Visitors Were ' Is Forced to Pay ’ Heavy Import Duty On Cat’9 Whisker!^ Mr. and Mrs. A.' J. Biesick of Frank Orubb has returned to Ashland 'from Beatty. Oregon, Salem are .visiting in Ashland » where he has been employed on for two days. road construction work during the heat dressed man the 'summer. tt “Hab-a-dash-Innt" ’ tt The old pioneer lady of Phoe­ tt We specialise In men's duds. a nix will give you good dinner for a 35 cts. E. K. Unit. 19-1” Hab-a-dash-Inn.” . N C liff Payne makes elotbes racks. Lavoptik Eye Wash McNair Bros. » Special convocation, Thursdav evening. Sept. 24*, Royal Arch Chapter reunion, with visiting delegations from Southern Oregon and. Northern California. -In- c lu w g grand offioera from both stsftk. Routine "business mst- tera hnd degree work dispensed wltli. Meet at 7:30; reception of grand high priests at 8:00 o’clqek. Banquet at 8:30, fol­ lowed by a program of addresses, etc. AIL companions cordially G. W. DUNN, H W, H. DAY, Secy. Daughters of the Nile will give ’ a benefit dance for the ladies patrol at the fair grounds pavilion, Oct. 1. A ll members of Masoaic body invited. Rctirrncd Homo-- « Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Good, who has spent the past six„ weeks at the home of Mrs. Good’s pat - ante, Mr. and Mrs. X. F. Arnold anil the earlier part of summer in Northern Oregon and Wash ington left yesterday morning, for theis home In Los Angelos, motoring through and making visits tu-'-apn Francisco and Santa Crux. Nortte, Seat le; Reno; U thia Springs Hotel— Among the guests registered at the Llthia Springs hotel are: K. Skate to music. B. Stevens, Portland; C. E. Fonl, Postland; M. H. Andrews and wife, Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. R. Look out! Watch out! “Hab W. Hersey, Santa Barbara; Z. s-dash-Inn!" M. Agee. Eugene; Violet E . Dip- po, Hollywood; . F. Lang, San Visiting H ere , Francisco; R. E. Knowls, Klam­ Mr* and Mrs. O. W. Loosley ath Falls; C. L. Holmes, Port­ of Fort Klamath are visitors In land; C. E. Fish, Portland; Dr. Ashland to attend *the Pioneer and Mrs. A1 Phillips, Santa Crhx. reunion tomorrow Mrs. May Coleman of Hub- bard, Oregon, was a visitor In Ashland yesterday, with' Mrs. Yes, we have no bananas, but Henry Boje of Strawberry Lane. we have money to Idan on good security. Phone 21. Yeo, (of Special Merchants Lunch, 50c, course.) XL. 19-tf daily at the Placa— from 11 a. fh > 2 p. m. fi-tl The Merley Circle of the First I.lAbility Insurance written ou Baptist church will meet in the automobiles and trucks. Phono church parlors on Thursday af- ternoon, September 24 Bowers and Harold Bunco returned last evening from a hunting trip near Blye. Ashland Hotel— Those registered at the Ash­ land hotel are: , Ida Snyduatn, Coquille; George McDonald, Mon- terary, Calif.: Raymond G. Jones. Rqseburg; Lettie M. Newcombe, Keiso: H. W. Newcombe, Keleo; Mena Wear Specialist. * a a a a a tt tt * * J 3 3 33 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt LONDON. Sept. 33— U. P.>— The cat’s whisk- • « are dutiable, under the English Customs Act. A foreign manntae- turer found this out wh*U he tried to ship Into England several doseh ' handkerchiefs embellished in the confer with a smiling needlework por- trait of Felix the Cat. Each Felix had six whiskers. Each whisker was of silk. Dutiable on, account of the whiskers," said the Customs Office. "You’re crasy," report- ed the shipper, “ns eras? as Felix.” But the home office backed its customs qffl- clal up— and the Import- er had tb dig down Into bis pocket to the extent of a 1 per "cent ad- valorum duty, on the whole shipment nil on account of Felix’s s ift whiskers. •od vary «M ondarfaily cbav Forest Lumber Co., will two-band sawmill at Asp tt Klamath County. FRENCH D E B T COMMDMION LANDS IN NEW VOW tt tt < 0 m tl« a e 4 P age On») tt patrons of l B ç A l 33 the refeotnder of the commission A U T O C AM P S TA T E tt expressed the optalen that they '< * A H3ÍLAND IS B itS T a would be able to obtain at least