Marios Ledoh-nad har mother, ¿ärry Cattano of Hilt, Cah- Mra. B. F . Loach. la« Sunday for for ata. «aa a basteóte vtaltor In Eugene where Marlen will nt* Ashland Saturday. tend the University of Oregon Iftrns of (omtga ownership tak­ in g the defOBstre tn ’h battle of fdvertlalng.s O. B. B. EMB. FLUB Eastern Star embroidery club meets tomorrow afternoon In Masonic Hall. Hoateaaaa: Mra. Everton and Mrs. Winnie. Mra. Smith of Southern Cali­ fornia, and son, Harold, « f Teu- aaat, are visitors ta Ashland for u few days. * They, ara former residenti of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Milia and Mrs. Ella Mills ret.urnad yeater- day from a trip te Vancouver. B. C.. where the? attended the Klvants convention. To Santa Rosa— Miss Helen- Sanford For.yonr health nothing better than Roller Skating. Ashland for Santa Roan where Gaius Crosby left Sunday for Nat. 35c, good skates. lT-eod-3 visit Lather Burb’ank Eugene to attend the University weeks. To E u g e n e - of Oregon. Picture Framing. Stadio land. On the Plgsa. Box Factory is putting on a larger crew. Apply in person.! 7:30 a. tn. 17-2 To Wilbwi— Mr. sod Mrs. Fred Engle and Mrs. Angle Engle left yester­ day. for WUpur to attend the funeral of Mra. Engle’s brother. Skate to music at the Nat, iC, good floor and skates, 7:30 NAPLE8 — Two rich members 17-eod-3 of Sicilian nobility, a husband and Returned To Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Roekfel- To Forrest Grove— >• loju returned today from a trip Webster Werts left Saturday through the Western states. evening for Forrest Grove where he will attend the Pacific Uni­ Special Merchants Lunch, 50c, versity. ' . . daily at the Plasa— from 11 a. m. to 2 p. tn. 6-tl All the newest shades and fab­ rics In smart men’s ready-to- Buy your box shook from the wear, at Panlsernd'a. 11-tf local box factory at wholesale prices. 252-tf To E u g e n e - Clark Butterfield, Mrs. Vivian Photographs of Quality. Studio Woodside and Joe- Nell left Sun­ Ashland. On the Pleas. day evening tot Eugene, where they will attend the University Kills D oe r of Oregon." W. J. Wright and R. L. Burns returned yesterday evening from traue in T our old tires a successful overntght hunting to Madden ttv new ones. Ashland trip. Mr. Wright kllle’d a four vulcaniving Works. _ MO— tf point deer and the two brought the deer Into Ashland. From Richm ond— * Mrs. C. E. Smith of fllchmond Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Haynes was called to Ashland owing to wish to thank the Railroad shop the illness of her father, Mr. men and others who sent Mrs. E. B. Smith, of Mansanlta street. Haynes flowers during her ro- cent illness. 17-1* Have your broken windows repaired. Large stock of glass on hand. Fall woolens are now In at » •ltf Ones Tailor Shop, Jordan Sash and Cab Miss Edith Dodge and John 16-tf Galey left Sunday morning tor Eugene, where they _ will attend WANTED—More boys at the the University of Oregon. Box Factory. 17-2 inet Works. Phone 131. All kinds of dimension lum- A wonderful 7 room , bouse, T on hand at the box factory. splendidly furnished, large lot on 212-tf paved street close to East Bids schools, fruit, flowers and shade. The price is too rldlculonsly low Visited Here— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W iblj to quote here and terms are • of Grants Pass spent Sunday In unusually easy.' Let us show Ashland at the home of R. 'L It to you. 6taplea Realty Agency. 12-tf Burns of Elisabeth street. Mrs. XVlbJe is a Sister ot Mr. Burns. z She Just returned from a trip Visitor Here— Mr. and Mrs. John HaVks of to "Sacramento, where she visit­ Santa Rosa, visited at Candy- ed her father, M. E. Burns. lapd yesterday. wife, each 45, have decided1 to give up ail their property and re­ tire to convents. They are the Prince Iguasio Paterno Caatello di Diseori, ot Cktanta and hia wife, both of whom were widely known and deeply (beloved for their lives of kindness and inter­ cut in others. The Princess; who -was actively engaged In every sort of social and benevolent work, .was the General Secretary for 8ttjly of an important society o