-S ' 'f JMVW. J. CRANDALL W * 4 5 1 IW Home U h o a e lU -L TJ m favors and fortaae which life bestows •tinny two- Office hoars, 10 to 13 A. M.; 8 We find to oar dull dismay roo» furtitoltod apartment will» to 5 P. M.; 7 to 8 evening*.' Cltl- Are not to be had for the ask­ kltehm «te and prtvnte bath. «oaa Bank Bnlldlng. . ing. Cfc»o to. SI7 VtoU 81. Pho»« HAWUBY — Above TMlaga She has naught to give away. I t} . 14-tf Office. Phone 81. FOR RENT-— 6-room tarnished M U BRNEHT A. WOOD«— Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, noon sad B fit Inquire 648 thront— X-ray Including teeth,. 14-tf Jfflce hours, 10 to .12 and 2 to ■ I -»1 - -• . - - - I 8, BWedenburg Bldg., Ashland FOR RENT— Fnrniahed cabins Oregon. »■<* apartments. 158 Granite. 14-tf C. BLLY8ON HH1NN, D.M.D. CUisens Bank Bldg. FO R M ENT—Apartment, 6 Office Phone 151. Res.-Phone IBS "VoÇms With pantry and bath. Evening» By Appointment A” ° •»'M f. ; Modem and clean ’ PLANING M ll.l, ‘ • t IBS Seventh street. Phone 27JL or call at Ï87 Sherman. 12-tf JORDAN'S HASH AND C A B IW W WORKS. Cor. Helman and Van Ness.* Phone H l . 194-tf Satire lower tlopr with private hath. Garage. W H IT T L E TRANSFER CO. Also two rooms with kitchenette. For Service Cell after S p.H£., corner Pine Dealers in Coal, Wood, Packing, aaft Nutley. ll- t f Crating and Storage. Long dist­ •, FOR RENT — Housekeeping ance tracking. ~ apartment. Inquire 217 Oberlin. T. L. POWELL— General T m w . ll- t f 1er — Good team and motor . . > .... ■ ■ .. '---------*— tracks. Good service at a rea­ FO R RENT— New, modern, sonable price. • Phone 83. fnrnaco heated Apts., and sleep- FEH IG E . ROACH Chattin Apts., Phone Transfer — Express — Storage Call forenoons or eve- Haallng — Dray work of all n l« h 7 Ho. kinds. Quick motor service. Dry wood of all kinds. Phone 418-R, FOB RENT: ‘— A famished 875 B. Street. 112— tf fla t at 122 Central Arehae. You aheald nee before locating. Phone ANY G IR L IN TROUBLE— Mpy tommqnlcate with Ensign Lao 194J ”or‘ 481J. 8-tf of the Salvation Army at the White Shield Home, 585 Hay- IT— Splendid light airy fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. apartment, saltable for two or PLUMB1NO three persons, 81 Nutley street 44SJ. 8-tf LET JERRY O'NEAL hoMO on lows 81. MN*— M predicted, become leaders on the «lobe. Because of fair weather pre­ vailing off the coast In this I , section. fishing operations may be continued without interrup­ tion and because of thia Eastera fishermen hqve been attracted here In large numbers daring recqnt years. _ We long for the fruits of attain- ment, For a season we labor and Pray, Then we tire, we rqlax, we hap- gfe ■ O’er the price we’re compelled to pay. , jrd At Tip ViatoJ —- — >-------------------- ■; aatfer oar course to OH, life to a careful exactor; A fact each contestant » ' face. And the prise she bestows op the winner , ’ Equals just what he pats In • the nee. • ■ — MARGARET W. MeCOY. — -.. duplicated la a mysterious- fish with a,green-yellpw hpdr. .brioit lemon-yellow (ins and e tail eaught la the Pacific ol Mexican border ■ The fish win brought to the Suite Fish Commission laboratory here by men on the parse miner SALK— Italian Petite A U C T IO N E E R prunes, 2 and 3 1-2 cents, de­ A. L. G8D0DN livered. Phone 2F3. ’ 15-3« Sales taken anywhere— anytime. Ashland. Oregon FOR SAL K ..Saddle. 548 Iowa 14-4 NOTICE OF HHERIFF*« «ALE BY VIRTUE ol an execution F U R SALK: — Butcher shop, do(ag good business. Cause of sale, on foreclosure, duly Issued out oh account of other business. In­ of and under tbe seal of the quire 383. 4th street. 13— 8 Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, in and for the County )ne and one-half of Jackson, to me directed and acfee adjoining normal site. Four dated on the 17th day of Sep­ room boaae. About 5,000 feet of tember, 1925, in a certain action lumber. 11290. W ill double in therein, wherein E. N. Batter A ,-•» value within year. Call 359J. and Frances Butler, husbacC and 18-tf wife, as Plaintiffs, recovered FOR BALK— Fine Bose cull judgment against Ralph L. Har rls and Irene Harris, husband pears, 78c box. Newbry and Son, and wife, and the State of Ore Talent. Phone 373J2. 10-tf gon as represented by the World FtHft SALK BY OWNER— One W ar Veterans State Aid Com­ story Bungalow, fnrniahed, two mission, the defendants for Ibc apartments or one family home. sum of Four hundred ninety and Close In. Reasonable for cash, 70-100 (>400.70) dollars, with Bash St. 10-tf costa and disbursements taxed at Twenty-two and ao-100 R A T MELONS: — Fine large (>22.00) dollars, and the farther watermelons, lc per lb., at ranch, nira of Fifty and no-100 Cantelopes. potatoes, string beans. (>50.00) dollars, as attorney's Wind F all Pears, 60c per box. fees, which judgment was en­ Cooking applee, 50c per box. Cali rolled and docketed In the 286J1 at evenings or 260J office Clerk's office of said Court in phone. Leave orders at 83 North said County on thq.14tI> ^aY o( M aia 8t. W . W. Robison. 