h lofi tiro A shland daily TIDÍNG í » A S H L A N D D A I L Y T I D I N G Sjto treat those responsible too In some such fashion as a , (Established in 1876) ¡warning that such wrongs against any human being willj P ublished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. This is Ashlands Place To Find What It Wants To Eat Sunday ■ —• ¡not lie tolerated in the United States. Wliat-lias MMa” Ferguson to say ? »■»•ft tt. G re e r ........ ................................................................. .................... E d ito . o e o rg e M adden G reen ......... ................................................. B u sin e ss M anagei UTICA, N. Y., F eb . 19. — T h e i second a n n u a l in d o o r* tra c k c a r ­ PUNISH ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE! n iv al, to be h eld h e re F e b ru a ry 28 The other day a prisoner planned to destroy some of , a t th e s t a t e A rm o ry u n d e r th e members of the Hotâling family in San Francisco. H e a u sp ic e s of th e U tica D is tric t Am < F F IC IA L CITY P A P E R ......... ........................................,.......T e lep h o n e 39 lettered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter tlie Subscription P rice, D elivered in City *•««» ............................ ......................... ............. » •« (lid not throw a bomb at them, nor did lie shoot them a s 'ateur A‘"le“c u re a M onths 1.95 , ., . ’ , . . ises to be th e la rg e s t a th le tic they passed along tl^ street.. Instead, lie planned to kill m eet, in or o u td o o r, ev er held in t i M onths C u e Y e a r .. and escape. He displaced their milk bottles on tlie steps th e P en t-U p C ity. By Mail and R ural R ou tes Six co lleg es w ill be in v ited to of their home, with bottles that contained poison. « M o n th ... *1 a re e M onths p a rtic ip a te in a sp ecial college Men will be bonified, and rightly so. But they will b :x M onths ... re la y e v e n t, w hile high schools say: “ How corrupt is human nature, that would plan ! a s f a r Eas,t as A lbany, W e st to b a a Y e a r ____ a thing like this! . • . ' I S y racu se, N o rth to O g d e n sb u rg D ISPL A Y .AD V ERTISIN G R A T E S c .a g le in se rtio n , pe? in ch .................................................................. $ .30 \\ hy not rather say, how good is human nature, th at, and S o u th to N orw ich w in receive Yearly C ontracts in v ita tio n s to c o m p ete fo r posses would permit a thing like this to occur! <**>• ip s e rtio n a w eek ..................- ..................................................... .2 7 % of th é Y. M. C ..A . B u sin ess .25 i * o in sertion s a w eek .............................. ........................................... If human nature were all corrupt, or much corrupt, sion M en's Gym C lub T rophy. Sche- b a lly insertion ..... _ ............................................................................... .20 we would not drink milk, without first ascertaining m ectaty H igh w on th e cup la s t R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising r irs t in se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ...................................................... $ whether it was poisoned. We would not take food from y ear. E ach s u b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e .................... - ............. U nion, St. L a w re n c e, S y racu se, our front steps. i n d of T h a n k s ............................—......................................................... 3 u c ltn a H e s , p e r lin e ......................... .................................................... .0 2 % . Everywhere, the noticeable fact about us is tliat we Col£atP. Clarkson Tech and ( ft« W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ A ll f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re a n a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r 3 U 'itec tio n ta k e n is A d v e rtisin g . No d isc o u n t w ill be allo w ed R e lig io u s o r B e n e v o le n t o rd e rs. DONATIONS No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s or. o th e rw is e w ill be m ad e in a d v e rtis o r jo b p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash. ALL PAINTED 1JP , «• i , • i . are confident in each other. Air i , , H a m ilto n * w ill he in v ited to send fo u r m en re la y team,:' fo r a spec­ confidence. Confi- ial e v e n t of 780 y a rd s. La,st y e a r It is a time saver1 only 1 C o lg ate a n d H a m ilto n w ere a sk e d to c o