rmOOMBl QUITS JOB Hanry Flock ot Yraka was a TIDING* FINDS MAN WÀNTKD TO BUY— Two irrah Visitor in Ashland yraterday bo- milch cova. Aira fpr sal*— 1JM (Continued from pago one) Ologonea, cease your seeking! fora attending the fair. He will lb. work maro. Rt. 1, Box 125. The Tidings has found an hon­ retara to Yreka today. W-1» mayor of Jacksonville, and Pre- Into the picture, and affixed nnnsual number of eonvonMons, son. She w ill also visit with other last evening from Arizona to at­ to a country with cities and room bungalow at bargain prior, her signature to the check. flood of travel. It has been aug- tend Ute funeral of bis mother. relatives. very easy terms, party «leaving Plummer has another sueh factories with market for our gested that in the future, en ef- Mrs. Ida A. Luke. town. Staples ft Payne. Realty check, more than six months old, products over the whole world." A REAL BARGAIN OFFER ft Insurance Men. 71 Bast Main? in his possesion. He is con­ 14-1 templating advertising for the JURY IS CHOSEN FOR writer of that hit of business SEASON OF FEDERAL COURT paper also. D A RW IN'S SON DIBS schools, fru it, flowers and shade. Again we say, Dlogones, cease (Continued from page One) CAMBRIDGE, Bng., Sept. 19 The members of Neighbors of The price la too ridiculously low your seeking! — •<< » • ■ 3