K löÄ TWO ASHLAND AIRLAND DAILÍ W k ÉNGS D A IL Y Tuesday, February 10, 1023 T ID IN G S utilities by the people as individuals is quite another mat- the lawless element and they could always depend on CUT THIS OUT __ IT ter. There is scarcely a community in the country the finding a leader to their purpose. It had reached a. point (Established In 1876) IS WORTH MONEY — ¡people of which could not acquire such substantial inter- Send this ad and ten cents to where Joe and Sam must yield, or be without anv follow- Published Every Evening Except Sunday by in the securities of the public service companies as toling. This would'mean abandonment of their own people Foley & Co., 2835 Shegield Ave., THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. j Chicago, 111., w riting your name administrators to tlieir own needs in and persecution by the whites. With them it was already j and address clearly. You will re- ii^IUR'iw G ^ r "A""“......................................................... Editor]public service. ueorge Madden Green — .......................................... ..... Business Manager! z xi- * by tke j celve a sample bottle of FOLEY’S war, and while their reprisals were not in the manner and We must get away from the idea that public utility AND TAR COMPOUND ionn conducted along the lines of “ civilized” people, in 1 OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ................................. ................... Telephone 39 Father of HONEY Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Poetoffice as Second Class Mail Matter ownership is a big man’s game. It is the most practical of effect and purpose they were the same. Perusal of our for coughs, colds and hoarseness, Physical also sample packages of FOLEY all means for the small man to participate in big business. dail\ papers today show that education and “ civilization” Subscription Price, Delivered In City , PILLS, a diuretic stim ulant for » » • Month ................................................................ ................ _ ....... | .6 5 “ There is no better security in the world than the are by no means a guarantee against dishonestv and in­ Culture J hree Months ................................................................ 222.222.2 the kidney's and FOLEY CAT- 1 .9 5 average well-managed public service company’s invest­ justice, and even the laws and courts with all their powers, m B a C c R f N a A o R d .R e . m F l Months ...............................................2222222222222222222" 3 .7 5 HARTIC TABLETS for constipa­ cu e Year ............................................... ................................. ............. * 7.50 ment securities under ordinary conditions.” tion and billiousness. These de- privileges and jurisdiction arc not able to fullv control By Mall and Rural Routes lr, T.1?er® has been a great chan&{ Pendable remedies are free from i ;3« Month ........................................................................................... | .65 people with corkscrew minds. in the treatm ent of diabetes mel-1 „ - i - . . . I aree Months ...................................... TROTZKY’S WATERLOO 1 .9 5 litus in the last few years—indeed ■ ° P ates and have helped millions, As we proceed with our story' we are ourselves sur­ Six* Months ............. .............................................................................. 3.50 the present day treatm ent is very Try them! Sold everywhere. Whether Leon Trotzky can be a “ Napoleon” of the prised with the rapidity' with which the country was be­ sim i,M Year .............................................2.2222222222222................ 6.50 ila r to th a t w h ic h w e h a v e s u g ­ Russian revolution still interests newspaper writers. The g e ste d fo r y ea rs. T r e a tm e n t m ust ing occupied by an alien people, in every way different g in e a r ly if r e c o v e r y is to b e e x ­ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES question is a continuance of that French Revolution paral­ thorn the natives. The invasion was by people carrying b p e ected single Insertion, pe_- Inch ........................... ................................ $ .30 . W h en th e d ise a se h a s ad - 1 Style and Durability Yearly Contracts lel which has so delighted observers during these last eight v a n c e d to su c h a n e x te n t th a t th e ! Cae insertion a week ........................................................... ....... natural instincts advancing like a mob, beyond the con­ .2 7 % v a r io u s o r g a n s o f t h e b o d y h a v e years. It has had a notable revival in the last few months, are combined in i wo Insertions a week ................................................................... .25 d e g e n e r a te d , vdry lit t le h o p e o f re­ trolling influence of courts, or laws. Good, bad and indif bally insertion ....................... ................ ,...2222222222222222 .20 with the general agreement of the Bolshevist leaders at Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising lerent, all mixed into a heterogenious mass with no con 0 c o 4 v e o r f y tr c a e n a tm b e e n g t, iv e b n u t b y o u a r n y m m eth e th o d - The New Spring Oxfords _ „• ............ ............... .Moscow to make mincemeat of their former comrade and f irst Insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 trolling or regulating influence. The better classes of the should be ^ ven a trial, Each subsequent Insertion, 8 point line .................. - ......................05 war secretary, Trotzky. whites understood the situation but were powerless to i-me. “ “ ' i %rd.of Thanks ....................................................................... ........ 1.00 Whether there are any real parallels in history, is u a ita arles, per line ................................... ................ "............................02% still a disputed matter among scientific historians. remedy it. The lawless among them were readv to ioin:sugar is not the essential factor in WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING in a war against .the Indians hut were not willing to co- ¿ “ '¡tow OVERLAND “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or 3 Whether or not, the rest of us delight in parallels—it is c a n do n o h a r m , b u t th e su g a r operate in anything else. • They were coming to outnum­ collection taken is Advertising. w h ic h is in th e b lo o d to g e th e r , our way of thinking. And we find many opportunities for Shoe Shop No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. ber the Indians many times over, but as to methods of w ith th e a c e tln e b o d ies, is c a p a b le parallel, between the events in Russia recently, and in DONATIONS lawfulness they were about as helpless as the Indians o i d o in g a g r e a t d e a l o f in ju r y to No donations to charities or otherwise will be made In advertie France a century and a half ago. Since the climax of sen­ themselves and all began to realize that extermination th e tissu e s o f th e bod y. I t is a ls o e sse n tia l to r e m e d y th e o r g a n ic d e ­ •□X or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. sation in the French Revolution was the, career of Napole was the only' available remedy’ f e c t re sp o n sib le fo r th e tr o u b le . T o on Bonaparte, we have been looking for a Napoleon now liatl reac^ed the point g e t rid o f th e e x c e ss o f su g a r in I FEEL THAT HE THAT WILL LOVE LIFE, AND SEE GOOD DAYS, LET The French Revolution, it should be remembered, had and i l h Z X n , o ' T ° " '' h.OPe th e b lo o d , a n d a lso to m a k e th e MV DAYS HIM REFRAN HIS TONGUE FROM EVIL, AND HIS LIPS THAT is e sse n tia l. numbered — we still - - - look - - - for a Napoleon now. » ana in me absence ot law and organized government thev T u r h in is e fa su s g t a r sh fr o e u e ld , a fa c o s n t tin THEY SPEAK NO GUILE.— 1 Peter 3:10, ue u n til no Lenin But And had no choice of methods. th e r e is n o t r a c e o f s u g a r in th e Trotzky has been the obvious object of suspicion. u r in e a n d f o r o n e d a y th e r e a fte r . Sam and Joe were fully awake to the situation and In s o m e c a s e w e h a v e fo u n d th a t COSMETIC THERAPY, PLEASE YOU .The interesting fact is th a tif Trotzky had any cliance, o r a n g e ju ic e m a y be a llo w e d and as the smaller tribes came to their, quarters at Table Rock Ha! Now we have it! The bill to regulate the prac- as well as any inclination of capacity to be