I dufitry and specialization has brotight cdfllpetitioil find expansion. Greeting Cards Stationery Gifts for all. Occasions Tiie inevitable outcome of the evolution, or revolution, ef. business has been the realization by both merchant and customer that advertising is as necessary tojnodérn b u s i ­ ness as service. In fact the consistent advertising of its ___ .____ Xldltor B i i I b M Manaer inch -------------------------------— ....... ’i *• » . a wbtK . •*. .......................................... -*••• to — Despite jazz, extreme ( in dress, smoking and petting i parties, the churches of the United States are feeling the re­ action of the young men and wo­ men to the high life, Rev. Dr, Charles L». Goodell, secretary of the Commission on Evangelism pf the Federal Council of Churches said today. "Men throughout the country are turning to the churchds." Goodell declared, “The women are You Will Need Them! CONVERSE RUBBERS Light, Medium, Heavy OVERLAND FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASHLAND, OREGON Shoe Shop Charity never cured poverty, but hard work nearly always d o e s.* ~ THE “ HERDING” INSTINCT I s the w orld becoming afraid of solitude in its mad rush for society and companionship! The social eolumns of the newspapers and Sunday supplements are rapidly growing in size. Public dance halls, which are more in number and larger in size, are nightly filled to capacity. The theatre prospers. .Everywhere one bears of partes, teas, dinner«, balls and smokers. The social lifo of church and school extends over the entire week. The public eat­ ing places with their many people bright lights and music are attracting the nation away from the fam ily dining table. The social instinct in man is manifestly strengthen­ in g itself. Many will welcome the trend away from human soli­ tude but not so Schopenhauer, the “ divine pessim ist,” who wrote: “ A chief lesson of youth should be to learn to enjoy solitude— a source of peace and happiness. In my years o f youth I was delighted when the doorbell rang, for I thought, now (the great romantic adventure) had come. Keep your appetite where it belongs, and your health will be decidedly better. «•In?; doing the Chart—zoo you In picking out a manager, throw all caution to the winds and ¡let St. Vitus be your guide, the main thing Is to choose one who can manage himself. — There are ways ef learning the ,CharHetoB. One way la hunt a cok If money could be made le3S ilar button la yeur h arstect to .* attractive, what a lot of Im­ provements there would be! B To thoroughly enjoy a thing, you have to ease up on it before you exceed your natural capacity. ferable to society. Thereau said: “ I love lo be-alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude,” and Lowell compromised, “ Solitude is as need­ ful to the imagination as society is wbolesomo for the character.” Many will agree with all three of those p a st masters in philosophy and literature that solitude and society are both to be cultivated, that those who fear solitudo have failed in life as utterly as those who have not enjoyed the pleasure* of human society. It is possible to overdo either, but there is little evidence or danger of the pres­ ent beneration over cultivating solitude. H ei Heck says: "Before mar­ riage you learn what love la. after marriage you begin to learn what It Isn't. Hardware Winchester Store Tidings Want Ads never fall. If you spent 60 days straight at the kitchen stove One Can Carry This Business of Bluffing Too Far. — y o u ’d see w h y i t i t t h a t n e a rly e ig h te e n h u n d re d ho m es w it h in re a c h o f t h e C opco lin e * a r e n o w u s in g e le c tric rahgea. T w o h o u rs a d a y , every d a y in t h e y e a r , is p ro b a b ly a lo w e s tim a te o f a h o u s e w ife ’ s t im e i n th e k itc h e n . S ix ty f u l l d a y s , i n a ll— a n d th e y ’re w o r th m a k in g eas ier I w rib iF iH e might GOw’ E le c tric a l c o o k in g is ea s ie r, a n d c le a n e r. I t p u ts a n e n d to d i r t a n d ashes. I t m e a n s less sw eeping o f floors, less c le a n in g o f w a lls , c le a n e r u te n s ils . E le c tric a l co o kin g is ta s tie r . U n if o r m , c o n tro lla b le h e a t saves th e flavo r o f d a in t y foods. ADVERTISING AIDS BOTH Duck eggs are as edible as the egg of the chicken and are much larger but tb e r e ls no market for duck eggs. The explanation for thia as given by the advertising man is that every timo a chicken lays an egg she cackles all over the barnyard, proclaiming her product to the world, but the duck lays her egg in seclusion aud makes no noise about i t Business is like the egg. Some merchants advertise their goods and sell them. Other merchants do no adver- tis in e and, and. consequently, little business business. The wise mor­ tising chant when he receives a shipment of good* which he knows the public wants does not whisper the event down a bottomless well. He come* boldly forth in tlie newspaper pages and heralds hi* wares. When the general store filled cveiy mcrchantile need in the embryo communities, there may not have been needed for advertising. Only the bare neoMsitic* were obtainable and tho consumer bad only the general at whieh to obtain them. AU that has Upro changed. There has beep specialization in business jn st as there lias been in labor, tke profession* and in E le c tric a l co o kin g is eco n o m ical:—s u r - p rie in g ly so. T h e average c e e t n f e le c t r ic c it y fo r co o kin g is o n ly a b o u t tw ic e t h e cost o f th e e le c tric lig h t in g c u r r e n t i n th e sam e h o m e . (A c tu a l average fig u re s f o r y o u r o w n n eig h b o rh o o d w il l be s h o w n y o u u p o n re q u e s t.) D o n ’ t pass th e n e x t d is p la y o f e le c tr ic ran g es w it h o u t ju s t d r o p p in g i n a n d a s k ­ in g y o u r d e a le r m o re a b o u t t h e m — a n d a b o u t .th e c o n v e n ie n t p a y m e n t t « m « h a Is o ffe rin g . TH E CALIFO RNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY > ¿3a