Vielttag B ar e '» 7 Stated communication. Thurs­ day evening. Sept. Id . Important routine business, petitions, etc., melon feed. Visiting Brethren welcome. 8. A. PETERS, Jr.. W. M. \V „H . DAY. Sec’y. 7-1 T o L a k e o f th e W ood»— Mrs. Lena Edwards of Loa An­ geles is the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edwards. * t'av’iir u d ’a for Style Plus ready u# wear. A new suit guar­ an teec¡ If ÿbur suit don’t give satisfictlon A ll kinds of dimension lum- I un hand at the box factory. 222-tf ‘ i .M r. and Mrs. 0. W . Simonson Mrs. Christine H arr of Apple- gate I» visiting in Ashland with of K irk were visiters In Ashland (Continued from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John yesterday and today. Mr. Simon­ son la la the mercantile and betel Beaver of Henry street. The President will arrtva I» business In Kirk. This Is the first Washington on Thuraday lg, time For ready to wear salts, tailor­ time they have visited in Ash­ to restiup a litt!« hefoye hin oah- ed a a lu and cleaning -and re- land for seven years. mod*. Hug. try Pnuteerud’a. 6-tf first In three'months. Aorepts Positio n — x • Mr.* ¡Coolidge Is much rested W e tailor suits and overcoats In S. J. Storlle a tailor from Oak­ however. Lieut. Commander our own shop, at Orres upstairs. land,, Calif., has accepted a posi­ Joel T. Boone of the navy and tion at the Orres tailor shop. Mr. MaJ. Jarnos F. Coupal of the Latest Woolens and Styles. Storey is an’ expert cutter and de­ army have watched over the To Teach Neer H ere signer. executive’s condition as closely Miss Hesel Shaver, who has during this vacation M . *SX taught for five years in Klamath D r ill a t A rm o ry — pugilist’s trainer watched oVfif The regular drill of, Battery B, hls protege during the hours ftA county will teach a t Neil Creek 24 9 C. A. C. will he held thia before the fight. this year. ' '';I 1 . evening at the Armory. Major j The »resident has not gained The Medford Business College C. W. Waller, Instructor of the much weight, in spite of Ma hpa placed a great many students Coabt A rtillery of the Oregon Na­ hearty appetite. Hls physieteM have seen to it that ha takes in good positions and Is receiving tional Guards will be present. long vigorous walks almost dally. more calls than it can fill. Its The president la moderate In service to you w ill be to place V is itin g H e r e - you on the payroll as soon as Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Nesbit of every habit, by temperament apd possible. , Courses begin Sept. San Francisco, are visiting in Ash- Inc It nation and he can 'wMh- 15-21. OWN land on a return trip into Canada. stand without difficulty tha most They are former residents of Ash­ strenuous political or legislative storm that tha next 12 iqonAhe Ask about the two pants suits at land. has to offer, according to hip Orres tailor shop. physicians. V is itin g H e re — To Grants P a s o - Swim ct the N a t . Both taitks Mrs. Delia Aeklin, Mrs. Annie open. Clean sulphur water. 7-2 Robison, Mr». Alice Turner, Mrs. Dora Payne, Mrs. Dan Hatcher, V isited Here — Mrs. Hattie Boyd and Mrs. Ida I)r H. M. Shaw visited relatives Jennings, motored to Grants Pass and attended to business inter­ yesterday to attend the Southern ests in Ashland during the past Oregon Reunion there. Picture fram ing. Studio Ash land. On the Plana. Visited Here — School text books.— Elhart’s To Lane County— * Everybody welcome«£o Presby­ Mr. and Mrs. John F. Leggett terian Christian .Endeavor a ft h e were called to Lane county re­ Presbyterian chuach,’ 8:20 every cently by the serious illness of Sunday night. 7-4t Mrs. Leggett’s father who lives at Pleasant HUI To Lake o f Wood»— Mr. and Mrs. John R. Edwards Candy Land— Our peanut brlt and Mrs. Lena Edwards left last tie la a meal aweet and crispy. evening for the I^ake of the Woods for a three weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolters of Photographs of Quality. Studio Dunsmuir stopped in Ashland for Ashland. On the Plasa. a short visit last week. They were returning to their home from Roller skating. Nata torturo. a pleasant camping trip. Good fibre skates. Open 2 to McNair Bfos., sell the school books. TRADE IN YOUlt OLD TIRES to Madde > f i r new ones. Ashland From Klamath County— M r and Mrs. Jesse Drew and vulcani»'"g Works. K O — tf children of Klamath county were business visitors la Ashland Sat­ H u n tin g — They returned to their Floyd Place and H. A. Stearns urday. left today for the Umpqua River home Saturday evening. where they will hunt McNair Bros., school book deal Bny your box shook local box factory at Visiting H e r e - prices. Mr. and Mrs. W. W . Redlfer of For fine fitting salts and over­ Myrtle £yeek visited with relatives coats try Orres tailors, upstairs in Ashland the past week. Mr. Redifer returned