A shland daily tidings PaMMied Every Evewlac Except » « < U j by THE ASHLAND P U N T IN G R oller AND 00, Ashland Nat; good floor and skates, > I c . l : t t to 1 » p .k a. AftartOBM to ap­ pointment. - l»-tf Dort R. Orwr _.--------- George Madden Green ... T. &. Jackaoa ---- O P T IC I A t C IT Y P A P E R Every new law ad army of lawbreaker». Three Months ADVERTISING RATES one insertion a week ...—4.................. . . . J................«...... ...... Two insertions a week ..................................................................... Dally Insertion - - ............................ ............................ A good reputation oan only 1 7 % be> maintained by constantly ,25 ■ taking care not to be caught. R ates tor Ve«al aad M iscellaneous A dvertising F irst insertion, ner 8 point line ................. - ...... - ........- ......... » Each subsequent Insertion, 8 point line — ....... ............. . Card of Thanks ................... -..... - .......... —................................... obituaries, per line .....................................-............................... Jazz music is something that oan never get better, but must always get worse to be popular. _ W hatever chewing is necessary ould be done In the mouth, ere being no teeth In the W H A T C O N S TITU TE S A D V E R T IS IN G “ A ll fnture events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection taken I s . Advertising." No disrt-ant w ill be allowed Religion» or Benevolent Orders. DONATIONS Hies or otherwise w ill be made in advert is contributions w ill he In cash. ’ SEPTEMBER 28, I82B He» Heck says: “W hen laslness is a part of a man’s constitution and by-laws, they’s no hope for his getting over it .” B » « # » « # # # # » IT P U R E LY W IL L : — Be sure your sin w ill find you out. Num P II \ f E R : — Plenteous grace w ith Thee Is found ¿it the healing streams abound take and keep me pure w ithin. BR BEST MATERIAL FOR MINE SUPPORTS Wood has, as no other materials does, the essential icrties to meet varied conditions of service l»r<, . required in underground support, ” wavs the Bureau of Mines. “ It has great strength and stiffness in proportion tb its weight and will compare favorably with good steel in bending strength on .a weight-forweight basis. I nder excessive pressure steel lacks tne tenacious resisuuive failure shown by timber. Steel fails by buckling, which cnee started' usually proceeds rapidly, whereas, a mine timber under pressure exceeding its strength, usually fails gradually. Concrete also fails rapidly when loaded hevond its strength. So-far, no material has been found to at any of the following places in Ashland ' W iliam s Service Station ZjkNE QRBV* rw ii Central Point—Central « Point American gold to Grants Pass R INTOXICATION mon. , ' ' BELFAST, Ireland, Sept. 1»— (ü, P J —The “cigarette tent” in the latent of the schemes for de­ termining the state of a man’s sobriety'1—or lack of It. A Bel- fast .saloon keeper was ar­ raigned charged with permuting drunkenness in his saloon. The police stated that ,the man--sup­ plied with liquor wa» dased and staggering. Where upon the saloon keeper called as witness tor his defense a. physician who was In the saloon at the tim e. The doc­ tor testified. “I gave the man a cigaret to smoke, which he did with deliberation and neat­ ness. This would have been impossible in the case of a drunken man.” The Jury returned a verdict of “Not Guilty.” BOUUCVARD and 8HBRM AN Shell and General wsea Gasoline Shoe Repairing Quick Service not eonvey, ’ 339 E. Main Street G E. Lane Confectionery A. G Nininger A. P. Porter, Confectionery Plaza Confectionery Park Store, T, H. Nelson Rinehart Pool Hall Raggedy Ann Swpet Shop G. W. Trefren Depot Soda Fountain The imaculateway ws keep yen looking is being talked over this town. Join the club of sat- lltled customs«» today by giv­ ing ns a call. Ashland filfa wing and D yeing W orin 35 P in t S t Agee Shoe Shop East Side Grocery, IL L. Sayles Lithia Hotel Confectionery Money talks -— but there are some messages it will , One Year ...... DISPLAY about your car can be found after it baa been greased at iA '“"y v-st^ 'r •* - I I yon believe la anything, you are relieved of the hard work of thinking about It. Sis Months .. THE ASHLAND CREAMERY Mfgrs. Shasta Ice Cream and Ashland Creamery Butter. Portland— C lark & W ilson lum ­ ber Co., buys >80,000 down town office site. GARAGE is equipped to Don’t Let the Traf Adjust Your Headlights fie Officers Call Bring your car in and avoid trouble with the officers. Bring your automobile to our shop at once for Head­ light Testing. The current price of commercial silver has passed 72 cents, the highest mark since 1923, when U. S. Treasury ceased buying domestic silver at $1.00 an ounce ns pro­ vided under Pittman act. The government is back in market for silver ahd is urged to purchase some 14,000,- 000 ounce« to take place of silver alleged to have ten bought from Tion’domestic producers under the a c t A COURAGEOUS record Of the $480,000,000 net earnings of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, in the last five years, $114,000,- 000 was paid in taxes, $165,000,000 was paid in dividends and <201,000,000 was turned back into the projierty for improvements. K When taxes nearly equal dividends in a successful oil ompany, it is marvelous that the industry as a whole has he courage to go ahead in highly speculative ‘undertak­ ings involving great risk, in order to maintain the supply of gasoline and oil needed by this nation. . Murphy Electric Shop i X l 1 I T r» /A 1-7 II 1 I I ■ J I l x 1 u i np 1 1 IN MANUFACTURER'S SALE O w ing to the requests from many who were unable to take advantage of the five days we ran our great sailing e v e n t we are continuing it all this week, giv­ in g everyone a chance to participate in those great savings. However, we have moved to our Permanent Location, at 67 N. Main S treet THIS IS YOUR ONE BIG OPPORTUNITY WE HAVE SEVERAL MECHANICS READY TO OVERHAUL YOUR AUTOMOBILE. Let Us Tune I t Up THE AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Player Piano W ith Outfit Consisting of Silk Floor Lamp, Duet Bench, Music Rolls. Trade in Your Old Piano or Phonograph at F ull Value. BY-PATHS OF LIVING The careless or unobservant traveler is sometime« puttied, in passing through the thronged center of a preat city, to find within a few hundred feet, hystreots and upoks into which no throb of the metropolis is to bo found. Or, w ithin'a few hundred yards of the city itself, there may he seen rural nooks that seem entirely- unaf­ fected by the ebb and flow of urban life. Much the same Blip» jg to be found in nations. There aro spots on main seen f e l t / And then something happens to bring them to no­ tice" They Will have a vogue, for a few months or years, and then slip back into the unaccounted for. Corsica slips in and out of the cuncnt news. Similarly it slips in and out of the attention of travelers. Only among tho Dry-As-Dust scholars anti literary people is it a subject for recurrent attention. ' There are many such spots. The South He« Islands have been given intermittent attention by the “ Great WoHd” for a century. There are places like Crete, that scholarship may draw to the attention some time in this de­ cade, politics, again, war again. It is only with some a c -. I ** o ' I J Brand New, Walnut Special at i l II u tional sport. m One Month Three Months m ■wj» No j ' : . ¿ • • Ungreased Parts Passing the buck and passing more law * seems to be our na­ l »»»> Six Month» .. One Year ..... M One Month .u... Í ■ o 1 F I $100 value. Looks like new