■s FO far «Hr Id a t sunset tbta '•» »' “ f • Tkfc.. ' Venae, wkleh has ham PHYSICIANS •* visible la the western sky attar sunset since late In Juae. pamct DR. V . J. CRANDALL from Libra through Scorpio In Oateopethtc Phynfclaa A 8nrg ’ October and will be seen ns Eve­ Office Phone ISO. Home L Gliding along silently. * he too close to the sun to be bonsa. Inquire at 711 Office honra. 1« to 12 A. M .; 2 are making trousers for fall or­ seen In the twilight. 8t. !« -» • to 5 P. M.; 7 to 8 evenings. Cltl- ders. Following after In hla wake. Jupiter Is still in the con- They are however emphatic In FOB RMMT—Room Mro. (Jar­ sens Beak Building. Gulls and a curving silver'annka. Utollatlon of Sagittarius, dlroctly north of the little inverted milk 1 that the new Bty,eg do uot ro t B. P r a tt 41« i t * Main. DR. H A W LEY — Above Tidings Qfflce. Phone »1. Colonadea of quivering light. Phono M 1 IR . dipper, and It will be next to In any way compare with Oxford 18-2» Illuminate the earalval night. Venus tha most brilliant object bags, which having been taken up by London’s East Side, aro ÇOR RJfiNT— Furnished cabina DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P re» In view In the southwestern; tlce limited to eye. ear, nose and now held In low esteem by and apartment«. IS ! Oranlte.* •ns In the early evening. j ere oanfetH a threat— X-ray Including teeth,. Suvlle Row. Jfflce honra, 10 to 12 and 2 to fliags Cassiopeia lies directly opposite In colors for men’s clothes, S, Swedenhurg Bldg., Ashland, 1 Over her shoulder, whan the to the Big Dipper with the north MCNT— Apartment, 5 Oregon. tans verging on the sand-shades,1 Dort« Ksnyon » T h a Halfway GirT Lorelei slugs. pole of the heavens about mid­ rooms with pantry and bath. and blues dull and rich, with a! way between the two groups, so Also garage. Modem and clean Housekeeping For Service Of the Great Square in Pegasus. gold and silver, and should not Of Eveata apartment. Inquire 287 Oberlin. Dealers In Coal, Wood, Packing, Thia Great Square, which la of bo confused with Vicuna-cloth ’ The Baptist Sunday _____ 11-tf Crating and Storage. Long dist­ •normous site. Is one of the which is a trade name for a pro­ will have a covered dl duct of wool and Llama's hair. ance trucking. per at the church on Friday ■oat distinctive configurations In RENT—-New, modern, The vicuna is a South Amer­ 8ACRAMENTO, C at, Sept. 24 evening. There will be a ao- the heavens and one that every fnrhade heated" Apts., and sleep­ ican wild animal which must bo T. L. POWELL— General Trans- — (U . P .)— The cow Is the latect clal after sapper. This social •ta r gaaer should know. ing rooms. Chattln Apts., Phone fer — Good team and motor victim of the “Jasa age,** accord­ killed to obtain its hair. To The Milky Way may he traced preceeds rally day. S08-R. Call forenoons or eve­ trabka. Good service at a rea­ obtain sufficient material for ing to an appeal here to G. H. sonable price. Phone 82. * Hawthorne Circle of the Par­ on clear, dark evenings In Oc- nings- 8 1 Mo. Hecke, head of the state depait- ent Teachers association will tober diagonally across the the suit It was necessary to make PBH1GR . ROACH a special order for the hair, ment of agriculture. — F M I B H N T Splendid tight airy meat In tha Library of the Haw­ heavens from the .northeast to Transfer — Express — Stoi Storage and then to have it especially apartment, suitable for two or Healing Edward H. Browning Tularo thorne school, Friday afternoon the western horlxon, passing — Dray w^rk of all three persons. 41 Nntley street kinds. Quick motor service. Dry dairyman, asked Hecke what to nt 2:20 o'clock. from Auriga, now rising in the woven by a Yorkshire house. or phone 448J. ' 8-tf wood of nil kinds. Phone 41«-R, do about a nervous complaint D. A. R. will meet with northeast with Its beautiful, yel­ 375 B. Street. l i t — tf which had affected his prise Mrs. J. P. Dodge Friday after­ low, first magnitude star, Ca- oallp, through Perseus, Cassiopeia noon, September 25. ANY G IRL IN TROUBLE— May dairy animals. 