THE Accessory and Sundry Dealers Have Space in Automo­ bile Tent at Jackson 'County Tair. Hew Models and Hew Oars on Display. ON EXHIBIT AT The Automobile Tent autom obile and a c - , aoceaaory aud sundry dealers and rs occupying the en-1 firm s w ill, m ake exhibits. In­ to fair grounds with eluded la those are The Medford s, Instead 'of only Tent and A w ning eem pany, and ten t aa they did The H ughes P aint Shop, who b dealers expect to hare advertisem ents on this page, i better and larger announcing their exhibits at the in previous years, fair grounds. only autom obile Am ong the dealers who will been sold space . (Continued On Back P a g e) Jackson County Fair WHERE ALL THE LATEST MODELS OF THE aa it b awift. - — Drivu th b Rlckanbaclmr to you« CHEVROLET WILL BE DISPLAYED. A NEW MEASURE OF VALUE IN AUTOMO to add comfort and warmth oo your open car. BILES HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BY THE CHEVROLET • * SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE FAIRGROUNDS Add a Rex Endosase o r Top to your faithful Opea Oar and actually m/oy d riv in g In the coldest Ur rain iest w eather. T h « cost Is sd rp rid n g ly low sud InatsMsdou *~4— *r-r a few hours. Drive tat sod let’s talk it over 1 Rickenbackers and ’ Oldsmobiles Medford Tent and Awning Works F. F. BURK, Prop. Automotive . O p p o s i t e p . Depot Medford, Oregon ASHLAND CHEVROLET DEALERS MEDFORD, OREGON McKee Steam Cleaning Machine Hudson Delivered has just been installed Insuring the best of paint work at THE WORLD’S LARGEST SELLING 6-CYLINDER CAR Everyone Talks It Sales Prove It The New Low Price places it within the reach of all Brilliant Performance, Riding E asvF in e Appear­ ance makes them famous. Hughes Auto Painting Shop r i The company .which knows Paints, Varnished and Laquers 29 SOUTH FRONT STREET Medford, Oregon For those who want the liest, The Southern Oregon Willyg-Knight sedan, Delivered at $lwl5, with 4-wheel brakes, is liver«!. Booth for five and econ­ a remarkable motor car value— omy of ofteration pnts th is Sedan and the car improves with nse. in a class by itself. SEE US AT THE FAIRGROUNDS AUTO SHOW Any Time — Any Place QUALITY Motors, Inc. 123 W. Main S t Medford, Oregon CRATER LAKE AUTOMOTIVE At Anto Show-Fairi COMPANY * » Paige • Jewett Distributors For Southern Oregon • X . »- c. ... •, f HBMbNh f ■**** CARS - A 1 ■ -, ' * ? w. . ? ’ V • T ■ • ' O > J.__ ♦ J i- -J • to’.-- J 1