MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years __ (International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII Successor to tha Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43 ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, ORTGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1(5, 1925 NO. 141 Vole Tomorrow in Favor of Park Bond Issue 23 Eggs from 17 Hens—How Is It Done? Annonymous Opponents of Purchases Issue Propaganda Declaring Land not W orth Price Asked. Mayor, P art of Council and Commissioners in Favor of Purchase of Both Land Tracts. Millionaire’s Son Shot by Woman I MODESTO, Cal., Feb. 16. — It would seem the general tendency of the quality production and lelimination of overhead has been seriously taken up by poultry, when it was 8 learned today th a t a flock 8 of 17 hens on the ranch 8 of A rt JacksoQ of Ceres 8 were found to have left 23 8 eggs in. the nests when 8 Jackson went out to gath- 8 . e r the eggs this evening. 8 In all fairness to the 8 hens, Jackson said th a t he 8 gathered the eggs lust 8 night as usual and is un- 8 able to account for the ine 8 . crease in any o th er way 8 th an th a t of speeding up ; production. He smilingly 8 declined to adm it th a t he 8 was w orking the hens 8 overtim e or th a t he was 8 w orking them in shifts. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 By T. ft. Jackson Tomorrow the voters of Ashland will decide whether the McCormick tract and the Chautauqua building and site shall be purchased by the city, and added to Lithia Park. Citizens will vote upon two propositions, the first calling for the issuance of $8,000 in city improvement bonds for the purchase and partial repair of the Chau­ tauqua building, and the second calling for the issuance of $4,500 in city improvement bonds for the purchase of the McCormick tract. All properly registered voters in the city of Ashland, or those who have been residents of the city for six months, but who have not registered, are eligible to vote. The latter will be sworn in at the polls. . The City Hall and the Fourth street fire station have been designated by the city council as the polling places for the election tomorrow. The polls are to be open be­ tween 8 a. ni and 8 p. m. i 1?rIstopher Hupfel, thirty-three, son of the multi-millionaire New Mayor Johnson, members of the city council, and York brewer and real estate operator, Adolbh Hunfci waa ft, .members of the Park Commission have recommended that j in the face, it is alleged, by Kora Spalajkovftch, forty daughter of*the , forme» Serbian Ambassador to Berlin, She was Imme7ii» , i these pieces of property be purchased as additions to the nan?es of Hupfel and Mme. Spalajkovitch were first park. These men have studied the matter, and after look­ Young Medford Boys, Cali­ send linked in 1918, when she accused Hupfel and two doctor«» nf » her to- an insane asylum becadse she refused tc/m arry him 8 in fornia Bound, Steal Car ing over the land, and weighing the possibilities, have de­ from Local Man ! “' 1 ,OT 475OO“° asalust <*“'■«<"« '«a cided that the purchase of the land would be a wise in­ _____ -_______ 1 vestment for the city. Through The Tidings, the members Three hardy adventurers, Cali­ bound, were rapidly trans­ of the Park Commission, Mayor Johnson, and a part of fornia formed into three, not very peni­ the city council have urged that the voters vote in favor tent, small boys Saturday night, of the issuance of these bonds. when they were arrestpd by Chief BOYS ARRESTED HERE CHARGED The flact th a t duping the past year it has been necessary for tourists to be turned away from the camp grounds makes it im­ perative th a t the Commission have more land upon which to build cabins. The commissioners have assured the city th a t the added revenue thus obtained will enable them to retire these bonds w ithout additional financial aid from the city. All improvements will ailso hi* paid for from the in­ come derived from these cabins. Although there has been no or­ ganized