'Several of my cowsrbave de­ communicate with Ensign Lee The Who Do class of « a F h d Cepheus to Cygnus where it of the Salvation Army at tha veloped extreme nervousness, Methodist Sunday school will divides into two branches, one FOB SALE — Almost new White Shield Home, 565 May- wrote the dairymaa, “and it has meet with Mrs. Clinton Baugh­ passing through Aquila In the fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. Cleveland Six Sedan. Haa been had a bad effect on their pro­ man. I l S Eaat Mela street, F ri­ want and the other to Ophluchus family car. A * real bay. Ford duction. A U C T IO N E E R O* the northwestern horison. day afternoon, September 25. Oarage. Phone «0. l«-3 A. L. GIDEON “Although It will probably When the Great Square Pe­ The proper care of the com plex­ Epworth League of young Sales taken anywhere— anytime. unbelieveahle, one of the peoples gasus Is seen high in the eastern ion Is only a m atter of knowing SALE— Five passenger organisation of the Ashland, Oregon the right preparations to use cows seems to be suffering from Methodist church will hold a sky and the Northern Cross In Overland touring car. Just overt and follow the directions. a regular nervous breakdown. hauled, with new* battery. Doran church social Friday evening at Cygnus has passed to the west She haa gone dry. has a vary evil the church. of |he meridian it ls.a sure sign STATEMENT «88 Ashland St. - 18-tf • • • that the clear, frost nights of of the Citls^ns Bank of Ashland, temper, and fldgits continuously. FOR SALE— By owner. Lot, of Ashland, County of Jackson, I have been unable to find any October are here. 21« by 148, with fire-room house State of Oregon, showing the cause for nil tills and would Far over in the southeast now Mrs. Louis Dodge entertained with bath. Thrms. Inquire 278 amount standing to the credit of like some advice.” a number of her friends i t her appears the brilliant Fomalhaut Oarfleld St. 18-12» every depositor July. 1, 1925, Director Hecke, admitting that home yesterday afternoon com­ la the coustellatlon of Piscls Aus­ — ■■ i ■ i ■■■■!■■ ■ ■ — — — ■ ■ tills was the first case reported who has not made a deposit, or plimenting Mrs. R. W . Price. tralis. The Southern Fish, "which FOR SALE— One and one-half Io him of cows developing “Jaxx Mrs. Henry Baders. Jr., and la visible In our latitudes only who has not withdrawn any acres adjoining normal site. Four age” symptoms, replied to Brown­ Mrs. H. C. Oatey assisted Mrs. for a brief period In the (all room house. About 6.0U0 feet of part of hla deposit (Havings de­ ing, asking a detailed atatement Dodge. posits), principal and Interest, early winter.. Fomalhaut Is -lumber. «1250. W ill double In of the symptoms, and recom­ for a period of more than twelve of the twenty brightest stars The afternoon was spent with valhe within year. Call 359J. mending “rest and quiet.’* bridge end conversation. Mrs. tn the heavens and also a uear 18-tf (1 2 ) years Immediately prior to ‘ Thia lb a nervous age,** wrote A. E. Kinney bald date, with the name, last received first neighbor to the solar system, Its “Tour prise for the highest score, Mrs. distance from the solar system FOR SALE BY OW NER— One known place o( residence or tlfe agricultural chief. story Bungalow, furnished, tiro postoffice address of auch de­ cows may have been separated Emil Pell the consolation prise. being about twenty five light apartments or one family home. poeitor, and the façt of bis from their calves too quickly, MrS. R. W. Price received a years or one hundred and fifty or they may have suffered from beautiful gnast prise. Close la. Reasonable for cash, death, if known. trillion miles. Is In every way a Beauty Gordon .Abbott, No. 113, U n -L P r ilP e r bhqdliag of milking 7« Bash St. • Refreshments were aerveft Cream. machines.** known, "82.84. STATEM ENT E A T MELONS: — Fine large Jimmy C liff, No. 149, Un­ I t is used for niatisnge to of tha Cltisans Bank of Ashland, watermelons, lc^>er lb., at ranch. known, «8.22. smooth out the tines and ¡o f Ashland, County of Jackson, Caatelopes, potatoes, string beans. Albany— Proposed powdered Doris May Wilcox, No. 262, wrinkles, and should bo left Btata of Oregon, showing the Wind Fall Pears, 50c per box. Toledo, Oregon, 81.40. on the face when retiring to milk factory will coat from amount standing to tha credit act as a tissue builder. Cooking apples, 60c per box. (’all «50,000 to 875,000, and nae Herbert M. Dunlap. No. 2 7!, of ovary depositor July 1, *1926. • 65J1 at evenings or 260J office Unknown, «2.14. 80,000 pounds milk dally. You should use Cara Nome who has not made a deposit, or phone. Leave orders'at 63 North Skin Cream all through Hasel W. Hulse, No. 286, Un­ who haa not withdrawn any part the trying fall months. Main St. W. W. Robison. 