A SH L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S ” ‘5l*“,b“‘ growth of a community in wfclch treated jp s * 1 1 YOUNGER COLLEGE HEADS The election of « president by a university o r eolleg< J 1 1 K a f l '*» J H l x l |J | l f is not common place, and when three American wuver- _?. J p sities choose new presidents within a few Weeks of each ’I’U v " p i M TI]hVjDIA other it ik mi event of more limp passing moment. And V V ljU illz i/l th e event assumes added significance from the fact th it all of these a«c three » d two are university unde, 40. heads are under 50 y * e a t s of " PIC h TffAPv HU ilephone 89 (iFFICIAL CITY PAPER '.toe Momh Three Mo&ths Dix Mo» the . . Line Teat DISPLAY ADVERTISING . RATES Single insertion. per in c h ----------------------- — — Yearly Contracts (toe insertion a week _........................ — ........ Two Inaer.loaa a w e e k ------------------------------------------ Dally toaortlon --------------- ---- ----------— ....... ...... Rotes for Legal and MUcellaneona Advert f ir a t Insertion, per 8 point line ......................_____ — Each subsequent insertion, 8 point lin e ----- Card of Thanks ■■■■ n M.iiw tre"— Obituaries, per L in e ------------------ ----- -----------------—----- WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVHRTISING "Al! future event«, where an admission Charge Is made or a Collection taken is Advertising.” Ns dirconr.t will be allowed Religions or Benevolent orders. DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise Will be mai tog or Job pdntlng-^-our contributions w ill be to cash SEPTEMBER 23, 103» • JOY FOR WEEPING: — His ange? endureth but a moment: in favour Is life: weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 80:5. PRAYER: — We bleat thee, our Jovlng Father, for thy Grace that makes all things work together for God to them that love thee. A spirit of romance pervades autumn of the year which few, for fear of ridicule, will admit sensing. Per­ haps romance is something for lovers, the adolescent and women folk and to be spurned by sober manhqod, yet most men, if honest with their fellows, would be compelled to confess to a quickening of the pulse when the first leaves fall and darkness comes before supper. For an explanation of this fall romanticism one might hearken back to the days of boyhood when autumn was the cue for hunting nuts, squirrel shooting, corn roasts and football. Ask any bov which is the best prison in the hills and the question will find autumn on the tip of his tongue. The spirit of romance encountered this time of the year in the workaday world may also be traced to the fall holidays and festivals. There are H allow e’en and Thanks' giving Day. What festivals could be moYe symbolical of the haryest season than these, and both abound in tradi-, tion, adventure and romance. Imagination is nine-tenths romance and Hallowe’en and Thanksgiving Day exercise a strange appeal to the imagination. And if the ndage is true that “ the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” then the harvest Recounts for a part of the romantic atmosphere of the season. Where is to he found romance in greater abundance than in a golden brown pumpkin pie, in a glass of sweet cider and in a basket of new apples! , One contribution nil parents can make toward the education of tlieir children without sacrifice or. expense is to see to it that they get regular and adequate, hours of sleep. < *1 *1’* Physicians and neurologists agree that dullness among school children is very often sleepiness or under-develop­ ment because of insufficient hours of sleep. The parent is aa much acquainted as the medical world with .the nervous disorders and physical ¡Jls which follow too little te st in the adolescent period. Every mother knows that a sleepless baby is’a sick baby. Z A trend toward nervousness among school children is attributed to irregular and insiffficient ljours o f sleep. Accurate information would probably disclose that the men and women as well as the children of (his commun­ ity average eight or more hours of sleep nightly and it can not be charged that our school children are dull or under-developed. Every adult knows the value of sleep and the amount he or she, individually, requires for health and maximum mental nnd physical efficiency. Children can not be e x ­ pected to ascertain this for themselves, so it is incumbent upon their parents to learn what is required And provide for