PAOT T S M B ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, February 28, 1925 PROFESSIONAL It was a m atter of congratula­ to bring needles and thimbles. A tion th a t the State Regent Mrs. very enjoyable afternoon is an ­ IS MARRIED BY CARDINAL MUNDEJJEIN 1 Policeman Must Pay I Seymour Jones could be pres­ ticipated and a num ber of mem­ Sailor for Arrest PHYSICIANS ClaMlfled Column Rates ent at this annual event in the bers are expected to be present, One cent the word each 'an n a ls of this organization. Mrs. W. E. Blake and Mrs. F. NORFOLK, Fel^ 23. — A Jury DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings time. At the luncheon hour, sixty F. W hittle will be hostesses for in City Circuit Court here decided office. Phone 91. To run every Issue for one guests were seated a t the a ttra c t­ the afternoon. ■w_______________ that Police Lieutenant W. S. Miss Edith Dodge, Editor month or more, %c the word ively appointed tables, with Mrs. DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE W hite will have to pay Otto Foef<‘ Phone Items to her at 8ft, between D entistry each time. Seymour Jones, E. A. Moore, Miss ster, a bluejacket stationed at 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. Gas or local anesthesia for ex- Blanche Hicks and Mrs. R. E. Hampton Roads Naval Base, $35 ! traction and m inor surgeijy- W attenburg gracing the head. FOR RENT I Special attention given to straig h t­ for alleged unlawful arrest as a These ladies represented the State ening and care of children’s CALENDAR OF EVENTS vagrant. FOR RENT:— Furnished five- teeth. Thursday, February 26. Elks organization, C rater Lake Chap- i Foerster charged, in a suit for room house on Laurel St. $25.00. Above Citizens Bank ter, Medford, • Mount Ashland Ladles Club will meet a t the $1,500 damages, th a t the officer Inquire 332 H argadlne. Phone Phone, Office, 151— Res., 338-J ' club house. Chapter, and Eulalona Chapter, arrested him and detained him for 263 L. 145— tf DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ Friday, Feb. 27.— Union pray­ K lam ath Falls, as regente in the two hours, and “ greatly exposed tice llr<ed to eye, ear, nose ana er meeting for missions a t the order named. and injured his credit and circum­ FOR RENT: — New, well fu r­ In the opening ritu al, the S a l-» BALTIMORE, Feb. 22. — Ju st i th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. M. E. Church at 2:30. stance? and caused him great nished furnace-heated apartm ent. ute to the Flag was given, one j two days after George W ashing­ Saturday, Feb. 28. Home Econ­ pain.” And it was not until he Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Electricity for cooking. Centrally verse of America sung, a n d ! ton's Birthday, D. Francis Tozier omics Meeting at 12:30 a t Med­ 1 produced papers to show he was 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland^ located. A dults only, 316 H arga­ George W ashington’s prayer recit­ eighty two, a retired officer of ford Hotel, Medford. a United States sailor that Foer- Ore. dlne. Phone 303-R. 139— tf Tuesday, F ebruary 24, Alpha ed by Mrs. Jane Snedicor of Med­ the United States Coast Guard ster was acquitted In police DR. E. B. ANGELL—-Chiropractic Circle will meet at 2 :3 0 a t Ma­ ford. As chairm an of the program Service, will receive the crown­ FOR SALE court. committee, Mrs. C. E. Peil presid­ ing glory of his eventful life. and Electro-Therapy. Office sonic Hall. FOR SALE: — Six stands of ed and introduced Miss Blanche The honor will be bestowed In * » * phone 48; residence 142. First Bees. Inquire at 713 Oak St. Hicks, who gave the address of The form of a sword, the gift of College Frats Escape N ational Bank building. REQUIESRAT 146— 3* welcome, presenting the distin­ the late King Edward VII, to re­ Why do I seek a lonely place Levy of State Taxes guished guest, Mrs. Seymour place a sword Tozier sacrificed > CONVALESCENT HOME F a r from the h au n ts of men? FOR SALE: — Rhode Island W here the sick get well. Cot­ Jones. Mrs. E. A. Moore of Med-1 in aiding Great B ritain twenty- CHICAGO, Feb 23. — College Red hatching eggs, 15 for 60c. tage plan. We beard and care for Because the heart th a t tru ly loved ford C hapter responded, asking three years ago. Loves not again. fraternities, being “ corporations Geo. Yockel, 1-2 mile south Bell­ invalids and old people. M atern­ Mrs. Jones for a word of greeting Tozier, who i? spending his de­ ity dept. - Can 153. not for profit, but organized and view School. 