l^ameeaam a ifr t • mice orai H 8 U to F a ir QUARREL & ^ x WOHIN O VER W IF E Victim Bi Maak Attortimi g • . * - 1 I ' SANTA CLARA. Cal., *tt Sept .2 1 -,(G “/ ' P . ) — The XJ coming winter wtti bo vecy, very wet, but not exceedingly, cold. . Thia Is the prom Iso -of Father J. 8. RIcard, professor of astronomy at t}, Santa Clara university, tt "We shall have a fairly tt e a rly /w in te r,” he saM. “It will be extremely wet, but oaly moderately jcold tt tt tt tt tt tt tt >41 Ó, IM CHARGE ’ s .’ s Noted Weather Man Declares Winter to be Very Rainy ' ll Were Knife MgpJFORD, . x Sept- to California and across yiO- United States« There will be more snow on tho mountains, and preclpitu- ' tlon will be considerable heavier to the West than last year." Father Rlcard J has earned a reputation for correct weather prophecies by the large number of hla forecasts thqt have come true on the Pacific ’ coast. Mauy place more faith to him than In the official weather man. The Rlcard predictions are BaAtf on a study of sun spots. The theory has Just received the o p r jr o b e ration of Dr. Charles G. Abbott, di­ rector of the Astrophysics Observatory at the Smith­ sonian institute. 31— Jesse Jumps Oibba la l a the morgue Best Program of Week is Prebetited at Fair tenU y. Warm Sunshine Brings Out Many N ot Yet Attended County Fair. W ith the sun’Shining brightly, in contrast with four dark, rainy’ days of Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, the regular, scheduled days, the J« county fa ir for 1925 was brought to a close yesterday ) ribon, the extra day of the big show. A special program consisting of three motorcycle races, three automobile races, horse races, motorcycle ex­ hibitions, exhibition by McCleaves trained horses and rodeo features were presented yesterday in the biggest program offered during the fair. ’ An almost capacity crowd, brought out by the w arn weather and the sjiecial events, witnessed the. program. During thé first two days of the fair, the crowds were very small, the expense mounting far above the gate te- reipts. On BJridav, Ashland Day, more than 7,000 paid admissions were received at the gate, and with school children being admitted free, it was estimated that more than 10,000 iiersons attended the fair. However, Saturday, rain again fell, and the program was called off. For a time it waw believed the big sham battle, scheduled for Saturday night, would be held, but at the.last minute, this event was also called off. However it may he held some- night in the near future, since all the equipment is still on hand. * bore thia morning, dead as tho thlblt la ftret class eondi- rook It of 13 wopndo la his ehoot for thajstata fair,” declared - Hiss H. M. and abdomen, and -hto hvother-ln- atty College, I Pltteage*. oae of the men tssr, Hymaa Huntley, to In the tutor to H. R. rge of the Talent Irrigs- second son o t j condì/ > U . awaiting, his pre trict display a t t h o Jack taznlly.who will I years Studies llmlnary hearing, as the result of In England got Sty fair." a kalfp fight at the Huntley Manele, tad., and hia elpyin g of Ptftenger’s department, the one on West Second street wife waa nderson, pal o f Oeruld by potfea to “ a laid .la which was displayed the shooting w*s believed. early Srttday mpeulng. Chapman, notorious mail vegetables and gardea truck According to tho local police to be in reprisal for the 1 in giving information action of i raised la the Talent Irrigation the fight took place over H unt which resulted In Chapman's District, Is the oaly department ley's wife. which w ill need- a great deal Oibba. bln wife and three chit of replenishing for the State dren were visiting the Huntley F air and the Portland interna­ hpme yesterday, when the two tional Livestock shpw, It Is said, men became engaged la an al­ l a the other departments, the tercate» , dyer what Huntley agricultural, the horticultural and caltmod wore undue attentions the home and vacation depart­ being shown hie Wife by Gthba. ments, the articles used for the JX)S ANGELES, Sept. 21 According to members of the displays are not perishable, and E conom y o f C oolidge R ain s k parrot may be Just family, the two men quarreled cap fee nasd a t tfee other fairs. Chances for 'Up-to-Dwte temperamental as an all morning, their words finally " » • need good cabbage, pop A ir D ep artm en t opera start • leading to tho kalfo