ftp e te , a n d tlie M ar- \\ e have reason to he. r, For die most part we are worthy of this deuce is a social and a business asset. and a money maker. True, we learn that there must be limits on this con­ fidence. We know that there must he formal understand­ ings, and agreements. We must have deeds, and hills of sale, and record notes when they have been made. But even these tilings are made necessary by the com­ plications of social and industrial life, by the forgetful­ ness of human nature, rather than by its bad intentions. All the more reason when a poisoner, or a triekstei of any kind, misuses public confidence, be should be made an example of. Violations of confidence, that, do contra­ vene the law. should receive no clem&ney whatever from the law , oon q u a r te t w as v icto rio u s. T h e m ee t th is season w ill be m uch la r g e r th a n th e f ir s t one. G ram m ar-sch o o l c o m p e titio n w ill be h eld in th e m o rn in g , w ith k ig h - school p re lim in a rie s in th e a fte rn o o n a n d fin a ls in th e e v e n ­ ing. T he college re la y will also be sta g e d a t n ig h t, as w ill th e open c o m p e titio n event?. In a d ­ d itio n to th e boy’s e v e n ts, com pe­ titio n s fo r g irls a n d y o u n g w o­ m en Willi be h eld in a ll divisions. T he hig h -sch o o l e v e n ts fo r boys a re : 3 0 -y ard d a sh , r u n n in g high ju m p , 4 4 0 -y ard ru n a n d 7 89-yard re la y . F o r g irls : '30-yard d a sh . 60- y a rd to s s a n d c a tc h , 6 5 -y ard d ash a r d 2 6 0-yard re la y . People who have seen Broadway—or any other place where women grow hard and bold, where faces- get pale and drawn and lose their freshness under stress and dis- h pat ion—have seen these women attempt to restore their freshness with rouge on cheeks and lip, and pencil on the eyebrow and eyelash. It helps. Undoubtedly. The appearance is very much unproved. But it doesn’t take away the hardness and the boldness of expression. And anyone who is sympathetic­ ally inclined, or even one who mechanically grasps the verities of life cannot fail to deplore the woman obviously SUCCESS IN RETAIL TRADE painted for obvious reasons. Many ambitious young men turn to retail trade, hop­ T he open e v e n ts f o r y o u n g m en And yet as we said before the paint is somewhat an improvement The boldness is not quite so bold. The ing eventually to own their own business, and seeing them­ a re : 3 0-yard d a s h , ru n n in g high hardness is not quite so hard. The ghastliness is .not selves in anticipation as dignified proprietors of success­ ju m p , 8 8 0 -y ard ru n a n d 7 8 0 -v ard la y . F o r g irls : 3 0 -y ard d ash quite so ghastly. And so we can understand why that ful concerns. They will be.warned that it is a crowded re an d 2 6 0 -y ard relay . kind* of woman wants to slap cosmetics outo her features field, in which «people should not be encouraged to invest T he e n tr ie s closed F e b ru a ry 18 thick enough to disguise, as far as possible, the traces of nionev unless tliev seem to have some ahilitv for »such w ith L e ic e ste r D. K lo u s, c h a irm a n management. Yet it is a field of opportunity, particularly of th e e v e n ts c o m m itte e . All e n ­ the life she is living. But the thing that a lot of people cannot understand if one can do something to cut down cost of retail dis­ trie s s h o u ld be s e n t to him a t th e C ity N a tio n a l B an k B u ild in g , i? why a young, innocent girl wants to smear up her tribution. If people are willing to work lmrd, if they under­ U tica, b e fo re t h a t d ate. .^weet little face in the same way. Why in the name of the Seven Southerland Sisters should any girl with the stand their line of merchandise,-and if they have an eager faintest sense of the artistic want to so smudge lief eye­ desire to give honest service, they have qualities.that will L e tte rh e a d s , s ta te m e n ts , t o vour o rd e r a t th e T id in g s O ffice. brows and eyelashes with some black daub, and so plaster go far toward success. havfi a good jo b p rin tin g d e ­ Push and initiative are needed. Many interests clamor p We her cheeks and lips with red paint, that you have got to a r tm e n t/ tf ieok twice: or maybe three times, to tell her from one of for the ear of the people. The retail merchant needs some the enamled wrecks of the big city. And sometimes then well formulated plan for attracting public attention in the midst of all these appeals. Those who take a passive you can’t be sure unless von are discerning. If there were anything artistic about it—'if there attitude and wait for the public to come to them, will not N ow is the tim e to buy spray probably-get very far. pum ps, plow s and harrow s, were any beauty in it, we might say something about d rills and all k inds of farm art for a rt’s sake. For where is the man with soul so im plem ents. F en cin g in every Some folks claim new schoolhouses should be built .