opposition to either of th e propositions to be voted upon tomorrow, one or two residents, th eir minds distorted by pre­ conceived prejudices, have had printed and distributed dodgers calling upon the voters to defeat the Issuance of the bonds. Of course, these dodgers were un­ signed, for those responsible for them probahly desire to be in a position to declare themselves in favor of the proposition if they a re passed and the tend becomes an asset to the city, as it surely will. / In this same dodgei* th e claim is made th a t The Tidings origin­ ated the McCormick land tract purchase idea with the view of aiding the McCormick estate. Those who have closely followed th e purchase plan during the past few weeks wiki realize the prepos­ terousness of this statem ent. The plan for the purchase of the Mc­ Cormick tract originated among th e members of the Park Com­ mission, and it was not until the public announcem ent was made, i (Continued on Page Four) D. A. R. in Charge of Chamber Forum L u n c h Tomorrow Membere of Ashland D. A. R. w ill have charge of the Forum luncheon at the cham ber of com­ m erce tomorrow, it was announc­ e d by officials of the cham ber to­ day. The luncheon is to be held a t the Nelda Cafe. The program which has been arranged, la to feature speeches upon subjects appropriate to W ashington’s birthday. Although It will be som ew hat early for a program of th is kind, it w as de­ cided th a t the next Forum lunch­ eon would be too late for such an event. Several good speakers, who will trace the life of George W ashing­ ton, and who will bring out inter­ esting Items concerning his life, have been engaged for the pro­ gram. JACKSON CO. IS SELECTED FOR M ILITIA CAMP. of Police George McNabb, on a charge of autom obile theft. The youngsters, Juliene Dailey, 12, Fred Reavis, 14, and Elm er "T h o m e, SULLIVAN FOUND TO BE GUILTY OF KLAMATH FALLS MURDER _____ Ju ry Re“ “ “ ends I**« Imprisonment for Killer. rnom as to Return to Jackson County for Work Soon Judge CAVE PRlSONERls“ T Getting Married IS BROUGHT OUT OF EARTH TOMB 8 8 8 8 8 Apparently Dead, But no 8 8 Official Announcement 8 Is Mada 8 8 LIMESTONE HINDERED 8 C h ro n ological’ H istory of Impris- 8 8 oiinusiit oi Floyd C ollins Civ- 8 cii. Work Goes ° S > * * 1Ultely wbat presentation of the Lithianis’ an- work at the mill operating on the thia expected cavern wiH | nual show> ..College Days„ b<> site. It will probably be the mid­ * , , . , given at the Vining Theatre th is dle of sum m er before the other A chronological summary of the evenin * msaire m is mill will be in operation, accord­ Sand Carie im prisonm ent follows.; , ing to Moon, but the equipment Friday, Jan. 30— Floyd Collins' ^ > ' and who has been di­ wi'.ll be moved as soon as the enters Sand Cave on exploration tlUg the rehearsals for the past roads are in good condition. trip an d is trapped by boulder dec,ared this morn- A. W. Moon ha- been in the faliling on foot. ' ing th a t he exP«cted th e show lumber business for 18 years and Saturday, Jan. 31— Jewell Es-i f e a huge h it’ The members of has owned the Moon Lumber com­ the cast have worked hard, and tes, 17, crawled into slit and dis-! pany a t H ilt for some time. This during the past three or four covered Collins’ plight. is one of the largest mills In Sunday, Feb. 1— Futile efforts dayt»» their lives have been one N orthern California and its prox­ The final made by friends to free victim. I continual rehearsal. imity w?ll mean great strides in F ath er offers $500 reward to sur­ , dress rehearsal was held in the the development of the lumber In­ geon who will am putate foot and theatre this afternoon. dustry near Ashland. The show will open with - a free Collins. - Monday, Feb. 2—T rain rushes num ber of booster songs by the FATAL BOOZE OAR to cave, air compression drill and en*'re Lithijan organization, led TO BE SOLD TODAY w orkers furnished by Louisville, i by Master Carl Loveland, Jr., four Kentucky, fire departm ent and and a half years old, who hah been An order has