it. . » < existence wlthoat a alasi« balla­ ta* of Ita ova, the coraerstoae of «a admtalatratloa building 4ur cended here, 80 miles' away. Coast Farms W ill Ba irrigated One luxury, robs you of two necessities. Women will try anything to reduce before they will try hard work. Good-looking folks * can get along quite well with very little education. Judging by back pages in mag' aslnea, * advertising covers i multitude of skins. The honeymoon continues as long* as the husband takes his wife along to pick out a new suit. Somehow or other, the ideal climate is always away oft some, place where it costs a lot of money to go to. Hex Heck says: “Doctors shonld try to divide their In­ terest at least 60-50 between the patient and the fee.” HERMOSILLO, Sonora, Mexico — According to advices received here, the Central —-rti* has conceded to the Government of Lower California contain eon- cessions to facilitate the building of large and important irriga­ tion systems in both the north­ ern and southern sections ol that Territory. The concessions, according to the report- received here, were delivered to General Aherlarde Rodrigues, who is expected t< start work ■ immediately od* the irrigation system, which promises to open vast acreages to farine, which are now idle because of their aridity. Eugene— F ruit Growers’ elation plant packs 3,000 vegetable« in one day. THE KIND OF TOWN YOU* LIKE . Something like a deeadp ago the idea took hold all ASHLAND over the country that aspiring .towns should advertise. universally board of commerce and citizen!* commit­ FLOWER SHOP tees and town councils began to think up slogans and the Ldthia Springs H otel- world was*exhorted to “ Watch W inkville W in,” and Bililding “ Boost for Bingtown.” PHONE 120 For a long time the making of the slogan seemed to be - about all that was done in these local advertising enter­ SEATTLE, Wash. — From Aua- “HAT IT WITH FLOWERW* prises. It never seemed to oecnr to anybody that people (Valia to the Arctic in f ir * min­ don’t rush to a town and plead to be permitted to stop utes waa the record in rommnnl- eatabllahed here by P. K. there because of its slogan. Many of the places having the oation Lebermaa and W. J. Caltmalla, Real Percolated" moat enticing slogans also had the most wretched hotel working; a 40-meter wave length 9 t accommodations. It was the common remark among radio eat coffee is now being servi ---- t h o se who at t e mpt e d to dr i v e a w automob i l e throagb the — The M a cMil lan A rat is eapedl at our tables nnrtfnnntü country that the improved roads of the township were tion tor three days communicated along with a good assort-’ • ' vastly safer and bettor than the mnin streets of, the vil- with the navy department and ihent of fresh made sand­ the National Geographic Society • lages. These were frequently left so full oPholes and ruts through Jhe local station, 7 DZ. wiches, bouillons ajid hot and so cut up with elevated crosswalks that to drive a mo- The'statlon also relayed a mes- chocolate. « iv ear over them faster than 10 miles an hour wag a peril- hage from the Australian station Lithia Springs/ IXA for the U. 0. 0. Beattie Season’s Best dolors OVERLAND H. “ RNWBwlwJWg THE ASHLAND LAUNDRY i Phone 165 < — there some other birds butting inf as manufactured by The Ashland Creamery from pure dairy products, not chemicals, is “A D ish o f Health— Nature’s Best Food in m ost tempting-form,” V Newport— Large cannery, coll storage and packing plant to ‘be built here this winter. The Chicago Board of Health States IN THE BUCKINGHAM AND HECHT BOOTS AND SHOES “EAT MORE ICE CREAM you Have the very best there is for. less motley. iWe have the boots in six different styles and several in the shoes. Come in and Bee them at ARMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little Store in Town Like they make it in Ashland at Ashland Creamer]/ Opposite New Hotel LAST FOUR DAYS OF MANUFACTURER’S I A 22 You save time, money, health when yon patronise BEAUTIFUL l U NEW Player Piano WN . OUTFIT CONSISTS Free .Elegant Floor Lamp, Bench, Music Rolls. Trade in Yonr Old Piano or Phonograph ‘TRADE IN ” PIANOS We have many fine instruments to offer that have been reconditioned and are guaranteed. Better buy a good used pianoorphonograph than none at all. Record selections are includ­ ed with every Phonograph on sale this week. 11 B • o Hurry in, they won't last long. Start th e Children on This Confectionery o for a choice of a B oh