FAÖfc ÀéÉtÀiœ fcAîU «tböK » Friday, February ¿0, 102Ó ■ -rr- have s lot of good ball players. ell, Mrs. Mary Sherman, Mr. 0 . the flil-day m eeting which Will be Into ecstacies over the chances Cobb said, “ but the fact of the to these young pitchers who serv­ A. Stearns, the guest of honor, held a t the Qowland home 'March of his team in the American. Lea­ m atter is th a t experience as well ed us so well last year. Our 11th. At this time Miss Ada Mr9.Alice Roberts and the host­ gue. race this year, but does re­ pitching staff Is no longer to be PHYSICIANS , Brew ster, home dem onstration mark th a t he hoped to give the as ability m ust be present when looked upon with scorn by other ess Mrs. O. A. Steam s. Cl*x*lfleSee these models today. PHARM ACAL CO.. Inc. Cor. Grape and F ifth — Medford. tice and my family. I t is quick, 598 Madison Ave. New York. N . 1 Phone 369— Day or Night su re and safe in its action like I will be in Ashland at the East nothing else.” Famous Austrian Toward the end of the Influ­ Side Pharm acy every W ednesday Surgeon Restored by 12:30 to 5:30 enza epidemic a governm ent phy­ Gland Treatment sician noticed th a t a tribe of In­ P L 17 M B I N G dians in Nevada, by the use of oils Striking new models in spring’s Attractive tailored models for Dr. Lorenz, famous Au itrian 1 from a native plant were immune .Terry O’Neal ■prettiest colors that* will appeal to surgeon, according to a recent from the ravages of Influenza. street and sport-wear, in tan, rust, Plum bing and Heating the women who want something I press dispatch, has subm itted He used these oils among his Opposite Newr Hotel orange, powder bhie. Priced at himself to glandular treatm ent. w hite patients and then in a hos­ distinctive. Priced from Ashland, Oregon. pital everflowing with ‘death ” 129-tf- This treatm ent, according to the t o $ 3 5 .00 ------- doctor’s own statem ent, has re­ cases. News of the results swept 65 $ FURNITURE stored him to the health and vi­ th e world and for some time It w as not possible to supply the gor of his earlier days, and he fa Upholstering, refinishing, re-glue­ very enthusiastic about this dem and. ing. W ork done at your home. BALSAMEA has now been new branch of medical science. Medford, Tel. 969-R. 130-1 mo.* '•♦andardized and gives uniformly Thousands of men and women M iraculous results in four ways: who are lacking in health and en­ CONTRACTORS 1. It soothes the inflamed mem­ ergy, are taking advantage of Van G order Construction Co branes and relieves irritatio n , 2. science's most recent discoVeriy Smart, youthful models, that em­ All kinds of building It increases secretion of mucous and are using Glandogen, a highly In the popular new shades, indes­ Construction. Contract or body every new style feature of and perm its easy expectoration, concentrated glandular tonic, in Percentage cribably smart in a p p e a r a n .e e 3. It stim ulates pores of the skin 459 Morton St. convenient tablet form, prepared the new season. Priced from Amazing values at In throw ing ofT body poisons and 4 from the glands of healthy young It strikes a t,th e cause, checking For a smooth shave animals. Glandogen has had re- $0.00 to $ .00 germ action immediately. and quick service go m arkable success in the treatm ent Do not coafuse it with ordin­ to the Shell Barber of run-down, nervous individuals ary balsam cough syrups th a t are Shop. Ladies and E ast Side Pharm acy will supply only soothing siru p s and do not children get your hair you. go to the base of the trouble. bobbed and marcel­ Unlike other cough remedies led. BALSAMEA is free from coal ta r and other harm ful narcotics. W. A. SHELL, Prop. P leasant to take and absolutely >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore «afe to give to