1 • • .- I THE FORtlM aad bow gamed In — i Strictly speaking, this to net the year 1925 o f the Christian erk; R to aeodrdtog to the re- l searches of the British Asia Minor Archeological expedition, • tho^year 1832. , - - « j This conclusion, to which mod-1 era scholarship bos been slowly ' approaching for noma time, is supported by photographs, which have reached London, of an old 21« by 1 « , with flrq-room house Roman milestone near the mod­ with hath. Terms. Inquire 272 ern vlHnge of Yonuslar in Syria Garfield St. 12-11* indicating by the strongest clr- FOR SALE BT OWNER—One cnmsfsntial evidence that the ■tory Bungalow, furnished, two Year of the Nativity was net. as apartments or one family home. the monk Dionysius claimed, I , Cluse to. Reasonable for cash, A. D., but rather, 2 B. C. The proof la roundabout hut 75 Bash St. 12-tf scholars regafd tt to conclusive. FO B BALE— 10-eere farm; 7 In the Gospel according to acres to cultivation, family or* Lake, the year of Chrtet’a tort!» shard; 7-room house; bars; good to described or dated w ith Vef- water; right la the town of M ill erenoe to two contemporary City. Tbff town with th« hi* events. The only trouble Is that payroll. Price 2«,0(0. W ill scholars have found It Impassible trade for Ashland property of to reconkle thoaa two events; equal or lesser value, and give this fast u* finally achieved by time on difference. Address the old milestone. Lake says: owner, J. R. Ray. M ill City. Ore­ “Now It came to pass In those gon. - 4-2<* days, there went out a decree from Caesar Augustas that all the (Roman) world should be WANTfeD: — Apple picken, enrolled. Thia was the first en­ two week» work, paylag ( cents rollment, made when Quirtnlu« per box. . Phone 273R 2.' B. C. was governing Syria. And all ; Gardner, Talent. 2#— * went to enrol themselves, «very- I And i W ANTED: — To hear from ona to his own ally. owper of good Farm for sale, ¿tale' 1 Joseph also went up . . . . to ! eaah price, fa ll particular*. D. F. enrol himself With Mary his j • * Btoh. Miaaeapolia, Mian. 25-2» wife ........................... ------------ » j ----------- -------------------. - Hers are two «pedfle joints, MAKE OFtoBIL—-Five paaaeng the “first enrolment” under ' er ’ Overtoad touring car. Just Cghear Augustus aad “Then 1 ovqrhanlod, with now, battery. QRlrlnius was governing Syria?’ 1 Dofaa. «22 Ashland St. l ( - t f Old records show that the Ro- < mana took their census every > WANinSB t these debts and a prolonged moratorium, but also the extension of French credits to the Soviet Government. It to not unlikely that France L HELPED HIM ROY will accept the demands for re­ | Henry Duncan. Alpine. Aln- duction and moratorium, but the i bama, writes: “ My boy had a Soviet’s I nuts» sacs upon credits bad cough and cold. I read has met with a blont Freneh re- about FOLEY'S HONEY A TAR 1 fnaal. aad after giving it to him a few I asked tha Commissar for I days he was well. He had been Foreign Affairs. Chicherin, having Uila cough for two years, whether he does not believe but FO LEY’S HONEY A TAR th a t Washington could object stopped it and made him well,” strongly to the extension of Contains no opistea Good for Ftaneh crédita to Moscow, since ehlldrap and they like It. Get these m ight reduce France’s i a bottle today from your drug­ capacity to meet her obligations gist and it will be on hand to to the United States. Check soughs . and colda. Sold “Sueh crédita” Chicherin everywhere. replied, "need not be extended by the French Government but een!4 be tendered by Freneh private banka and would ba ln ( tha form of- ’goods credits.' ' HOLLAMD BDLBS ( Amerloa could scarcely protest ■ the export of French »industrial We have just received a products to the Soviet Union.” large shipment of the Another obstacle to Fraeeo- leading varieties. October Russian agreement to the French a fear of Soviet