7-tf known, «10.16. Astoria— August shipments of of hla deposit (commercial de­ Stanley R. Jordon, No. 316, sajinon reached record, 93,522 li ta), principal or interest, for FOR SALE— 10-acre farm; 7 Unknown, «1.52. cases. period of more than seven acres In cultivation, family or­ J. M. Wright, No. 609, Un­ (7 ) yearn Immediately prior to chard; 7-room house; barn; good known, «2.16. Eugene— Bank clearings for [ said date, with the name, last, WASHINGTON, Sept. 24— (U. water; right in the town of Mill E. E. Thompson, No. 544, Un­ August reached «2,489,440. known place of residence or P .)— Above tha eastern hori­ City. The town with the big known, «1.68. postoffice address of such de­ zon soon will appear brilliant payroll. Price «6,000. W ill Emma Luttrell, No. 590, Un­ positor, and tka fact of hla death ataA of early Winter. Pegasus trade for Ashland property of known, «17.08. - if knpwn. takea up a position that mas e q t il or leaser value, and give STATE OR OREGON, Nellis E. Sparks, Unknown, time on difference. Address COUNTY OF JACK8ON, ss. frosty nights. On October 7, «1.66. owner, J. B. Ray, Mill City. Ore- ■ays a bulletin af tha American 1, V. O. N. Smith, being first Mrs. J. W. Thomason, Un­ gon.____________ Association. Jupiter will ha In <•»«* duly sworn, depose and say upon known, «14.23. quadrature with the Sun. That STATE OF OREGON, B U ILDING , Repairing, Shlng- oath that I am the cashier of the la. It will ba ninety degrees east Citizens Bank of Ashland, County COUNTY OF JACKSON, as. Paiatlng, Kalsomlnlng, Re- ling, Pali of tha Sun and on tha Meridian > 1 ,-V. O. N. Smith, being first of Jackson, State of Oregon; W . T, Blackwell, «1» finishing. due south at .Snnaat. that the foregoing statement Is SPECIALIST duly aworn, depose and aay upon 307-tf Oarfleld. Phene 323L, Mara la on tha far aide of its a full, true, correct and com­ in Internal Medicine for the oath, that I am tha caahier of the orbit from the earth. Its dis­ threlVe years plete statement, showing the Cltlseos Bank of Ashland, County MUCELLANBOUB tance from tha earth will de­ of Jack son, Stats of Oregon; name, last known residence or crease from 245,700,000 miles postoffice address, fact o f death. that tha foregoing atatama to 238,100,000 miles during experienced If known, and the amount to the W ANTED— Two Does Not Operate la ■ ' full, true, correct and com­ October. Tha Big Dipper will bo plete stajamant, showing the eonfeetlooery girls, None other credit of each depositor as re­ far over In tha northwest during name, last known residence or Placa Con- quired by the provisions of need apply. Apply l# -tf Sqctloaa 10160-10143, Inclusive. W ill I m * nt Holland H otel Monday, October. Thia noted group of postotflca address fact of death, fectlonery. He|item ber itti. Office Honra: 11 stars never seta In the mid- if known, and the amount to Oregon Lews. a. m. to 4 p. m. CASH PA ID for false teeth; latltudas of the northern hernia the credit of each depositor as V. O. N. Smith. dental gold, platinum and dis­ pbare. Subscribed and sworn to be­ required by tha provisions of corded Jewelry. Hoke Smelting fore me this 15th day of July, e October star gasers will find Sections 10140-10111, Inclusive, ONE DAY ONLY ft Refining Co., Otsego, Mlchl- that the constellation of Capri­ Oregon Laws. A. D. 1825. 117— H corn ns, Tha Sea Goat, and 8. A. PETERS, Jr., V. O. N. SM ITH Aquarius, tha Water-bearer, two Notary Public tor Oregon. TO EXCHANGE— l»-acre ranch No Charge for Consultation Subscribed and aworn to before constellations of tha zodiac that me thia 15th day of July, A. D.. My commission expires Novem­ for property one or two blocks contain no stars brighter than 1925. from Cannery. Address Box 22. ber 1«. 1924. 8-4 Thnrs. Dr. Mellenthin la a regular grad­ tha third magnitude, have taksn Care Tidings. 