' 'is e war " - a ' .s' A:A* . is. * - r * - il À- '- •-nV- * A j .k- ' % **JriL* f * Í ................. 1 Oregon . - . . „tadtotefcbfibfe ¡ Historical Society | Auditorium For Nearly Fifty Years Passes on Ap in Evolution PO RTUAND.O re. Sept 20— U: p i r — The larg­ est "coasclettlfc fund” Roseburg Band W ill Former-* - l i l y Open B ig State ¡T Show » tate the Southern Pacific | F > t t l « e f f ^ » ^od carrier, faf" 'urlio said the money cor­ ti ered the amount dne the tt company tar m e e stolen It op tento* durtnfa the past NBW LONDON, <¡¡enu., Wtept. tt several year*. „ , 9 8 ^ -lU , P .)— The United fatetea t t The naan refused to submarine farfl. was rammed by tt tu ri»,t|ie monqr aver to the steamer, C U y o f Some, d«r- * anybody hat «co ti and t o g t h e night, and sank e tt u-e making 'matters pertaining to the own­ in the splendidly eloquent ad­ mal school, "Mrs. Andrews taught ' Hinges, daughter of a widely- plans tn attend In large lu m ­ dress of the Rev. W. Judson ership and operation of an auto­ with fine success. In the Kansas known Oregon pioneer, wbo will bers. At the meeting of tec Oldfield, pastor of the. First schools for over fifteen years. mobile. begin the annual night horse Southern Oregon chambers of ( Congregational church,*the Mount An office waa recently opened In In order to familiarise herself show. Commerce at Ashland on Mon­ Ashland Chapter of the Daugh­ with work and metkods In Ore- 1 Klamath Falls, with 182 mem­ Wednesday is Salem Day. Ded­ day, the proposition will be pre- ters of the American Revolution bers from that city Joining tha gon tee took the course In the 1 ication of the new building for mfttee the desirability and qecea- yesterday, commemmorated, in Normal,school here last summer. 1 organisation. McHenry recently members of industrial clubs will ent and aid in getting a tr.’ier fitting fashion, the birthday of returned from Klamath Fall*, Mrs. Andrews to leaving Mon- 1 be a feature. F. E. Lynn of outlet for the produbta of-. the constitution of the United where he aided In the Installa­ day for Portland, where under Perrydale, president of the fair Southern Oregon. The concerted tion of the office. e States which Is an annnal ob­ the direction of Mr. Rice, as- board, will Introduce Governor, action of the Southern Oregon servance in tels patriotic body. atotaat anpertattndeat of the 1 Pierce, who will make the m ain, commercial Organisatlens will be Thought along patriotic lines Portland schools, tee will spend 1 address. In this building Wed-' asked. The larger pacific coast is no new thing In the speaker, several days making, a close needay,night the Pure Bred Live ( shipping concerns, lumber In- for foul of his educational years stndy of the methods and the stock association will meet. teiwste and others will be on were' spent at the M ilitary Acad­ course of study used In the 1 Thursday. Portland day. Elk.,' hand to urge u k d the com­ emy and during the World War. Week-Day B ilie schools In opera- 1 'day and G. A. R. day, will prob­ mittee the desirability and lecee- he assisted In the national de­ tlon In that city. ably be the greatest day from slty of completing the Crescent fense program In Wyoming and "Mrs. Andrews became a 1 the pi>int of attendance. A spe­ City harbor. f ‘ Montana, and in this latter work, Christian and a member of the cial train from Portland will ui he paid a fine tribute to the church -ns* a girl. She has been 1 rive at 8:30. A guest of Hie 1 state D. A. R. organisation for 1 student of and a teacher of * fair board on this date will ba the Bible ever since. P/tronsL| their support in hjs Work. Miss Virginia Rlngler. queen at 1 In critical analysis, the weak­ of - the Week-Day Bible school 1 the recent Gresham fair, and her, ness of the Articles of Confed­ may rest assured dhat the meth­ princesses. The racing card will I YREKA, Sept. 28— When a eration waa shown. The need of ods need ' la the school will be 1 have as a highlight the 2:12 woman bared her heart on tha a stronger government became thoroughly np to date and that j 1 trot1 , ' carrying a »2,0«« purse. wltnesa stand to save a nut» apparent Ip the minds of the thè Bible will be presented to 1 Between heats 100 homing plg- K LAM ATH FALLS, Sept. 2 t— patriot body of statesmen who their children tn an Intelligent < from the noose, and when friends eons will be released by the Trial of District Attorney E. L. framed the document which to manner, as the Word of Qod," I of the man came to tall of hto Flying Pigeon club of Portland, ( Elliott; charged with malfeasance the wonder and admiration of according to - Rev. Mergler. honorable conduct In years gon» 1 with a wire read later an-i of office In Oonnectton with a the world and has hacoma a by, a Jury Wednesday acquitted A letter of explanation J nounclng the arrival of the birds large quantity of gugsr .a'legoo Oeorge D. Howard ot tha mur­ model for all time. “The great­ a request card will be sent to ' In Portland. At night will take to have been ta^ea from a ware­ der of Walter F. Vaughn at est piece or work ever straek off the parents of the pupils in tha « place the annual banquet of the house and disposed of with El- Dunsmuir In Jane. by the hand of man.” said a third, fourth and fifth grades 1 Oregon Purebred Livestock as­ llo t f j knowledge when he was The outstanding feature of ten on Moaday. Children-whose par- ■ great Engliah statesman. sociation. 'T h e horse show In I serving «s' sfleelaf prosecutor In trial, whleh began In the eoart ente sign the card will be ex- < Reasons leading to its forma­ the/stadium will carry sbeclul Klamath county over a year ago, tion were cited, and the basic eased from school work for ouu > of Superior Judge Charles JL .st a rted, rrktoy ma rntatt ----- 2 - fealuri« Bloarly dafiand.' • Thu Booster clubs of Oregon aro California. fudge Percy R. KeHy. ol Al- speaker stressed the great re- signed placee ea follows: pupils harrying tO < Medford mony of Mrs. May Austin, wh expected to make a big success of marriage to a De seas a hr ■ b9 n v, sppot n t *