tlto fc td ìcJU H -» ----- W alter forelock b d Visitor A baby clinic w ill he Jtel4 In in KlaiSath FaUs today. the Civic Club house Thursday afternoon. See the new double breasted Skate to orchestra mnajc at suits at Orres T tilo r Shop, up­ Always ths latest in the Nntatorium tonight. Regular stairs. prion; Spectators free. . 12-1 fashion. Tailored to measure. - . - 11-X* McKimmey's Tannery start tanning deer skins at Stated conclave. < i cuing. Sept., 16 cross work. A ll courteously Invited Wednesday Candy I Also Red chocolates, Sir 'Knights trade. nd— Nugae Caramels, fresh daily for the W. H. McOOWAN, Y, ' Recorder, in 17 nd P. nil 1-3 Presented Flowers The Tidings office was pre­ sented with a beautiful bouquet lii-lurix tl H o m e - of astors this afternoon by Mrs. Miss Agnes Hedberg returned Archie R. Kincaid. to San Francisco Sunday evening alter a weeks vacation In Ash­ From M e d fo r d - land visiting her parents, Mr. Theodore Russili of Medford and Mrs. G. H. Hedberg. Skate* to orchestra music at the Natatortum tonight. Regular price. Spectators free. 12-1 TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES to Madden for new ones. Ashland vulcani?‘tig Works. 180— tt was a visitor terday, In Ashland yes Special Merchants Lunch, 60c, dally a t, the Plasa— from 11 a in. to 2 p. m. 8-tl AN O THER B ARG AIN. A five room house, brick foundation and plastered, near high school, close to Blvd., large lot; shade and flowers, 82609. Very easy of 107 Second Street, a seven terms. Staples Realty Agenty. pound girl, Sunday morning. 11-tf Mother and daughter are re- ported as getting along nicely. TO ASHLAND .FO LK S: Dan Payne is spending a lot of time looking over the town with e view towards getting acquainted with the bargain listings of the Staples Realty Agency. Don known values and Is enjoying getting acquainted. 1 will ap­ preciate any courtesies extended to Dan and feel sure you wtU value his acquaintance more and more a» yon know him. E. T. Staples. Staples Realty Agenr,v 12-1 t ailed To Portland— Miss Freda Gates was called to Portland today on account of the serious illness of her mother. Latest fashions and methods n hair dressing and general beaus parlor service at The Vanity Shop. 2-tf Daniel P ay»e is Now Interested in The Staples Realty and Insur­ ance Agency has taken Daniel Payne into full.partnership, and the business of the old agency will be continued with increased actly- ity. M r. Payne comes from River­ side, California, and is a man of very pleasant personality. He hau had long experience in the real estate and insurance business in California and expects to dispose .of his various properties in the South and move his family to Ashland in the near future. The Staples Agency has been conducted by E. T. Sthpleb at tbe present location in the Ashland Hotel building for many years. E lh a rt’s do fountain pen en graving. C liff Payne maksa crates. Business Visitor— John Barton of Phoenix was a business visitor in Ashland the Natatoriam tonight. Regular this rooming. Bny your box shook from the All kinds of dimension Inm- local box factory nt wholesale t un hand at tbe box factory. prices. I 262-tf 292-ff . _ lecture Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer „ . church and son, Foss, returned yester- day from an extended Eastern trip. They also visited Cuba and! „ à .................... . Z ! toilet goods on Evolution, at Baptist tonight. ______ y R 8tone we„ know„ U th ia Springs Hotel— Among those registered at tbe Llthla Springs Hotel are: E. A. Lammerssn .and wife, Los An­ geles; H. R. Kemp, Portland; A. L. Porterfield, Los Angeles; R. O. Wilson, San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Raynor, Oak­ land; Dr. C. O. Mace and fam­ ily. Pasadena; D. Jenkins, Port­ land; J. S. McKeoun, Aloha. Oregon; C. A. Murphy, Portland; Mrs. Loretta Pitman, Long Beach; Ralph Spearrow, Cot­ tage Grove; M. W. Cross, North- WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 £ M U . P .) — Coinmauder John Rodgers and his crew o r the FN-9-X-.wlH arrive in San Francisco aboard -the U. 8. 8. Idaho oh September 84, and will »pend a week there, while the Idaho enters drydoek, the navy department was advleed in a special dispatch from Ad­ miral 8. Robinson, commander in chief of the. battle fleet. . The fliers will then go w San Diego, and Rodgers will come on to Washington to ac- sume the duties kaa assistant chief* of the bureau of aerondn- tics. Althongh Rodgers advised Secretary of the N ary W llbnr that he would prefer aen duty. W ilbur desires to have him in an administrative capacity. EGAN EVEN UP CALIFORNIA S. P. WINS CASE OVER LAND GRANT Divorced specialist in Ashland The guests registered at the Ashland hotel nref H. B. Bynls. San. Francisco; J. L. Gray. Port­ land; G. A. Thomas' and wlfo, Seattle; Lpra Canbron, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bhenk,’ W ar­ renton; Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Vay, Bremerton, Washington; E. R. Dahnff, Edwin