PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Wednesday, February 18, 1925 another coolidge surprise increase from 2,690,450,000, con- W oodburn — Oregon Packing sunued in# 1914, to 7,721,168,000 company will contract for 200 The newly named governor of Alaska is so modest in 1922, or 187 per cent. acres of cucumbers here. Cost of — that he does not know, until he inquires of his friends, Published Every Evening Except Sunday by Strange as it may seem the re- this acreage already secured. ¡whether he is fit for the job. Most men would have taken! : port states th a t the consumption THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. O iR tts __ ilie President’s word for it. But George A. Parks is at 42 H i H O r flC i C A P 0 , , i tobacco 18 probably influenced » - r t r . Greer .........................................................................................Edito. y e a r s of age a bachelor, which may. explain it. Having L y th e . 111 UuL Ul InUU ! ' tions llttle or by prosperity the econ<)niic condi- • eorge Madden Green .................................................... Business Managei ‘ of a people gone that many years without being grabbed, -he Radier o f as that notied in any commodity. < > fic ^ l city paper .......................................Telephone 39(achieved an inferiority complex. No woman has thought!’ Knteretl at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter CALL of prosperity among a Physical WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.— The Absence him worth while may cause a revision frftm Subscription Price, Delivered id City Culture , outstanding feature of the tobacco | people AND SEE THE Perhaps Parks has reason for being suspicious even 1 ne Month .................................................... ....................................... J .61 industry in the past decada has the use of the more expensive to u.ree Months ........ ............................................................................... I 3.73' ^ i o f the President’s commendation. For the Senate lias been the vast increase in cigarette the cheaper forms of tobacco. This' t i Months Colonial Pipeless i consumption in all parts of. the is corroborated by the fact that c u e Year __7.50 been displaying a very peculiar temper regarding the superiority of m ilk as a world, says T. L. Hughes, chief of although the United States is the! B y Mail and R ural R outes • □6 Month ............................................................................................ J .65 'President’s nominees. There are 96 senators,-or tliere- food is not confined to its protein ¡ the tobacco section of th e De-' richest nation per capita in the Furnace ntnnt alone, olnnzi Ix a.A its m ~ i_... i and » ’ 1.95 1 abouts. And a material portion of the 96 have been sliow- PO i hree Months ............._........................................................................ content but ineral world, it has not the largest per p artaient of Commerce, in a re­ F x Months ............................................................................................ a restlessness about these little nomination surprises. vitam ine contents arc equally ef­ port on the international trade in capita consumption of tobacco. and we will tell you what i ne Year .......................................................... -i — There is a form\of strategy to which they have not been ficient. Scientists have not, at this leaf and m anufactured tjobacco In recent years leaf tobacco DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES writing made full investigations released today. it will cost installed com­ alone has formed approximately ' accustomed, at least not for several years. Even Theodore i':ngla insertion, pe_- inch ............................................... $ .30 o f the relative value of protein This trend, according to Mr. 8 per cent of all agricultural pro­ Yearly Contracts Roosevelt, independent in so many things, plaintively from all food sources, nor can the plete in your home. Hughes, developed during the war ducts exported from the United •’ne insertion a week ................................................................... .27% said once that no one should judge his administration hv investigation upon other species of years and has steadily gained States, being relatively of more! ' «co insertions a week ........................................... ....................... .25 bally insertion ................................................................................. .20 i the nominations he made. He was careful to pay formal anim als apply absolutely to the momentum. The m ore general use im portance than our export trade! human nutrition. \Ve can, how­ Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising ever, derive certain principles of cigarettes by women in ali in m eats. This country is by far* r »rst insertion, per 8 point line .................................... ...... __ 5 .10 ¡allegiance at least to the laws of senatorial* courtesy. from the investigations far countries has given a fu