Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 15, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    A S-H t A N B D A IL Y T ID IN G S
exclusive state fund wottld gcoord any more speedy or
humane treatment in ease of injury than do dMiployersaini
private >insoraaee companies under a competitive system
.»ne Month ...
I'htee hiotitte
liix Months . .
On* Yeni ___
Mingle insertion. per Inch ______ __ ____ —
____ —
Y early Contract«
One Insertion a week — —............... —........ — - * ........ —
Two insertion* a w e e k ............ ........ — .....................
Dally insertion ......... _—____ _- ____..... ........
• Sate* far Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising
f lin t Insertion, per 8 point line
»each subsequent Insertion. 8 point lin e ----------------------------
Card of Thanks — ■
Obituaries, per tine
"A ll future events, where an admission charge to mads or a
collection taken Is Advertising.’’
N * dlrcoiiiA^wlll be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
No dotations to charities or otherwise w ill bo made la advertls-
asg or Jot printing— our contributions will bo la cash.
A totai saving o f nearly a third in th e principal1 itftfns
nf freight traffic cqsts has been effected by the railroads
since the period of federal control.
During the war, the primary requisite was delivery,
cost was a secondary consideration. Wages were raised,
equipment costs went up, taxes increased. Further restric­
tions were added by th e Transportation Act o f i9 eo « B d
most roads when turned back to their private owners,
were losing money.
Under such circumstances, investors were lacking
and the railroads set about recovering lost ground by
economics and operating efficiency. The progress, they
have made since 1920 along these lines looms as one o f the
most important aud instructive chapters in transportation
Freight charges were reduced during the period of V< j i . M 9 ife}, .°,f hb Wtfe’ ,Mt8’ H0M F#liCl <*«*>1
1921 to 1924 to an extent that saved shipper? $1,161,000,- Xic^°C r *,ici ««C hicago was alleged to have branded
flOO of the amount they would have had to spend had the his initials on th ech eek o f W alter Johnsort (right), who
b ? ? to have f«c«<* his attentions on Mm. Felici. Joknson
1921 freight rates remained in operation.
•*W Mm. Felici held him while her husband burned him
A butcher, after reading many advertisements in
glowing terms about milk from “ contented cow s,” post­
ed the following announcement in his window: “ Sausage
The angel said unto them. Pear not;
for. behold, I bring you good tidings of great Joy, which shall be to
If you think details and persistency a ^ ju j^ essen tia I
all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a to vour labor, remember the little bee which travels 20,
Savior, which is Christ the LoVd. Lake 2:10-11.
PRAYER: — O thou Lord of Life, be thou born anew In us. and 000 n /les to procure material for one pound pf honey
then we will pass on dally the good tidings and great Joy to others
until all people have received them.
___ The sumiper was getting rather uneventful without
any investigating hoards functioning, hut now we have
the aircraft commission, which is promising something
President Coolidge lias shown such a facility for un
glhig knots in American public policy that thene is exciting.
observed a general willingness to anticipate that his action
California will have Io raise another million dollar
in the aircraft situation will lead to universal light. He advertising fund since tw o California girls won the na-
said. Secretary Casaurane had
informed him the Government
hoped to open 5.000 new rural
schools n o « ’ year.
These w ill
bs located 'in districts where
today there are no educationnl
faeflltleà a t.a ll, according to the
Secretary. ,
“Throughout Mexico the new
trend of 'a ffa ir* to apparent,”
Dr. Thomas* mid.
"Not only
are the .youths of the country
crowding the higher schools of
learning, but the lower schools
are receiving many pew stu­
tona, beauty contest.
structive action.
But of all the suggestions Hint have been made, the
Senatorial junketing trips sometimes Mevelop 5nto
one that does not appeal to us at all is that of a congress­
something more than just mere investigations.
ional investigation. Senator Conzens of Michigan gets
in the news with this suggestion. W e do not imagine that
Lets everybody close Friday at noon and make Aab
Engtohd— British
Congress itself will take to the idea. Congressmen rarely
land day a big success.
astronomers and archaeologists,
do, except those who find some personal advantage in
pondering together over «tablets
being in on the hearing or the jnuket.
accomplished her object, and has which were found last year at
Can anyone joint out, in the past, any great or use­
Already received the Papal bene­ Kish, the city supposed to have
been founded directly > fte r the
ful truth or any constructive policy that lias been evolved
flood, are hoping to settle the
out of such a hearing! Some of them for a time have
exact chronology of the First
seemed to make reputations. Finally, they have destroy-
making any -money was by the Dynasty of Babylon by these
them. In the oil scandal, 'for instance, Senator W heel­
sale of a postcard with the tablets.
er of Montana is as dead as is Attorney General Dough­
Dr, 8. Langdon, professor of
photograph of herself and her
erty. And the hearings themselves do not, unfortunately,
family. She undertook the Pil­ Assyriology at Oxford University,
give n status to evidence. Tljey are conducted in such a
grimage because of a vow she announces that one of these tab­
lets supplies the missing . parts
had made.
loose manner, that, they serve political purjx>ses only.
which have hitherto been lack­
The people of the United States have a high respect
ing In other records of Babylon.