been filed in the gas and electric company. Ap­ i made mascot of the Lithians. circuit court, serving notice that peal made to Governor W. J. ! Carl Jr., will also appear in the the sale of the Chrysler roadster, Fields for aid. Crews attem pt tQ i show in solo numbers. in which A rthur Page of San dig Collins out after vibration of ! Between sixty-five and seventy Francisco, reputed bootlegger, ' members will form the cast of the plunged to h’s death off the Paci­ drill threatens tunnel collapse. Tuesday, Feb. 3— Digging con-, giant show. These people have fic highway, near the summit of tlnues and disorganized efforts worklng hard throughout the the Siskiyous, last November, are made to s ’nk shafts. Gover-' rehearsal period, and their final would be held today. The claim­ nor dispatches official. Coillins re- rehearsals have gone over with a an t of the car is Rose Page, wid­ speed and snap which indicates a ow. The district attorney and ported victim of pneumonia. wonderful production. sheriff will conduct the sale a.? Wednesday, Feb. 4— Collins’ “ College Days” is a musical part of the confiscatory action leg reported! freed of boulder. comedy, the music and scores for launched by the stslte. The 88 Cave roof collapses, almost clos­ quarts of wh'skey and gin found ing tunnel. Governor’s represen­ (Continued on Pag« F a u r) In the wrecked car, were dumped tatives arrive. Cincinnati Post into the sewer at Jacksonville the enlists aid of United States gov­ first of the year. ernm ent. Thursday, Feb. 5— Kentucky sends m ilitia to scene. Cave pas­ FOUNDER OF S. F. sage swells shut with frost. Brig­ PAPER IS CALLED adier General II. H. Danhardt, lieutenant governor of Kentucky, 8AN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. — T h ls^ ity wUs today mourning the arrives to take charge. Shaft is passing of one of her most dis­ planned. United States mine ex­ tinguished citizens. Michael De perts arrive. Dr. H. R. H azlett, (Young, founder of the San F ran ­ Chicago surgeon, sent by wealthy cisco Chronicle, who died this family, arrives via airplane. L. I morning a t the age of 75, follow- and N. railroad sends 100 w ork­ DUNSMUIR, Feb. 16— Voters ; Ing an operation for the relief of men, equipm ent and supplies. of the DunBmuir gram m ar school , JlA1 , . . , . , ' acute tnjtestinal condition. district voted overwhelmingly (Continued on page 4) Tuesday In w t luesday at the special election hi y t » i • i »favor of the proposed e x p e n d t-¡Iv C W A l l ^ l l W a V l » r i ( l ^ ( * ‘COLLEGE DAYS’ TO BE GIVEN HERE TONIGHT i They told McNabb they walked as far as T alent Friday, and slept in a box car there th a t night. Sat- I urday morning they came to Ash­ KLAMATH FALLS, Feb, 16.— w aiting for the ju ry to come in. land, via th eir box car bedroom, “ G uilty,” was the v erdict’ of the He was asleep svhen told the jury ] but were able to al'g h t when their jury, reached after considering had reached a verdict. 8,000 Acre Tract North of train pulled into the loc^l yards. the evidence in the trial .of Pete Judge Thomas announced with Deciding th at freight trans Sullivan, under indictm ent for the consent of the counsel for Sul­ Medford Will be Camp were too slow to suit their ideas murder. Ground livan, th a t sentence would be pro­ of travel, the three youths pick­ nounced at 9 o’clock th is m orn­ The verdict carried with it a SALEM, Feb. 16. — fa n ip ed up a Ford, owned by Ben recommendation for life im prison­ ing a t the same time Sim Pate fs Lewis went into the discard as a Bow’ers of this city. Driving ment, which, under the Oregon sentenced. training place for Oregon nation­ about the city for a tihort time, law, m ust be the sentence of the The ju ry retired at 12:20, fol­ al guard troops Saturday when they ran short of ga£, and decid­ court. lowing instructions from Judge B rigadier - General George A. ed to refueil before attem pting Thomas. How the first ballot re­ W ith Judge C. Ms Thomas, the sulted or how many ba'lots were W hite, commanding, secured