146— 3* of the youngest Chapter brought • clining years at the United States -- * --- - I — — v Why do I sing a stra n g er lay existing for charitable and educa­ DECORATORS Mrs. R. E. W attenburg, Regent Marine Hospital here, Is aw aiting FOR SALE: — Red F ir Wood Than man has fashioned yet?. tional use and purposes,” are ex­ the honor with all the happy an­ $10.00 per cord. Mountain Fuel H. GEAR em pt from State taxes, according F. J. SWENNING If I should sing fam iliar songs, its greetings A fter luncheon, the guests a s ­ ticipation of a child before C hrist­ Co. Siskiyou, Oregon, or Beaver Could I forget? to a decision of the Circuit Court Phone &13-R sembled on the porch, where a mas. Once before King Edward Realty Co., Ashland. 146— 6* Dependable Painting Contractors. in a test case brought by Omega Why do I draw the blinds a t night picture was taken, the quaint presented him with a sword, but C hapter of the Use Upsllon F ra­ Tinting and Paper Hanging PANSY PLANTS FOR SALE: Colonial costumes of the Medford the United States does not allow ternity at the University of Chi­ H iding the h eart of J u n e ......... — Large H ardy out-door plants. MONUMENTS cago. My heart is close to nightingales, Chapter giving the touch of the its officials to accept ¡^resents Some in bloom. 50c doz., sm aller long ago. Guests were then seat­ from foreign Governments except And sum m er moon! ASHLAND GRANITE ones 35 and 25c. 145 Almond St. ed in the living room where a by act of Congrea’i, and it w as not * * • MONUMENTS program of unusual Interest was until last May th a t Congress act- i FOR SALE OR TRADE: — Home Economics Meeting— Blair Granite Co. presented. ed In behalf of the octogenarian. Small bungalow— new— adjacent S. PENNISTON. Manager There will be a county home The opening number, a piano Recently Tozier received a let­ to Medford, $1000.00. Box 661, economics m eeting Saturday, duet by Mrs. H. E. M arshand, Mrs. Office 175 E. Main Miss Loretta Hines, of Chicago, daughter ot t&iwnm o> ter, embellished with the great Medford, Ore. 145— 3* February 28, at th e Hotel Med­ C. C. McCurdy was* followed by seal of the British Em pire and multi-millionaire lumberman, has been married to Howell Howard Res. Phone 444-Y BABY CHICKS — Plym outh IA 1 GIRL IN TROUBLE— SJay ford. Luncheon will be served a t another given »In response to en signed by Captain F. L. Tltten- w in ay c ity Cardinal Mundelein officiated in person T he He* 12:30 in the banquet room. Mrs Rock, R. I. Red, Black Minorca communicate with Ensign Lae Jessie D. McComb, state! leader thusiastlc applause. The history ham. Naval A ttache of the British F rancis O Kelly. Bishop of Oklahoma, sang m ass. I ’ito S ch ln i o S r a sta r, sang Uhe responses, and a symphony o rch e stra Dlaved Twr and Brown and W hite Leghorn • f the Salvation Army at the of dem onstration work will be of Blue Flow er Lodge (the old Embassy at W ashington, advising .thousand guests attended. Pope Pius sen t a r o s ^ m the brtde. Sir from Superior Quality, prices WhtteShleld Horae. 565 May- present and will give an, address Colver home) and Phoenix, Inter­ him th at on February 24, estingly w ritten by the Hon. O. Esmo Howard, British Ambassa­ most reasonable. McCune H atch­ fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. on home economics. The program A. Steans and pleasingly read by dor to the United States, would ery, Orland, Calif. 