Oregon HI» lorica I Boctety Auditorium 4 •»? ^ 5 . Nearly Fifty Years ;o Prosecutor I Make Faces to be Beautiful, Says Chicago Expert tt tt » BRING PUBLICITY CHICAGO, Sept. 24— Learn to make faces and stand on yorfr head If you ertoli to «e heOufffUl says Bmlly Lloyd, beauty expert. Facial exercises are tt an Important beauty aid,” t t said Miss Lloyd. _ “A » woman’s facial expression tt often becomes set and ' tt fixed and sometimes dis- tt agreeable. She may over- .tt come this set and fixed tt expression . by* making; tt faces at herself in the tt Property Owners Near New School to Meet Tuesday The local school board met with Architect Tourtellotto Wed­ nesday evening in The Citizens Bank to check over plans for the now Bast Side grammar school which will be constructed thia fa ll, according to present plans. Quite a few minor changes In tha original plans had been succested and these wll he worh- ed oat within the next few days, when bids will M asked! It Is tha intention now to open bids for this new building on October 18. and w ort will be started as sood thereafter as possible. Daring the meeting last night possible changes In streets «nd many Improvements in the vicin­ ity of thy school were discussed ta d It was decided to call a mirrit-g of tha property owners near the new school building for next -Tuesday evening st the li­ brary, when the proposed changes and improvements will he dls- casmd. Some of the property owners feel that the location of the school building In tbdlr vicinity Justified certain Im- __ ______ V DilNQ 18 SPEAKER Htotcd Preacher Ate Affect Recoartlatton W ife and Hunt la Kloqacwt Address, Vinlag (lives Fratto to Karly Bettlers of-Mouthera Oregon MEDFORD, SepL 84— “We» Honoring the memory of thn»ie the coroner's Jury, duty emooR»- . -— adventurous, God fearing plo- nelletl and sworn to lnvesttd*0 neees. who helped make Oregon the death of Jesse JAmeh the great commcnwealth of the Gibbs, Saturday, September I t , Pacifle Northwest, over 20t> of find that Jesae Jam es Glbbe tohft' the surviving pioneers and the his death by the Infliction sons and daughters of pioneers wounds by a knife or other ah gathered this morning at the Instrument, and furthermore I Log Cabin clubhouse of the our belief that said knife Pioneers of Southern Oregon as­ Instrument was In the hand of sociation for the annual reunion Hyman Huntley when the woqnda of that organization were Inflicted." Is the tax» Of. i The ranks of these pioneeru. the verdict returned TaeatnF I decimated by the passing years, I showed gaps where the leader tt PLYMOUTH. England, tt body of Jesse James Gibbs, j of all pioneers had taken many tt Sept. 14— WIG» the Idea A bed to death Saturday from the ranks here, leading tt of making Plymouth one tt I by H. E. Huntley after a prayer them into a new land. tt of the great ocean ports ttH meeting on West Second atrtot. But the few remaining plo t t of the world, pa a per. tt , Ten witnesses were heard ‘by ueers, those who came to South tt with New York and tt* . cm Oregon before 1859, have I Daughters of Ore- tt Southhampton, a series tt wss Dr. V. 8. * Geerey, couaty closed up the ranks, and are oneers Recruiting tt of recommendations Is t t . Rumors Have it form er health officer, who had per­ carrying on, content to watch the embers Here tt being * presented to the t t | Local Man to Promote formed the post mortem opera-, country they love so well blos­ tt corporation by organised tt $ Rgorta were started here yes- som and bloom Into a veritable Chain Stores tion. He testified that tha heart of the dead man ^ad been pleroad tordar-k^ interest local residents paradise. According to persistent rumors In three places, any one a b The proposals include to the Sybil snd Daughters of Ote- Although bent by years, with which refuae to be put down, which would have been fatal. tf. another third of a mils gen Pioneers. Rufun C. Holman, the passing time sprinkling sil­ vitations to attend the affair, Jesse Winburn, former local resi­ of wharfage, provision of Police Officers J. H. Leggltt, Portland man.