rth er im­ th e most im portant producer and .05 h ach subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ...... Simpson’s President Coolidge is trying another plan. He is m ade that will be of use thus in de­ 1.00 - srd of Thanks petus to this movement. Tire obituaries, per line A.o2 % i getting much applause from the galleries. But it happens term ining the approximate value consueiption of cigars, however, exporter of tobacco, but strong . Hardware of protein from various foods. competition has developed from a that the galleries do not always drown out the chorus of Milk, as already clearly dem on­ during this period, due chiefly W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING strated, heads the list for the ef­ to the curtailed purchasing power num ber of other countries, imclud-l “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or s “ Noes” from the Senate seats. Winchester Store ih/eaif/i (Established in 1876) u ile c tio n taken is Advertising. , No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. DONATIONS No donations to c h a rité s or otherwise will be made in advertis «ng or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. THE FARMER AS USUAL GETTING • WORST OF IT ficiency of protein. A close second is eggs. N ext in value wo may expect to find the proteins of flesh food. Since the average, propor­ tion of protein in a diet of cereals, nuts and vegetables, together with m ilk and eggs, furnishes an am ple am ount of protein, the use of m eat as a source of protein is uncalled for, and such dangers as may be involved in the introduction of dis- Commenting on the recent increase in the price of wheat, J. C. Mohler, secretary of the Kansas State Board . BUT DOES HE WANT IT? of Agriculture, says: It is said that if a man will go after almost anything “ The farmer will get a very small part of the in- ease germs or poisonous waste pro in this world courageously and persistently lie will stand of the anim al through m eat crease. More than 85 per cent of the wheat raised bv * is ducts * a mighty good chance of getting it. a danger that m ay very wisely About avoided. There is am ple evid­ Now there was Phinehas. He had a ‘ tremendously the , farmers last year has been sold hv them. , , three- be ence that there is no quality in lough job getting his wife-not that she wasn’t willing. *onr hs of “‘f K“" i'as erf'P was hauled troni thè-fami jn m eat protein that cannot be se­ through m ilk and eggs, and tier lather was the obstacle. He declared .he would never !! 10 ,!?' week of Noverobei. The average price up to cured since the quantity of protein re­ give his consent and that if Phinehas married the girl ’hat tnna was only $1.0.. And the farmer was happy to quired is m uch sm aller than that usually eaten, m eat is unnecessary without his consent he would shoot him full of holes. l ! '1' source of protein, either from Naturally he was. For three years the wheat grower a as a quantitative or a qualitative From that Phinehas-gained the impression that the standpoint. had been living on hope and hope does not pay the family old man was not partial to him. And the girl refused Therefore when m ilk and eggs are available the use of m eat m ust to marry Phinehas without her father’s consent, because hills. be defended on other grounds than Not once, during that period had wheat touched a that ¡-•he had been trained not to disobey hi.m, and neither did of normal nutrition. For the dolar 'up to last summer and most of the time the crop grow ing child the substitution of ¡ he want a perforated husband. m eat for m ilk and eggs is never to was actually disposed of at a heavy loss. And so Phinehas set to work courageously and per­ be advised or tolerated where the Real money looked as good to him as the springs of purer form s of anim al protein can sistently to win the girl’s father. He would call around at be secured. For the adult m eat m ay be utilized as a source of pro­ Mie house ihout twice a week trying to make the old man the oasis to a desert traveler. Yet as he sees the lucky traders making millions out tein if taken in sm all quantities, see it his way. The old man finally told Phinehas that if harm will ordinarily resu lt of his product; and speculators clothing themselves in and The no relative value of vegetable he called again he would handle him unceremoniously. proteins is a point upon which we purple and surveying the world from high powered limou And Phinehas, who was of thrifty New England stock still need more light. The present information would indicate that put on an old suit and a shirt that had a tear in it any­ sines, he feels outraged. And the public, which pays the freight, sympathizes oats rank higher than wheat, and way and went back. wheat higher than corn. But a more important discovery is that And the old man kept his word. He handled Phine­ with that feeling. If we must pay higher prices for bread, it should go the leguminous foods (peas i»nd has unceremoniously. Phinehas took it all as a matter beans) have in the past been gen­ :o the producer and not to the gambler. erally