to Myrtle Creek Sunday. Mrs. Redifer will remain T o P o rtla n d — Mrs. Stanley Robinette and in Ashland for a time hoping to young daughter left for Portland regain her health. today where Mies Robinette will attend St. Helen’s Hall. The Medford Rug Cleaner and Fluff Rug Man will be in Ash­ Special Merchants Lunch, 60c, land Friday of this week. Phone 7-1 daily at the Plasa— from 11 n, your orders to 113 or 240. m. to 2 p. m. 6-tl Mias Beth Johnson Is leaving JVant from private party 13500 A -l' security. Phone 121, Ash­ thia evening for Sau Jose where land. 7-3 she will attend the State Teachers College. F all woolens are now In at Or:ea Tailor Shop. z 291tl To Kirby— Miss Edith Pattison left- Sun­ Latest fashions* and methods day for Kirby where the will teach - n hair dressing and general school. l>eau‘ t parlor service at The Vanity Shop. 2-tf - The 8outhem Oregon Clinic desire to announce that we now have a graduate nurse as office assistant who will be at the of­ fice from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m., in the First Nat’l. Bank Bldg., and will answer phone calls at all hours. DR. R. W . STEARN8. TODAY - TOMORROW DR. R. E. GREEN. DR. R. W. W alter Walrad and family of Newport are visiting In Ashland DAWKH MAKES ATTACK for a few days with friends and UPON OLD CUSTOMS O F relatives before returning to their LEG ISLA TIVE ASSEMBLY home tomorrow. Mr; Walrad is a prominent 'business man of New­ port. He has been connected with the city government there for a plated. _ . ; number of years. However, Dawes partly made up for thia lack In hls forceful V isiting Here— almost acrobatic method of Mrs. Dr. W. E. Buchanan, Bond speaking. On one occasion be Buchanan. Katie and Gall Buch­ became so thoroughly interested, anan, are visiting in Ashland for so excited he pounded' hls b a t a few days transacting business which he held In one hand, until before returning to their home In hls fellow travelers were fearful Eugene. ’ , lest the hat would be ruined. A box of assorted fruits was presented to the Vice .P re ttie d t V isited Here-— Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Harris .of by the chamber of commerce, Albany, accompanied by Mrs. while a large cluster of asters Thomas Harris of Morning Sun, was presented by Royal- R. Graham, former United States district judge, and a can­ didate for juvenile judge against Ben -Lindsey last term, com­ mitted suicide today. Inhaling gas. *- Word comes Falls and Orants did exhibits are from Klamath counties. Nothing is More Sincere Than ill Thoughtful Gift NOR SALE: — One small wood range and other household goods. 620 Liberty street, 7-2* Iowa, visited in Ashland over the holiday at the home, of Mr. and PRODUCE ASSN. HAS OOOD YEAR RROMMER SAYS WOMEN ENTER MANY MrB. Earl Horne of 88 Union St., E X H IB IT S IN Ç'RUIT SHOW and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harris (Continued from page one) of 268 B. Street. They returned (Continued From Page One) to Albany Tuesday morning. pehe with the California fru it on the Eastern markets,’f i e assisted by Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. J. A. Perry. A special added. 0 V. V. Mills will leave tomorrow This year the produce from judge is .being sent from the art for Vancouver B. C. where he the local* «gsaoclatlon was sold department of O. A. C., and will çttend the Klawanls Pacific on the Pacific coast from Port­ every Indication Is tor the largest Northwest convention. Mrü. Ella land to San Francisco, and «as art exhibit that we have over B. Mills will accompany him to shipped as far East as Omaha, had. The decorating of the women’s .« < ■ , Vancouver. They w ill meet Mrs. Nebraska. V. V. Milla in Vancouver, return­ ing from a trip East. Roseburg shipping 10 cars of green prunes this year. « l> I M U e s« SM» building la te c h a r« of If*. T.SA. S fU e e w b e w ttb ea able corps H McUfaatc, » ill »at tee bdildtag te the heat Of eoadttlon next .week. A surprise await* every one who enter« thia build­ ing during the first days of the fair. The auction sale of cooked foods, which wi|l take »lace every day Immediately after the races, will be one of the great events of four busy days. Watch for announcements concerning the auctioneers and look over the food exhibit» before the races and then stay away If yon can. YOU WILL ^iave a hank account, which system will help yon keep track of your income and outgo, and w ill show at all times the money yon have on hand. ‘ ’ A 8 YOUR surplus grows, your hopes w ill he proportionately brighter. New Prices Our Line of Millinery is the Best Ever. The Styl are Correct. The Colors are Authentic. The Prices Are $4.95 $7.95 We invite your inspection of our Millinery Line. Shop At New Flannels Miller’s “Hab-a- FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASHLAND, OREGON