PAOT ASHLAND BAUT TIMXÆB Monday, February lfl, 1925 The retirin g officers were pre­ Now I ’ve bought 4,000 acres over ' beauty, close to the Pike National I a n sented w ith beautiful bouquets, in Douglas County, and I’m nlan. ...v,____ National All were arraigned before PHYSICIANS of carnations and; Mrs. Schwein, C l tried Column Ratea and Queen, was also presented a love- I One cent the word each DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings sentenced to from two to fifteen scknery of Colorado the rem ainder ! ly bouquet of the same flowers. k time. of my days.” 1 -------------- years imprisonment. They ad­ office. Phone SI. * * * * m itted, according to police, th a t To run every Issue for one A lterie said he planned to open ! Surprise P arty — v it Miss Edith Dodge, Editor DR. O. C. PHETTEPLACE they bad staged nearly a hundred month or more, ftc the word a rodeo and moving picture camp Mrs. E. A. Allen of 608 Ter Dent 1st >*)’ Phone Items to her at 89, between on his property. robberies in eight States. Notches «ach time. Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ race street was greatly surprised ' ® a. m. and 5 p. m. on the steering wheel of the car He adm itted however, that his traction and minor surgery. when a num ber of her friends ! DENVER Feb. 16. — “ Dia- they u3ed bore mute evidence of “peaceful days” in Colorado! Special attention given to straig h t­ FOR RUNT and neighbors called a t her home mond Jack,” Alterie, noted Chi- the fact. ening and care of children’s Saturday evening, honoring h e r i c-£ ° underworld leader land re- would not begin immediately, as CALENDAR o f EVENTS FOR RENT — F irst class mod­ teath. When Judge Collins pronounc­ h|a has a “little business” back in Tuesday, F e b ru a ry 17. Civic birthday. She received many beau puted gunm an,” is tirin g of the Chicago. Citizens Bank ern 2-room furnished apartm en t Phone, Above ed sentence upon her, the girl- Office, 151— Res., 338-J Club will m eet a t clubhouse. Ad­ tiful V alentines and birthday hectic life of the big city and with kitchen and bath. Adults bandit burst into tears. “ If I get a fifty-fifty break in i gifts. dress to be given by Mrs. Ahlf. w a n t, to live peacefully on a only. Phone 122. 357 V ista street. OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Pyac- I w ant my babies!” she cried. Chicago, I 11 be back here on tnej Wednesday, F ebruary 18. P re­ The evening was spent playing Colorado ranch 140-tf ’ ties limited to eye, ear, nose ano lim inary M eeting of Upper Valley INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Feb. 16 11 was the first indication that the ranch in a few m onths’’ he added. games and! enjoying music. At the Alterie, participant in many throat— X-ray including teeth. Community Club will be held at close of th e evening dainty re ­ “ I may get ’bumped off’ when I go • — Bandits who proclaim th eir nervea of 8teel which had with- gun battled around Chicago and FOR R EN T:— Furnished cab­ back there, but I ’M take my cr^IulDal accomplishments j stood 9tra,n of I*1® many Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc the home of Mrs. J. c . Gowthnd. freshm ents w ere served. The in w ater and light. P rivate bath. ; pal of Dean O’Bannion, victum of chance. j notching the handles of their six- ' i° ^ s” IQ which she confessed 5. Swedenborg Bldg., • Ashland, Thursday, F eb ru ary 19. T rin­ tables wena p rettily decorated an. underworld feud, who was ass­ Call 340-J. 140__2* Ore. “I don’t have to steal. My in - , ° ° ters are being superseded by taking I’®1 ’1- had given way. I ity Guild of Episcopal C hurch will with V alentines and red and assinated in his Chicago floral come is mòre than I ’ll ever need a diffe>*ent type of desperado who 111 Promise never to go wrong 3-ROOM furnished, modern DR. E. B. ÀNQEiiL—Chiropractic meet at th e Parish House. white place cards and stream ers. shop hap already invested ,in exten­ and, besides, I hold the position , cuts a notch ini the steering wheel j agaln!” phe ®°bbed: but Judge apartm ent, with porch. A dults Friday, F eb ru ary 20. D. A R A large birthday cake decorated sive acreage in the vicinity of of and Electro-Therapy. Office president of the Jan ito rs’ Un-1 of I1*8 automobile. 