MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News W ire Service) VOL. X LVIII Successo^ to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1925 Syracuse Students Studying Spanish Via Havana Radio PIERCE GIVEN HEAVY BLOW BY It* LEGISLATURE SYRACUSE, N. Y„ Feb. 6. —/A new use for the radio today has been dis­ covered by a Syracuse «schoolboy. He ia Richard Gaggin, who is studying Spanish by “ tuning in” on Havana. Through the air. hte finds m astery of the language is far less difficult than by learning it by means of text and gram m ar in the classroom. The innovation is the resu lt of the form ation of a radio unit a t Nottingham Ju n io r High School under thia personal supervision of W. J. K night, acting principal. 3 HOMES HERE RANSACKED BY GANG OF THUGS * V LONDON, Feb. 6. __ tt tt Have you a little wax « i » sweetie in your home? « » Wax models of sweet­ tt ■ tt hearts are the latest fad tt Minority Members of First Baptist Church of Ashland J Port of Portland Bill Passes .♦ of Europe's lovelorn. Life « Engage M. S. Woodworth^. Formerly of Brownsville, , House and Senate Soon » size models made in wax, tt Granite Street District Is as Acting Pastor. To Hold Services in Odd Fellow’s of friends, sw eethearts and » Scene of Operations for After Veto Read tt tt even wives are being Hall Sunday Morning. Burglars » tt tt sought by the faddists, in­ GOVERNOR IS ON RUN tt stead of oil paintings and » CLOTHING M. 8. W oodw orth, for six years pastor o f th e B aptist church at tt tt IS L E F T tt sculptures. B row n sville, Oregon, w ho was recom m ended to the m inority mem* tt Salary of D istrict A ttorney Chaney tt Hat L eft at Perozzi R reideace tt hers o f Uns First Baptist Church of A shland, by th e secretary o f th e it Louis Tussaud, of the tt Is Increased from 8 2 4 0 0 to tt S tate B aptist Council, has been engaged by th ose m em bers as actin g tt famous Madame Tussaud’s tt I red in Id en tifyin g G ang W ith $ 2 7 0 0 by B ill Passed pastor of th e local church. tt tt •Medford Robbers " ax W orks, is engaged tt The Baptist church here is split by the alleged introduction of tt tt upon wax figures of sev­ SALEM, Feb. 6. — Less than tt th e “ Four Square Gospel M ovem ent.” by B. C. M iller, pastor of the tt tt eral theatrical stars who Extending their operations, tho aia hour a fte r Governor Pierce tt church. The split fin ally resulted in the o u stin g o f th e m em bers tt are sitting for him. tt 8teng of burglars who have bee . w ho refused to accept th e "Four Square M ovem ent,” and la>t w eek tt had vetoed the Port of Portland tt ransacking homes in Medford and (in injunction w as issued by th e county court, restrain ing th e m ajor­ Commission bill, the senate and tt this city for the past two weeks, ity m em bers of th® church from barring th e m inority m em bership the house today passed th e bill from atten d in g services. The ousted m em bers, how ever, w ill hold last night taged a wholesale bur w ithout debate, by overwhelming- th eir services in th e Odd F ellow s H all Sunday m orning. g'ary raid whea they enter ly large m ajorities, m aking it a I Rev. W oodw orth, new pastor o f th e m inority m em bers, m ade turee homes he«, and removelace them on sheets Beloved in Christ, we beseech conducted by the jo in t arm y and w here Collins lies, in order to and industry were first necessary of paper and tu rn them over to ence, disease a|n,d devastating you in tender memory of the his­ navy services off the Virginia I mlracle8 w ™ keep alive the spark of life which before any really constructive opium traffic. Mr. Lawrence. Each order must tory of this church, in the sacred­ The European nations, although C .P « r n . . His g r.s e , s e .- ra- work could be accomplished. He seven days. They p'anned to sent it® m ileage through u ..u u Ku the n have the name of the person or­ JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 6.