play. ---------- r corn. high colored apples of any ' Garnet Holme, director Suddenly, In the midst of tho WASMlNOTON. Sept, 2.1— (V. variety and towrtk corn, if any­ of the pageant play or quarrel» Huntley whipped out hla I Yentenlay, the big crowd made one has any left,” Plttenger P .l— The army sir service equlpl Crop OflttditUms t o b a * 8an Joan Capistrano, knife and stabbed Olbbe aererai I up a large amount of the money meat Is far from adequate In p orted U pon for In d ex said. discovered this when he times in the abdomen and j which had been loat during uiw Anyone having any of these number of planes, and the part b y L ocal Man attempted to star Lola, cheat, Oihba fell to thé floor, I day* of Inclement weather, hut pnodnets. Is asked to call Pltten- of it built during tho < North Hain street. production. ] whether the association ciaared Ashland, at crop observer In H r will call for the vegetables, Acting Secretary of W ar D avl. Holme had Lola taken liovod ’Aho victim to bo dead enough during the events to Jackson county for the Seare- and place them In cold storage told tho President’s national alr- ftofti her cage and placed However, badly wounded. Olbbs Roebuck Agricultural Foundation bring them out of debt. until the time arrives when they craft coptmlaalon at the opening on an Im provisedperch arose and walked oat laid the Index, to announced from Chl- One of the most unique dis­ wtH be put on exhibit ah the stesioa bore- today on the stage. Ixila would hack yard of tho homo, where he Former Acting District At plays at the fair this year waa go by F . ■ V. Ewiffg, director Lock of funds, do« to the atpte f a ir .. not stay put. Alter many of 7 h 7 ,admlBtot7atlo74-<»M. almoat Immediately. torney W ill Prosecute the exhibit or th{ California. of research for the Foundation The Talent Irrigation District economy attempts to have the bird The stabbing waa done with and editor o f tho Index. He will Present Office Holder Oregon Power company. Thia display attracted worlds. of air la the cause of the condition. keep l(s position. Holme a feoekot knife, wkleh had a five form a link to the nation-wide novel exhibit presented a moat toStjlon at the Jackson county Which can be remedied only by gates it up. KLAMATH FALLS. Sept. 21— *».«. natural replica of the “Copco ______ „ Hundley' immediately gave him- chain of county agricultural ob­ Dvals aald. fn)r, and waa considered by many money, tv Hotel uotoi Men men to io Attend a il < * t me try,” said Caleb Jones, former acting di*-) Many Two” power plant, neW«4f*-aanvltt as and bravery to that of apy other Cave, declaring tha e plants on the Copco system. The conditions and hia ability to Oosppylag almost tho entire side ’ reward for her efforts tt special prosecutor In the, case ■tabbed hla brother-in-law after scene was viewed through a One week from today, the observe those and Intelligently of She Horticulture Building, the nation, but they are held hack by was a n ' ugly bite to the of State of Oregon vs. ET. U he had given him repeated warn Llthia' Springs hotel will be for­ large gold frame, which was set interpret them. display wasAnade ap of tbs m an/ laek or adequate equipment. arm. Elliott, charged with malfeasance ings to remaining away from hie mally opened, In the presence of In a huge keystone. 12 feet high. The Index, to which the oh products of tbs land embraced Davis asserted. Lola won’t appear In In public office. ' (H aatley’a) wife. > The painting waa carefelly. re­ the owners and managera of the server from thia county will con­ by the Talent Irrigation District the ahow. Announcement of the appoint­ However, when he gave him tribute, is a compilation of' tho produced from an original photo­ leading hotels on the Pacific la addition, one section of the ment was made Saturday and self up, Huntley did not know monthly reports of 3,450, observ­ graph and made a decided Ini- Coast, according to an announce­ display waa given over, to the was confirmed by Mr. Jonee. that Olbbs had died. When' he ers to every section of the coun­ ment made thia morning by R. presslon on all who visited the vacation possibilities of Southern The ease will come up for hear­ was informed that bis brother-in- W. Price, lesaee of the newly “Copco Two” properties on the try, sad thia number la being Otfagon. A, model camp was ar-> ing on motions the morning of law had died as the