Rodgers of the
Rodgers was given a tre ­
mendous ovation by the crowd
when he entered the committee
Rodgers was also op­
posed to Mitchell's unified air
service plan. -
“The unified proposal," he
said, “would defeat the chief
advantage that It purports to
gain, namely, control of air-
making tke highest scores, a trip
to Crater Lakd*, wltk a week of
With more departments to be
Judged later today and tomor­
row. It Is believed by leaders ta
club work In this vicinity, that
Ashland and Jackson county
boys uud girls will carry off
most of the honors ta their
Music is Topic
At Kiwanis
Club Luncheon
With the fundamentals of the
grid game fairly wall pounded
Into their heads, members of the
Ashland high squad are now be­
ing worked wrery eight on sev­
eral plays, which Coach Walt
Hughes hopes to have fauction­
ing properly when the season
opens on October 17. On that
date the local outfit travels to
Klamath Falla, where they will
tangle with «he latter high school
by D. M. Lows and M r. and
Mrs. C. W. Glasgow.”
Prances and Rosins Oiallaftn,
who took firs t place la* year
at the state fair, than nt the
livestock exposition and finally
represented Oregon at the Chi­
cago Livestock show.
R. W. Price, lessee of the
Lithia Springs hotel w ill also a t­
tend the banquet being given
thia evening.
Price has always
taken a keen interest la d a b
work and h it Interest, according
to Seymour, baa aided greatly
In furthering club w ork through­
out the state.
Thia year Price la offurlng
“ Music at Klwanta elub lun­
cheons,” was the subject dis­
cussed today by V. V. M.Us,
Speaker on the program pre­
sented by the financial co asm If-
tee of the organisation at Its
regular weekly luncheon meet­
ing at the Lithia Springs hotel.
MIHa attended the Northwest
district convention at 'Vancou­
ver, B. C., and gave on out­
line of the musical activities at
that gathering.
A financial statement, showing
the elab to ba la a good fi­
nancial condition was presented
by O. F. Carson, chairman of
the finance committee.
A special evening gathering
la to he held by the etub an
October 22. President MeCoy
annnnaced. Earl Crowe, R. J-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2— (U .
Visiting la Kerby—
Mrs. Bertha L. Smith Is visit p i — President and Mrs. Cool­
Illg for a tew days w ith the 8- idge will travel to Omaha, Neb.,
where the President Is to ad-
C. W illiamson fam ily ®< Kerby.
dr, HS^he American Legion con-
vrnttea Mn October 2, by way
Fred Taylor, „ Harry McNair, of qjactapntl and St. Louts-
Rr -rived Pledge—
and Berne* Biden ob Medford,
Jclin Galey at the University of art enjoying A hunting trip At
Ore-;>n waa pledged to the Sigma Tule Lake.
_ . ;
Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Reeelved Frise
.Oregon And Washington
Billie Bromley of the Junior
g enerally rioudy and
J. R. smith And family hqve KIgh, received the second prise
aaaMtled,. with
moved from 122 Chureh street to for the b e* red, whlte and bluc
norXterly wtada
bask* gtvea hy the D. A- R.
102 Harrison.
(U . P .)— Washington state po­
litical affairs were again In the
forefront today, with an extraor­
dinary session of the state legis­
lature set for November 9. Gov­
ernor H artley Issued the calls
for this special session late yes­
A. D. Jllson and fam ily I
moved from Vista Street to
Allen bungalow in back of
Ashland Hotel,
/ Í ..
la *
Grants Pam.
The Klamath out­
fit will tangle With Medtonl
Saturday at Medford.
It Is probable that m o* et
the Ashland squad will he oa
hand for tho Medford-Klamath
Falls tussle, with the hope that
they will ba Able to pick up
something af valgo to ho used
when they m e* theee teams.