malaria germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thia is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( Interuatlonal News W ire Service) VOL. X L V I I I . Successor t * the Sem i-W eekly Tldiugs, Volum e 43 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR TO SEE EMPLOYERS LONDON, Feb. 26. — Mary Wagliorn, of Hast- ings, is one of the worlds smallest babies. She w-eighed only three and a half pounds at birth, instead of the usual nine, and measured exactly twelve Inches from head to toe. A perfectly normal child, she is thriving un- der special treatment, which Includes being fed XX with a fountain pen filler XX every two hours. XX Doctors state that there XX is no reason why she XX should not grow up a XX normal, healthy child. X X 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 XX 8 8 8 26, 1925 NO. 150 Pen Filler Used to Feed World’s Smallest Baby 8 XX tt XX XX Orchardists, Mill Men and XX Other County or State X X X X Employers to Meet XX XX SEASONAL LABOR TOPIC » Men From O ther D istricts W ill XX XX M eet and D iscuss Labor Prob­ ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY CLIMATE XX *xx OHIO DAY WILL BE HELD SOON BY ALL NATIVES Chief Figures in News of the Day ANOTHER ROAD STATE SOLONS WANTS TO GET Without a Sound ARE TO LEAVE INTO K. FALLS SALEM TODAY XX CHICAGO. Feb. 26. __ 8 A heated argument be­ 8 'XX tween eight persons was in 8 XX full swing, but ¡not a sound 8 1 8 was heard. «? xt AU Bom in Ohio, or Have XX The group was com­ 8 ' Nevada, California, Oregon XX posed of deaf mutes. „; Legislature ---------- XX Husbands, Wives or Par­ to Adjourn Aft- Road Wants Use of S. ents Bom There Eligible XX XX Plaintiff, defendant, and 8« er Long Session Lasting Pacific Tracks XX XX six other witnesses all 8 Over 46 Days XX features p l a n n e d XX speaking at once. Gestures PETITION IS FILED XX became iso violent that the XX 8 VETO IS OVERRIDDEN o I C om m ittee in Charge P lan to Make XX judge “hearing” the case 8 W ould Tap Forest latiuls Now Convention B igger and Better* XX here, in the Small Clatns 31 Six Senators Stand W ith Gover­ lem s in Their Territories Not B ring Cut in District Than Ever XX Court, thought the mutes 33 nor’s D ecision V etoing Mult­ Near Lakeview 8 nom ah Judgeship B ill C. M. Gram, commissioner of were swearing and threat­ 8 A second annual Ohio day will 8 ened to put them out. labor, will be in the county 8 SALEM, Feb. 26. — Declaring 8 be held in Ashland, Saturday, SALEM, Feb. 26. — After 46 March 6, to hold a conference The plaintiff was accus­ 33 the intention to standardize its 8 March the 7 th. This year there running days of some of the ing . the defendants of with all of those interested lm 33 line and otherwise establish a 8 w’ill be a number of new features, taking a ring from her 33 most heated dtacuMdona in years, orchards, mills and other county system of transportation to equal 8 8 811(1 those in charge promise to home. or etate industries where labor 33 the legislature will adjourn some­ that now provided by the main 8 make it bigger and better than A woman acted as in­ problems are being confronted. 33 time today, according to ad­ line of the Southern Pacific com­ 8 ever. The affair U'i held every terpreter. The question is one that has been 33 vice from the state capitol. The pany when the latter railroad’s 8 year, and is similar to the Iowa X X 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i bothering many of these employ­ V dismissal will be without the us­ project known as the "Natron cut­ and other days that have been ual last minute hurry. There has ers for some time, and one that off will have been completed, held at different times for many been no outstanding achievement is felt to be badly needed in this the Nevada, California and Ore­ years past. This day promises to made during the season that out­ district. gon has filed a petition for leave be one of the best of its kind ever shines that of previous years. The The question to be discussed iy to intervene in the case before the held in the district, and will con­ Dennis resolution, submitting a that of seasonal labor. In the interstate commerce commission sist of a real get-to-gether of na­ resolution to the voters prohibit­ districts under discussion, there involving the railroad extension tives of Ohio. Each family Is ex­ ing any imposition of income and is a short period when a big de­ and development, as recommend­ pected to bring its own lunch, and inheritance taxes in Oregon for mand is made for labor, during ed by the commission,^ investiga­ judging from other dinners of a period of fifteen years has per­ tor. which time there -it usually a its kind, will be a real banquet Indian Department Gives haps been the most futile accom­ shortage. After the season is The petitioner owns and opor-! as well as an all around fun plishment. Sanction to Leasing to over, there is no longer a de­ gathering. ates a narrow gauge railroad, ex- ■ The senate today overrode the Whites mand. In Hood River county this tending from Wendel .Lassen Those who were born in Ohio, governor's veto of a bill creating KAI5OXS3 county, Calif., to Lakeview, Ore­ Conco May Have Charges period of intensified demand and KLAMATH FALLS, Feb. 26.