Powder blows up at a touch
for men who speak up for what they know, even if there
This tablet deals with cer­
and so does a friend.
are differences of opinion as to the policies jirojiosed. But
tain astronomical facts concern­
ing the rising and afetttng of the
the American people have little patience with the rehash*
Spasmodic honesty is met ot-
planet Venus during the time of
ing of complaints, such as arc dealt with at congressional teuer than the perennial variety.
the first Dynasty of Babylbn. It
to very Important due to the
The Congress of the .United States is tfoing to perform
fact that astronomers believe
its most useful function i f it keeps right oti along the line follow the same direction as his
they can calculate from the date
that has been taken by the House of Representatives —
LOS • ANGELES— Resldcdts of gtfen the exact astronomical
that of deciding on the votes of its members what statutes
city, which has the' largest year to which the tablet refers,
Ideas that everybody
ahall be adopted. Talk in the Senate is not fruitful, and laughs at today are the big Mexican population of any city giving a means of s e ttlin g th e
In America, are planning to exact chronology of the First
might much ‘better lie eonfined to the Biblical limit of ideas of the future.
Pleasure seems to have been
Invented solely as something lor
the reformers to stop.
Copper has gone back up to 15 cents, and copjier
mining promises well for the winter. Silver, lead and zinc
Board meetings, conferences
aré all up to good prices, so that western ores, which us­ and E lk ’s dabs are no longer
ually contain several or all of these affiliated metals, are admitted as excuses by the mod­
em women.
in demand. The shipment of a vast quantity of zine con­
centrates on a long-term contract from thè Opear d ’Alene
Uea Heck nays: “Glnernlly,
mines to Belgium, means a steady market for this product. whqn you want to do the- right
It is the business of every farmer, every working­ thing, you find there la a law
man, every stouekeej»er, to encourage legitimate mining. agin It.”
It means money in his own pocket, more and lietter clothes 22 8 8 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
and food and advantages for his family, better homes and
lietter schools. Mining money spreads like oil on water,
like perfume on the air; it touches everybody.
- Three hundred thousand of the ‘400,000 dwellings
erected annually in our country are built of lumber, and
the proportion api»ears tv be increasing. General adopt­
ion of certain lumlier standards is giving assurance to
lumber consumers that they will get lumber of the best
utility for customary construction uses, well manufactur­
ed and carefully graded.
«■ •
In the past there 4ere alwmt 30 different sets of lum-
l>er grading sjyecifieations — at least one for every import­
ant species of commercial t imiter. Familiarity with oite
net did not insure dependable knowledge of others, and
greater confusion resulted. Now the buyer has only to
designate the 8|»ecie8 he prefers tor particular uses, know­
ing that the same general grading size and rules 'apply to
A newspaper controversy, ha* been d evelop ed 4»
ROME— Tales are many of the
Pilgrims coming to Rome ■ on
foot from long distances, hut
surely no one has ever 4 t-
tempted a harder Journey for
the sake of fulfilling a vow
than a young Spanish mother
Who haa Jnst arrived with her
three children. They left home
on the ninth of Inst December.
The 'eldest of the children to
seven, and the other two are
four and two respectively. Thee«
two smaller oaee have had very
frequently to ho carried by their
enterprising mother.
The family a id e their Journey
Portland, Oregon, which strives to show that private com­
panies writing employers’ liability insurance do nnt-givt;
aa oooaiderate treatment to workmen as would be accord­
ed if employers carried insurance under the state fund.
* A harrowing case in cited in which it is alleged that,,
an iejn ied employe of a logging company was so neglected
by both the eampany and the insurance company |hat his ■
was eodangered and a leg lost'
ittin g for the sake of argument that such a cane
it in no grounds for creating a state monojioly
¡men’s liability insurance to the exclusion of
■paaies. Numerous cases have »»cert cited where
alleged to have been as lax aa (he company in
: te probably that in both instances the facts
treatment of many wounded and
r the various state and federal
i ground for believing that
i for workmen under an
back a proposed Mexican uni­
versity, to be located close to
the boundary line between Mex­
ico and the United States.
Interest in the planned insti­
tution was reported keen here,
following the announcement of
Dr. C. N. Thomas, of Ocean-
side. California, formerly rail­
way colonisation agent in Mex­
ico, that he had completed a
survey iu Mexico with a view of
aubmittlog a four Cali­
fornia philanthropiats, who con­
ceived the plan for establishment
of the university. .
Conditions in Mexico have be­
come so stabilised under the ad­
ministration of President Callcs
that the problem of education
has at last cbme In for con­
sideration, and 'solution of the
educational problem In Mexico
Is considered paramount by the
country’a _ leaders^ according to
Dr. Thomas.