Curtis, Oeorge M. F all woolens are now In nt Reid, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Given, Los Angeles, G. .H elena Wilson, B. Keith and G. M. Tbe "Zimmerman-Manchester ro­ mance" which began «any years Don't forget the atbreoptlcnn Larsen, -Sacramento. ago when Hslsaa Zimmerman, of Aure on Evolution, at Baptist Cincinnati, became the bride of the Cotambia Hotel— Those registered at the Co­ Daks of Manchester, came to an end tn Paria, when a divorce was lumbia hotel are: Mr. and Mrs. granted. To Movc-r- A. M. Myers. Dunsmuir; J. A. G. Johnson will move his shoo Chandler, La Grands; L. 8. FLYING CIRCUS MEN shop from Fourth street to the .Marand and w lf« Dillon, Mon­ PARS OVER ASHLAND Plasa shoe shop . on Granite tana. Mr. and Mrs. Carter. Los A number of airplanes, on and North Main. Hs will take Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. De Mile, possession next week,« Socramento; V.t Reibel, Roeo- rente to tbe Portland Flying field air circus, from San Fran­ bnrg. cisco, to be held tomorrow, W ill the lady who leaned ua passed over Ashland at noon to­ a check for 36-93 on Sep|. 9. day. Among tbe fliers to take without signing the check please part In the circus are Lieuten­ call at our store and complete tbe check? H. B. Plummer, Gro­ SEATTLE, Sept. 16. — (U. P.) ants Lowell Smith and 1 '>»!»«■ Ar cer. u - « t — Six desperadoes, making a wild nold, around the world fliers. dash through the King county Lieutenant Eric Nelson, another ja il here today, escappd, and were around the world airman is also A R EA L BARGAIN OFFER , being trailed this afternoon expected to take part in the A wonderful 7 room ' house, through the city by nil available events. "splendidly furnished, large lot on deputies. detectives and pntroV- paved street close to East Side mea. The men who took part in KID MeOOY IS schools, fruit, flowers and shade. the sensational escape, all of GIVEN NEW TRIAL The price Is too ridiculously low whom are known as “desperate" to quote here and terms are characters, are Floyd Richardson, LOS ANGELES, Sept. 16. — unusually easy. Let us show Ed Watson. Joe Ward, Alvah K il­ (U . P .) •— Norman Selby (Kid It to you. Staples Realty Agency. bourne, B. H. Johnson and Jamea McCoy) now serving time in San 18-tf Quentin was granted a new trial Barns, alias Jim Gambertineo. today by the district court of ap­ Don’t forget the atereoptlcan peals for the slaying of Mrs. Ter­ lecture on Evolution, at Baptist esa Mors. church tonight. Miss Vpra Humphrey has been spending' a few. days as the house guest of Carlbel More­ house. Miss Humphrey leaves soon to resume her duties as English instructor in the Cor- The W onder D Story by Darryl PrsnenZannuclt Directed by M ai St. C lair Mzifh JUNE MARLOWE and ERIC ST. CLAIR , whirlwinds of V ivid Action especially Arranged for the Celebrated Canine Star o f ’ Where the North Begins t PARIS— “ la the United States I of Missoula. Montana wilt locate a new law is made almost aa often as a baby in born.” nays in Ashland. the French financial newspaper Men's Windsor Cheviot Les Nonvelien, commenting on Collegiate Greys and the unnecessary law making Tans at Paulserud's. erase of American Congress. “The poor old American eagle * Make appointments for free to helplessly trussed up with, massage and Cara-Nome demon­ rounds and rounds of legal red stration next week. McNair B tO tl. •‘A man to elected to offieo Visited Tlerc— In the United States not to en­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sti force the laws but to manufac­ of Seattle were visitors in ture them. The more he mnnu- land yesterday. Thia Is the facturea. the greater hla success time they bave been In as a legislator. Who would land for twenty five yearn. ever think the modern Amer­ icans are the descendants of AU tbe newest shades and fab­ discontented Europeans, who, rics la smart men's ready-to- oppressed by tows, find ' to n wear, at Pawlsernd's. 11-tf Virgin eoantry te breathe the atmosphere of freedom. Photographs of Quality. “These days the liberty lov- Ashland. On the Plum. era again cross the ocean hut In the opposite direction. Our Have yonr deer sklna nt McKImmoy's Tannery. what they ennnet find nt hemw; they endeavor to escape from the restrictions they encounter In America. After nil, what' are laws’ A great race has lived happily with only ten and has certainly prospered since Binai.” Real Valued ih 0 9 j| Weyenb^rg Boots BLUE BrtOK 18 NOW READY 1 ' FOR D ISTRIBUTION whose exhibit wttl Inclndo Rlckealmckers and Oldsmobllex. (Continued from OVERLAND Shoe Shop -< One e f the features of the fa ir w ill bo no antiquated oae-lnhger Q l ilm ns hfl s. a model more than reduced appropriation. The pub­ lication, as a whole, has been reor­ ganised and arranged In preceden­ tial and alphabetical order of se­ quence to reader it more con- , vunient n* a handbook or ready reference and mnob new matter has been added at a