When you (tend the Jackson Cotfnty Fair ke our shop your headquarters OUR DEMONSTRATION OF TH E In th e M e rc h a n ts ! B u ild in g w i l l a m a z e y o u Don’t M iss It! MAYTAG SHOP Don R. Chase L V. Leonard Authorized Salesman with Crater Lake Hardware Co, AU A s h la n d W ill Be T h e re ASHLAND DAY Jackson County Fair, Friday, September 18 This is also School Children Day, when all- children accompanied by parent or guardian are admitted Free There will be a track meet in front of the grand­ stand which will be free to all who attend and same can be viewed from grandstand. The meet wilt begin at 10 a. m. and continue until finish. Special Features Planned by Merchants Who W ill Have Goods on Display. Entertainments Planned. Souven­ irs to be Given. The Merchante’ exhibit build ing at the -fairgrounds proved one of the most Interesting at­ tractions last year, and this year the exhibitors are making ex­ tensive preparations for the bert possible displays in their various booths. This building, which was open­ ed last year daring the fair, was made possible by the leases to the various Medford mer- chants, jrho financed its building. On this page are advertise­ ments by the following exhibit- 10:00 to»12:00 a. m. there will be a continuation of tiro horseshoe pitching tournament. 12 :30 p. m., gates open to grandstand and inside track. The gate directly sonth of grandstand will be the only opening to inside track. . 5 1 :15 P. M.—Orchestra concert in grandstand by Carl Loveland’s Ashland Orchestra ora: California-Oregon company. The STORES WILL CLOSE AT NOON FRIDAY Don’t Miss Ashland Day, Friday, Sept. 18 F rid a y , S ep tem b er 18 is A sh lan d D a y at the Jackson C ounty F a ir “PH meet you at THE TOGGERY Booth” If you get tired, make yourself comfortable in the chairs that are for you to use. See the latest fall and winter styles on display there. Then come to onr store and let us show our full assortment of suits and overcoats. SX““” The Toggery '“i", I . Medford, Oregon LARGEST AND FINEST CLOTHING STORE IN SOUTHERN OREGON at the Fairground Maytag washing machine dealers (The Crater Lake Hardware Co.), Mordolft and* Woolf, furniture dealers and The Toggery, clothing deal- A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL MODELS WILL BE Various souvenirs and special entertainment is being arranged by the different exhibitors, and a cArdiai invitation has been extended for all fair visitors to make this building their head­ quarters. rhythm and grace, with Running Events 1-4 Mile Free-for-all ...............................$ 75.0C 1-2 Mile F ree-for-all...................................$100.0C 5-8 Mile Free-for-all.........................^ . . .$125.00 2:15 P. M.—Special musical program in Mer­ chants’ Building. All programs in-the Men chants’ Building are free. ’ * • .7:30 P.- M.—Vaudeville ¿n front of grandstand. 8:15 P. M.—Special musical program in Mer­ chants’ Building. 8:30 P.M .—Dancing tJegins in Fair Grounds Pa­ vilion. 9.-00 P. M.—Style show by Golden Rule Store. 9:30 P. M.—Vocal solo by Miss Eva Richmond in Merchants’ Pavilion. 10:00 to 12:00 P. M.—Dancing in Fair Grounds Pavilion. Power STAR ’ ROCHESTER, N. Y.— The formed aesthetic ideal of life held by health a I the ancient Greeks, but long Mamo I lost in the shuffle of modern the two I civilisation, may tome into its the dra own again in the new Eastman Di* h ,ni1' School of the Dance and Dra- ~ malic Action, formed as a part Ostrich of the University of Rochester, is successful In its alms. VIEtfh Rouben Mamoulian, formerly against connected with the Moscow Art the race Theatre, la the moving spirit The in the new school, which owes brought Its being to George Eastman, trainer, kodak manufacturer and noted promises philanthropist, who has glveh the blrdi millions to education. the sau Not only will the school pro- horses, vide courses in professional danc- faster th ing, but It will aim to include but, owl the dance as a vital part in aré not general university education, run stral ranking with mathematics and — philosophy. Forest The Idea underlying the school loads coi is unique for this age, Mamou sewers, lian says, but It is really very Portlan old. It embodies the Greek con-1 exports 1 caption of life as ruled by I export. 6 COPCO INVITES YOU One of the features of the Jackson County Fair that Is sure to. be talked shout is the special exhibit and free motion pictures presented by The Cali­ fornia Oregon Power Company. Copco invites you now to enjoy the spectacle it has In store. Bee how elec­ tric power is created — the battle of en­ gineers and construction men against the elements —, the actual building of one of the Westk great power plants. rules ON DISPLAY. The Car with the Million Dollar Motor that Makes Dead Indian Hill on High “TOMORROW S CAR TODAY“ Hamaker Motor Co. Mason Motor Company ’ “ Service W orth W hile” Phone 37, Ashland, Oregon Phone 366 Medford, Ore. A sh lan d Stores W ill Close a t Noon on A shland D a y , F rid a y , S e p t 18 Mordoff and Woolf WILL HAVE AN EXHIBIT BOOTH AT THE FAIRGROUNDS Make this your headquarters while at the fair or if von come to Medford, visit our store. THE CALIFORNIA . OREGON POWER CO MORDOFF and WOOLF MEDFMB, MESON V