1 Collins refused to modify the sen- only. Call 344 E. Main St. 139-tf phone 48; residence 142. First will have lunchteion a t Blue Flow­ with h earts and birthday candles J a r r Canon . in Douglas County, ion in Chicago. I ’ll stay in. C hi-' And- while the picturesque bad ! tence- er Lodge. formed th e centerpiece. The twenty-five miies south of Den­ National Bank building. FOR RENT: — New, well fu r­ cago until I get ready to leave, i man of West was supposed to L Mrs- Conrad said she was the Quests departed w ishing Mrs. ver, and he plans to renew the life nished furnace-heated apartm ent. I ’ll not Shaba hands with anyone! record only killings, the m odern. mother of a girl, eighteen months Allen many happy re tu rn s of the of his youth as a cowboy and W H ITE MOTHS CONVALESCENT h o m e Electricity for cooking. Centrally except my trusted friends; for no ! bandit takes note of each felon- old- and a boy four years. The day. W here the sick get well. Cot­ T f o g reat white moths rancher located. A dults only, 316 Harga- tage enemy will ever hold me by one *OUs “job” by adding a notch t o ' ck^ d ren ’ 8be tald , are being car- plau. We board and care for Pirouetted through th e gloom: Those who enjoyed the pleas­ Louie ( ‘‘Diamond ’'J a c k ” ) Al­ hand and shoot me with the other. the wheel. dine. Phone 303-R. 139— tf in^glids and old people. Jiatern ed for by her m other in River­ a n t affair w ere Mrs. B. C. Forsy­ terie, or Leliand Varian — his cor­ The silky tw ilight opened. ity dept. Call 153. view, Pa. T hat was the troublb with O’Ban­ This was the discovery of lo­ As they fluttered here and th ere the, Mrs. T. C. Newby, Mrs. Vern rect name, he says— has spent the FOR RENT — Store room, also nion. He was too trustful. cal police who recently appre­ Evil influence, rath er than a DECORATORS Templar, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. past few m onths in and around To give them passage. two and three room apartm ents. “ I ’m tiring of th a t life, though hended a trio of m otor-car bandits quest for thrills, was responsible King, Mrs. M. E. Thompson, Denver and declares he is con­ Taylor, 63 N. Main. 139-6t H. GEAR F. J. SWENNING L ighter th a n down, they seemed and I want to com.?' back here to and found the steering wheel for her starting upon a life of Misses Niangy and Irene King and verted to the ‘‘simple life.” The breath of a th o u g h t Phone 315-R Colorado,” A lterie concluded. I ’m adorned by nearly a hundred such cr*me when she wa9 twenty, the FOR REN T:—-Five rooms fu r­ Mr. Jam es W right. We strain to catch, While Chicago police were sick of phying law yers’ fees and notches. grirl told police. nished. 478 Blvd. 132— 1 mo Dependable Painting Contractors. Elusive, fleeting, • * * broadcasting a description of the weary of picking up the papers to Tinting and Paper Hanging One of the th re e was comely f Millinery Meeting — — Leaving ue enthiulled alleged “ gunm an” and asking for FOR RENT— Furnished house read such headlines as ‘Alterie May Conrad, tw enty-one-year-old! A prelim lnery m eeting of the his arrest on num erous charges By th a t wet can not hold. MONUMENTS on Laurel St. Inquire 332 Har- Hunted in $50,000 property is lo­ bobbed-haired banditress and the! No Doubt About It * * « Upper Valley Community Club A lterie appeared in Denver, garb­ gadine St. or Phone 263L. 126-tf cated amid surroundings of soenic m other of two children. She was; Major: “ Would you run If you ASHLAND GRANITE will be held niMct W ednesday ed in the height of fashion, be­ Installation of Officers— arrested acting as "lookout” for saw ten Germans coming after MONUMENTS FOR SALE The D aughters of th e Nile held afternoon a t the home of Mrs decked with huge diamonds and Charles and George Maggard, you?” Blair Granite Co. their installation of officers in J. C. Gowland in the Belleview locking anything but th’? des­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS BABY CHICKS — Plymouth twenty-two and nineteen, respec-• Private: "Y ou’re darned Teu- S. PENNISTON, Manager This m eeting fci being perate crim inal tales from Chi­ Ashland last Saturday. . About .district. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF tively, while they looted a house, to n !” Rock, R. I. Red, Black Minorca Office 175 E. Main Sixty-five members from Medford, held preparatory to the ail-day cago hqd led the public to believe THE llTATE OF OREGON FOR and Brown and W hite Leghorn Res. Phone 444-Y G rants Haas and A shland were m eeting which will be hteid, March him. JACKSON COUNTY. from Superior Quality, prices present. 18th, a t th e Gowland home. At A lterie, jsix feet tall, with m as­ INK GIRL IN TR O IB L E — May In the M atter of the Estate of most reasonable. McCune H atch­ home sive shoulders, resented the ap- GEORGE N. ANDERSON, De­ A delightful luncheon w as ser­ th e la tte r meeting the communicate with Ensign Lee ery, Orland, Calif.’ 140-153* ceased. ef the Salvation Army at the ved a t tw elve-thirty a t tables dem onstration agent, Mi/fis Ada pelation of “ tough guy” . “ I am not a ‘tough guy’.” he FOR SALE: — Red Cedar WhiteShield Home. 665 May- beautifully decorated w ith h earts Brew ster, will be present to give NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, and red and w hite crepe stream ­ suggestions concerning millinery declared to interview ers; “ nor do th a t on the 12th day of J a n u a ry ,1 Posts, 10c and up f. o. b. Siskiyou fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. ers, carrying out the V alentino and to assist th e members in their I hold the title of ‘gang leader. 1925, the undersigned was, by Oregon, reasonable delivery. - PLANING MILI. motif. Mesdames W. H. McNair, work. Of course, my particular set of consideration of the County C o u rt’ Mountain Fuel Co., or Beaver TRY OUR NEW GASOLINE O ther item s of interest will be friends in Chicago regard me as of the State of Oregon for J a c k -! H. G. Enders, Jr., Andy McCallen R ealty Co. 130-1 mo.* IORDON’8 SASH AND CABINET Drive in and ask for and F. F. W hittle had charge of presented to the club ladies next their adviser, but bossing and son County, in which is pending' WORKS, C m * . Helman s a i FOR SALE for 2-year Storage. W ednesday and h good atten d , ordering don’t go. the decorations. a petition for the appointm ent of Van Ness. 19 Iti Federal one ton chaiq drive truck, ano© is desired. “Aad I ’m not a cop. h a ter,” adm inistratrix of the estate of! it is good gas. We are sole dealers of assembled engine, Ore. licenses, Diamond Jac k ” continued. “ I GEORGE N. ANDERSON, deceas-i TRANSFER AND EXPRESS 81136— 1921, 30 days from date Christian Endeavor Party— h are a profound respect for a po­ ed, duly appointed and thereafter i Whittle Transfer A Storage Ce. Jan. 16, 1925. L. C. Jaquette, Pro­ The C hristian Endeavor So­ lice officer— not all police officers qualified and ever since has been! for SERVICE. HAVE DARK HAIR the best for your motor p rieto r H ornbrook Garage. 115-lm ciety of th e Presbyterian Church but many of them I class Oui my and now is the du’.v appointed,' Experienced movere and pack­ Let Mr. Beckwith overhaul your motor---- he is a th eir regular business best friends. MISCELLANEOUS qualified and acting ad m in istra -1 ers of household goods. Deal­ AND LOOK YOUNG enjoyed m eeting and social, Friday even­ “ I’m tired of dogging it around trix of the estate of said GEORGE Competent Mechanic WANTED TO RENT— 5 or 61 ers in coal and wood. Phone ing a t the church parlors. About Chicago, with fifteen or tw enty N. ANDERSON, deceaied. 117. room furnished houue, by the Nobody Can Tall When You tw entx of th e members were pres*- of my friends flitting around me, Ail those having claims against Office 89 Oak St. near la tte r part of March or first of ent. A s^ o rt business m eeting constantly w arning me th a t I ’m the said estate present the same Darken Gray, Faded Hair Hotel Ashland April. Responsible party. Pre­ wa3 held- and th e rest of the Likely to be shot in the back. That to the undersigned at 1068 East WJth Sage Tea fer* one with some garden space T. L. POWELL—-General T rane, evening was spent playing gumee. constant vigilance and harrying Main Street, Ashland, Oregon, as! and yard. Address Box W, care R efreshm ents of Jello, chocolate grows tiresome. fer— Good team and motor required by law. Grandmother kept her hair beauti­ nnd cake carried ou t th e idea of Tidings. 140— tf “ I was born on a cattle ranch Dated, Jan u ary 17, 1925. trucks. 