7-tf September, 1928, *■ NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN F o il SALK— 10-acrt? farm; 7 that, pnsuant to the terms ol acres id cultivation, family or- the said execution, 1 will on ehgrd; 7-room bouse; barn;, good the 24th day of October, 1935, water; right in the town of Mill at 19:00 o'clock A. M., at the City. The town with the big front door of the courthouse In payroll. Price ,><«008. W ill th^ City of Jacksonville, in trqde for Ashland property of Jackson County, Oregon, offer equal or leaner mine, and giro for sale and will sell at public time on differeaee. Address auction for cash to the highest owner, J. B. Ray, HUI City, Ore- bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, goo._______________ together with the costs of this B U IL D IN G , Repairing, Shing­ sale, subject to redemption as ling. Painting, Kalsominlng, Re- provided by law, all of the rigid, title and Interest that the said flqlsblng. W . T. Blackwell, 819 defendants, Ralph L. Harris and Oarneld. Phone 383L. >07-tf Irene Harris had on the ^7th day of February, 1923, or now FOR SALE: — 8and for plast­ have in and to the following de­ ering and concrete work. Cial scribed property, situated in the odt of solid atone. Fully tested. County of Jackson, State of Beaver Realty Co. 213-tf Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point along the M iw w ijjt a w xm northerly • side line of Mechanic ; CONVALESCENT ho e Street, 40 feet west from the southeasterly corner of Lot 3 In W here the sick are cared for Rpaclal rate to t«y*Uds. Call 158 Block JO, original town of Ash­ land; thence northerly parallel MARCELLING 7Se. Phone 188J with the easterly side line of for iappointment or call Hel- said Lot 3, a distance of 200 u >n St., upstairs a p t 187-1 mo. feet to alley; thence westerly parallel to Mechaplc Street and i MATES« ITY along the southerly side line of Reasonable Rates stfld alley 30 feet; thence south­ 153 Granite. Telephone 153 erly and parallel with the west- w rt y side lin e o f e a iff Lot 3 t o at (ONKY TO LOAN— >1200 at Intersection at right angles with 8 per cent on good city property. Mechanic Street a distance of H . C. Osier, <5 B- Main. 14-3 approximately 200 feet: thence easterly.along the northerly side + line of Mechanic Street, a dis; NOTICE TO CREDITOR« tanca of 30 feet to place of • Notice to hereby given that tbe undersigned has been duly beginning. Dated this 18th day of Septem­ appointed Administratrix of the ber, 1936. Estate of John Trader. deceased, RALPH O. JENNINGS, and all persons having claims Sheriff of Jackson against said Estate are required County, Oregon. to present them with proper •By OLGA B. ANpERSON, rohebers, within six months from Deputy ‘ date, to L. A. Roberts. At- 17-5 Mon. fi M LOS ANOELBR— Science has dealt a fearful blow to the ma­ trons and misses of the sardino family. No longer will Madame Sar­ dine be able to flip about her fins and keep the rest of the great family of fishes Ignorant pf jnst how many Bummers have passed tiara she first flicked tbe waters of tbe broad Pacific. After years of study Califor­ nia - scientists have discovered a 'method which reveals the age of sardines. At the State Fish Commission laboratory at Los Angeles Har­ bor plscatologlsts have perfected a solution which, when applied to a sardine, bringa oat the rings of the scales so clearly they may be counted and tbe age of the fish ascertained. In most of the fish families the ear bone rings or scale rings usually tell the age to the naked eye, bat thia Is* pot true of the sardine. ' . Discovery of a solution wl reveals the sardine’s age to ex^, pected to prove" of great benefit W HY P A Y M ORE FO R M EATS T h e 4th Street M arket, P h o n e 114 sells th e best grade m eats LESS -****". <• ' We Deliver Infopnation is to Jthe miml w h a t food js to th e body. Your mind jr ill work f o r y o u a ll th e b e t­ ter if you will just feed it, * The Daily Tidings costs you 65c a month. In addition to local news on which you want to be informed, it bringB you information from throughout the state and nation, from Euroj>e, Japan, South America—from all corners of the earth where things transpire winch may inter­ est you. This information .comes to the Tidings thru the world wide news gathering organi­ sation o f the c- trlc earnings show gain of .10 2 per rant net for quarter ending July 31, over same period, 1921. T he B est Gas And T h e B est O il Free Crankcase Service . A REAL SERVICE STATION DR. OESER, Prop. BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1924 Ford Coupe, new pa.int, Ruxstell axle, double ; Hassler shocks, heater and lota of extras.......... $480 1920 Ohev., New Tires, New Battery, in good shape at a bargain. 