*« vice-president af ver In their hair, the remaluing and already many have signified dent, and prominent New York A. If. Sunderman snd Joe Cave, berthing apace adequate the organization, was here for pioneers retain the memories ot their Intentions of being present. to moot tha needs of tha some tttse yesterday afternoon, past days, when their yearning advertising man, Is contemplat­ related testimony as to how they Secretory Dodson, of the Port­ biggest Atlantic - Baers, intereetijtg' local pioneers in the tor som ething new, for un ad­ ing the promotion of a chain found Olbbs’ lifeless body oa the land chamber of commerce. In o f stores to be operated .on, the bed, where it had been carried construction of a graving venture led them to leave their a wiry to Secretary Fuller ot the Pacific Coast. dock, and general bright­ by the two sisters. Mrs. Gibb* homes and truvel Into the then The Sons and Daughters of local Chamber, this iinornlug, de­ Although representatives of and Mrs. Huntley, from the yard ening of the town to wilderness. It Is in honor of I Oregog F ioueers was organized clared that he would he present. Mr. Winburn declare there is where Gibbs had staggered after make it attractive tp In 1901, and has been quite active these, also, that yea ’v the re-J Dodson will be one of the speak­ nothing to the report, and that the fight In the kitchen with steamship companies. throughout Northern Oregon. At unions are heln. ers en the program. Mr. Winburn is not plunulnx Huntley, The whole project will Irving B. Vining, in an e lo ­ the present time, the members A special dinner will be served such a move, reports from Port­ probably cost more than Cave told of Huntley’s volun­ of the organization are endeavor­ quent uddruss us he bus ever from fcSO to 8: p. Mon­ land indicate that the former tary surrender on Math ritoOf.. 886.990.994. - ing to ppread -the organization delivered, honored and praised day night. TtogWbeeptlon and Ashland man Is now in that where he had bean searching tor throughout the, repiptnder of the tjtese settlers of Oregon's ' won- entertainment will begin at 8:80 etty. ostensibly for the purpose an officer, and that Huatley re­ derlaad. To thepi he gave the state. nr completing plans for these marked, “ Well, he broke up aap Membership to open'to any P ri­ cr ed it-foi-rtfi«»- building up of the The invitation Issued by Price stores. home," when Inforamd that stale.- son of legal age and of good char- follows: :■ S,. jrrafi. Tuesday, the following article, Gibbs was dead. The next testi­ traved the growth of | actor, and who is a direct dsscend- “I ask the people of Ashland coming frotn Medford, but car­ mony, given by Sheriff Jen­ s settlem ents in South- to Jbln with the chamber of com­ . ant of any pioneer of Oregon who ried In the Portland ttregonlan. nings. covered facts already re­ I came to this state before its ad- >n, fro mthetr found« merce and ourselves In enter­ reported that Mr; JYtnburn was ported. these picueers, many 1 mission, February 14, 1859. taining the visitors at the for­ planning the chain stores. “What would they do If I were sitting In his mal opening of The Llthla ' Meetings of the organisation ' Jesse Winburn, New '.York killed that man,” Is sllegsd to Springs hotel, Monday, Septen i are held aanually. and t ie mem- capitalist and erstw hile resident have been said by Huntley to A. ber 18, 1985. A special dinner bers are notified of these meet­ of Ashland, who has been spend­ S. Runs, S. P. signal man on the will be served from 5:80 to ings by the secretary. ing the week In Medford, left Main street crossing In a con- 8:80 p. m. Reception and en­ tonight to spend a few dujs 1 versation a short time before the Tumalo Project Attracts Application blanks for member­ tertainment begins at 8:80 p. on business in Portland. tragedy, according to the letter's Many Who Are Intonated ship to the Soto and. Daughters of m. We hope to have all of the “ It was understood here thnt testimony. The two men, who in Cheap Lands Oregon 'Pioneers have been left good people of Ashland help us Mr. Winburn plans to promote :« were conversing at the time near • . ).U’ et The Tidings office, where they to formally open this beautiful sdlng of the minutes big chain of stores on the Pa­ tbe depot platform, have been may be obtained by those interest- Llthla Springs hotel, which has trials showed the pass- cific coast and tl^at the project friendly since 1890. no equal in our1 state. ,ny of the members of has the backing of 14 California Tear stained and grief strick­ “ Hoping to have the oppor­ lation since the last banks.” en. Mrs. Cynthia Gibbs, tha tunity