PAO® TBBSB ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS M onday, February ft, 1025 PROFESSIONAL ence held recently gave a short will inclucTe a power rodm, trans- < station’s own Chapel and Inter- Wrigley Co., and George E. Carl-! talk to the girls, telling them of mitting room, control room, j dfenominationa.l The First National Bank of Missionary Ser­ son, Chairman. the work of Queen Esthers In shops, garage, reception room and vices in the afternoon. PHYSICIANS Ashland has for the past two ClaMMlfled Column R ates other towns. patio besides the living, dining years employed the firm to audit Programs will open in the One cent the word each DR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings After the meeting the remaind­ and sleeping rooms. About 25 morning with reveille, simultan­ AUDITOR WORKING the books of the bank. This is tim e. office. Phone 91. e r of the evening was spent in ON BOOKS OF BANK men will be included in the pow­ not required by the* National eous to raising the flag over the •»« ___________ To run every lsaue for one er plant staff. playing a number of games and „ _ „ ------ r - I Bank authorities, but is an addi- Wrigley Tower and in the Studio. M iss E d ith D odge, E d itor DR. O. C. PHETTEPLACE month or more, foe the word E. E. Bosworth, Certified Pub- ! tional safe guard which the bank at a late hour the group adjourn­ “An idea of the size of com- Dentistry Phone item s to her a t 8 » , betw een The station will sign off at 2 a. m. each time. ed expressing their wishes for ic Accountant, a member of the has provided for its customers Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ pleteness in construction of thé daily with the pipe organ play- 8 a. m . and 5 p. m. traction and minor surgery. more of these merry affair.-«. p a n t unit, may be gained by the ing Amtsrica, this to be followed firm of Whitcomb, Piepenbrink The audit covers a wider field Special attention given to straight­ FOR KENT and Company of Portland, is even than the examination made ajman- from the fact that twenty by taps. ening and care of children’s . «Pending several days in Ashland by the federal authorities. V alen tin e P arty— eight miles of copper wire will SONG FOR RENT: — Modern five- teeth. The wave length and opening I as auditor and income tax advL- The girls of the Young People’s be buried in Ihe surrounding area A whisper comes from the lips of Citizens Bank date of the station will be an- or. room house with range and lino­ Phone. Above Department of the Methofiisf between the towers to form the Office, 151—Res., 201-J dawn, Tidings Want Ads never fall. leum. Also garage. Inquire 534 Church entertained the boy mem­ grounding’’ said Carlson. West­ nounced in a few days. February ______________ A call comes out of the heart DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ Fairview St., or phone 278-J. bers with a delightful Valentine ern Electric equipment, including 22nd was originally proposed as of day, tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana 134-6* party Friday evening as the party some newly developed broadcast­ the opening, but this date was dis­ throat—X-ray Including teeth. Fleet as the white wind, luring carded owing to a delay in the wos the result of a contest which ing machinery, will be used. me om. FOR RENT:— —Five rooms “fur Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc j completion of the apparatus. was won by the hoys and was the Over the hills and far away. ‘‘Equipment used and the lo­ nished. 478 Blvd. 132— 1 mo 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, The Board of Directors of the j church forfeit for losing the con­ cation» of the towers away from Ore. Radiophone Broadcasting Cor­ FOR RENT: — Furnished and the large population center will And some there be like a fire’s test. poration are: Wm. Hale Thomp-; heated sleeping rooms. Lithia “DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chlropr&ctlc —glow, The evening was spent playing avoid interference of any kind. son, U. J. Herrmamm, H. H. Ma-j Apartments. 35 S. Second. 130-5t And some there be at home games and enjoying music and The fear from som.e sources that and Electro-Therapy. Office We are peased to announce that ier, J. H. Cox, Treasurer of the! conversation. would stay; high power would paralyze tubes phone 48; residence 142. First FO R R E N T : _ Two, 2-room we have just installed a new sec­ Delicious refreshments were has been disproven by recent But the spring lands call and I National Bank building housekeeping apartments, at 349 tion of SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES, served late in the evening at- broadcasting experiments with must go E. Main. 131—6* and that we are again in position CONVALESCENT HOME Over the hills and far away. tables prettily