detailed in­ formative nature. The waiting list of application« for the Bike Book is being mailed out as rapid­ ly as possible and provisions are being handle the immense volume of requests as speedily as curtailed funds and facilities will permit. . • t . ( Continued from page One) He dwelt upon it nntll the final two minutes of his speech, when he loosed a tirade upon the state government of Oregon, In which h^ declared that altogether too much 'money wan being .spent foolishly by the state, that there was no coordination between the spending fortes and the earning forces of the - state, and that the state will face bankruptcy if this high handed spending Is not stopped. The speaker end­ ed his talk with a compliment to Ashland, and to his. con­ stituents, as is the usual thing with office holders. Clean A Dye The lmaculate way we keep you looking is being talked over thia town. Join the cjub of sat­ isfied cuatomeqa today by giv­ ing ua a call. Fine quality blankets in Grey, Tan and W hite. Sold regularly, $2.75 Each. 3 LB. STITCHED COTTON BA T Full size to make complete comforter. (Continued From Pogo One) started fhia week. I t rfiay be possible that several more of these cottages are to be erected during the next two or three months. A number of new flower plots are being built In .the lawn across the driveway from the bandstand. These plots will be in full bloom next spring. M R S . M . H . STO NE Il-Known Toilet Goods So Will Give You a Free Massage in Your Own Home By Appointm ent Careful attention to your skin will insure the attractiveness and per sonal charm that every woman eraves. To Neglect Your Skia Is to Forfeit Ito Beauty WOULD YOU welcome your guests with sunshiny hospitality! We have engaged Mrs. Stone, thé well - known Toilet Goods Specialist, for the* week of September 21st, to call on a number of ladies- in Ashland each day, to give free massage and individual help, and ad­ vice on care of the skin. i ■; *"■ - ’ ■ ...» 'i7 ' * „ ' j This is an Exoeptional Opportunity for One Week Only Step into the store, write or phone us and make appointments. .We’ll do the rest. Understand Mrs. Stone’s massage and advice are FREE McNAIR BROTHERS THE REX ALL STORE havent got what you want in a choice box of candy for the anniversary, birth­ day, or house party, let. us ► now in advance and we will he glad to order and deliver it to you. Oriole and P ig i’n W histle quality • speak for them­ selves. ■ Prices to please everyone. Too Many Laws Says French Paper To Locate H e r e - Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Smith ___ . c Lf ler < gad. 6 to 16 inches PORTLAND, Sept. 16. — <».i P.)* — A judgment of 34,077,- 478.36 was given the Souths»! Pacific railroad yesterday in < the federal court here, in. payment of an Oregon and California land! grant case. The Southern Pacific company. whf3L^absorbed the Oregon nnd| California railways years ago, ask­ ed some eight million dollars ln{ settlement of the-case, which has: been in the federal courts for more than a decade. The government conceded about 312,009 to the claim, litigation which arose over the payment to be made to the railroad for the return of Mnd to ASHLAND CAMP BRINGS the government. FAME TO THIS CITY were in San Francisco during the Visiting Here— Jubilee. They report a splendid TOMORROW AI>0 >t j ,m D E L MONTE, C alif.. Sept. IB., — (U .P .)— The invading star, H. Chandler Egan, of Medfordv Ore- gop, was off today on tj»e second day of the California amateur golf championships here on even terms with George Von Elm, of Los Angeles. Each shot 71, one over par, In the first 18 holes on H A W LEY HAYS TAXATION the Pebble-Beach course. IS MOST BRUTAL next Week only. TODAY - NEW TORS, Sep t I t . — ' ( t . ; P .) — Wfclle Chinese leaders re»- repenting the hqstle On Leons and Hip Bins tongs ware singing *1 peace compact, federal agents and city pollee swooped dawn *n Chinatown and aelxed 4 60 orien- tai», more than 100 of- whprn were held for further examination. Was Your Grand­ father a Monkey? They Come in Colors of Artichoke, C h in e s e Red, Rose Ash, Blonde, Rust, Battleship Grey, Copen and Pencil Blue, Tobac Browii. . Lithia Springs. (Confectionery Come and And out at the great Stereoptlcan Evolution lecture In the Baptist church tonight by J. J. Sims. President Bible and Rcience League of America. Free. New Hotel Bldg. Phone 118 Excluaive agents for Johrtston’i Box Candles after Sept. IS , '26 F lan n els, P o lre t T w ills Tp . r T r r y v r f ' c w n r ir fl W XY HP A t UCTPfP A C /OSnEENS, SERG ES, m W z OOL rArrElAS, NOVELTY CHECKS ÄND A HOST OF OTHERS Priced at Three things you save when you patronize the Ash­ land Lanndry. Any one is worth more than.the cost of the service we render. The only equipment you ■need is a telephone or post card. ' B U Y YOUR WOOLEN DRESS GOODS A T WE COLIJQCT AND DELIVER Ashland Laundry Co. I Phone 165 SCHOOL HOSE NOW SELLING 25c AND UP. NEW FELT AND yELOUR HATS $8.75 $