from the climb over the Siskiyous. the w ar departm ent approval of Afraid to drive the car to a ser­ clerk and court reporter, S. E. J e t­ taken could not be learned. his plans for m aneuver grounds vice tsation, they left it on B St. more, one of the attorneys for Following the verdict of the in Oregon. The site of a big Ore­ and attem pted to carry the gas to Sullivap, three deputy sheriffs, ju ry Judge Thomas addressed a gon training camp, comprising it. Three trips were made for gas­ and perhhpsi a dozen spectators in few words to the jury, thanking nearly 8000 acres, has been se­ oline, before it was decided they the court room at 3.45 Saturday them for their courtesy and a t­ lected, nlapped and approved, had enough to get them safely out morning, the verdict of the jury tention to the case. was handed to the baliff by D. General W hite said, in Jackson of town. “ This trial end?. my duties here Ellis Young, foreman. N either county. The camp sites and m an­ excepting sentencing of the men In the meantime, Bowers' had euver grounds begin a mile and a reported the loss of hi's car to W illiam Ganong,» district attorney fouad guilty. In all my experi­ half north east of Medford and McNabb. The chief and one of or W. P. Myers, deputy, were pres­ ence on the bench I have not re­ extend north for m ore than six his aides took a short hunt and ent. ceived courtesy and gentlemenly miles across the Rogue river. Pete Sullivan, th e defendant, conduct superior to th a t shown found th e missing vehicle, with All troops of the national guard the youths nearby. A t first the who is now condemned to spend ' me- in these cases,” said Judge' excepting the Oregon coast a rtil­ youthful adventurers denied any the rest of his days in the pent Thomas. lery will mobilize in the Jackson "As long as court ig Carried on knowledge of the th eft of the car, tentiary, seemed stunned at first, county damp the latter half of bu t took th e result as c.aflmly a?, as it has been here the country i® bu t under a barrage of questions, June, more th an 2700 men being one could under th e circum­ safe. I hope to retu rn for duty Dailey confessed. He told how affected. stances. He wlas brought to the in. Klam ath county again, but for Reavis had sold his bicycle to fi­ court room by a deputy sheriff trial work of a more pleasant nance the trip to the sunny cli­ and joked with attemdants while ch aracter,’’ concluded the judge. MEDFORD Feb. 16. — It will m ate of California, how they had be a general surprise, not only to nearly frozen Friday . night in the people of Medford and vicinity th e ir box car bedroom, and how a POPULAR YOUNG ASHLAND SIGNALS but to all of Oregon th at the na­ GIRL HERE DIES HEARD FAR AWAY paper sack full of cookies had fui*- tional guard of the state will be “ ““ v _ .. .. . , , mshed them their only meal. encamped here the first haflf of Mlt's Eileen N utter, 18 years of E. J. W illard of this city Satur­ | A fter being questioned further, next June, or ra th e r near th is 1,. . , 2 . age, died a t the Community Hos­ day received a letter from T. H. city, instead of encamping as' the boys confes8ed th a t they were pital last night a fte r ani illness Crago, of Brighton, A ustralia, in recent years a t Camp Lewis, I of several weeks. Miss N utter stating thiat Crago had received (Continued on page four) Wash. was the oldest daughter of Mr. th e signals sent out from W illard's That preparations .tions for such a / ^ i * i t and Mrs. F. L. N utter who reside wireless station here on the night move were on foot by the local northw est o Ashlaind. She came of Dteeember 20, 1924. Chamber of Commerce and A dju­ to Ashland with her family five Crago stated th a t W illard's tan t - General W hite of the Ore­ yearui ago and has resided in the i signals had come in clear and gon natinal guard for 9ome tim e •J S tiltP C^ y 9^nce th a t time, g ra d u a tin g , loud, and th e message was clearly U i a i t a 1 U 1 U AAWO» froni the Ashteind hlgh gebooj last I audibie to th e e „d. WAt