18"6* S. A. PETERS, JR.. uate In medicine aqd surgery and tha place of the brilliant zo­ Notary Public of Dragon. HO Ä E CONVALESCENT Is licensed by the state of Ore­ diacal group of Scorpio sad My commission expires Novem­ gon. He doeh not operate for gagittarlas that wars conspicuous Where the sick are cared for ber 1«, 182«. NOTICE O F F IN ftL H EARING chronic appendicitis, gall atonas, ■peelal rate to invalids. Call 168 In the southern sky daring the 2-4 Thurs. IN T H E COUNTY ¿OURT OF ulcers of stomach, tonsil« or ade­ JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. noids. MARCKIJANO 78e. Phone 186J He haa to hla credit wonderful for appointment or call 63 H el- In the Matter of Estate of results in diseases of the stomach, W illiam T. Holmes, Deceased. ting, catarrh, weak Innga, rhea- man 8t., upstairs apt. 287-1 mo. The undersigned Admfnlitrator bhart, kidney, bladder, bad Wat­ , maternity with W ill Annexed of said Es­ ting, catarrh, weak luniks, rheu- Reasonable Rates tate has (Bed In eatd court, bUI innttem, ««tatten, 163 Granite. Telephone 163 Final Account, ns Administrator ' rectal ailments. Below are the names of jk few With W ill Annexed, and the CENTENARIAN SPEED of-'his many satisfied battente in Judge of said Court has desig­ Oregon: DIM ON GIVES RECITE thgt will make the house nated Monday, October 18, 1925, Roso J. Aplln, Carson, Wash., * ; » - - mo!« attractive, and dis­ TpKYO, Sept. 24. — (ü . P .)— at 10:00 o’clock A. M„ at the nerve trouble. Mrs. Otto W ill, Jefferson, vari­ play the flowers and plants Japan Is turning toward the new Court House In Jacksonville, cose ulcer, leg. labor saving devices of the West. Oregon aa the time and place to to better advantage. One M. P. Chrtotlanàòu, Albany, Bring your automobile to A radio and electrloal exhibi­ hoar any objections to tha ap­ bladder trouble. o i the largest assortment Mrs. M. A. Ewan, CoqnlUa, our shop at once for Head­ tion la planned to be held in proval of aald Account. ever brought to Ashland. O. F. BILLINGS, * stomach trouMO. Tokyo In October. A t this exhibi­ Robert Zigllnskl, Selo, stomach Administrator with light Testing. tion all aorta of up-to-date equip­ and heart trouble. W ill Annexed. ment for the home la to be shown, John Roth, Albany, adenoids 14-5 Thura. Including electrically operated and tonsils. • Mrs. M .'l. Olsen, Portland, ap­ wash I" g machines and other ap- pendicitis. \ pllaaceb for domestic use. The Remember tha above data, that day when the family washing was consultation on thia trip will ba Li thia Springs Hotel done In a nearby stream or the free and that hla treatment la dif­ “ ‘‘Building w ’ Mean la fast fading before tha ferent. both local end inumal, and has beei Married woman must ba accom­ PHONE 120 pA gyra of western Ideas. .uccessful In the treatment of Catan) panied by their husbands. I • . ----------- -------------------- -MT raj f o r o v 40years. Sold by all druggist Address: 211 Bradburg Bid«., « t,J .C H S N W A e C a ,T a |*4 c 4 p h ' [ CUealttad Ada Bring Results., ■ "T T Column ► < • SS tM T R « TO be full IS LONDON D O T a -Everyone Knows- CATTLE NOW TAKING JAZZ AGE AILMENTS A Beautiful Skin is Possible to Every Woman. THAT a good crop of grain does not just happen—it is sowed, tended sad harvested. That a crop of money can be put to good use, or dissipated and allowed to go to waste. -Everyone Knows- THAT if th e same care is applied in his fta- .a n c ia l g a rd en as is u n d erstood m u st be taken by a g o o d g a rd n er in g ro w in g crops, a satis­ factory return will be his harvest, THIS BANK PATS 4 PER CENT * COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ’ ASin.A ND , OREGON COAL “RAINBOW ROCK SPRINGS" (Jenuine — None Better (Oar Now on the Way, Direct Prom the Mine) ORDER NOW ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Across the llv Truck Phone 20 No. 384 Oak St. V isit the Oregon State Fair CARA NOME SKIN CREAM m o o t STARS NOW APPEARING UPON HORIZON ■ $1.00 a Jar McNAIR BROS. Salem, Sept» 28-Oct. 3 Go by train. Ride comfortably; arrive safely and fire« to enjoy this gala event. Avoid crowd­ ed highways and parking difficulties Low Roundtrip Fares will make your trip surprisingly inexpensive. For full information, ask agent Southern PaciftcUnes Q. N. Kramer, Local Agent. Phone 14 or 43 C o m in g to MEDFORD Dr. Mellenthin USED CAR SALE i’t Letthe Traf­ fic Officers Call FLOWER BASKETS, FERNERIES You. Hall’* CatarrB ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP Murphy Electric Shop We wiU sell somegood used Cars at your own price FIRST 1917 DODGE IN GOOD CONDITION. WE WILL RECEIVE SEALED BIDS ON THIS CAR AND CAR WILL BE SOLD TO HIGHEST BID-, DER. Come make a bill, You can buy at your own price. HAMAKER W0RC0. OAK “Service Worth While” GARAGE ' * Phone 37 t il