decorated with red the use of 10,000 watts power.” Where the sick get well. Cot­ and white hearts and other Val­ Studios of the station in the FO R RENT— Furnished house to extend to the public the conven­ tage plan. We board and care for Love would fetter the heart of entine decorations. Thirty-five Wrigley Building will be in Span­ on Laurel St. Inquire 332 Har invalids ience and safety offered by our and old people. I&atern young people of the church were ish design, and considerable pre­ me. gadine St. or Phone 263L. 126-tf tty dept. Call 153. modern vault equipped with com­ caution will be taken to avoid Hold mo, like a. stag at bay — present. FOR SALE DECORATORS plete Burglar Alarm Protection. voice rebound in them. The stu­ But I must go as the winds go dio equipment will include a $37,- free H. GE.AR F . J. SW ENNING Why assume the risk of leaving FO R SALE: — Dry body wood, 000 specially built radio pipe or­ Over the hills and far away. . P hon e 3 1 5 -R gan. 5 our valuable papers subject to un­ pine or fir. Telephone 383-L or see Dependable Painting Contractors. (By Verne Bright) Jim Beagle. 131— 6* Paul Rader, Noted Evange­ necessary hazards. The cost of a — From the Lariat. T inting and P aper H anging • * • list, has been retained to conduct box is very moderate. FOR SALE: — Red Cedar MONUMENTS the Sunday Programs, which will CA LEND AR O F EV EN TS Posts, 10c and up f. o. b. Siskiyou be religious in their entirety, auid Tuesday, February 10. Supreme ASHLAND GRANITE Oregon, reasonable delivery. will include Sunday Morning Bible President will meat Fraternal Mountain Fuel Co., or Beaver MONUMENTS t Class. Chapel Service)? in the Brotherhood. Supper a t 6:30 a t ( Realty Co. 130-1 mo.* B lair G ranite Co. CHICAGO, Feb. 9.— A new Ashland, Oregon Parish Hons© and dande at nine i NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8. PENNISTON. Manager radio super-station, one of the o’clock ait Moose Hall. FOR SALE: — Two-acre ranch Office 175 E . Main in the C ounty court of Tuesday, February 10. P. E. O. largest and most elaborately THE STATE OF OREGON FOR on the Applegate highway 1-8 Res. P hon e 444-Y will entertain, husbands at the equipped in the world, will go on JACKSON COUNTY. mile from Applegate P. O. Seven- the air from Chicago shortly to room house, concrete basement, I N I G lftL IN TROUBLE— May home of Mrs. A. E. Kinmey. In the Matter of the Estate of broadcast coast to coast and in- Thursday, February 12. Elks communicate with Ensign Lee fine garden land, good water sys­ GEORGE N. ANDERSONt De­ teraaltional programs, it was an­ of the Salvation Army at the Ladies Club will meat in club tem, barn, chicken house, garage. nounced today by the Radiophone ceased. Call or address A. L. Wimer, Ap­ WhtteShield Home. 565 May- rooms. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Saturday, February 14. College Broadcasting Corp, which has plegate, Oregon. 122- 2 wk.* fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. that on the 12th ¿lay of January, Club will have luncheon a t Hotel been formed by several promin­ 1925, the undersigned was, by ent Chicagoahii to operate the FOR SALE for 2-year storage. PLANING MILL Medford. Medford-Klamath Freight and Stage Line consideration of the County Court station. Federal one ton chain drive truck, ♦ * * . Tw o daily trips each way Thi-t station, to be kfiown as of the State of Oregon for Jack- That will delight the entire assembled engine, Ore. licenses. JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Queen Esther Meeting— WORKS, Cor. Helman a*d 81136— 1921, 30 days from date “WIIT, in the Wrigley Building,” son County, in which Us pending family. ‘ If you have unex­ Our Aim The Queen Esthers of the a petition for the appointment of Van Ness. 19îti Jan. 16, 1925. L. C. Jaquette, Pro­ will possess 5,000 watts power Methodist Church held their reg­ administratrix of the estate of prietor Hornbrook Garage. 115-lm ular monthly meeting nt the and. inclusive of equipment, will GEORGE N. ANDERSON, deceas­ pected company, remember to T R A N SFE R A N D E X P RESS cost more than 1200,000, accord­ order a pie from FO R SALE: —— Good cook W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co. beautiful new home of Mrs. Wal­ ing to George E. Carlson, Genera! ed, duly appointed and thereafter Present Schedule ter Herndon on Beach street re­ tor SERVICE. stove. We repair stdves also. ........ .................................... A M Leave Ashland Manager. Carlpon is a former qualified and ever since has been cently. A del'iciouia two-course 1:80 P.M. Experienced movers and pack­ Eagle Brass & Iron Works, 140 and now is the duly appointed, Arrive Klamath Falls „.................. 11:00 A.M. Com m issions of Electricity of the 5 :1 5 P.M. I Oberlin St. ’ 108—1 mo.