lisHÌatSlt ÙÀttï ASH LAN D D A IL Y T ID IN G S l'rtrta», i*'«brUUF| in the animal report of the Chief of the Bureau of B io-, sr ships of the ssuadtons ate to i logical Survey, Department of Agriculture. Notable return to Bnkla»d for refitting This is Aslilands ------- ¡“ kills” include “ an old white wolf in Arizona, known I “ J and newer Place To Find Published Every Evening Except Sunday by ¡t'r>r ilm and larger ships arc to take their What It Wants THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ¡° »lie past eight years on the Aguila range, and reported , places. . Stockmen to have killed about $25,000 worth of cattle j Sweeping change will be made To Eat Sun da v f-«*t R. Greer ........................................................................ ................ Edito. ueorge Madden Green ..................................................... Business Managei and sheep,” ‘‘a wolf locally known as the ‘butchering in the East Indies squadron, ah ¡wolf’ was trapped in Eagle Countv, Colorado,” “ a large1 ?rT nt repu / by th° cruisers squadron ( FFICIAL CITY PAPER ..................................................... Telephone 39 i • , .................... • v • TV, XT • ’ ’ ™ * ! “*c are to LU be ue replaced of was placed in the large hole of t.ntered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mall Matter ‘ * m o u n ta in llOll 111 the I ike National I Orest,” “ a griz-! modern design and superior fig h t-: another log, and the two logs were Subscription Price, Delivered in City ~ i' > t 'e Okanogan Forest Reserve in Washington, defi-! ing power — all new ships Which! banded together with iron. c u e Month ........................................................................................... $ .65,mtely known to have killed 50 head of cattle and 150!are ir> process of completion. Thi- ................................................................ ” 1 head ?r sheeP duriiur the summer of 1923.” i flagship of 10,000 tons, armed V ie Year 7.5 Western states predominate in the seventeen states with a b attery of 7:5 guns and By Mail and Rural Routes • >ae Month .......................... .............................I.................................. $ .65 m which operations were directed against predatory ani­ having a cruising speed of over I tti ^4 o it LLi a ...........a.....................— — .~......................................... 1.9r mals. So the West has not lost the wildness of its ani­ thirty knots, and the sister ships 1 8:x Months 3.50 TRY OUR Emerald and E nterpri se, of 7,600 ; one Year .. 6.5 mals, nor have all its great open spaces become town tons, arm ed with seven 6-inch lots. And the report is assurance that should a man tire guns, These two last-nam ed are DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES ¿Ingl» Insertion, pe.- Inch ........................................................... $ 30 of the soft living of the city he can still match his re­ the sw iftest cruisers in the B rit­ Yearly Contracts •’ne insertion a,w eek ................................................... ........ ...... .27% sourcefulness against the cunning of animal hunters. To ish Navy, being engined for a .25 100,000 cash daily to the state. Yet, at the rate with ready proven that it is only a short reach across the water world naval power and the fact -M t B ritain need no longer feel ear worried abput the balance of Porto naval power in the North Sea this THB ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 88 N. Main • ♦ <-♦ • I 4 Eagle Market EAT MORE BREAD and insist that it is Franklin’s yon hear some say of the man who succeeds. AND * Superior Bread Franklin Bakery Exclusiveness of flavor and that magic capacity for seem­ ing to yield more delicious cups to the pound—are the good terms upon which every­ body meets Golden West Coffee. Goodness locked in STANDARD • ’ It’s the result of selective choosing of the world’s best- flavored high-grown coffees— and 40-odd years experience in catering to tens of thous­ ands of good-coffee judges. —opens with a Key The handy key­ opening top is quickly, easily, safely removed. No can-opener; no digging in ; no raw edges to cut you. There's a convenient con­ tainer when the coffee is gone. A P -R C -C 9 WOMEN DEMAND quality in bread— best ingred­ ients, proper mixing and cooked to perfection. This is the aim we keep in view when making our bread, and the fact th a t it is so generally approved by the women who use it» proves th at! we meet the demands, of the m o a t• exacting cooks. Litliia Bakery Alsp try Golden West Tea—Orange Pekoe A Green Japan. CLOSSET & DEVERS, COFFEES & TEAS EXCLUSIVELY. PORTLAND AND SEATTLE G o ld e n W e st Golden West o ffe e C o ffe e 1921 Cloeset & Devera The opinions of people as a rule differ, but the many thousands of 20th CENTURY patrons are united in their endarsement of the 20th CENTURY STORES’ ex­ tremely low prices on the best of foods OFFERINGS—SATURDAY and MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28th find MARCH 2nd Kellogs Corn Flakes pkg............................ 9c Matches, any of our 5c brands, 6 hxs......... 25o I lour V im—The Old Reliable Brand—49 11». sack Soda Crac k e is—F resh and crisp, 2 lbs. . ,35c Ivory Soap, 3 bars for . 10c size, ,23c $2.53 Beets Washing Powder large size ............. 32c * Jello pkj 10c PINEAPPLE SPECIALS Broken slices large cans, each ............. 25c Standard crushed, large cans, 2 f o r ............. 55c Burnett’s vanilla, pure, 2 ounce bottle . . . . 35 g Strained lionev, • 7 pint Mason jar ....... 32c Standard whole sliced, large cans 2 for .,57c Loyal Garden Tea—Ceyfron and India (black) or Japan (green) *2 Ih. 38c Del Monte Apricots, large cans, 2 for . .59c Crystal White Soap 10 bars 43c Steel Cap Screws 1-4x1 inch to ' 5-8x5 inches $1.29 Bulk Cocoa, pure 2 Jbs. 15c Standard Peas cans for ............. 47c White Star Tuna—All white meat, 1-4’s each. ISc—1-2’s, each ~ ~ Facts will say “ it was good judgment, uot luck that madeihim save money for his start.” • Our Savings Department pav­ ing 4% interest affords YOU an equal opportunity to succeed. Coffee Phone 199 Royal Baking Powder, 12 ounce can 43c—2’ 2 II». can A. L. A. M. 1 Crisco 9 lb. can $2.09 Crhwn Oats large pkg................33c ■ , . . . 3 2 i / 2c Toilet paper 10(H) sheet?? tissue, 3 rolls . . . . . 22c 20th Century Coffee—One trial means a steady drinker—Direct from our own roaster to you—lb. ..........................48c—3 lbs. I . .........................................$1.42 Onions, fine for cook­ ing, 6 lbs. ............. 25c Florida Grape Fruit each ------ .............. 10c Lettuce Large Solid heads ....... ?...........ioc Take advantage of it. Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Stofe The Citizens Bank of Ashhmd tain lions and 193 bears. The story ot the hunting operations is tersely'told! ALL COLORS 24x48 inches f,‘ z “ That Fellow Had Luck” THE BUSINESS OF HUNTING Some men make a business of hunting, and because of their skill'predatory animals are fewer. Federal, state and local governments have co-operated in employing hunters to kill animals that prey on livestock and game. The operations of these hunters, during 1924, weri report- 3 ed from Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho 13 M ic h i g a n . M is s o u ri A lo n tn n a V n v o J « at __v • . ’ <• * < BATH ROOM RUGS • 353 E. Main St. term s w ith everybody 4 '4. Phone us for suggestions FIND WATER LOG 120 YEARS OLD IS TD BE BASE OF BRITAIN'S FLEET Phone 214 Sunday Dinner Ashland, Oregon ..J 20th Century Grocery 20th Century Stores in Southern Oregon are located at ASHLAND MEDFORD GRANTS PASS 374 E. Main St. 1 37 N. Central Ave. 509 G St.