__ all wives or husbands of Ohio additional circuit judgeship in Chairman Borah of the Foreign Relations Committee, of the 0 gon, and the principal points on activities, covers a three week Two thousamd a period during the apple picking land in the vicinity of Modoc ents born in Ohio are eligible to the line are Wendel. Alturas and Game Wardens S i!? regarding charges that the State Department has “gagged” Conn: Ekwald to the position. Senators Willow Ranch, Calif., and Lake- season, aad then stops abruptly. Point are. open for leasing by attend. People who have relics Michael Karolyi. former President of the Republic of Hungary, wh< Strayer, Joseph, Kinney, Maglar- view, Oregon. KLAMATH FALL8, Feb. 26.— This condition is undesirable, and w’hite men, Superintendent Fred or souvineers brought from there eame to America to be at .the bedside of his sick wife. Marjorie Daw ly, Taylor and Zimmerman stood de<^ res * divorce suit immediatelj V hile there is no physical con-' Left high and dry on the rocks for that reason, is to be thor­ A Baker of the Klamath Indian are asked to bring them' along, to with the governor in support of *katost Eddie Sutherland^ director, charging incompatibility. Lord Oection between the N. C. O. sys­ or in shallow pools rapidly drying oughly gone over by experts at reservation announced today. By add to the atmosphere of the gath­ the veto. owner * • th at» of British papers, has posted 325,001 the meeting. tem with that of the Southern Pa­ up, thousands of mullets, sucker a Those people who were “ “ * a ’ Y er1_l° / ,o en' b° ar «ueeeeaful mitted no felony, according to the i the 3tate- The accused men were of the local chapter, presided, and an active interest in the local, af J C° Urt, against J- G Cozart, ask-| ffar: ‘ committee. The republican sen«, ! represented by Attorney G. M. the DeMolay» carried out an en­ fairs of the local DeMolay chap- ng f° r per month m a in te-!,— g’ summer aad w in­ SALEM, Feb. 26. — Shortages tors said they doubted if extra­ Roberts. ter. If women w ill come w ith tertaining program with dignity ter. ! nance, attorney fees.and a de-, covered for a period of three years dition from Ohio could be asked. The grand jury at its last aea- Their arreet grew out of a col­ itcree of divorce. The couple were questlons aboul their own parti have been brought to light in the s'on returned six true bilfe and lision last Saturday night ou the ; mdrried at-Roseburg. August 15 ■ ” prol>le? 1*- «11 b« (lad ! The row came when sixteen EXPLOSION HURLS state treasurer’s *off ice with C. W. democratic senators made up a Crater Lake highway outside of PHILIPPINES WEAK three not true bills. Of the lot. 1906, and now reside In Ashland? .a”‘ " er SAYS GEN. MITCHELL Thompson, former Cashier under party and fled from the city, the city limits, between their car ROOF HIGH IN AIR Mri3. Cozart alleges in her coui- At this meeting Mre. Jessie D .; four ar® »ow in state prison on State Treasurer Jeferson Myers, when a measure was proposed to and that of a man named Stevens. PORTLAND, Feb. 26 __ The PlSint th&t Cozart wasf cruel and McComb the state leader for home ! plefts ° r «uHty, and the remain WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.— The admitting defalcations amounting transfer Lawrence counity from The police were sent for and deminstration work in, Oregon 1 two will enter pleas today Phillipine. Islands are “very vul­ roof of the Allyns Dye and Clean- abasive> nanied February 10 and to nearly 35000. Th£ amount was the third to the second congres- Night Officer Cave, accompanied will talk of what women are d o -, For the first time in over thre.i nerable and could be taken by an ing Establishment was blown off !?St ®unday 83 .specific instances, «discovered when, the office was sional district, which the demo- by Deputy Sheriff Forncrook, enemy”, Rear Admiral Jones, ing in other parts ot the state j year«. no liquor violation cases today and hurled 50 feet into the ° n February 10 «he alleged he turned over to State Treasurer T. I crats contended would assure the went to the scene and found a chief of the navy general board air, when a terrific eyolosion kGPt her awake most of the night The musical part of the pro- wer® before the grand jury, B. Kay, who