PAOS Í B M atBUftb daily «maten Classified Column PROFESSIONAL One cent the word each time. To ran every issue for one month or more, He the word each time. 'pciety PH YSICIANS ClasMfled Colum n R ates OR. H AW LEY— A bove office. Bert Moses and F. G. Sweden- of the hotel. Much important er and publisher on religious ques­ burg. Mrs. V. V. Mill? assisted business was attended to and the tions. about the rooms. following chairmen appointed: In an address to a recent cleri­ * * * Mugfc, Mrs. C. D. Fies, Grants cal congress here, the bishop aver­ F ratern al B rotherhood— Pass; Literature and Art, Mrs. red that thte country, in addition J. A. Batchelor, Supreme Robinson, Medford.; Civics, Mrs. to being faced with an era of President of the Fraternal Broth­ Harrison, Klamath Falls; Educa­ paganism, was also faced to some erhood of Los Angeles will be in tion, Mrs. Susanne Homes-Carter; extent with the failure of its Ashland Tuesday evening, Febru­ Press and Publicity, Mrs. Grace E. Church. ary 10 to visit the. local organi­ ; Andrews, Ashland; Program, Mr®. “The World War,” he told his zation. A covered dish supper ■ Arthur Earhart, Rogue River. audience, ‘‘has changed the whole will be served at the Ptirish Mrs. Barnes of Merlin not being situation in England. Although it House at six-thirty for th'e mem­ able to go on with the work as is possible to exaggerate the ex­ bers of the lodge and their fam­ organizer, Mrs. G. R. Satehwell of tent of this change, we know that ilies. Medford was sip pointed in her there has settled on the commun­ Members expecting to attend place. / ity a profround discontent with thfe supper ante asked to com­ This district extends _ from things as they are at present and municate with Mrs. Mark True ' Roseburg to Klamath Falls and a restless, inchoate longing to put who is chairman of the commit­ there .are at present a'xteen clubs them right. tee in order that a variety of which are members of thfc? Feder­ ■‘The great mass of the people foods will be furnished. ation, which is the only District of England,” he continued, “have At nine o’clock the group will Federation in Oregon. It is ex­ either considered and found no Journey to thfe Moose Hall where pected thlat mainy others will join use for reJigiow or they have ac­ the regular monthly dance will this year. cepted the opinion of others that be held. A short program h*« Those present at the board it 1s useless. From what thev also been arranged and snappy meeting and luncheon were: Mrs. have seen of the churches, they dance music is promised by the Arthur Earhart and Mrs. Clark, are indisposed to think that the committee in charge. Rogue River; Mrs. C. H. Wood- help they need is to be found * * * warjl and Mrs. C. D. Fies, Grants there. The reasop for this is to he Standard B earers— Pass; Mm Gordon MacCracken, seen partly in the failure and in­ The Standard Bearers had a Ashland; Mrs. Long, Talent; Mrs. capacity of the Church and partly very interesting and delightful Campbell, Eagle Point; Mrs. J. A. in the materialistic methods in meeting at the home of Virginia Gammil, Phoenix; Mrs. Hhrrison, the life of the wor.’d. "Individuality and collectively, Whittle Wednesday evening. The Klamath Falls; Mrs. Satehwell, regular missionary lesson was Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Scheffelin of men and women of the world at present seem to be living on the held and a social hour followed. Medford. Reported by Mrs. Gordon Mac- edge of a precipice. A great poli­ A deHcious two-course luncheon was served late in the evening Cracken, member of Publicity tician laughs at ideals. A sudden strike or lookout upsets an indus­ at a table beautifully decorated committee of Civic Club. * * * try. Young people commit suicide with pink and white, carrying out after attending dances. All these the Valentine suggestion. A love­ A Correction— ly centerpiece of geraniums de­ In some way a mistake crept tilings are a part of the se.f-aame corated the center of the table in, in the Civic Club report pub­ intricate situation. “Marriage is a problem—or is and candles