140-153* will be devoted to gardens, w hat Miss Minnie Poley was of keenest call upon him at the hospital and one can’t argue with an Indian, done in a Ford Shop is al­ FLANINGMILL and how to plant, and modern in terest to the listeners. FOR SALE: — Red Cedar and finally I gave in. present the sword. Mm ways the most satisfac­ Posts, 10c and up f. o. b. Siskiyou JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET methods In truck and landscape W ilbur Jones of Klam ath Falls, “ The o’d sword was a good one When asked how he happened tory. Oregon, reasonable delivery. WORKS, Cor. Helman add gardening. Everyone wishing to a granddaughter of Samuel Col­ to sacrifice a sword for Great but I ’ll bet the k in g ’s new one Mountain Fuel Co., or Beaver will be better,” the ancient m ar­ Van Ness. 194« attend this m eeting is asked to ver gave most interesting data B ritain. Tozier explained: communicate with Miss Ada concerning the house and the his­ R ealty Co. 130-1 mo.* “ In 1902 I commanded the old iner concluded. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Brew ster, home dem onstration tory of the family who built and ship Grant, and we were assigned MISCELLANEOUS Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. agent of Jackson, County, In order ALL COLORS to look for His M ajesty’s man of occupied it so long. for SERVICE. th a t a place can be reserved. A TIDINGS WANT ADS- SELL “ G randm other’s Story of the w ar Condor, which had disap­ 24x48 inches WANTED — Home lot in Ash­ Experienced movers and pack­ nom inal fee will be charged to ANYTHING. peared. We found one of her B attle of B unker H ill” was told land with w ater and sewer — ers of household goods. Deal­ cover the costs of the luncheon. delightfully by Miss Ellen Galey, empty boats beached on an old cheap, On terms. Box XYZ. H A R R IS O N THE ASHLAND FURNITURE ers In coal and wood. Phone An Invitation Is extended to all gowned in softest grey and dainty Indian chief’s reservation on Van­ Tidings. 145-3* COMPANY Brothers, Garage 117. who are Interested In this kind lace«. “ The H istory of Indian couver Island. I dickered with the 83 N. Main Ford, Lincoln, Fordern Dealer» of work. Office 89 Oak St. near FOR EXCHANGE: — A fine Music” given In story and song chief for the boat, and he de­ * * * Hotel Ashland Player Piano only used short time by Mrs. L. N. Woodside was a manded $50 and my sword. I tried D. A. R. Luncheon— w ith 45 records. Cost $650.00 feature of special interest and to persuade him away from the T. L. POV^GLL—-General Trans­ For some time the three Chap­ which received the strongest meed sword p art of the bargain; but short tim e ago. W ant small 5- fer— Good team and motor ters of the D. A. R.. who Dlanned AND paasenger car. Must be in good of praise. A lullaby, a love song, trucks. G )od service at a rea­ the jo in t observance of W ashing­ condition, 1924 model. Address “ F a r Off I H ear a Lover’s F lu te ” , sonable price. Phone 88. to n ’s B irthday a t Blue Flower “ Ghost Pipes,” “ Her B lanket,” Box 204, Ashland, Ore. 146-2t Lodge, have been anticipating and “ An Invocation to the Sun FBHIGE- ROACH th e m eeting with much pleasure. God” , were interpreted with feel­ Transfer — Express — Storage The place of m eeting seemed es­ ing and dram atic Intensity. MUs Hauling — Dray w ork of all pecially fitting since the Lodge Eva Poley was the sympathetic kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry TRY OUR NEW GASOLINE w^s the home of the Colvers, an accompanist. 1-4x1 inch wood of all klndB. Phone 410-R Drive in and ask for old pioneer family, who built and In happy phrase, Mrs. Jones 375 B. St. 112-tf to occupied the stru ctu re in the then addressed the Chapters, voic­ early days of the Rogue River WOOD SAWING ing her pleasure at being present 5-8x5 inches it is good gas. AVe are sole dealers of Valley settlem ent. and In the program presented. WANTED- -Wood sawing. Tel She complimented the Chapters 63— 1010*4 PhysIciAns warn against neglect­ 470-J. on several counts and ¿tressed the best for your motor ing cougliii anti colds and tell of ’ the duty of members along the MEDFORD Let Mr Beckwith overhaul your motor---- he is a the serious lung ’complications line of patriotic citizenship, par­ vetina R y HOSPITAL that may result. Leading physi­ ticularly th a t of ju ry duty; in­ Competent Mechanic DR. E. C. McCULLOCH cians now prescribe BALSAMEA dividual responsibility commit­ G raduate V eterinarian for all bronchial affections. BAL- tee responsibilities; the exchange Office Consultations Free 8AMEA is a pure vegetable prep­ of year books, the establishm ent aration made from a newly dis­ Cor. Grape and F ifth — Medford. of a student loan, fund; the Take Salts to Wash Kidneys if Phone 369— Day or Night covered plant... Dr. Benj. F. A m erican’s creed; and many other Back Pains You or Bladder Crabtree, Anderson, Mo., writes: I will be in. Ashland a t the East things were touched upon in her Pola. N egri Bothers •’I use it exclusively for my prac­ Side Pharm acy every W ednesday in the Ernst Lubitsch Production right-to-the-point address*. 12:30 to 5:30 * Forbidden Paradise * tice and my family; It is quick, Mrs. Jones was entertained by A Paramount Picture Flush your kidneys by drinking ; Mrs. Anderson and Miss Van Met­ sure and safe in its action like P L U M B IN G juart of water each day, also take salt nothing else.” At the VINING— TUESDAY jccasionally, says a noted authority. wh> er at dinner at the Hotel Medford Toward the end of the influ­ Jerry O’Neal WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ells us that too much rich food form before she left for the north. tcids which almost paralyze the kidney enza epidemic a government phy­ Plum bing and Hehting The Capters feel th a t this m eet­ BW.— n their efforts to expel it from tb ing was very successful, and o f sician noticed th a t a tribe of In­ Opposite New Hotel Mood. They become sluggish am dians in Nevada, by tke use of oils Ashland, Oregon. weaken; then you may suffer with . much benefit to every one pres­ from a native plant were Immune 129-tf lull misery in the kidney region, shari ent, and hope to plan for other )ains in the back or sick headache, dizzi joint meeting?. They appreciate from the ravages of Influenza. 1 O tessr your stomach sours, tongue i FURNITURE He used these oils among his roated, and when the weather is ba* the courtesy of the Palm er Piano w hite patients and then in a hos­ Upholstering, refinishing, re-glue­ /ou have rheumatic twinges. The urin. company in placing a ' piano a t p ital overflowing w ith ‘death ” ing. W ork dona a t your home. jets cloudy, full of sediment, the chan the Lodge for th eir use. whether weddings, births, tels often get sore and irritated, obligini cases. News of the results swept Reported by Mrs. Grace E. Anr anniversaries, d e a t h s Medford, Tel. 969-R. 130-1 mo.* /ou to seek relief two or three time the world and for some tim e It drews, historian. luring the night. parties, and all other • * » was not possible to supply the CONTRACTORS To help neutralize these irritatin; events wherein a remem­ icids, to help cleanse the kidneys an* Alpha Club—- demand. lush off the body’s urinous waste, ge Yarn Gorder Construction Co. BALSAMEA has now been brance is needed’ The Alpha Club will meet four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar All kinds of building standardized and gives uniformly nacy here; take a tablespoonful Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the Construction, Contract or > I n t SSd O Z -. ^ * «am 4 d — v v ^ rx „ z— — z— * I* X « — — - £ in — ’. masonic Mtracillous results in four ways: 2 W |i f*rvM break£aSt a n . The rn e aiternoon Masonic n Hall. afternoon win will Percentage Lew days, and your kidneys may thei . I. It soothes the inflamed mem­ 459 Morton St. ict fine. This famous salts is mad be 8pent sewln< carpet rags and branes and relieves irritation, 2. from the acid of grapes and lemon juice each member has been requested I t Increases secretion ef mucous ,-ombined with lithia, and has been use« the universal token of re and perm its easy expectoration, For a smooth shave tor years to help flush and stimulat sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize th membrance and apprecia I. I t stim ulates pores of the skin and quick service go icids in the system so they no longe In throw ing off body poisons and 4 tion. to th e Shell