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SEPTEMBER 24, 1025 SEEK ETERNAL THINGS: — We look not nt the things which are seen, but are the things which are not seen: for the things which are «een are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. H Corinthians 4:18. PRAYER: — Open thqu our eyes, O Lord, that we may behold ■wondrous things out of thy law, Tho stato of Taxas has' been hnrnlqg-up with drought in the «atteri» section yl»Ke the^yest has U n ed a distinctive national type o f architecture in the Uniteid States, We have developed a standard of house comfort which will be ref erredtoin history a»;the “ electrical home” period. Telephone >9 ies Mall Matter O F F IC IA L C ITY P A P E R ------------------- - » ered a« the Ashland, Oregon Postofflce C fc ^ t. S o ft 290,421 state seed- wheat loans for 1226, one-hall 1« already repaid. been refreshed by ■ periodical blasts coming down from tho KILLING TH B FARM ERS’ FRIEND polar region In the form <4 When an Iowa former complained that the pheasauts "cool waves" and while an oc­ were eating bis corn, the game departmfent killed two, of casional cool spall In tha sum­ the birds, examining their crops, and found 200 cutworms mer Is not regarded as nnnsnal, —and no corn. Almost without exception, when the scien­ the frequency and persistency of them this past summer has been tists investigate such cases they find thé same result. one of the most abnormal devel­ The farmer owes his crop to the feathered police ,that opment«-in the weather. keep down the bugs, insects and worms. W ith continu­ Mneh of this Condition through­ in g slaughter of every form of bird life, the infect ions out the United States has been will be heavier and farm work harder. The nation oould due, it was said, to the failure train an army of riflemen in a comparatively short time, of the hurricane season to ma­ terialise la the Gnlf of Mexico but it couldn’t in a century restore the bird a rm iesjh ai and the Carrlbean waters. Where are the farmers’ allies in raising food to feed the oountry. there have been half a dosen hurricanes on record most pre­ vious years this summer, has been Governor Pierce had a report pn prison conditions at conspicuous by their absence. Salem prepared, according to report, and now is holding Another nnnsnal condition has it back. If the report had been favorable to Pierce or his been reported from the west appointes, he no doubt, would uot be holding it back. In states like Nevada, virtually desert, where abundant rainfall I has come ns a Godsend to the ranchmen. i Then there -remains to be ac­ 8 counted for In some way the bad weather reported by the Mac­ Millan expedition which made tt necessary to call off the explora­ c tion program over the Arctic t wastes. In some respects, the reports indicate, the Arctic sum­ Do you let the feet of peddlers wear down your door mer this year was no better than winter. An explanation of g this may help to solvo some of - the weather conditions this som­ ■ mer in the temperate sone. S W ith the arid regions of Urn 1 west enjoying a rainy season, comes the report from India that AND the monsoon, the answer to a hundred thousand prayers for ANOTHER HOPE BLASTED — The boozy-woozvs and their seconds talk about Can- af hard liquor to the mild beverage, and we ¿earned that I it had not. In fact, virtually every person we interviewed declared th e’whole system most unsatisfactory.” What a jolt for the friends of the booze huzzling You can’t have a big country gentry’ and the other foes of prohibition who have been if little men run It. using Ontario’s percentage of alcoholic content of booze The average man Is about as an argument in favor changing the Volstead act to in­ fifty per cent logical and fifty clude tho manufacture and sale of light wines and beer per cent so-ologlcal. with just enough alcohol content to make men and women drunk. doesn’t bother about NEEDED, 8TR0NG ER LAW MAKERS October Sunset, in an editorial approaches the prob­ To know what life lem of legislative dignity and supposed indignity of whole­ really more Important sale use of the governor’s veto. We say “ supposed indig­ know what life Is. n ity,” without objecting to the word. There is surely a Happiness depends a great loss of effort by the legislature, in passing of several hun­ deal upon ita possessor being dred bills, only to have them pocket vetoed. A t best, it more or less Ignorant. gives some vague prestige to the governor. Most of the Rats are wise, because tbey people have little idea of what hills lie killed. And it does waste no time gnawing a hole hut vague injury to the legislature. That body has 120 bigger than Is necessary for members, among whom any reproach for vicious or futile them to get through. legislation is easily evnded or lost. A legislature, to use Hes Heck aaya: "A ll my ob­ the old phrase, has neither body to burn nor soul to damn. servations goes to prove that The editorial in question is somewhat long. But it will be the devil knows a lot more about interesting to ihose who concern themselves with, state human nature than the preach- government and law making. Thf» Sunset suggests that the cure for the veto prob­ lem is to have the legislature composed of fewer members, these to sit almost continuously. Thus, if they passed laws HOOVER SAYS AID up to the governor, they would still be in session when he COMMERCIAL FLYING was forced by the lapse of time to veto them, and could WASHINGTON, Sept. 23— (U. still exercise the prerogative of passing over the veto. “ IB THAT SO?” The best athletes live in eopl climates.” This asser­ tion is made by Guillermo Hoxmnrk of the Buenos Aires weather bureau, following a study of records in the inter­ national Olympic games. So he masses his statistics and gives Norway first place, Finland second place and