* ers of household goods. Deal­ dinner was served at six o’clock City of Chicago. qualified and acting administra­ ers In coal and wood. Phone by Mesdames High and Herndon. Fi eight and Baggage Truck in Connection trix of the estate of said GEORGE Work on the studios, to ac- ’ Following the dinner the regu­ 117. M ISCELLANEOUS N. ’ANDEIt’ S ON, deceased. lar business meeting was held cupy 6,000 square feet of floor O ffice 89 Oak St. near All those having claims against; Ashland Office: Tavern Cafe .and routine business transacted. space an the first floor of the the said estate present the same FEMALE HELP WANTED: — Hotel Ashland Wrigley Building has been start­ Those who underwent initiatory A woman with pleasing personal­ to the undersigned at 1068 East "*~* ****♦ ♦ •» ••> ♦ > ♦ ♦ » ity and business ability to take T. L. POWELL—General Trans­ services were May Van Harden- ed and negotiations have beam Main Street, Ashland, Oregon, as completed for erecting the tow­ fer—Good team and motor burg, Mildred March and Ruth charge of well established busi­ ers and power plant near Deer required by law. trucks. G >od service at a rea­ Green. ness in Ashland. No capital re­ Dated, January 17, 1925. field, about 28 miles from Chi­ Mrs. McCracken, who was a sonable price. Phone 83. quired. Inquire Box X Tidings of­ • DORA E. WIGHT, delegate to the Methodist confer- cago on the Waukegan Road. fice. 130-2 wk. Administratrix of the Es­ William Hade Thompson, for­ FEHIGE-ROACH tate of Gebrge N. Ander­ mer mayor of Chicago, is Presl Transfer — Express — Storage son, Deceased. 117- 5-M dent of the operating corporation. Hauling — Dray work of all U. J. Herrmann, theatre owner, kinds. Quick motor service. Dry Vice-President, H. H. Maier, au wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R tomobile man, Treasurer, and J. 375 B. St. 112-tf H. Kiel, Secretary. WOOD SAWING' "Programs will include enter­ tainment, religious, patriotic and WANTED- -Wood sawing. Tel When Back Hurts or Blad­ educational feature-',” s a id 4 70-J. 63— Imo* a S t ) see the der Bothers, Also Take Thompson. “The slogan of the | »-oW Crabtree, A nderson, Mo., w rites: Standard fu ll size and w eight pkft.—w eight, 1 lb. 4 ox. P L U M B IN G rheumatic twinges, severe head­ plained that the tower location “I use It exclusively for m y prac­ aches, acid stomach, constipation, a t Deeglhld was »selected follow­ •Jerry O’Neal tice and m y fam ily. It is quick, torpid liver, sleeplessness, blad­ ing kests that shpw tramsmission Plumbing and Heating sure and sa fe in its action lik e der and urinary irritation. Is exceptidna’ly good from that n oth in g e ls e .” Opposite New Hotel The moment your back hurts {roint, and will «be operated by re­ Ashland, Oregon. Tbward the end of the irftlu- or kidneys aren’t acting right, mote control by wire from the euza epidemic a government phy­ # 129-tf or if bladder bothers you, begin Studio in the Wrig’ey Building. sician noticed that a tribe of In­ FU R N IT U R E drinking lots of good water and A Spanish Bungalow will be built dians in Nevada, by the use of oils -------- ---------------- ■ -....... - from a native plant were immune Upholstering, refinishing, re-glue­ also get about four ounces of at the foot of the towers to The California Oregon Power Company offered from the ravages of Influenza. ing. Work done at your home. Jade Salts from any good pharm- house the power plant and pro­ i glass of water before breakfast vide living quarters for the op­ He used these oils among his Medford, Tel. 969-R. 130-1 mo.* 2,00C shares of its 7% Preferred Stock to its own for a few days and your kidneys erators, he said. This budding "HelloDaddy^do white patients and then in a hos­ employes. The issue was immediately o v e r s u b ­ may then act fine. This famous CONTRACTORS pital overflowing with ‘death” s c r ib e d . forget my Wrtÿ&ti salts is made from the acid of cases. News of the results swept V’an Gorder C onstruction Co. grapes and lemon Juice, combined Slip & p a ck a g e ht the world and for some time it All kinds of building your pocket vth n with lithia, and has been used was not possible to supply the Construction, Contract or y o u ho h o m e t o - for ten years to flush clogged demand. Percentage n l$ M - 45ft Morton St. Operators tending the giant generators a t Copco kidneys and stimulate them to BALSAMEA has now been Beds, Springs and activity; also to neutralize the Give the youn^slerj "tandardized and gives uniformly power plants know th a t fourteen thousand custom ­ Mattresses thia»^ acids in the system so that they wfraculous results in four ways: ers get power and light over Copco wires. lasting s w e e t - f o r BUILT FOR SLEEP no longer irritate, thus often re­ 1. It soothes the inflamed, mem­ pleasure and b en efit lieving bladder disorders. M en on d u ty throughout the system come to branes and relieves irritation, 2. Jad Salts can not injure any­ TH E ASHLAND FU R N IT U R E It increases secretion of mucous realize best the enduring assets of the C o m p a n y - one; make a delightful efferves- and permits easy expectoration, COMPANY assets of rock, steel, concrete, and of never-ceasing VMÜyomdfañtr j cent lith’a water dring which mll- 3. It stimulates pores of the skin 8 3 N. Main power! «Btoidnd or when In throwing off body poisons and 4 H ere’s Grandmother’s Rec-!