of meeting you on this sting, but also brought Yesterday's Oregonian carried widow, told how a Mr. Dewey, occasion. I am sincerely yourr, t e 'ugni the accomplishments of another story, again declaring a preacher, pleaded with Huatley R. W. Price.” thè association and Its members. Winburn was planning a groun and bis wife to affect a recon­ At noon a dinner was served of chain stores. This story ciliation after years of family S c a r d ie r S D e s p a ir in the Women’s Civic Club home. follows: strife, and how he had talked “Jesse Winburn, registered Almost every Imaginable delight­ to them until 11:15 that Although the first game on couaty; E. C. Starks of Grey­ the Ashland high school foot­ ful dish had been prepared for from New York, and formerly of She related that the slater went Because of the Jackson county ' bull, Wyo., has settled on 6 ball schedule comes on October the meal. The pioneers, tbe Ashland, Ore., had Walter M. to the barn to pray, knowing Ir, the Pacific highway one . TT l i i __ -asr. acree~aear Damascus, and H. F .1 lie south of Medford showed, At I lUCkleDUry JVLt« 10, when the locals Journey tu guests of honor, were placed at Pierce, governor of Oregon, as that Gibbs, who slept there, was total of 4888 machines, 694? j ----------- Chafer of Los Angeles, Calif.,' Klam ath, Falls for a tussle with the center table, where many- his breakfast guest at tbe Ben­ sound asleep. She told hew Ing Oregon snd 1028 being fo r-1 KLAM ATH FALLS, Sapt. Y4— has secured an 890 acre farn^ son yesterday. When Mr. Pierce happy minutes of relnlscenco Huntley, her mother and bar- the Klamath county eleven, was a candidate for governor self came to the barn looking gn cars. There were 176 Lost for seven days la the wll- aear Gaston, known as the Ex- Coach W a lt Hughes Is endeavor­ were enjoyed. The afternoon- was spent in Mr. Winburn contributed 86,000 for her. only to find bar emerg- ncks, 81 motorcycles snd 18 derneM of Huckleberry mountain, Governor Moore property. _ Mr. ing to line up a practice game, Ing from the door a short ttmo irse-drawn vehicles. ! near here. Martin Owensby, 50, 8hafei*was reported through the to be played betoYe that date. conversation and tbe renewing of (Continued on Page Four» later. Huntley, she claimed, Through traffic is also shown of Merrill, Is believed either dead Los Angeles brunch office o f( The Klamath boys have ‘a l­ friendships which have survlvod ■ tbe count on the Pacific from a ia u down a precipitous the Protland Chamber, a .week ready had one game this season, the passing of more tbsn half then ordered Glbbe off the PlpfB . snd taking his roll of bedding ghway at the Junction with the cllri or auffer|ng Intensely from ago. Just prior to his coming to trimming the Alturas high outfit, a century. His Intentions and will have had aeveral games The program as announced Olbbs went to the house. H uat­ lamath Falls highway. Tbe the bitter exposure of cold nights Oregon to live. ley cursed end then choked hie trifle highway here showed a , (n the open speech without food are to devote his new farm to under theta belt before the lo­ yesterday, was carried out this I tai of 748 machines, 488 ft» f-'or shelter. tha culture of flax. wire Into insensibility, after ha*« cals tackle them. For that rea­ morhing, with the exception of j A number of recent logged- son, Hughas thought It beat to the invocation by Rev. Myron1 Ing struck her on the a Ma. gn and 226 Oregon cars. ,Thlr-l Tuesday afternoon the county She claimed she was set an Rev. Woodworth, -three ttucks, and 2 m otor-. court, after listening to the off land sales In Celumbla county arrange at least one game be­ Woodworth. actual witness to the right, only^ cles were also counted. Tliej p|eag of a delegation of M errill hare also been made and will fore the Klamath tussle. was ill and unable to attend the seeing her husband stagger, an gather tng. lamath Falls highway total • dtiiena, authorised expenditure be reported within a few days. | HughM at present to trying to “ ¡o f 825 to grubstake a posse to Considerable Interest Is being arrange a game with Myrtle she had been In the sitting ream The program follow s: (Continued on page four) Vocal 8olo— Mrs. Fred Nell. ' during the right. She gave h er ! search for the missing man, and taken la the Tumalo Irrigation Creek, to be played on October I Indicated