results of added to steadily. All the ob­ Klamath River. The central completed, hostelry here, ranged, set In a clump of fir September 25, before Judge the wounds he had Inflicted. figure in the setting waa a por­ A pretentious program has servers are practical, thinking, boughs, and on all sides were Percy R. Kelley, of Salem, who Oibba said. "Well, he broke up farm-minded men, each chosen ted model of the new power been nrranged for the opening placed mounted specimens of will preside throughout the ease. toy home.” night, and In addition locnl house prepared by the engineer­ because of the opportunities he tfee various, kinds of game which Mr. Jones was acting district An inquest will be held either people are preparing additional ing department. Thia waa bril­ has to observe the needs of agri­ may bo hunted for In thia sec­ attorney' Just prior to the ap­ this afternoon or tomorrow morn­ Illuminated, and oae features which will be presented liantly culture to hie own locality and tion» pointment of Mr. Elliott, anti ing over the body of the dead could even Imagine hearing the at that lime. for his ability to apply economic Ait the other end of the dis­ was Instrumental to bringing the man. - In the meanwhile, Huntley hum of the generators as . they The Llthia Springs hotel w»' principles to current farm prob­ play was a model farm kitchen, evidence before the grand jury LAKBHUR8T, Sept. 21— (U. Is being held to the county >11 lems. As a group, they represent opened first on July 1 ot this turned the . water power tetu electrical la every detail. Infor­ that led to the Indictment of tho without bond, with the know­ P .)— "The Shenandoah was ready year. At that time but a few kilowatts. a cress-section of the thoughts mation was given that the Talent Oar T u rn ed O ver b y C r a sh ^ ^ tn ct attorney, ledge that a murder charge la This exhibit, along with all Id all respects,” before the flight of the. lower floor rooms were that the man to the furrow is Irrigation District has more on Orator L ake H igh w ay " I fe«l,«o hesitancy In accept­ certain to be lodged against him. the other exhlblta which were that ended ao disastrously near ready for occupancy, but Price thinking, and their Joint analysis homes electrically equipped than N o One H urt ing the appointment ” M r Jones regularly on display during the Caldwell, Ohio, when fourteen of existing agricultural condi­ nay district, of equal else, In There Is absolutely th# fame Qf four regular «days ot the fair, said today, men and officers were killed tions. as expressed to the Index, Rev. W. H. Amos of Ashland, nothing personal In It as far as tfeo state. the hotel might b« spread nt were kept Intact yesterday, sad to considered a forward step In Sunday school missionary for tho There ls-a possibility that the when the giant dirigible crashed I am concerned. I was appoint­ the visitors spent many hours to earth, according to tho report helping agriculture help Itself. dbpiay. which attracted so much Presbyterian church to Southern ed by the court, I suppose, be- once. In thia way, next season wandering through the various of Lieutenant Charles E: Roaeh- will see the greatest Influx of attention at the Jackson county Oregon, came near having a c a .« I am conversant with here that Ash buildings. Inspecting the num­ dahl, one of the surviving of­ T O D D B R E A K S LO O SE fair, may ho taken, to Los An­ very serious accident Thursday facte In the case. ‘ j |und hag eTer experienced, erous displays. A G A IN IN K ELSO afternoon, on the Crater Lake etrumental gelas. for tho land show there, ficers, which was ready before In bringing forth the. 1 Workmen cont,nued to carry Last night the work of tearing the naval court of Inquiry here The principal topic for the following Its showing at the highway. W hile returning from evidence before the grand the congtructlon work on the down the exhibits started, and today. . ' - - KBL8O, Wash., Sapt. 21— (U. weekly forum of tho chamber Portland International Livestock Prospert, about four miles from two weeks ago at by this evening, nothing will The naval court convened thin of commerce, to be held at the P .)— A. Rurle Todd, ex-mayor of Medford, he met a Mr. Hollen- that indicted Mr. Elliott. I canr exhibition U te this fall. see no reason why I should, which ............ time the dtoeetors of the remain of the 1025 Jackson afternoon to Its. first hearing Llthia Springs .hotel tomorrow la this city, left for Olympia today > pfogp«^, returning home not handle the case.” to ascertain the cause and fix “ music.’ . .. n ..i .» iLlthlan Hotel'corporation accept- county fair buF a memory. for a conference with the Gov­ from Medford, Mr. Hollsnbeck Tho Indictment ed the building as substantially the responsibility for the de­ Some short, peppy talks will ernor, when he will charge that had gotten Off tato the loose two months „ eomploted However, the outside struction pf the giant dirigible, be made on the value of music the Cowllts county authorities gravel on the aide of the road which was made »_«. whch.coat the lives of the four­ to the community and how the are lAx to their efforts towards and had Jtla front wheels cramp- ago, Is In connection with al­ of the structure 1a to be re­ leged malfeasance of office dur­ teen men. painted- ll,e architect declaring chamber of commerce can assist law enforcement Todd to In-1 ai>d wap trying hla beat to ing the month of January, 1924. that he was not satlafled with in creating more interest and en­ dignant because get hto car out of the loose The Indictment charges Mr. E l­ the work done. thusiasm along this line. Music swore out for the arrest CHILD AMENDMENT _rave, onto the , oud road bed liott was taking possession of KLAM ATH PALLS, Sept. 21— • ^ F A IL U R E 18 SCORED „ M r. Amos in the school, to the home, in Georgs H. Norris, superintendent whpn , udd#nly (Continued on Page Four) Arrest of Loo Popovich, for an -4 F ' ----------- «Moalte htm hto car took the chdrch and in the community of the water works, on a chaigei (Con tin wed On Page Four) SACRAMENTO. Sept. 11— (U . alleged hold-up In OakUnd. Oc­ ttowt he murdered Thomas Do-| fiUd^ 7 g j^ n , crossing tho TACOMA, Sept. 21— (U. P .)— as a whole will be treated. P.)_ O o v . Friend W. Richardson tober 1, Uat, waa sought today The failure o f . the tost state A splendid musical program ’ •.rjrL “* W?Pa^ r r4 “ 0? . W“ . " O?road and smashed directly Into late Friday signed a quaraatla* h^ Paul Bosame, who told De­ legislature to adopt the child has been arranged, and all those taken seriously by the district Mr. Amo«* ta r— wrecking the order which prohibits the aug ­ puty District. Attorney Wleei that labor amendment to the federal who attend the fo.rum tomorrow attorney. ment of T e x « cattle, hogs and front wheel and fender, running a diamond stickpin lost by him constitution was bitterly «cored witl be assured of an enjoyable sheep Into the state of California. board and upsetting the car Into la a street hold-up In the south- In a report adopted by the Meth­ A IR M E N D IB W H I N The action w m taken « a the ditch with Mr. Am«» nnd«r- eta . city waa found on Popovich, odist Episcopal Puget Sound con­ hour. Those who will speak on mu­ A B R O P L A N E C R A SH E S neath, preventative measure against tha la thia city several days ago. ference to annual session here sic will be Mrs. H. C. Oaley, V. possible spread ot the foot aad Fortunately Mr. Amos was not While seeking. Popovich's ar­ today. The new home of McGee'« * SPOKANE, Sept. 31— (U. P.) pinned In any’ Way and qnickly K. Allison, Dr. E. A. Woods, and month disease. rest on the criminal charge, Bo- — Two airmen were killed at extricated himself from his peril­ store to -practically completed, Mrs. J. H. Fuller. » The governor’s order erne Is­ eeiao was preparing to take civil Mrs. J. H. McGee is chairman Earl Hoisington Field during tho ous position with only a few and the work of moving the sued on the strength of lalaa» S E A T T L E F U G IT IV E S action in court, through replevin a if circus yesterday,' when their brulsaa about the lowpr limbs. large slock Into the new build­ matlon furnished by Dr. Jahn H O LD U P P A T ROLM AN of the music committee. action filed Saturday fey his at­ Included in the program will plane nosed Into the ground. His engine and four whoeto were ing. will be started within a Irving E. Vlnlng, watt kaown R. Mohler*, chief of the dhrtStBB torney. David It. Vanderburg. very few days. # • SEATTLE, Sept. 21— (U. P .l be vocal solos by Mias Gladys The men who were killed w'fere still running although upside locai speaker, wlll be the mali) of animal industry of the f y . , October, according to Bo- At tka present time, but a Morton, music Instructor to the Private John A. Avery of Spo- down.