While In Mexico Dr. Thomas
Caaanrane, Secretary of Educa­
tion. who axpreased himself as
a firm hacker of the proposed
new university aa a school where
Mexicans conld be taught agri­
cultural, mining engineering and
allied studies.
.• Commenting ou the educational
situation la Mexico. Dr. Ttoomas
1924 Dodge Sedan .. $900
1919 Dodge Tonr. Car
Beet of Condition. $276
1919 Ford Touring . .$ 75
1922 Ford Tonring. .$275
1919 Hiev. Tonring. .$125
the human contestants, la sup­
port of the evolutionary theory
of progressive development of
mental processes and the gen­
erally accepted superiority of hu­
man stentai equipment, there had
been captured hat one of a
party of six rehesus simians who
fled from their large cage In
Stone Park Saturday night and
since that time have roamed
abroad oa the trees.
Oas monkey was beguiled In­
side the bars by peanuts and
candies and two frolic about the
cage while the other throe, one
ferocious and the largest of the
family, have roamed far lato the
woods and a ll hope has been
given ap of recovering them na-
less they come hack of their own
■Park official« valued thq mon­
key« at from 226 to 2265. and
also reported that an opossum
had escaped with seven of hex
family of alerea. Park officials
were Inclined to believe that hu­
man hands had played a part In
their liberatlpn.
PALLS. t o f t f 14,
— iu . f .
r m a k w a r . P riM **
vip« sheep ■»**»- * * • »Ivon the
nwximnm sentence t o r manhligh-
ter by Jndgo A L. Leoyitt today.!
? It is unfair to at state, an employer, a workman, 'tmtl
insurance companies to draw an exaggerated picture tend­
ing to warp public sentiment in a m atter of-this hind.
----- . »,...
iiwrt M. Irear __ ___t
- ----- ___ -
<<t<trg* Xisddsn .irnqa* • ------—— — - 4 —...................llMila— j Managw
T. R. iacfcvon . ............. ........... ....... .......... ............................ City Editor
U F F IC I/ L C IT T PAPÄR ........................r ........................Telephone 2»
» 'ered st the Ashland, OroeoB PMtaBfdoo as
C|«w MaM
H o . w m giyea I t y W s -a a A I K M
Saa for the »toying of T in Mar*
pbyi another »heap a n a . ¿Way
F or-X ow Sunday
aid you idU realise that
t t is cheaper and better to
Jet us bake your cakaa..
AÈJte-TÈ m ¿ riV D YOUR MAN*
At the Vining Today and Tomorrow
.Windshield Swipes
for every car
Weed Chains
Standard Lens
for evehv car
L E E D O M ’ S
Tires and Replacement Par(p
Across from The Lithia Springs Hotel
LONDON— London .has gone
back to the horse-drawn omni­
bus of a hundred years ago.
Mindful of the fact that Amer-
lean tourists are Interested In
things ancient, - two alert yoang
Englishmen have started a horse-
drawn omnibus service through
the streets of London, so that
experience the
thrills their grandfather! had.
Snuff colored, large buttoned,
be-caped coats, and high hats
are worn by the drlveih of these
omnibuses, and their vehicles are
said to be nearly a hundred years
Asphalt, Asbestos, Slate Surfaced
Rolls, Strips and Shingles
its Battle
SIOUX C ITY, la.— Man'« de­
veloped twentieth century intel­
ligence pitted against the jungle-
gained knowledge of a half doxeu
monkeys in a battle - of wits In
Stone Park Zoo, Sioux City, la.,
with final bulletins from the
neono showing minor victories for
A Gocyl Furnished
House. '
Aeross the Ry Track
Phone 20
See Them'At
Yes, We Sell
as well as give__-___ ...
Lithip. Springs Hotel
Carl J. Brommer, Mgr.
Ashland F ru it A Produce Assn
No. 384 Oak St.
Back of The Western Auto Supply Go.
Service that
Banishes Worry
In tlieir hour of bereavement grief-stricken rela­
tives an J friends should l>e relieved of the iry-
ing resp6n»ibilitie8 connected with the conduct
of funeral ‘arrangements.
.Our many patrons bespeak the confidence which
onr service inspires. W e try to serve in a way
that makes you feel that first of all we are your
friends —friends upon whom yon can depend to
do everything possible to lighten your burden.
a« manufactured by The Ashland Creamnry
aoiry product«, not eliemicats, ¡ h
“A Dish of Health—Nature's Best
Food in most tempting form,” .
The Chicago Board of Health States
Shoe Repairing
Quick Service
Like they make it in Ashland at
Agee Shoe Shop
339 E. Main Street
Automotive Shop
Brake Relining Done by
Funeral Directors
an M l.
Night Fhonm
Mrs. Louis Dodga. lady nani
AsMah<t Creante^