— The ness of C hristian fellowship and o Kill : y p anned to dio amplifier. Bloodhounds were declared there has been only oeie seemingly willing to withdraw national charges were laid before eo service to co-operabe ,in this m at­ Petit jury list for the February dering the flour, her address, the a special congressional committee go to a hill near here tonight and i also sent in with liquid foods in man on this earth who was Im­ from the opium traffic, amd to term of the circuit court, to meet (approximate time of delivery, investigating the a irc ra ft situa­ aw ait a cloud which will wa^t bottlea, strapped about their mune from service and th a t Hl® aid in fighting it. appear some­ te r.” Tuesday, February 24, was drawn and. th e grocer from whom she tion. Reciting the hindrance put them to the Golden Stari, via necks. If the dog® find Collins life was a life of utm ost servitude. w hat reluctant to follow the lead Yours in C hrist Jesus Hollywood and San Diego and The Done by order of The B aptist yesterday by th e county court wishes to buy th e flour. in th e way of the a ir bombing by dead, it is said they will bark, He dec’ared Christ alone had the of the United States In declaring Jupiter. State troops will be on and clerk. The first seven names following grocers have agreed to th|e navy, he declared the a tr Church, Ashland, Oregon. and the sounds will be hoard ovW privilege of living w ithout serv­ all opium traffic outlawed. hand, due to th reats which Redit So it comes about th a t the con­ drawn from a box, constitute the help th e Civic Club and to take services were ordered to bomb a has received. the microphoime. ing if He had so desired, but th a t care of all orders turned over to battleship from an altitu<|e of gregation of the F irst Baptist next grand Jury, scheduled to He willed otherwise. F razier and Son, Hardy 10,000 feet, a height which he R ogue Rise«— Church will conduct services next meet Monday, February 16th, if thepn. H. B. Burst, mem ber of the lithians meet to Attend Court— Bros.^ Holmes Groceteria, H. B. DISCUSS SHOW PLANS The Rogwe is settling .down Circuit Judge Thomas concludes said was not inecessary o r exped­ Sunday in the Odd Fellows Hall, organization, entertained the About twenty-five members of P lurtm er, W hite House Grocery again today after another of its ient. He said both departm ents and in resum ing regular services his work on the Klam ath county About tw enty five members of the Civics class at the Klam ath ram pages of the winter. It went members with two piano solos and the 20th Century Grocery. are trying to hinder th e develop­ of the church, a most cordial and beqeh by th a t time. which were especially well receiv­ the Lithiam® gathered at the Plaza County high school a t Klhmath to a point about eight feet above ed. Among the crim inal cases to m ent of aircraft as th e means of earnest invitation is extended to last night, for a dinner meeting. Falls attended the trial of John the normal flow, showing four a 'national defense. come before the grand ju ry is th e public in general and to all The program committee ao- Plans for the sale of tickets for O’Shea W ednesday afternoon. The feet at the crest of tlite Savage nounced th a t the next meeting who have been associated with th a t of the three bandits who held Has Mumps — students were very interested in Rapids dam, last night. This would be featured by a celebra­ the coming Lithian show, to be R. E. Koozer, mte.nager of the up the Union, Oil Station a t Ash­ b^ld, Feb. 16 and 17 were dis­ the trial amd gained quite an Ashland Canning company is con­ There’s a message In The am ount of knowledge regarding means a much g reater rise on the tion of W ashington’s htrthday. cussed. Carl Loveland, director (Continued on page four) (Continued on Page F our) lower river. No damage resulted Special patriotic music is being fined to his home with mumps. Tidings Want Ads. of the show, Introduced several criminal cases In court. from the high water. prepared for the occasloa. of the principals of the cast. n KLAMATH FALLS IS ASKING FOR DIVISION POINT O’SHEA PUTS UP HARD FIGHT TO ESCAPE NOOSE PHEASANTS TO BE LIBERATED IN JACKSON CO. ASHLAND HIGH ENTERTAINS SALEM BASKETEERS TONIGHT r * i i LlltOmbed Mail Is Still Alive in Kentucky Cave ' Special Offer Is Being Made This Week by Fisher’s A LLM SPEA K S AT MEETING OF LOCAL KIWANIS America Withdraws From Geneva Opium R e g u la tio n Meet GRAND JURY TO GATHER SOON AFTER FEB. 16 , r