1922 Ford Sedan, new paint, good condition___ $300 COMPLETE • ALSO SEE O U R E lectric / Battery SERVICE " NEW STAR CARS A T T H E O N LY ST A R A G E N C Y i ; IN TO W N SUPPLIES at • Hamaker Motor Co. THE PARK M. W. Hamaker, Star Dealer, Phone .37 "Service Worth W hile’’ T H E O A K ST R E E T G ARAG E Manufacturin g C oncerns F in an cial In stitu tion s R ailroads,. Etc. U SE THE WHAT 1800 FAMILIES KNOW ABOUT ELECTRIC COOKING B y mein* of a budget system all expenses are determined upon a fixed income. A simple method is to set aside 10 per cent or more of w bt you make and figure to live on the bsdanoe and often then there may be some left t o ^ t e j ^ l O f e r csnt^pid. Try the ta d g et system for awhile; it may be beneficial. F IR S T N A T IO N A L RANK ASHLAND, OftEQON ---------- Prompt Production of Printing Orders is an important feature in connection with our business and with your business. With modem equipment and craftsmen who understand the printing profession, quality is not sacrificed to qudnity — they go hand in hand. Opr mechan­ ical type sotting facilities enable us to give you thw p o s t artistic work, reasonable prices and prompt mpt service. THE TIDINGS PRESS k>. « e ♦ U w w e v-w ■ CORD TIR ES 30x3 1-2 10 Per Cent O versize - - - $8.00 F u ll O v e r s i z e ............... $9.00 Expert Electrician in Charge __icy for said letale, at hie of- Ide over The C itte«« Bank of Ashland, OrRfon. Sim pson ’s H ardware W inchester Store 397 E. Main ;: O eser’s A shland Service Station GARAGE »»♦44 1 D e liv e r ie s Phone 167 i Simple ' camphor, hydraatis. witchhaxel, ' etc., as mixed in Lavoptlk eye wash, strengthens eyes and helps any case'weak, strained or sore eyes. Lsvoptii acts very quickly. Aluminum eye cup free.»—McNair Bros. Druggists. and It costs thousands of dollars daily to gather and distribute this information which you buy for 65c a month when vou read the Tidings. ▲ great many individuals are adopting the bud­ get plan—it is nothing more or less than a sys­ tematic control of their expenses, which Is. a mneh better means than drifting along in a "H IT or 1H S8” fashion. .when FO R r-Ay » • ♦»M E O »**»* ; «. ¡9*^' “Distinctive Gifts For Discriminating People” destroys F L IE S M O SQ UITOS M O TH S ANTS R O A C H ES Etc. I n fo r m a tio n the gift that is the measure; BABCOCK’S G IFT SH O PPE F lit *• - AGE OF SARDINES NO* OEIERMINE0 - AIDS THE INDUSTRY This Helps Eye Strain i not *Tis the spirit—that Is the treasure, Unity, and Its like te_reporicd never to have been seen before by either experts or fishermen. An exhaustive search has been made by William Harrington and Joseph Craig, of the 8tste lab­ oratory, through volumes devoted Molalla— Fox farm Inrorporat- to the life histories of the fish families, but no decrlptlon check­ -ed here with 325,000 capital. ing with that of the lemon-color­ ed fish f« raami T H E Y w ill tell you it is a new kind of luxury —one that doesn’t cost more to enjqy. Of course you have always appreciated the ad­ vantages o f cooking by electricity. You know that it means no more fuel to carry; no more ashes to lug. Y ou kn ow that electricity is the ideal cook­ ing heat;econom ical because it is turned on when you need it — not before; turned off when you’re through— not later. But perhaps you would like to know exactly what it costs— in dollars and cents. T h e 1800 satisfied families w h o now use electric ranges served with e lec tr ic ity by thia com p an y would gladly show you their.bills, if they could. W e have made an average o f these bills, so that w e may g ive you th e facts. T h e average cost of e lec tr ic lig h ts alone in all homes served by this com pany in O regon is $2.20 a month. T h e aver- age e e s m i t h e » eleetric lights and. electric-cooks ing together is $5.62 a month. For th e difference, could you buy ordinary fuel for ranking? And if you could, would you want to ? W henever you decide to investigate thia ques­ tion of electric cooking closely, your nearest deal­ er w ill tell you many interesting things. A nd he is prepared to install your new electric range «ft once, on convenient terms. thb GALIFOBNIA OKBGON POWBA com ply 1