were placed at in­ lished Wednefiday. The word postponed. Money is scarce. Un­ tervals, forming a charming pic­ “Illiterates’’ was interchanged ture for the affair. with the words “foreign bora” In employment seems to have become These meetings are held at the one Instance which changed the permanent. The struggle for exis­ homes of the girl members and meaning very considerably. There tence is fiercer than ever, and are alwtays looked forward to. a r e 9000 illiterates and 100,000 the result is immorality, immer­ * * « foreign bora in the state of Ore­ sion in pleasures and caliqus ma­ , D inner P arty —- gon and 1000 foreign born in terialism. “The pagan gods are fighting Mrs. H. M. Channel was the Jackson county. Perhaps few no­ hostess at a pleasant dinner party ticed the error but it was thought for their own again, and they given at the Hotel Ashland Wed­ best to give the statement as not­ seem to be fighting with the odds nesday evening at seven o'clock. ed from the address given. The members of the Sunday School class were guests for the evening. Those present were Janie Walk­ er, Mildred Elder, Lola Gilmore, Sylvora Hoch, Margaret Miller, Gladys Lyman, Elizabeth Payne, Jessie Baker, Celia Rsinhart, Janet Wilson and Linda Oeder. Tidings Phone 91. 4e* M iss E dith D odge, Editor Phone Item s to her a t 8 0 , betw een S a. ni. and 5 p. m. DR. G. C. PH ET TEPIiA C E D entist ry Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ traction and minor surgery. FOR R E N I Special attention given to straight­ RESPO NSIBILITY ening and care of children's FOR RENT:—Two room house teeth. (By Bianchie Logan O’Neal) furnished. Water, light, garden. Above Citizens Bank I sometimes wish I might again 110.00 per month. 424 Helman Phone. Office, 151—Res., 201-J Know Joyous, care-free days, St. 133-2 DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ With gay footsteps irresponsive, tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano Traverse Youth’s rose - strewn FOR RENT: —— Furnished ways. throat—X-ray including teeth. apartment, 3 rooms with private Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te bftth and porch. Phone 263R or 5. Sweden burg Bldg., Ashland, Should Youth return, I- know not call a t Shook Bldg. 133-2t how Ore. I’d meet, her ismiling gaze, K X T : — Five rooms fur- ^8 Blvd. 132— 1 mo. DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic For my heart - stringy are deep- and Electro-Therapy. Office tangled FOR B E N T : — Furnished and phone 48; residence 142. First In duty’s endless maze. heated Bleeping rooms. Lithia National Bank building. 7— From the Lariat. Apartments. 35 S. Second. 130-5t ' * • • CONVALESCENT HOME CALENDAR OF EVENTS FO R RENT: — Two, 2-room Where the sick get well. Cot­ Tuesday, February 10. Supreme housekeeping apartments, at 349 tage plan. We board and care for President will metet Fraternal E. Main. 131—6* Invalids and old people. Matern­ ity dejt. Call 153. Brotherhood,. Supper at 6:30 at FOR RENT— Furnished house Parish House and dance at nine DECORATORS on Laurel St. Inquire 332 Har- o’clock a,t Moose Hall. gadine St. or Phone 263L. 126-tf H. GEAR F. J. SWENNING Tuesday, February 10. P. E. O. Phone 315-R will entertain, husbands at the FO R SA U S Dependable Painting Contractors. home of Mrs. A. E. Kinney. Thursday. February 12. Elks Tinting and Paper Hanging FOR SALE:—Three choice lots Ladles Club will metet in club at corner Fairview and Iowa Sts., MONUMENTS rooms. with the big pine trees. Easily Saturday, February 14. College accessible and fine view. Price ASHLAND GRANITE Club will have luncheon at Hotel >1000.00. Easy terms. Address, MONUMENTS Medford. H. L. Whited, Visalia, Calif. Blair Granite Co. * * * S. PENNISTON. Manager FOR SALE: —Jersey cow, Just Entertains With Tea— Office 175 E. Main fresh, A. H. Ward, Omega Ranch, One of the very delightful teas Res. Phone 444-Y Pacific Highway, Talent. 