f Catholic women's work. . Each will shortly he’ received Irrevocably Into a religious or­ der. It la not uncommon forNa married man or woman to apply for permission to enter such an order, but It is_ not always pos­ sible that the wish can be carried out, as the law. in Italy does not permit divorce, and if one of the married pair wants to recall the other from the convent It might be done. In this case, however, they are both equally agreed in their desire« and it Is very rarely that inch an instance has occur­ red, certainly not for many years. The Prince has already begun his novitiate and been received Into the .house ef the Rarnafelth Fathers at Monsa, thia being the. order to which be Is destined. His wife was allowed, by a special dis­ pensation, to be present at this ceremony, which Was conducted in a strictly prlvaje form. Afterward the two separated calmly and she returned to Milan to go to Modena where «he Is to begin her noviti­ ate. She Joins the Carmelite nuns and will, when her final vows are taken, live the cloistered life, en­ tirely cut off from the world. She £nd the Prince give up all they have ot worldly goods and bene­ volent objects. Mr. Hawks is city auditor of Santa Rosa. To Corvallis— Robert and. Donald Wright, Men’s Windsor Cheviot Itosina Galatin, and Lucille and Thelma Peroui, left Sunday for Collegiate Greys and Corvallis where they will attend Tans at. Paulserud'a. the Oregon Agriculture College. In M ilf o rd H. V. Carter was a visitor in New shipment of hats Just re- Medford yesterday. He also vis­ celved at Mrs. 81mons, 26 So. ited with his brother, Oeorgo Pioneer. - ’ 17-2 Carter, at Talent. W XISHDtO TONIGHT “F I N E C L O T H E S" TOMORROW Latest fashions and methods n hair dressing /and general beau'v parlor service at The l-tf Vanity Shop. < p While British asnaufacthrera advertise “Buy 'British Goods and Be British,” the foreign manufac- It « a s nt first »tanned to ibreis are advertising the amount hold the opeatag program on the of money they are (vending in night of July 1. h«t P/lta de­ clared that alata the hotel wag a « ell dog, to d a y .‘dfter dlnlhd' plhying. One of Com- . mons, echoed an appeal that room house hag long been made hy . British with garage. Inquire 271 manufacturers, when he appeal­ Ave. ed to “the whole British people’’ ■ LOST—A silver mesh purse on to buy British g?ods and aid tn Main Street. Reward. Return offsetting the present adverse to Tidings Office. 17-2« British trade balance. Thus polittca and business have " FOR SALE— 5-room bungalow, combined in an effort to aronee , close to Hawthorne and High British patriotism to the support school. Inquire 107 6 th St. ot British trade, with the result Phone 250-R. 17-3 fairly wall in doubt. FOR RENT— 3-room apartment The appeal made by Sir Phil­ 17-tf lip was accompanied by as­ Vendôme Hotel. tounding statistics, which plainly show that British trade Is In MITCHELL RELIEVED AS AIR OFTICER a dire way. For* natanee, 8U SAN ANTONIO, Sept. 21— (U. Philip pointed out that imports exceeded exports last year by p .)— Coioo^l William Mitchell 31,176,000.000 as compared with was relieved as air officer In the eighth corps area today. This 3700,000,000 In 1013. Sir Philip deprecated tenden­ was announced by Major General cies to exaggerate the graveness Ernest Hinds, commander, with­ out comment. The presumption of the trade situation, and de­ Is that Colonel Mitchell will clared that it was untrue to say stand relieved of hia office until that Great Brtaln was living on her reserves, hu admitted that the aircraft Investigation la com­ Great Britain la far below her pleted and hia Case disposed of by court martial. pre-war capacity to invest. Competition la growing w|th JOW BB TO BE PROSECUTOR •very country that lisa the power IN ELLIOTT CASK to manufacture, and along with w (Continued from page one) thia Oreht Britain has to face stolen from the Mason higher production and living Standard Cleaners Phone 108 e w o s r tt Character and Strength The greatest element of strength in aft in­ dividual or in an' institution is Character. 