a aa Satisfactory terms aa were (Continued from page one) a obtained In the aettlemttu of the a , ___Britain. debt question with Ori » eanip we have seen. The mer-v Howevbr, nt that time. Secre­ tt chants of the city also gave tary of the Treasury Melon and a u h wonderful service” President Coolidgt declared that a J. F. Tuck and wife, Elgin, I no such satisfactory terms would a illinole— “We found your eamp I be accepted by the United Stales. a a a a O tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 3» ’Tis not the gift that is the measure T is the spirit—th at’s the treasure. BABCOCK'S GIFT SHOPPE 'Distinctive Gifts For Discriminating People* Phone 167 Oregon Hotel— The guests registered at the Oregon Hotel are Perry A. Rob­ erts, Fresno; James N. Johnson, Bangor, Maine; J. A. Skiff, Se­ attle; W. M. Coftelt and wife. Eugene; J. A. Winslow, Mon­ tague; Fox Smalley and wife and child, Klamath Falls. The Quality Store Springfield— Community hos pltal is proposed for early build- ins Visited H e r e - Lakeview— Two new 100,000- James H. Prather of Honolulu Buy your box shook from the foot sawmills w ill open In Lake was a visitor in Ashland yester- local box factory at wholesale county, this month. priesa. 253-tf Latest fashions and methods n hair dressing and general beau* i parlor service at The Vanity Shop. Last dance of the season— Oregon Aggravators ten piece da non , band— Fair Grounds Pa­ vilion, tonight. 18-2 Select Dahlias now for spring delivery.— Elharl^s Mrs." Alice pugh of Alameda, California, Is vlsltlng.ln Ashland with Mrs. <5. E. Lane and Mrs. E. H. Wagner. She Is on her way homo from Portland. A special purchase enables us to offer these striking frocks at suqh a low price. Dresses of unusual distinction, featuring all the new fall styles made of Glistening Satin Crepe, also a special hit 6f Wool Dresses of Poriet Twill dt this low price. THE THEATER BEAimFUL LAST TIMES TODAY “THE SPANIARD’’ Ricardo Cortez Roller skating. Ashland Nat; good floor and skates, 35c. 7:30 to 10 p. m. Afternoons by ap­ pointment. i9 -t f See the million dollar ship blown up for a movie thrill. MISfl I j AWLIS at t h e organ Regular Admission Adults—Matinees 25c; Evenings 35c Children—10c Any Time There are adorable frocks for all oc­ ean ions—daytime and evening—beau­ tifully tjesigned and attractively trim­ med, fashioned in t^w Satins, Georg­ ette Crepe and Cut Velvets,. Except­ ional Values. Tn M e d f o r d - Mrs. Howard Rose and Ferris Stanton visited in ford yesterday. activities revolve around M en , in fact, adjust all their movements according to lime A watch, small at u is, day in and day out plays an important pan .w It must ho dependable— it m int be con­ venient in size—and for most o f us, it must be priced within reason The Luxurious Trimming of Rich Fur - A watch such as this can be obtained at in Elegant Collars, Cuffs and.Borders CHAS. A. WHITE make these Coats a Positive Sensation EN DER ’S BLOCK a t these low prices. W A N TED — Two . experienced confectionery girls, None other need apply. Apply Placa Co3- 19-tf fectlonery. FOB RENT- •Five room fnr- Inqulre nt 713 nished house. 19-2* Oak St. F O R R E N T - Room. rol E. Pratt. Phone 391-R. Mrs. Car- 438 * N. Main 19-3* New Shipment Overcoats - Topcoats - Suits J 16•» Io $35°° Values Mrs. 8. J. Chaney and Junior, are visiting for a days in Klamath Falls. Men’s Windsor Cheviot eulta I«' Collegiate Greys and Sahara Tans nt Pnataernd'a. 11 -U w o r l d ' s TOMORROW WE W iik BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN THÈ Watch Our W indows for Arrival of More NEW CLASSY KNIT BLAZERS Not completely moved or ready for formal opening but ready .for business nevertheless. of the Notable GLOBE Winter Underwear Just In Two Stores Temporarily Imported Woolen Mufflers The Reinoval Sale will continue for a limited time at the old ¿fore. ' T ) X a * *>» •» ll s ' tl *" £. • *8 ?' ■ ■ * ■ 2 ''' ' . J FV I'. I • * *''• xJl sfi • < If you woiild be the Best Dressed flan in Town inne tt