took office shortly! republicans majority in the lat- bottle of liquor which they claim­ No witnesses were ' w T Ibe b u ü d i n g T ™ J»* « " • ' « - a b u so.,an d ' gram will be in charge of the told the House Aircraft Commit­ damfeged after the first of the year, but ter district. ed Nelson and Lander had thrown tee today. i the cane of Walter The committee had amount of 325 000 a • ’ tbat last Bunday when she came -rK i u " alter Whisenant -attempts had proven futile in find­ ou of their car. The officers, claim­ previously been told by -Briga­ "e X * * “ W i,k ,n i' Medt‘*rd b w - ing the money. ed the men had been drinking, dier General Mitchell, assistant , , dining hound over to the grand jury last being put through, a "tumbler” Upon taking over the offiee the DAYTON, Ohio, Feb. 26. — Hurl­ but that they were not intoxicat­ There is one child— a g ir l. o'f1 Wlnter ° n charges pre- chief of the army air service, that machine, was beMeved -to be the amount was found to be short, ing defiance at their republican ed. P™8r*rn. WiU fol!®y « imme- ferred by thq father of a young the Philippines, Hawaii and other cause of the explosion. Frank 13 years— whose custody but for a time a clerical error colleagues, a group of bolting th e d iate ly . For reservaflom. for the girl 'living near" Talent. In d ac- Inasmuch as evidence of guilt American Pacific possesions Cushing, foreman, and Billy mother asks. 1 was blamed. Further investiga­ democratic members of the In­ was wetok and would probably be -Medi°Jd 920 b8fore cording to the district attorney’s could easily be captured by Japan Kuehn, an employee were taken to --.Mrs. Cozart also alleges that-Friday. February diana state senate made arrange­ 27 tions revealed that the money difficult to „prpve in court if the easily, within two weeks. office, the bottom has dropped ments to go*to Springfield where a hospital suffering painful burns. she has been forced during her! was actually gone and a demamd charge was fought. District At­ í o u t or out of tr the case.’ This comes as a result of an F. Richards, manager of the married^life to "work out” and tor the money was made upon they will be guests of Lieutenant torney Chaney did wot bring other accusation by General Mitchell, “The complaining witnesses pla.nt, was less seriously burned. that she lias^ been employed to bondsmen for State Treasurer Governor Vanormaa. republican charges when they plead guilty as GROUNDED FLAG8TRP some time ago that, the United have moved to California and The roof was blown, into the air restaurants. At prresent„the com-j Myers to make good the lo»< The leader who i? owner of the accused. TO BE FREÍD TODAY there is no way to bring them States was lacking in aircraft, and two stories and descended with plaint states, she is empfqyed in ­ bondsmen instituted search which Shawnee Hotel, of Springfield. that the other countries of the a crash which broke aill the^win- an ‘Ashland drug store. back.” said District Attorney eventually led to the cashier be­ T A X B IL L S PASSED MANILA. Feb. 26— Three tugs Newton Chaney yesterday^'^They world were far surpassing it along dows in the gasoline room, .-.aad ing detected. ire sneert n » _ * testify i uey r¿eiaid8 u eds ngw frOm i___ î,ere today 8howed no disposition to this tine. He stated that this was all of those on the end of the Toledo— Great need for hous­ BO ISE, Feb. 26— Two sever­ to aid L. S. Huron, flagbhip of at the preliminary hearing and ing’ here; 160 building permits ance tax bills were passed here an. important branch, and that a main structure. R eturns to W eed— he Asatic fleet, which wefit could not find the courtroom the Newport — Contract let for special department should be during 1924 did not nearly meet today. Mrs. Charles Moore returned aground yesterday 200 m^es first day> Under the ciTcum made for it. 2000 feet concrete w alk, and 400 Fall Creek— Booth - Kelly com­ Sunday evening to Weed after the demand. Many workers have Southwest of M anila. ■ feet crossings. , , ^ They w*r« 1 i BtAocea there is nothing to circum- do but pany surveys logging road line visiting for some time with her to go out of town to find houses. Tidings ads bring results. expected to Read the Tidings ada. mother, Mr,. Phllpou of ,h „ clly. ‘ w « .r « . i o **•“ , * * ; “ “ “ d ’Into South McKenzie forest XX XX XX XX INDIANS MAY LEASE LAND IN KLAMATH FALLS j U IS SHUT OFF; FISH DYING IN K. F. DIST. DE MOLAY MEETING IS ONE OF IRE FINEST EVENTS EVER HELD SENATORS ON STRIKE,LEAVE Two Fined $75 on LEGISLATURE Charge of Having TOBE OF INTEREST TO ALL WOMEN Contraband Booze Former Cashier of State Admits Big Shortage in Funds One More Ashland Couple Mixed Up 111 Uivorce Court snia11 Dismissed Since 1 Plaintiffs Gone