133-2* of the season was the one given 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May yesterday by Mrs. F. G. Sweden- FOR SALE — Dining room set, communicate with Ensign Lee burg at her lovely home on the (William & Mary Period); Bruns­ of the Salvation Army at the Boulevard honoring Mrs. Bremt wick phonograph, tugs, mahogany WhlteShield Home, 565 May- Page of Sap-and-Salt. chair, all good as new. 123 Cen­ fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. The keynote of the party was tral avenue. 131—3* the birthdays of the hostess and PLANING MILL FOR SALE: — Dry body wood, the honored guest which singu­ pine or fir. Telephone 383-L or see JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET' larly occurred on the same day. Jim Beagle, 131— 6* WORKS, Cor. Helman atti About fifty close friends of the Van Ness. l» 4 t f hostess gathered at the home and * FOR SALE: — Red Cedar spent the afternoon doing fancy Posts, 10c and up f. o. b. Siskiyou TRANSFER AND EXPRESS work and conversing. Mrs. Page Oregon, reasonable delivery. W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. was seated in, a large arm chair Mountain Fuel Co., or Beaver for SERVICE. and one guest would sit and chat Realty Co. 130-1 mo.* Experienced movers and pack­ wjith her until tagged by some ers of household goods. Deal­ other guest. At four o’clock the FOR SALE: — Two-acre ranch ers in coal and wood. Phone guests were escorted by Mte. V. V. on the Applegate highway 1-8 117. Mills to the dining room, with mile from Applegate P. O. Seven- « • « Mrs. A. E. Woods playing a suit­ Office 89 Oak St. near room house, concrete basement, able selection on the piano. The Board M eeting o f S. Ore. Hotel Ashland fine garden land, good water sys­ doors were thrown open and the j D istrict Federation. —- tem. barn, chicken house, garage. T. L. POWELL—General Trans­ guests received their first inkling j Mrs. Arthur Earhart of Rogue Call or address A. L. Wimer, Ap­ fer—Good team and motor of the fact that the affair was I River, president of Southern Ore. plegate, Oregon. 122- 2 wk.* trucks. Q)od service at a rea­ celebrating the Joint birthdays of District Federation of Women’s FOR SALE for 2-year storage. sonable price. Phone 83. Mrs. Swedenburg and Mrs. Page Clubs, has already started work Federal one ton chain drive truck, when they were greeted with the on this year’s meeting, which will FEHIGE-ROACH assembled engine, Ore. licenses, two yellow and rose birthday be held at Rogue River, the last Transfer — Express — Storage 81136— 1921, 30 days from date Saturday in April, the Rogue cakes at the table. Jan. 16, 1925. L. C. Jaquette, Pro­ Hauling — Dray work of all The color scheme wlas carried River Woman’s Civic Club doing prietor Hornbrook Garage. 115-lm kinds. Quick motor service. Dry out in yellow and rose and a the entertaining. wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R large centerpiece of yellow snap­ A "no hosteaV’ luncheon nt Ho­ FOR SALE: — Good cook 375 B. St. 112-tf tel Holland, Tuesday, was attend­ dragon?, sweet peas and rose car­ stove. We repair stoves also. ed by officers and chairman: of nations formed a delightful part WOQD SAWING Eagle Brass & Iron Works, 140 of the setting. Strips of yellow committees of this organization, Oberlin St. 108— 1 mo.* WANTED—Wood sawing. Tel and rose crepe paper were about and following this, a business 470-J, 63— lmo* the table and rose dandles adorn­ meeting wfcts held In the parlor M ISCELLANEOUS ed the buffet. The mantle was MEDFORD decorated with a bouquet of acacia FEMALE HELP WANTED: — VETINARY HOSPITAL and yellow candles. A woman with pleasing personal­ DR. E. C. McCULLOCH After the guests were seated ity and business ability to take Graduate Veterinarian at the table the cakes were cut, ARE YOU charge of well established busi­ Office C on su ltations F ree ness In Ashland. No capital re­ Cor. Grape and Fifth—Medford. one by Mrs. Page and the other CLEANING HOUSE? by Mrs. Swedenburg. A dime was quired. Inquire Box X Tidings of­ Phone 369—Day or Night Don’t forget that New Paint fice. 130-2 wk. I will be in Ashland at the East hidden in each cake and the one who was fortunate enough to re­ and Wall Paper will brighten Side Pharmacy every Wednesday ceive it was given a beautiful set even the darkest of rooms. 