«lead that he would deny any woman the privilege of style. H arness, collars, snaps, making herself look attractive. Where is the man who if the pupils have to walk a mile to school, and then they and pads. New and used Sew ­ wouldn’t prefer a delicately tinted velvet cheek and rosy want gymnasiums to keep the kids exercised. in g M achines. A u to R obes, etc. tip to the pale, washed out variety. . But what man is there who can admire a girl with In view of the girls who are'sitting around without, PEIL’S CORNER her face smeared up like a wild Indian’s, with tike paint partners'at the dances, it would be a good idea to insert a| on so thick you can tell it a block off ? “ Male Help Wanted” advertisement in The Tidings. And you have to get close up to her and see the light in her eyes through the coated lashes and get the expres­ sion in her face through the layers of paint before you can decide what she is or is not. A man steps out of bis part when lie finds fault with lace finishes which are artistically applied. But when they are slapped on crudely, brazenly, futuristically, that brings on more talk. Redder lips than God ever gave the reddest lipped woman, pinker cheeks than God ever gave Mie pinkest cheeked woman, blacker eyelashes and black­ er eyebrows than God ever gave the blackest eyebrowed and eyelaslied woman! Talk about painting the rose and gilding the lily. That’s it. LET FULL JUSTICE BE DONE TO SUCH BRUTES “ They asked me how tall I was. When I told them six feet, they ordered me to dig a hole six feet long, as that was to be my grave.” , • The above is not taken from a lurid story or a his­ torical work detailing the practices of some bloody pirate of the sixteenth or seventeenth1 centuries. . It was put down in a letter written to Mrs. J. E. King, chairman of the Texas State Prison advisory Board, by a prisoner in the Texas penitentiary. And, according to her statement before an investi­ gating body, the bole was dug, the digger shot by the guards and buried therein before she could get to the prison to intercede in bis behalf. Tlie pirates of old, who practiced such inhuman cruelties, when caught, were hanged without mercy tfrom the yardarm. If this story be true, then it would be good and just M arket Basket ed. M ajo r M alley sa id : “ I am ta k in g th is trip fo r th e d o u b le p u rp o se of stu d y in g th e C an al Zone from th e a ir fo r th e _____ a rm y , of w hich I am a m em b er, in BOSTON, F eb . 20. — An 8,-1 th e R e se rv e C orps, a n d to try th e OOO-foot d ro p in a n a irp la n e is th e ' new s tu n t of c lim b in g to th e ik ie s new ly re p o rte d cure" fo r d e a f n e s s / a n d d ro p p in g w ith th e p lan e , in I a n e n d e a v o r to rec o v e r my h e a r ­ To M ajo r C h a rle s A. M alley, in g — in one e a r I lo st m y h e a rin g first lie u te n a n t in th e A n cien t d u rin g a lig h te n in g sto rm last a n d H o n o ra b le A rtille ry C om ­ S u m m er. p a n y a n d w e llk n o w n A llsto n r e a l­ A n u m b e r o f frie n d s will ac­ ty d e a le r, w ill go a. d istin c tio n of co m pany M ajor M alley to th e b e in g th e f ir s t New E n g la n d m a n ; tla n a l Zone. to e n d e a v o r to reg a in h is h e a rin g via t h a t ro u te . B i AIRPLANE DIVE? R e c e n tly a m an w ho w as to ta l­ ly d e a f w as ta k e n to a g r e a t a lti­ tu d e in an a irp la n e by a f rie n d . S u d d en ly , a n d w ith o u t w a rn in g , th e p lan e d ro p p ed to e a rth . N e ith ­ e r p a sse n g e r w as in ju re d , a n d th e d e a f m an h a d co m p le te ly re g a in ­ ed h is h e a rin g . T h is s ta r te d th e m edical w o rld , a n d se v e ra l sim i­ la r c u re s h a v e sin ce been r e p o r t­ TID IN G S W ANT ANYTHING. LONDON, F e b . 20.