‘Iona ’of men and womeR take MOrkdrafe. ftsa . gm<tSe nesheiwr / It strikes at the cause, checking Engineers, accountants, linemen, cashiers, offi­ • ' x -rk i , 1 now and then to help keep the P a l " 611 an<^ kidneys and urinary organs clean, germ action Immediately. cials-—all these knew, intim ately, the security and Do not confuse it with ordin­ Beautify Faded H air ’ thus often avoiding serious kid- For a smooth shave earning power o fth eir investm ent. They had in s i d e ary balsam cough syrups that are That beautiful, even shade of have your physician examine your and quick service go k n o w le d g e of its value. only soothing sirups and do not dark, glossy hair can only be had ( ney disorders. By all means to the Shell Barber go to the base of the trouble. by brewing a mixture of Sage Tea kidneys at least twice a year, Shop. Ladles and Unlike other cough remedies and Sulphur. Your hair is your!, children get your hair BALSAMEA is free from coal tar charm. It makes or mars the bobbed and mt-/cel­ and other harmful narcotics. face. When it fades, turns gray led. Ask any one of these members of the Copco organ­ Pleasant to take and absolutely or streaked, just an application ization today how you can buy Copco Preferred saf^ to give to children. or two of Sage and Sulphur en­ W. A. SH ELL, Prop. Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A hances its appearance a hundred­ $32 A. St. A shland, Ore Stock, yielding 7.14% for your idle fu n d s or with the picture of the Indian on fold. monthly savings, on monthly payments as low as $5 the package. Guaranteed to re­ Don’t bother to prepare the a share. Or clip and mail the coupon below. lief any cough, no matter from mixture; you can get this famous what cause, or your money back. old recipe improved by the addi­ The THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In tion of other ingredients at a Head Ashland buy it from Eastside small cost, all ready for use. It is O f f ic e s : Pharmacy. called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur! A Guaranteed Remedy Compound. This can always be < POD ITCHING, BLIND, »»» r n R oseburg M edford G rants Pass Klam ath Falls depended upon to bring back the Cold in the head means a gerpn r U K BLEEDING OR PROTRUDING P IL E S natural color and lustre of your attack. The membranes become hair. . I t is now p u t up in collapsible tubes w ith detachable fo r Everybody uses “Yyeth’s” Sage inflamed, head becomes stuffed. pile pipe m aking i t very easy to apply. PTTPONTC and Sulphur Compound now be­ And that’s misery. Quick relief demands direct at- COUGHS cause it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has C r c a m ^ m f n T T H E C A L IF O R N IA O R E G O N P O W E R C O M P A N Y been applied.. You simply dampen J hrp„t . ■. t? e P°8triIs and VOUR PARTNERS MEDFORD, OREGON a sponge or soft brush with it tl , L 6 kead cl^arc in- PROGRJESS and draw this through the h a ir,tT1 1 X’,.‘n lam,matl0’n- ia subdued, DRUGGISTS refund money if P le a se se n d m e full inform ation a b o u t y o u r 7% P referred taking one «mof, small 8trand at a I The cold disappears. As a preventive, m elt and taking it fails to cure. Stock and sp ecial partial p a y m en t plan. Don’t wait for internal e:ects. inhale night and morning— time; by morning the gray hair Special directions enclosed with each has disappeared, and after an­ Fight the cold where it is — In the air passages. Ask your drug­ application it becomes beau­ Name. package. Your druggist will order it. ▼ V a r o R u b other -—or mail this coupon tifully dark and appears glossy gist for a bottle of Ely’s Cream Peer JZ JHffltow 7«r. t/eerf (Also put up in old style Tins, 60c.) Balm. Enjoy this quick relief. and lustrous. — today! Classified Column Safe Deposit Boxes w BEING CONSTRUCTED The Citizens Bank of Ashland KLAMATH FALLS STAGE Safety Service Courtesy Franklin Bakery Phone 199 stanch 10t breakfast QUART OF WATER A DAY HEL^ KIDNEYS P N E U M O N IA • USUALLY STARTS FROM CÖLDS CALL* New Style H“0 Colonial Pipeless Furnace Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store SIMMONS iNSIDE INFORMATION THESE MEN KNEW IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE IEA ASK THEM Clear S', Cold V IC K S PAZO Ointment IN Ask any member of our organization