8 wd service at a rea­ fully darkened, glossy and attractive "Valentine in a pleasing m anner. in H ell's Hollow, California, and DORA E. WIGHT, | with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. sonable price. Phone 88. FEMALE H ELP WANTED: - Whenever her hair took on that dull, for-tw enty-five years I’ve "longed A dm inistratrix of the Es­ A woman w ith pleasing personal­ faded or streaked appearance, this sim­ FEHIGE-ROACH, to get bhek to th th e west coast of Sum atra. .'lossy, soft and beaut! Physicians warn against neglect­ Phone 369— Day or Night Mme. S. B. de Valenzuela left ing coughs and colds and tell of I will be in Ashland a t the East New York not long since to retu rn the serious lung ‘complications Side Pharm acy every W ednesday to Patagonia, where she has a D r u g s E x c it e that may result. Leading physi­ 12:30 to 5:30 ranch about the size of Massachu­ cians now prescribe BALSAMEA t h e K id n e y s , setts and. M aryland combined. She P L U M B I N G for all bronchial affections. BAL- had been studying busines? m eth­ SAMEA is a punt vegetable prep­ D r i n k W a t e r ods Je rry O’Neal here,, but had to hu rry home aration made from a newly dis­ Plum bing and H eating " to supervise the shearing of two covered plant... Dr. Benj. F. Opposite New Hotel Take Salts at Arst Sign of m illion sheep and the m arketing Preferred Stock^of The California Oregon Power Crabtree, Anderson, Mo., writes: Ashland, Oregon. Bladder Irritation or Company offers ONLY a sound, high-yield invest­ of five million pounds of wool. “I use it exclusively for my prac­ 129-tf Backache ment for your idle funds or monthly savings. In the peaceful business con­ tice and my family. It is quick, quest of China, Chanften, capital sure and safe in its action like FURNITURE It offers no sudden, speculative fortune. But it T he American men and women mus of a vast inner province, promises nothing else.” brings you, regularly every three months, the maxi­ Toward the end of the influ­ Upholstering, refinishing, re-glue­ juard constantly against kidney troubl soon to be opened to foreign ¡M TS? CEHRtlKTG | jecause we often eat too much rich food trad e; and Amoy has contracted ing. W ork done a t your home. mum reasonable dividend from a well-guarded in­ enza epidemic a governm ent phy­ Ju r blood is filled with acids which th< sician noticed th a t a tribe of In­ Medford, Tel. 969-R. 130-1 mo.* cidneys strive to filter ou t; they weaket for new w ater works. vestment. Miss Estelle Gehring, a trained from overwork, become sluggish, th Montevideo has lifted its ban dians in Nevada, by the use of oils nurse of Chicago, has surrendered CONTRACTORS iluninative tissues clog and the resul on American left-hand-driven au ­ .letters from a native plant were immune she alleges were written to is kidney trouble, bladder weakness an»: Van G order Construction Co, her by William D. Shepherd, foster tomobiles. from the ravages of Influenza. 1 general decline in health. father the millionaire youth, All kinds of building When your kidneys feel like lump He used these oils among his Of 692 typew riters imported IWliliara of McClintock, whose fortune Construction, Contract or of lead; your back hurts or the urin. into Brazill d u rin g the single w hite patients and then in a hos­ he inherited on the boy’s death Percentage ! is cloudy, full of sediment, or you ar. pital overflowing with ’d e ath ” • . 459 Morton St. ’ obliged to seek relief two or three time m onth, 681 were from th e United |A previous Investig-itlon Into Me cases. News of the results swept Your investment in this security is safeguarded during the night; if you suffer with sicl States; of sewing machines 2,150 Cllntock's death failed to prove al headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, aci» were from this country, 238 from .legations of poisoning. The. Gehr the world and for some tim e it by a large direct equity (more than twice the vale? stomach, or if you have rheumatisn Germany and eight from England ring letters. It Is reported, will lead was n e t possible to supply th< to a re-opening of the case. of the stock} in nine valuable power plants, in one For a smooth shave :when thc weather is bad, begin drink dem and. — The N ation’s Business. 