— F o llo w in g th e ex a m p le se t by m a n ? A m eri- j can s, B rito n ? a re d e v e lo p in g th e h a b it of g oing on sea c ru ise s, so 1 m uch so t h a t sev eral of th e p rin - j cip al sh ip p in g co m p an ies a re a s - ■ sig n in g la rg e s te a m e rs to c a r r y . Roast Lamb Roast Beef Pork Roast WOMEN DEMAND q u a lity in b re a d — best in g re d ­ ie n ts, p ro p e r m ix 'n g an d cooked to p e rfe c tio n . T h is is th e aim w e k eep in view w hen m a k in g o u r b read , a n d th e fa c t th a t, it is so g e n e ra lly a p p ro v ed hy th e w om en w ho use it. proves th a t we m ee t th e d e m a n d s of th e m ost e x a c tin g cooks. W ould-be tra v e le rs g ra d u a lly a re re a liz in g t h a t su ch trip s a re econom ical a n d t h a t b e tte r w e a th ­ e r g e n e ra lly can be re lie d upon iu th e M ed iterranean, a n d a lso in S can d in av ia th a n h a s been expe­ rienced th is year in E n g la n d . British Adopt American W inter Cruising Habit For Your Sunday DINNER C O P V R tG H T - ■A-P ¡ k E. C 9 p a rtie s on cruise.^ fo r th re e w eeks o r a m o n th . Veal Roast Rabbits Chickens ADS SELL F razier & S on Now is the time to be­ gin looking after seed for spring planting. We have a fine lot of onion sets. Won’t forget* we have Little Chicken Feed, Little Chickens and then the Grainery Mash is the next thing you want and we have the best that we can find on the market. We only want von to give it a fair trial. Egg Builder and Egg Mash is the best that can he had, no filler, hut the pure stuff. When you get started once with our Poultry Feed,, you wjll not have anv other. Call for CHERRO. Phone 214 Eagle Market F razier & S on 353 E. Main Street Lithia Bakery Ladies of Ashland and Community please remember that we are here to save you the drudgery of baking at home. Oiir products are made of finest materials we can buy, and sold as reason­ able as SUPERIOR goods can he sold. Franklin Bakery Pure in the Can—Pure in the Baking— that’s CAIUMET THE WORLD'S GREATEST B A K IN G POW DER O n e tr ia l w i l l c o n v in c e y o u — m a k e a . t e s t — fo r g e t t h e r e s t SALES »«/* TIMES THOSE OF ANT OTHER BRAND Phone 199 Economy W ithout Sacrifice—T h at’s W hat the 20th Century Means to You. I t ’s the Saving on Everything in a 20th Century Store, That Counts. Family Savings—Saturday and Monday, February 21st and 2,3rd 0ÜR COUNTRY STILL BEST “ Big Bill” Haywood would rather come to America and face prison, than to stay in the communistic Russia ur Countrv. A Feature Page For Telling the Cooks About the Good Eatables Stewarts Blueing Bottle .................... 15c Carnation Milk, Tall cans, 3 f o r ............. 28c ( ’renie Oil Soap, Ö bars 25c—Limit 10 bars 20th Century Brooms, five sew, med. weight, finest quality, each SPORT MODEL T hat Qood Looking Car Behind its smart appearance it carries the sturdiest power motor ever built—the new Million Dollar Motor that develops 20% more power— real power. equipped for your safety. No skidding in wet weather. X Full Force Feed Lubrication to all bearings and cam shaft. Never a bumed-out bearing in a Star Car. Four-w heel brakes—tfie only car at its low cost so The 1925 Star Car is the greatest buy in the world (at the new low prices). e[See It T o d a y s Drive In I t— Compare It]* S. O. S., Large package, .............. 23c Dromedary ‘Cocoanut 1-4 lh. pkg., 2 for . .29c 98c Palm Olive Soap 4 bars ................. 29c Adirondack Cane and Maple Syrup—Pint, ..33c— Quart, ..55c— 1-2 gal., ..99c Bulk Oats, fresh 4 lbs. .................... 25c Walnuts, G rouer’s fey., Budded Frampiettes lh.............................. 40c Cheese — Full Cream 2 lbs........................ 57c 25c Pancake Flour—Sperrys Olympic, 21-2 lh. package Tea, fancy Çeylon and India (hulk) lh. ..59c Comb honey, full white sections, each 28c Criseo 6 lh. can ............. $1.43 $1.29 Royal Baking Powder—Large can, 43c— 21-2 lh. can, Mazóla Oil Quarts ................ 48c Gliir Ground -Chocolate lh. ..32c— 3 lbs. ..87c Vim best patent flour 49 lb. sack ......... $2.49 20th Century Coffee—Appeals to the taste—Roasted the day before you buy it— Çound ............................... , ............ 48c 3 lbs................................................... $1.42 MASON MOTOR CO. 30 N. Holly St. MEDFORD, OREGON Million Dollar, Motor X Smooth Disc Clutch Four-Wheel Brakes X T ubular Backbone Ripe Olives, Bulk Pint .................... 19c Toilet Paper, fcv. soft crepe, 4 r o lls ......... 23c Curtis or Del Monte Pi- mentos, 1-2’s, 2 for 25c Lettuce, solid heads eacli ..................... 10c Large size Fla. Grape Fruit, 64 size, ea. . .10c Celery 2 hunches ............. 25c 20th Century Grocery 20th Century Stores in Southern Oregon are located at ASHLAND ’ MEDFORD GRANTS PASS 374 E. Main St. 37 N. Central Ave. 509 G St.