that should he not be project near Bend. Arthur Foo­ 8, he declared last night. Reading of the Minutes and (Continued on Fage F e a r) PI found within the time this al- ter, manager of the Lead Settle- Several new man have report­ Memorials. Royal Arch Masons from al­ Song— Phoenix quartette. I* lowance Is used up, more will meat Department spent most' ed for practice' during the past most every city In Southern Ore­ of last week looking over the few dafs, bringing the eqtad Plonèer Address— I. E. Vining gon, and from Northern Califor­ Li be furnished. Plano Solo— "Old Time Mel nia. as far south as Chico, will When Owensby* failed to re- project, preparatory to a quick up to about 15. Some of tbe campaign on tha part of the' newcomers -have tha much need­ Odies”— Mrs. Van Fosser. - turn to his little log cabin near be present at tha reunion to be SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. M Singing of Mrs. * McCully's held this evening la the Masonic Brantenwood camp, Wednesday Land Settlement Department to ed beef strengthen tbe Ash­ ! night, after searching for a stray bring settlers to this district of, land Itoe; and prospects are pioneer songs— by the audience. J Hall here. W. H. Day, secretary (U. P.) — Commander - I Rodgers of the.PN-8-1 today . ’ horse, his aged mother, who wat Oregon. Close oa to a thousand now a lot brighter than before of Slskiylu Chapter, No. 81, R. Bled the chargee of Colpnel 1 | - staying with him became wor- letters will be sent out within the opening af the seaaen. WASHINGTON, Sept. A. M. announced today. Item Mitchell, the army a ir er L r l e d but Nothing was done for the next few days to interested P .)— A formal proposal __ Invltatluna hlT9 IlHl 91t«nd funding of the |4.200,o.uo.uoii ed the various lodges In the that t ie iraaapacllU H M several days, she believing her NORRIE H X>°&AROE French debt to the United States Northern California and South­ was mismanaged. son had been lost In one ot the Pausing for a moment la was laid before tbe American ern Oregon territory, aad moat This week end Will be the Har­ deep raVInei or la the thick up­ SLA' Debt Funding commission by of the««- have Indicated that they Franctoco for a welcome to vest Festival at the Salvation land timber. Owensby kuows tho KELBO, Sept. 14, —» (U. F .)— ; Finance Minister Calllauz today, will have representative« prea returning crew. Comma Army, with special service to be Huckleberry country perhaps those with wish to invest In • qMr’ * 4 ' Rodgers refuted Mltehetfa ell held on Saturday and Sunday bettor than any ofltet human be­ cheap land to start their homes George Norris; Keton city eogin- and this was Immediately taken ent. Already In- J ear, is nt liberty today on btrada under consideration by Secretary evenings at eight o'clock, and ing. and hie mother was confi­ ln the Northwest Among the visitors expected ■'We made one Mg mtotnho,** With a program on Tuesday night dent he would work kto way o u t qairteo aro beginning to eome of 849,000, facing a charge1 of , of the Treasury Mellon and his will be several man high In commander eaid. “That t o Into tha offleo concerning the' murdBA. He was hound over la a ti, eaeoclates, It was understood on to wind up the festival. Masonic circles In the state and not having arranged to ogtt Irrigation project. Local people'night at a häärin? before the I good , authority today, follow tag A part af the teetlvltlee will the Pacific enact, according oar radio generator In onto am also Interested, particularly' Justlm of ^tka- EI mo at Caatle the flr»t meeting 'of the two were forced down. Had wo I be the food sale and the dough­ Day. those who ears for this typo of Roctfrou the ohaiko dt slaying , commissions. able to send on« moaengm w nut day, which the ladles will John H. Kollock, grand high BERLIN, Sept. 14. — (U . P.) farming.' < * I Thomas Dovsry, Kelso editor. Although the members of the wo wore la the water, o at din put on Saturday, according to commissions refused either to« priest for Oregon And Charles ery would hare some a« totonu. Prospective settlers aro rilli Envoy Bchwindel, in charge ot — President Voa Hlndenhnrg to- day decided that Germany Weuld calling nt the Portland office. confirm or deny such a move, King, of Sebastopol California, wore able to sand ng o a t i the local barracks. accept the Allied Invitation to the