1 ing lots of good soft water and get iron more now being built, in 1550 miles of power lines, and quick service go your pharmacist about four ounces o BALSAMEA has now been to th e Shell Barber fad Salts. Take a tablespoonful in t and in all of the Company’s other properties. '•»andardized and gives uniformly Have you ever tried th e en ter­ zlass of water before breakfast for : Shop. Ladies and M iraculous results in four ways: taining and inform ative cross 7.14% from Copco Preferred Stock does mean children get your hair tew days and your kidneys may thei 1. It soothes the inflamed mem­ ict fine. word puzzle of learning w here the doubly-guarded savings. bobbed and marcel­ This famous salts is made from th» branes and relieves irritation, 2. products of northern California icid of grapes and lemon juice, com led. I t increases secretion ef mucous iined with lithia, and has been used fc and southern Oregon m ake their and perm its easy expectoration, W. A. SHELL, Prop. years to help flush and stimulate clogge« way th ru th e arte rie s of trade S. It stim ulates pores of the skin »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore kidneys, to neutralize the acids in th» over the world? And, where system so they no longer are a sourc» in throw ing off body poisons and 4 . af irritation, thus often relieving blad many of the articles of every day I t strikes a t the cause, checking necessity and luxury which you ier disorders. germ action immediately. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not ir. use as a m atter oflfact, originate? De not confuse .it with ordin­ iure, makes a delightful effervescer. ithia-water drink and belongs in ever; ary balsam cough syrups th a t are lome, because nobody can make a mis­ only soothing siru p s and do not take by having a good kidney flushing go ta th e base of the trouble. iny time. By all means have your phy andata For information about our plan which enables you ffeian examine your kidneys at leas Unlike other cough remedies Preventive twice a year. to buy your shares at ^5 per share per m onth (with BALSAMEA is free from coal ta r Winter is the best time to and other harm ful narcotics. interest allowed on all payments) telephone any mem­ P leasant to tak e and absolutely ber o f our organization—or mail the coupon below. have replacements and safe to give to children. laxative Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A overhaul on with the picthre of the Indian on T H E C A L IFO R N IA O R E G O N POW ER C O M P A N Y the package. G uaranteed to re­ O ffic e s : lief any cough, no m atter from w hat cause, or your money back. All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In W hen spring rash comes you Klamath Falls Ashland buy it from Eastslde will be glad you had the work Pharmacy After e a tln l or smokinO done in winter. W n^leys freshens the mouth In the head and sweetens the breath. Treat them locally Nerves are soothed, throat Is refreshed and digestion aided. for A cold in the head means a local, The First and Original THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY So easy to cany the hole packet! VOUR PARTNERS !?erm attack. Fight it locally. Apply Cold and Grip Tablet CHRONIC MEDFORD. OREGON I N PRO G R ESS in the nostrils Ely’s Cream Balm., A Safe and Proven Remedy COUGHS Breathe it, watch the instant relief. Please send me full information about your 7% Preferred The air passages are opened, the head The box bears th is signature Stock and special partial payment plan. is cleared, the cold meets its Waterloo. Brothers, Garage Some use gas, but the fumes of E l/a Ford, Ltncoha, Fordson Dealers Cream Balm are better. Get a bottle TIDINGS WANT ads B ell Name. z from your druggist. Don’t suffer the after ePety meal ANYTHING. —or m ail this coupon w iery of cold or catarrh. Price 30c. Classified Column PROFESSIONAL OCLQtl/- FOR » L E LIFE . . . . . . . . « m X O K K S S ““ “ “ ““ WHEEL 100 M E S Oeser’s Ashland Service Station GENERAL GASOLINE VALVOLINE OIL Dr. Oeser and Son KLAMATH FALLS STAGE Safety P N E U M O N IA USUALLY STARTS FROM COLDS Service Courtesy PETL’S CORNER 7 . I 4 % ~ an^ WHAT ELSE? doubly guarded 5 A MONTH makes you an investor A Hwëëi Creati'. \ at all times/ s Your Ford Car Colds Brom Quinine, Ask any member of our organization — today!