children. I Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A Gas on Stomach w ith the picture of the Indian on W on’t Let You Sleep th e package. G uaranteed to re­ Silk and Wool Sweaters—the latest styles and colors. lief any cough, no m atter from Merit Percale, light and dark colors, a y a r d ....................19c Gas pressing on heart and other Priced at w hat cause, or your nionfey back. All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In organs sometimes causes a rest­ 10 and $J.OO less, nervous feeling and prevents Belfast Percale, guaranteed fast colors, a yard .............22c BE EXAMINED AT ONCE A shland buy it frbm Eastside sleep. A dlerika helps any case gas Pharm acy. O N O T suffer indefinitely with on the stomach, unless due to Piles or other Rectal or Colon dis­ Kalburnie Gingham, 32 inches wide, all new spring deep-seated causes. The QUICK orders. Examination will relieve you of patterns .................................................................... 26c action will surprise you. Because ■worry and doubt about your condition and my treatments will cause speedy We have the sleeveless models; also the short sleeved models, Adlerika is such an excellent in­ recovery of your former good health with collars in a beautiful ralige of colors to choose from testinal evacuant it is wonderful and vigor. Everfast 'Suiting, a yard ........................................( ... 45c for for constipation— it often works $0.25 to $0.35 My treatment for Piles is GUARAN­ CHRONIC in one hour and never grips. T. K. TEED to cure you or the fee for yout Devonshire and Junior Wash Fabrics, a yard ................ 33c COUGHS treatments will be refunded. Bolton. t Classified Column PROFESSIONAL TY COBB HOPEFUL, BUT WON’T ASSERT T A tire is know n b y th e dealers i t keeps Safe Deposit Boxes Dry, scaly, itching Skin TIRES and TUBES CORETHROAT The Citizens Bank of Ashland VifiiSS Lcedom’s Tire House FOR THE SMARTEST MODES IN Spring Dresses and Coats Dresses of Satin Crepe Dr< isses of Flannel 1050 0 *20 Dresses of Plain and Printed Crepes Coats '^10’50 aud*M 650 sllllliat NEW SPRING SWEATERS I piles If you’ll simply do this in die morning All those dull days can be ended, those days of unfitness. You can live two days in One. Millions have proved that in this , simple, pleasant way. _________ On rising, drink a »lass of water, hot or cold. That washes nit the stomach, fits it for food. Add to that water a little Jad Salts. Silk Slip-on Sweaters Call or write for my FREE book on Piles and other Rectal and C o lo n disor­ ders. ¡¡¡5ÜS5Ü3E5J, 4 MD.Inc DEAN. . » ’ SEATTLE OFFICES: That makes an acid, effervescent drinl Jad Salts are made from the acids o POP.T ____ „.... SOS-Stt Shatr 3 T M . W r M A IN 6TH A N P . PI WC grape and lemon juices, plus lithia, etc Dr Watch the results. In one hou comes complete elimination. All th poisors, all the wastes depart. You be come a new person, like a child of ter W O T O -N IG H T All through a delicious drink. All b lor loss of appetite, bad breath, coated tongue, biliousness, adding sparkle to your morning draught WitAoaf griping or nausea Try this tomorrow. It will be a reve lation. It will show yob how to sav C H A M B E R L A I N 'S the lost days, and ward off serious trou TABLETS bles. You will use it always when yo» .know. .Ml druggists supply Jad Salt: Sot your liver right—only 25« T NEW SPRING GOODS $2 D No Gloomy Days 40 Peter Pan Sweaters Coat Sweaters Silk Scarfs MUNSINGWEAR FOR THE FAMILY - - $5.25 - - $7.15 $2.25 and $3.00 Silk Stripe Ratine, 36 inches wide, a y a r d .................... $1.20 Flannel, 56 inches wide in plain colors and checked patterns, a y a r d ..........................................$2.25 to $3.85 Golden Rule Store P h o n e No. 3 A S H L A N D , ORE. E lk s B ldg AGENTS FOR DESIGNER PATTERNS