another session of the American grand high prieet for California, Fourteen were' given Informa­ At this sale, alt torts of foods ministerial conference, to be held commission, with the French ab­ win also bo preeoat nt the gath­ tion oa Oregon daring the past and doughnuts will be placed sent, has been called for 4 p. m. ering. on sale, the money received from la Swltserland next month, at week. Routine buslnoaa affairs wUI which time the AIMed - German today, when the proposal will which will by used In carrying ha taken ap. together with ago- on the dork of the Salvation security pari will he discussed tdr clef lodge work, Bar anM. final solution. Army, this winter. 2- The bjg Talent Irrigation Dis­ tric t community exhibit, which “The lines from nose attracted so much admiring at­ to mouth are obliterated tention at the county fair last and the expression about weak because of Its novel tor­ the eyes becomes Instantly tures, general get up and the ex­ more cheerful. cellence of the varied products “An exarelto which raised In the combined seven does wonders for the face communities of the district — Is standing on the head. Belleview, Valleyview, Coleman, The p u llo n oil the facial Creek, Talent, Wagner Creek. muscles Is instantly re- Griffin creek, Pern valley and North Phoenix— wHI be exhibited at the state fair, beginning next Monday, sad at the Pacifle In ­ ternational Livestock Exposition In October. The purpose as at the county fair, to to adverttoe. the dis­ trict. and Jackson. county M a progressive section. The exhibit was not put on at the fair in competition with any .other local community, but for the broader purpose of attracting the at­ tention of the rest o t Oregon and the Pacific northwest In the fine advantages offered by Jack- Check Being Msde B y State son county. Traffic Department For Then too, thè district, proud of Comparison Ito great advantages and op­ portunities, feels that after It had spent one and one-fourth million dollars to get an ample water supply on Its productive soil. It should call the yrldest attention possible to its wealth la opportunities offered. The district exhibit of its seven eommnaRles comprised the fin­ est qaallty or grains, vegetables and the like aed loads of caunedl point 18 trucks sud only fru it which made the spectators horse-drawn vehicle were © mouths water, both put up. or­ dinarily and for exhibit pur­ poses. The canned fruit put ud for exhibit purposes was done fy Mrs. D. M. Lowe after many hours' spent In painstaking ef­ fort. e The entire big exhibit, which was arranged with such novel and testy effect, wee divided into the following departments: Camp scene, agricultural, horticulture, dairying and gardening, - home work including every day can­ ned stuff, and a modern kitchen for demonstrating canning and baking. The eamp eeene which was especially effective in its forest setting, well equipped hunters' and fishers’ tent, Illustrated cles and 8« horse-drawn ve- pointedly the fact that the dis­ trict lies in the midst of a great banting and fishing territory. Along with the Talent Irriga­ tion District exhibit goes some financial figures of money re­ alised from Its varied products, that calls the attention of the Whole world to Its desirability, la general the rural popula­ tion Of the seven communities at the district, exclusive of their towns Is 1.000. in the district 808 families are users of elec- Coroners J, More Than 200 Members of Association Meet This Morning Llthla Springs kotel, today Is­ sued aa Invitation to the people of Ashland to Join with the chamber of commerce, and the staff of employes of the Llthla Springs' hotel, In welcoming the hundreds of Pacific Coaat hotel men, who are expdcted to attend the formal opening of the new hostelry. * Price today said, “ I want every Ashland resident, who can pos­ sibly do so, to be 'present at this •» gathering. They have shewn themselves to be solidly behind the hotel, end l"am sure they will all be present Monday evening.** The chamber of commerce is preparing a special program to be. given during the evening, and which will include speeches by several of the ablest speakers In the state. Secretaries e (- the chambers of commerce througb- TTh i m y r 1 Plymouth Seeks Place in Sun as Great Seaport I I Finding Lost Man French Offer of Debt Settlement is Made Today ) I 7 THE WEATHER