ê i» MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three »nonths in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the pse of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years iIn tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 43 ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1925 Anzac Seamen Strike for Pay for Dipping Flag Almost Entire Senate Firmly Behind Bill Which Will Appropriate $175,000 for Construction of Buildings and Levy One-Twentieth Mill Tax for Maintenance. Bill Now Goes to Governor. 8 8 i 8 Man Who Found Collins’ Body M NO. 148 WOOD IS READY at Ismalia, Egypt P MELBOURNE, Feb. 24. — The A ustralian seaman is perhaps the most “ hard- boiled” of his class in the world, if the follow ing in­ cident can be taken as any criterion. The In ter - State liner Canberra, while steam ing along the coast one Sun­ day, passed a British w ar­ ship. Orders were given to dip the flag, which took exactly two m inutes. Those members of the crew who were concerned in dipping the flag claimed half an hour’s pay overtime a t Sunday rates. When this was refused the whole of the crew went on strike at Melbourne and the ship was held up until a settlem ent was reached. HIS HOME PORT ! Friends to Finance Trip to United States to Pre­ vent Arrest 8 8 8 CHARGES NOT PRESSED 8 It Forgery Charge, Hi ought by Ca­ 8 sin o A uthorities, W ill Xot he Carried Out SALEM, Feb. 24—With only the votes of the insur­ 8 gent Senators Straver, Taylor and Zimmerman opposed 8 to the measure, the Senate, late yesterday afternoon, pass­ ed the hill sponsored by the Southern Oregon house dele­ 8 gation nroviding for the maintenance of a state normal 8 8 school, to he located at Ashland. 8 The attempt made by the Eastern Oregon Senators to 8 refer the Ashland normal question to the people, thus placing it upon the same basis as the proposed Eastern Oregon normal, was defeated. On the final vote upon the proposition the majority of the Eastern Oregon senators supported the hill for the Ashland normal, although they all expressed the fear that the people might defeat the Eastern Oregon proposal after the Ashland school had once been estahlisked. The hill now goes to Governor Pierce for his signature. He has in­ dicated that he will not veto the measure, since he has- c. I ways been a strong advocate of all educational matters. The terms of the hill provide for thd appropriation Open Forum Soon Turned Into Rejoicing Meeting . of $175,000 for the reopening of the Ashland normal, aii 11 n ROSEBURGHIGH TO PLAY HERE SATURDAY EVE HOME LEADER TO BE AT LUNCH MEET