over-estimated as a source o f course. He didn’t try to hit back. of protein. But whether it ever will is another question . But he called again on schedule time. He had a dis­ colored eye and there was a strip of court plaster across What does it profit people to beat swords into plow­ place called the diamond field his cheek where his face had touched the steps when he was a mass of eight-sided figures shares if they must endeavor to heat locomotives into about left the porch. the size of honeycomb octa­ gons, but each point was separate. And Phinehas’ girl’s father blustered and stormed grade crossings ? They caught and reflected the furiously. But he didn’t hit Phinehas this time. There Correct this sentence: “ She’s the prettiest girl in the ;'ight and sparkled more brilliantly was a peculiar light in the old man’s eye that was almost chorus.” said the millionaire to his son, “ and I ’m sure than a diamond which was com­ -one of fear, certainly one of apprehension. pared with them. Beyond this To make a long story short, Phinehas kept at it— she isn’t after \ our monev.” was a form ation p;i the wall that looked like an old hen and chick- courting the old man persistently and courageously until discovered it. “ His parents had ania. he got the girl. alm ost decided to send Homer Therq was a stretch of cot key Of course that was quite an achievement. He had with us,” Miss Perce said, “ but cavern almost as smooth as pave­ won his goal. But did he want what he got? After he Floyd looked so disappointed th at m ent which Floyd pointed on* to they said, ‘Well, go ‘long with th e girls, rem arking th a t lie w ant­ got it? He did not. The girl was just as pugnacious as you if you w ant to, but don’t stop ed to put on automobile in there her father. Furthermore, she and her folks had become to look at every little m ark.’’ next year so he could give people accustomed to seeing Phinehas knocked around and tak­ “ There was a quick ^ s c e n t a car ride in the cave. The girls ing it good naturedlv; so it was the most natural thing from the entrance. We had gone don’t know w hether his ambition i 1 the world that they should treat him like a book agent UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, o,nly a little way when Floyd was realized or not. after lie became one of the family. They hanged him Eugene, Feb. 18.— (Special) — asked us, ‘Are you skeery? Then ’ The Canny Scot W ith Floyd Collins, the unfor-j step over here and I ’ll show you around like a second hand flivver. They disregarded him tunate K entuckian entrapped in som ething. Looks like Some one Mandy: “ Why do you roll your and joked and ridiculed him even before company. And Samd Cave, as th e ir guide, the had been here ahead of us.’ We own cigarettes, Mr. McTavish?” after Phinehas had been married to that girl a year lie University of Oregon girls, Flos- i stepped to the side of the trail Sandy: “Aweel, ye ken after I would have given anything in the world never to have sie Perce of CJackamas and Helen and on a big piece of rock by a smoke a bag o’ ’baccy, I can al­ W hitcomb of Portland, four years great crevice there were the re­ ways get twa smokes oot o’ the laid eyes on her. ago visited Crystal cave, which of th ree hum an skeletons. vacuum cleaner.” Yes, it is-true that a man can generally win almost young Collins had, discovered on m ains “ Presently we came to some any goal if he will go after it courageously and persist­ his fa th e r’s farm. The girls were huge1 barefooted hum an tracks ently. And he really does not need a marked degree of in K entucky in Jyne, 1921, and I about 15 inches long. They had intelligence either. However, sometimes a kindly Provi­ made a trip to Mammoth Cave. | evidently been made when the ‘The Collinses were plain! floor wa® soft. A little farth er Ladies of Ashland dence paces obstacles between that which one wants hut country people who earned a V.v- ( on were some tracks th a t looked which one had better not have. To he able to know when ing principally by guiding tourists like those of an unshod mule. and Community an obstacle is a thing to he overcome, and when it is a through their cave,” Miss Perce Floyd rem arked with his custom ­ kindly warning to lay off, is where intelligence comes in. said. “ They seemed to be typi­ ary drawl and with a twinkle in please remember that we cal Kentucky m ountaineers, who his eyes th a t he ’sposed old Adam are here to save you the seem£d to have little education and Eve took th e ir honeymoon drudgery of baking at and who had had little contact here. S’pose old Adam made the AUTO THIEVERY INCREASING home. with the outside world. and old Eve rode the , * Auto thefts increase remarkably. Police are worried “ We had ju st come out of tracks m ule’.” in many large cities and many states. What is wrong? Mammoth cave, and one of us re­ Nearby they came to a ledge of Our products are made of Are men more dishonestt Or are automobiles more allur­ m arked th a t we were disappointed ' rock on which lay a piece of stone finest materials we can because we had not seen the cry­ th a t closely resembled a lower ing to the dishonest? buy, ami sold as reason­ stal form ations, when a man step­ «let of false teeth. “ I found these Probably nothing of the sort. able as SUPERIOR goods ped up and said, ‘Why don’t you along here,” he drawled: “ I s'pose Me are just getting to the place in automobile habits go see Crystal cave? It has more old Eve lost ’em. I pu t ’em up can he sold. » where the line of opportunity for dishonesty and the line beautiful crystals than these.’ We here for her; thought she might ol individual carelessness in the handling of automobiles decided to g o ’with him. He was want ’em when she came back to Homer Collins, the brother of e a rth .” crosses to the side of public evidence. Floyd; the one who was taken Gnie of the most beautiful Franklin Bakery W e have been, lor these 20 years, children in dealing exhausted out of the cave in try ­ sights, th e girls report, was a v ith automobiles. We are children in buying them. We ing to re-cue Floyd.” place on the roof about 200 feet When the Oregon girls arrived Phone 199 «tie children in driving them. We are children in keeping square where the salts had formed at the Collins place they offered a mlass of perfect w hite lilies. The them going «Just as most men all their lives are children the qlder Mr. Collins a trav elers’ in handling watches, so are most of us children in dealing check in payment of the adm is­ with automobiles. ♦ « n » sion fee to the cave. He looked doubtfully a t it -and rem arked, “ I So even the thievery instinct of men has been in its don’t like to take things th a t I childhood, lor automobiles. There were a few dishonest don’t know anything about.” He men who got “ wise” to the automobile as an. opportunity, had had some trouble with a very early. There have been automobile thefts for years. check before and declared th at he But not many. And the potential crooks are learning a “w asn’t going to be caught again,” We are peased to announce that His son, Homer, persuaded him little faster than those that they prey upon. we have just installed a new sec­ We leave a contrivance worth many hundred, per- it “ nt L d ^ ’af80 ) he li “ pre­ tion of SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES, naps several thousand dollars, out on a-public place. It ferred money.” and that we are again in position has its own motive power,-as well as its own wheels. Its Floyd liked to guide people to extend to the public the conven­ identifieahle -parts are lew in number, and easily re­ through th e cave because he had ience and safety offered by our moved or replaced. It is very complicated, with each of •modern vault equipped with com­ ihe complications possessing a merchantable value. plete Burglar Alarm Protection. Why should it not he stolen, with human nature as it was 20 years ago, as well as today? Why assume the risk of leaving SIMMONS This was not cynicism about human nature. If any­ your valuable papers subject to un­ Beds, Springs and thing, human nature is better today than it was 20 years necessary hazards. The cost of a Mattresses box is very moderate. i go. But it can he still more improved. One of the graces BUILT FOR SLEEP we should display, wc were told centuries ago, was, “ Lead ns not into temptation.” The man who is careless with THE ASHLAND FURNITURE The Citizens Bank of Ashland his property is leading someone into temptation. Espec­ COMPANY Ashland, Oregon ially, we are just heginirng to learn about'caring for our 83 N. Main ¡own automobiles. *♦ • • in many of the larger consuming ing the Dutch East Indies, Brazil countries, has registered a m ark­ and Greece. ed deeline. As an indication of the increas ed use of cigarettes it is pointed out th a t in the decade of 1913-23 consumption in the United States gained fourfold, increasing from 15,000,000,000 in 1913 to 63,- 000,000,000 in 1923; in Janan. threefold from 7,000,000.000, to *23,000,000,000, and in Germany almost twofold, from 1 2,000.000,- 000 to 23,000.000,000; Sweden consumed 157,000,000 cigarettes annually during the years 1911 to 1916, compared with about 825,000,000 in each year from 1916 to 1920. Belgium is now consuming 5,500,0f>o,000 cigaret­ tes annually; A ustria. 4,0000,- 000,000; Hungary. 3,200,000,000 and France more than 4,750.000,- Its greater leavening strength means 000. ligh t bakings — perfect digestion The consumption of c ig a re tte in Denmark has increased from SALES 3*/» TIMES THOSE OF A N T 139 per capita in 1913 to 264 per capita in, 1912, or a total con­ sumption of 950,000.000 in the la tte r year. The popularity of the cigarette in Italy is shown by the For healthful complexions eat foods made with S.UMET THE WORLD'S GREATEST S A K IN C POWDER TWO UNIVERSITY OF N o delays with Quick Starting Shell Gas­ oline. It starts quick. SHELL COMPANY O f CAUfOUflA QuickJtatiingQualitu originated by SHELL \ maintained by SHELL V sold everywhere by SHELL -*-« -a- Safe Deposit Boxes li ou Will Always Find a Fine Assortment of (¿latches, D iam onds, Je u ie lry , SilveruuaFc a n d Novelties ON DISPLAY AT EndersBlock Charles A. White, - Formerly IV. H. Hodkinson Store