'The steady growtti Qf the Citjsens ffeik in its more than 15 y e a n of service and its firm hold today upon public confidence, have been due in a very large measnre to the honesty and integrity of the men behind this bank. . ? * 95*Oak S t and let them clean and press them. The Citizens Bank of Ashland - e- B* F < Ashland, Oregon . A SPECIAL SHOWING OF We have had these sent to ng fo r a special showing this week to fill a demand we have had for smart evening dresses for the social occasions that are coming soon; I f you prefer to make your own see the BEAUTIFUL NEW SILKEN FABRICS for evening dresses. V W ,«I Mrs. Walter Haines was a vis- itor in Ashland from Elkton yea- “THE WRITE GIFT terday. ANOTHER BARGAIN. A ttve room house, brick foundation! and plastered, near high schotS.! close to Blvd., large lot, shade and flowers. 32500. Very easy terms. Staples Realty. Agency. 11-tf Darling's Studio and Art Store Venetian Toilet Preparations Lithia Springs Hotel Building WHAT DOES YOUR SKIN NEED? Improving— While the present plana do not Mra. Henry Haynes is report­ ed as improving after an acci call for Federal traffic control, the conference belleveu It-will be dent on Main street. able, by oo-ordlnatlon of State and municipal enforcement regu­ lations to bring about uniform * Mra. Robert Ward laws throughout tha United StatOe. Saturday for Medford Leek of uniformity la one of the will make her home, big factors la the high death rate is employed with the and great number of accidents, bune. They wilt be according to experts. on South Grape street. Leniency of courts toward traf­ fic vlolatora must be Abandoned In Burines« Vlaltov— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright order to bring about stronger en­ of Ager, California, were bual- forcement. according to moat offic­ npBs and shopping visitors in ials. Evan la cities and States where the laws are adequate there Ashland today. has been a tendency to let tbe truffle riolatoiu off with a light Hero Yrotertay— F, L. Schnlder of Yreka was a fine. vi si t or i n A s hla n d ye st erd afr.'----- L officials, hnadadhx Judge Wifi* lam MeAdeo, Chief City Magis­ Û Qtocmount (future with Visitors l a Ashland— J trate of New York, demand high-, lardo C ortei, Jetta Goudal, er minimum penalties for violn- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smyths of Nook Beer) . Daaamulr were visitors In Ash­ 1 tloa, and Jail sentences for reck- | lew and drunken driven, who a n pom e and m eet tbe land yasterday. • held to he ne great a menace to peen’s m ost fascinating the nafety of the population an Mr. and Mra. Donald Fraslsr the felon. London ballroom or left Saturday for Eugene whore Astoria— Moro canned saimqn ish bullring, hia d a r they will attend the University shipped during- August, than ill! amaze and startle of Oregoa. aver before lu oao mouth. To Medford— against a back- lavish settings STUDIO 29 S’. PIONES» Mrs.* D. L. Stephens haa re turned from Eugene where ulM baa been visiting *ber mothsr. For every type o f skin Elizabeth Arden has selected a group of prepara tions especially suited to its'care. r, nonfatening nourishing cream for sensttivé skins, exquisitely fine, deli­ cately scented. $1, $2, $3. WICK FURNITURE CO DON’T FORGET WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF Feed and Flour cream, forms A soothing vknishii u over the a thin protective face. $1, $2. ____ VENETIAN ROUGE AMORETT A. A snpprfino cream roughe that gives a beautifully natural glow to the cheeks. Light, Medium or Dark. VENETIAN IiILLE I4VWON X liquid powder foundation in six shades — Cream, Whit«, Natnrell, Spanish Rachel, Special Rachel, — $1.50.’ . , > VENETIAN PORE CREAM. Closes open pores corrects their refines thé coarsest skin, $1, r-s w . Ask at our Toilet counter for the booklet “ The Quest of tha Beautiful” , which describes all Elisabeth Arden’s preparations and gives ra^rnetiODS- for their usé. ' we will be glad to give you prices LITHIA SPRIN05 PHARMACY x LITHIA SPRINGS HOTEL BU D D IN G ...... .. ......................................... .. . i . . » . i s e j i ilb 'i t í l t e ^ r a a a a a o o a o o o é