12:30 to 5:30 For a smooth shave of nut cups. Mrs. P. K. Hammond and quick service go received the prize for finding the P L U M B IN G to the Barber dime in the guests cake and Mrs. Shop^^^T.adles and Jerry O’Neal : Royal Bebb was the fortunate Plumbing and Heating childEgrf?get your hair winner of the other prize. Mrs. Opposite New Hotel boblHd and m arcel­ Robinette and Miss Victoria Ashland, Oregon. l e d .’ Tavener poured. Receiving at the 129-tf door were M’esdames Brent Page, W . A. SH ELL, Prop. FURNITURE >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore J. O. R IG G . OUT TH IS OUT — IT IS WORTH MONEY Send this ad and ten cents to Foley tt Co., 2835 Shegield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will re­ ceive a sample bottle of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND for coughs, colds and hoarseness, also sample packages of FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stimulant for the kidney’s and FOLEY CAT­ HARTIC TABLETS for constipa­ tion ahd billiousness. These de­ pendable remedies are free from opiates and have helped millions. Try them! Sold everywhere. SA FE FO R CHILDREN Upholstering, refinishing, re-glue Mothers everywhere demand a ing. Work done at your home. I reliable cough remedy free from Medford, Tel. 969-R. 130-1 mo.* j injurious narcotics. Supplying this CONTRACTORS demand for fifty years made FO­ Van Gorder Construction Co. LEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM­ POUND one of the Largest Sell­ All kinds of building ing Cough Medicines in the Construction, Contract or Percentage World. Children like it. “My 459 Morton St. little boy had a very bad cough, and after he used FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND HOMELIKE be got relief at once,” writes Mrs. Van Belle, Penroy, Mont. Refuse substitutes. Sold everywhere. Our expert doctors and surgeons, MORTON HOSPITAL excellent food, and quiet surroundings 4 bring you real health, w -------------------- Winter is the best time to Tidings Want Ads never fall.) have First—Stop Pain Er When pain comes, stop joice in relief. it. Be ever ready to stop Perhaps there are oth­ it quickly, night or day. er ways. But this is the Don’t suffer any pain one waj that millions which a moment of rub­ have used—have proved bing can stop. it for 65 years. You can These include pains al­ rely on it’. Your druggist lied to rheumatism to guarantees it. Why take soreness, to lameness, to I chances when you know chest colds. They can : that nothing can be bet­ be stopped at once. For i ter? 65 years they have been j Don't wait for an stopped by rubbing with emergency. It may mean St. Jacobs Oil. a night of pain. Have St. As for curing the cause Jacobs Oil ever ready. of the trouble. N ature) Apply it as soon as you usually does that. But feel a pain, or a chest j don’t suffer while you cold. Be ready to soothe! wait. St. Jacobs Oil it, to check it at once, i causes counter irritation.) There will never be a bet­ Then it draws the blood ter way. Go get it now I to the surface to relieve to be prepared when 1 congestion. In a minute pain comes. It may save or two you feel that the you and yours many un pain has ebbed. You re­ happy hours. «W »'W - — .1. St. Jacobs ^Qil replacements and overhaul on D on ’t suffer an hour Backache Lameness Lombago Soreness OLD PAGANISM LONDON, Feb. 6. — England is ’ faced with a recrudescence of paganism, in the opinion of the Right Rev. Guy F. Warman, Bish­ op of Chelmsford and noted writ- MORE POWER and quicker starting is the invariable answer of those who have filled up their tanks at this station with GENERAL G A S O L IN E which is tested 4- times for your protection. Oregon Oranges The broom bears the same re­ lation to a vacuum cleaner that a tallow candle does to an incandescent or a horse car does to an electric car. The broom belongs in the days that have gone— the old days w’hen from sun to uun a woman’s work was never done. The vacuum cleaner surely has won the V. C. Electrically at Your Service A. LIVE WIRE M urphy U rtmc S hop ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES [(SERVICE P hone Q2. Co«. C. M ain ft O ak OVERLAND Shoe Shop Oranges SWEET CALIFORNIA NAVELS 75c per Bucket 41-2 dozen $3.00 per Box 1% Miles North on Highway Oeser’s Ashland Service Station Mr. E. C. Beckwith is Master Mechanic « in our Repair Shop and will conscientiously, reasonably and effi­ ciently do all Automobile Repair Work on Cars of all descriptions Dr. Oeser and Son BUCKINGHAM and HECHT Great value shoe. A heavy bottom; eight-inch top, Russian calf. See them at the ARMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little Store in Town *2 business, but a sure sign of business progressiveness is PRINTED STATIONERY for all purposes for which printed Prophecy forms are needed—letterheads, en­ sheets and other forms to fit the in­ dividual business. You, of course, can operate business without printed forms, just as you but you operate your business better and more satisfactorily if you have the printed forms which the business demands. Phone 39 and we will he glad to assist in ar­ ranging your printed forms. J. CHENEY &■ CO., Toledo, ©bio Medford, There are many ways to advertise a will be glad you had the work done in winter. SoU by dtMgguti for orar 40 yean New T heater B u ild in g Ashland Tidings H E R E w ere few w ho shared the faith of the pioneers who undertook the de­ velopment of the telephone. W ith an infant art to nourish constantly, by new discovery and invention, and handicapped by scanty capital and public apathy, they held to their vision of a nation-wide service. Nearly two score years ago, when the te le p h o n e s of the United States were fewer than those of a single New York borough today, the business was organized essentially like the Bell System of the present. That is: a central advisory staff, a T TAN Style and Durability combined BOULEVARD and SHERMAN lights and other modern conveniences; fieas caused by Catarrh. BARTLETT, the Furrier Station When spring rush comes you H all’s Catarrh Medieihe we claim for it Chest Coldi —tid your system of Catarrh or Deaf- BLACK IV. & N. Service can without the telephone, electric Ford, Lincoln, Fordson Deniers W. I . Douglas ft Your. Ford Car H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage NIGHT COUGH QUICKLY RELIEVED This is the substance of a letter received from H. W. Webb, Quincy, 111., "I coughed a great deal, especially at night. Tried almost everything and have found nothing to equal FOLEY’S HON­ EY AND TAR COMPOUND. One dose relieved my cough, and I rested well all night.” One of the Visitors Recently— H. A. Culp, assistant superin- j largest selling cough medicines tendent of the Dunsmuir office,! in the World. Contains no opiates. Mr. McEnery foreman of the l Safe for children. Insist upon car department of Dunsmuir and Foley’s. Refuse substitutes. Sold Mr. Gilbert of the car depart­ everywhere. ment of San Francisco, Southern Pacific officials were in Ashiland Thursday visiting the local of-1 New Spring Oxfords fice. They returned to their homes yesterday morning. Poor old Broom was a good old soul, But we fear the discard’s now his goal. velopes, statements, loose-leaf ledger MB P t N I S T W IC T.SA N FRANCISCO, C A U F. ■ ENGLAND FACES in their favor.” Other speakers at the congress testified in support of the bish­ op's avowals. One prominent London preacher declared that, in the diocese of London alone, 440,000 communi­ cants — mainly young people — lapsed in one year. central scientific organization devoted to development and re­ search, a central department to promote progress in operating technique, a central source of supply of standardized material, local operating companies fa­ miliar with local needs, and a national net-work of lines interconnecting th e se co m ­ panies. Telephone pioneers planned this organization structure, be­ lieving it necessary for efficient and economical national service. The nation’s experience has proved the clearness of their vision. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company BELL SYSTEM One Policy . One System - Universal Service