^Tha top waa smashed, the tew ttotohar. ara emplpycd o - .^ j d i e r tea Fly r a ra Raualon. States department of same’a story. h«_ was Invited to — The hunt for Alvah Kllbourr. and a n t Joe 'W ard, t wo o f t he »l x JuSlST h tg i— school and Cart femlere and frame were * > * lo he held la (he PlOUteH df lure, a n d u p n r accompany two friends to an escaped Kings county ja il prison­ Loveland, and a trumpet aolp by Lieutenant hehyaler Priestle of smashed to the upeet, making the building, putting the flnleh Southern Oregon building on tlon of Dr. J. P. Iveraaa.- apartment. Enroute, ho say«, he Portladd. Their deaths were the car practically, a complete tog touches on the woodwork. Wlnburn Way next Thursday. of the state department of a n i­ ers was.speeded up, today in re­ Lawrence Wagner. waa hold up and relieved of 182 Electricians are busy completing witneaaod by 30,090 spectators newed action by the Seattle and mal Industry. The reunion will be the annual wreck. Mr. Hollenbeck’s car the Installation ,o f the lighting In cash, a gold watch and a Everett authorities, following the ~ Mohler advised tfee also suffered coeslderable. Mr. gathering of the pioneers and diamond stickpin. fixtures, while the painters are bold reappearance of the fugi department of Hollenbeck ascumed re«»on«lbll the sons and daughters of the He had given up all hope, he busy touching up here and there, tires to the holdpp of Patrolman Ity for tha aoildsnd although tt their work practically completed-. pioneers who settled this section injunctions had Tee saya, of recovering the missing E. M. Peterson-, o f Everett yes­ to prevent federal was not due to any careless drlv Jewelry until several days ago A. L. Lamb, contractor, who of the state, - •ACRAMttNTO. Sept 21— (U. terday.^, T h ly took his gun. *No MANILA, Sept. 21— (U. P .)— authorities from tekk A basket dtoner will he served Ing. ,• - , when a friend, Emil Yoja, came aejr traces of/ the men were re­ constructed the building has th-i Claude Steward, fcachlntato mate F J — Two woman and four men to stamp oat the t tha member» who attend the to him and said he had keen a larger part of hto »* work ported today. Meanwhile? Sheriff on the destroyer Ford, and M are being held Incommunicado la prevalent among Tha man wearing the diamond stlck- at presant on the new storag-j gathering. It w m announced. Storwtrh aanouaoed the appolnt- J. Sullivan, a sailor on the de­ >11 here today la connection The program f<* tha reunion pia la a gambling house on garage building, which he wlll mdkt of W ill la » ’Han ley of Be- stroyer Perry, were waahed over with the daring robbery of the Sutherlin— A. construct In the rear of the Cttl- fellows: Klamath avenue • TOKIO, «e»t- >1—-(tr. P.) — attle-M * successor to Data Mor­ hoard and tort, tt waa learned Senator theatre last night. Ap- ceived » 3 5 ae ’ Invocatlen. The Japanese foreign office has sena Bank building. gan as J a ile r.^ today upon the arrival of the proxteately M.’OOO waa stolen M Vocal Solo— Mrs. Fred Nell. notified the American govern­ . Tha McGee building to one of destroyer dlvtatons 41 and 41 Reeding of the mlnetee and the moat, beautiful In the city, Eugens— City Products Go., lu- ment that Charles MacVeegh, The men were drowned daring and M r. MrOee to advertising It memorials. vests 180.000 la plant to »take N.-w York attorney, would h e . ----- a typhoon On September 14 Eugene— Fruit Growers' Asso­ Song— Phoenix quartet. H Oregon and Washington tt persona afea (ra te ao America’« , « the «tore "ee beautlfxl Address— Irvtog B. Flalag. and warmer, with » ciation plant packs 2,000 cases when the fleet of twelve destroy 50,004 bricks dally, aatploylag •n vo xlo re. any la any elty.' .. ........................ era was snfouts from Tela TaaT 60 moa. .«tag. ; . y JOY SELECTED WORD OF DAVIS P o $ Won’t Take JpJ> in Movies, Her Friends/ FOR JOURNAL1- ; SHENANDOAH WAS READY IS REPORT OF HAN JONES IS TO BE 1 PROSECUTOR I N r n g u i g op ELLIOTT CASE NEW j o ® IS ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 BE MONDAY CAR' ACCIDENT Music is Topic For Chamber Forum Lunch Tomorrow Recognizes Stolen Jewel, Now on Hunt for Thief California Bare Texas Livestock Claim Epizootic New McGee Store Home is Nearly Ready, for Occupancy ^ « “ siïïîoaa JAP\5 S M v « A 0 H I THE weather i VINING WILL BE SPEAKER ATi PIONEER MEET