Barber rritate, thus often relieving bladde S Spasmodic Croup ia frequently I t strikes a t the cause, checking Shop. Ladles and weakness. relieved by one application of- germ action immediately. Jad Salt9 is inexpensive; can not in Phone 118 children get your * halt iure and makes a delightful efferves Do not coafuse it with ordin­ bobbed and marcel­ :ent lithia-water drink. By all mean a ry balsam cough syrups th a t are HATCHER lave your physician examine your kid led. . Y.A P O W R r.a U riy B only soothing siru p s and do not leys at least twice a year. “ The F lorist” go te the base of the trouble. W. A. SHELL, Prop. 1070 Boulevard U nlike other cough remedies • 32 A. St. Ashland. Ore Open on Sunday— We Deliver f j ♦ BALSAMEA h free from coal U r and other harm ful narcotics. P leasant to take and absolutely safe to give to children. Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A w ith the picture of the Indian on th e package. Gnaranteed to re­ lief any cough, no m atter from w hat cause, or your money back. Try Grandm other’» Old Favorite All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In Recipe of Sage Tea A shland buy it from Eastslde and Sulphur Pharmacy. X — Almost everyone knows that Sage I Tea and Sulphur, properly com- sounded, brings back the natural color utd lustre to the hair when faded, for streaked or gray. Yeajs ago the only In Colds or Catarrh way to get this mixture was to make CHRONTC it at home, which is mussy and trouble- COUGHS The way to clear the head quickly it lome. Nowadays, by asking at any z with Ely’s Cream Balm. Apply it in, drug store for “Wyeth’s Sage and Sul­ the nostrils and breathe it. The fume« phur Compound,” you will get a large - 1 are antiseptic. They combat the germ' aottle of this famous old recipe, im­ Compromise is reached in Sis- attack. The head is cleared, the inflam-< “ TLorn ¡ c n n R D f t M f i n i T I N I M E ” proved by the addition of other in­ gredients, at a small cost. kivou liquor cases Some will mation “ subdued, the whole trouble i« lUCre IS HO O tlief oKVlYlU UUIlMPlC Don't stay gray! Try it! No one . .u checked at once. “■ ta k e the bourbon and the others internal treatments deal OT,y an possibly tell that you darkened Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as an ¡ tout hair, as it does it so naturally and w ill take the Scotch. results. They are slow. Combat the germs where they attack. End the mis- effective remedy for COLDS, GRIP and INFLUENZA, and tvenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through as a Preventive. Price 30 Cents. "Old roosters are dull and try, stop the cold. four hair, taking one small strand at a Ask your druggist for a bottle of w eak,” reports th e New York Ely’s Cream Balm. Get its quick relief iime; by mortting the gray hair disap­ pears, and after another application or Jo u rn a l of Commerce T hat co- That is the right way with a head cold :wo your hair becomes beautifully 77ze First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet >r catarrh. incidee with our observation. lark, glossy and ¿(tractive. Classified Column ciW BRITISH RULER ON US OFFICES FORD REPAIR WORK BATH ROOM RUGS There is a difference A. L. A. M. STANDARD Oeser’s Ashland Service Station Steel Cap Screws P N E U M O N IA USUALLY STARTS FROM COLDS GENERAL GASOLINE VALVOLINE OIL Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store H a v e K id n e y s E x a m in e d B y Your Doctor Dr. Oeser and Son Tfte Ashland For Every Occasion , Printing Company HAS TWO FUNCTIONS— “Say It With Flowers” 9 — PROUP TO BOOST ASHLAND AND ASHLAND BUSINESS V IC K S If this Signature BAL-SA-M r-A Heads Cleared BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK is NOT on the Box, it is NOT QUININE The Ashland Daily Tidings The Tidings Job Printing Department WHERE YOU CAN GET ANY FORM OF PRINT­ ING AT REASONABLE PRICES Advertise in The Daily Tidings and use neatly print­ ed forms from The Tidings job printing shop, and you have a publicity campaign that will - make your business More valuable. The Ashland Tidings Phone 39 '♦ - V I M M M M M