the United States thirteenth hole. His method is to take the number of |x>ints won by any country along with the population and thence deduce the rank. He seems to find that the rank coincides with the thermometer. He fails to consider the distance traveled. He makes no allowance for any peculiar conditions o f times and methods of selection. Like most statistics his findings are somewhat debatable. His principle seems to be that soft countries make soft men, ..This nmkva a gvud aplioriam; but the queatiwi is, is it true! . ' • • * . He does not seem to appreciate the fact that the Greek athlete*. who originated the Olympic games, had a genial clime. The young Greeks were as gods in physical Inflection. The Roman gladiators had few equals. Wild beasts were their prey. The Norsemen of that day were brought down for exhibition purposes and the Romans’ play. •Then some one arises and says that the great hooka find works of art /»re produced north of a certain latitude. They worship degrees of latitude. But again it lias to be said that the classics came from the soft countries. And the first civilization sprang up nnder tropic skies. There is an exodus of artists and authors and athletes at this golden fiour from all over the world to the Pacific Oeast. Big trees, big bodies and bib brains seem to flour iab bettor where the sun shines. > The beat athletes of the 1924 Olynrpic contenders P.):— Commercial aviation has a bright future in the United States, but It must be fostered by the United States government with the aids and with service* such as the nation now provides to ocean navtgatldn, Secretary of Commerce Hoover today told the aircraft Investigation board. Hoover outliaed a plan which he said would develop commer­ cial aviation, for national de­ fense and other purposes at "an actual saving to the govern­ ment,” He recommended the establishment of an aviation bu­ reau In the department of com­ merce. with an appropriation of *409,000 annually, the farming out of the carriage or air mall to private air corporations, and the establishment of air porta In th a Impartent «»Mae thro ugh out the country. ” WASHINGTON, Sept. 24— (U. P .)— Summer made Ita depar­ ture at 8:44 a. m., yesterday, according to tbe astronomers. I f tbe equinox has anything to do with weather phenomena, which the meteorologists doqjit, there should be something Very unusual In tbe way of a storm arranged to usher out this par­ ticular summer season, as it has provided almost every other kind of freak weather In the calen­ dar. Since the Intense heat wave which preceded the coming of summer early In June, the three months since June 21, have been marked by tbe wlerdest succes­ sion of weather occurrences la the annals of the weather ha- LOOK! The lmaculate way we keep you looking to being talked over this town. Join the dub of sat­ isfied customeiu today by giv­ ing -ne a call. Ashland Gleaning and Friday Morning SLIDER States has had complete change in the trend of temperatures aud precipitation. Rainfall has been below normal for the year, while, with few exceptions, the tem­ perature has been moderate. The past summer has aversged. sev­ eral degrees below normal though tbe winter months and early spring Indicated warmer weatbe/ than danni., Not only In this country' but throughout the world this sum­ mer has played havoc w ith' the calculations of w eather prophets who take the average sensational record for their predictions. A glance at the weather chart discloses among the many phen­ omena that haven't as yet been classified the following: Now on sale in Ashland. Ask COMPLETE Electric SNIDER DAIRY and PRODUCE Co Battery’ SERVICE SU PPLIES W H A T 1 8 0 0 FA M ILIES K N O W THE PARK GARAGE Expert Electrician in Charge Tires Tubes Chains Spotlights Standard Lens Axles . Gears Bearings Fan Belts Valves Piston Rings SUDDEN birds butting inf cheese dealer. QUALITY GUARANTEED FOR EVKRY OAR L E E D O M 'S Season’a Best Colors Shoe Shop Ashland, Oregon can lie given the house by new paint and wall paper. Let us estimate the coat for you. Phone 172. _ < SERVICE OVERLAND CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Fall Cleanliness By B. P. HOLLINOSW ORTH (United Press Staff Correspon­ dent) Yes, we have no bananas, but we have money to loan on good security. . Phone 21. Yeo, (of conree.) * 12-tt New Balloon Toe Fall Shoes "Pass it along to everyone M possible," » r i m Landon Taylor, Dorchester, Iowa. "I hope It Tires and Replacement Parts Across From Lithia Springs Hotel A B O U T ELECTRIC COG T H E Y w ill tell you it is a n ew kin d of luxury — one that doesn’t coat m ore to enjoy. O f course you have always appreciated the ad­ vantages of cooking by electricity. Y o u kn o w that it means no more fuel to carry; no m ore ashes to lug. Y o u k n o w that electricity is the ideal cook­ in g heat; economical because itis turned on when you need i t — not before; turned off w hen you’ re th ro u g h — not later. But perhaps you would like to k n o w exactly w hat it coats— in dollars and cents. T h e 1800 satisfied families w h o now use electric ranges served, w ith e le c tric ity by thia co m pany would gladly show you th e ir bills, if they could. W e have made an average of these bills, so that w e m ay give you th e facts. T h e average cost of e le c tric lig h ts alone in a ll hom es seyted by this com pany in Orefcon is $2.20 a m onth. T h e aver­ age coat of th eir electric lights and cjectric cook­ in g together is $5.62 a m onth. F o r the difference, could you buy ordinary fuel fo r cooking? A n d if you could, w ould you w ant to ? W h en ever you decide to investigate this ques­ tio n of electric cooking closely, your nearest deal­ e r w ill tell you m any interesting things. A n d he is prepared to install your new electric range at once, on convenient terms.