encouragement to I and November are Independence movements In Ike Best Months to Plant French oolonlee. • Indeed, I learned that Francs recently protested officially. In Moscow Our stock of perennials la against (bo tone of the Soviet complete. press regarding th e Moroccan rebellion. B at la sack eases, a wink from official quarter» Is sufficlsat to tamper the seal , of the revolutionary Journalist Ini Moscow. Is this connection, the Soviet Government would go Lithia Springs Hotel for twoard conciliating France. The other principal Issue at ( Building stake between Parts and Moscow. PHONE 120 to tha fote ef the Russian war-j “SAT IT WITH FLOWERS” ships, once employed as Oea- II Juat^a unique cabin Nestled la tha forest grand. Where the cedar and the laurel W ith tha pine and fir trees stand; Where tka balmy mountain breeiea Laden with, the breath at flowers Flowed in softly through the window -la the golden summer hours; Where the dancing, flitting sun- beams Played upon the velvet green, Where ’nary forest creatures Ware fearful to be seen; Where bounteous Mother Nature Broke her gorgeous treasure I t was like a little Eden. Williams Service Station Murphy Electric Shell and General Oasoline I t la empty and forsaken. But the little brook flows on.’ And the songbirds In th'e moru-, : *»« Warble forth their game sweet seng; The little forest figures Shyly linger near again. They miss the hand that fed them They look, but all In vain; 'Tls forsaken and forgotten By the crowds that coma not nigh. Yes, forsaken and forgotten I breath it with a High; But forever and forever In memories’ sacred vault I will love that dear log cabin— They called It “Sap and Salt. By ALICE I. BLACK. Send this . sd and ten cents to Foley 4 Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive a sample bottle of FO LEY’S HONEY AND -TAR Fall Cleanliness can be given the house by new paint and wall paper. Let us estimate the cost for you. Phone 172, J. 0 . RIGG Beet workers and best paints THE PARK GARAGE is equipped to Adjust Your Headlights Bring your car in and avoid trouble with the officers. Rainbow GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL IN LARGE LUMPS PROM THE HEART OF THE FAMOUS ROCK SPRINGS DISTRICT IN ANY QUANTITY FROM A SACK TO A CAR LOAD. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY No. 384 Oak St. DUCKS Across the Rv Track DUCKS Phone 20 . DUCKS THEY WILL BE FLYING SOON Remington Heavy Duck loads bring home the bacon. Don’t let the other fellow lieat you shootihg. Reach them high in the air after the others are through shooting. ARMY GOODS STORE BiggesJ Little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel THREE TIMES AS GOOD as 10 years ago, yet they cost only CTC KELLY CORDS — BALLOONS ^oYouKttoUf This&iian? He is w e ll d r e s s e d . H e is popular. H e isn't satisfied w«th just a suit of dothea. He K n o w s th a t C lo t h e s to T a ilo r e d M e a s u re M . Bom & GET Sudden Service on tirefi at Leedom’s Tires and Replacement Parts 1 about your car can be found after it has been greased at They called it ' Sap and Salt ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP . No Fire Building Ungreased Parts Opposite Lithia Springs Hotel hy Com ­ the best f it t in g and most stylish clothes on e a r t h for the price. p a n y a re Let us show you the newest fabrics at s u b s t a n t i a l savings. If yob have an Universal Electric Range W e w ill be glad to demon­ strate its many advant­ a g es. The Ashland Electric Shop 339 E. Main Street Do Not Delay Your Printing Order T elep h o n e Your Order If you need anything in the printing line, just Phone No. 39 and we will either duplicate yonr previous order or oar representative will call for yonr new copy. Our facilities enable ns to handle a rush print­ ing order hfct we advise ordering early, so that the most careful work can be accomplish«^. TIDINGS