t MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ( International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1925 NO. 127 SPECIAL ELECTION CALLED FOR FEBRUARY 17 Split In Church AUairs Results In Legal Action In County Court MEMBERS DROPPEDOFF -ROSTER FILE PROCEEDINGS IN CO. COURT ¡Gaston Means Is Nome Appeals to Found Guilty in World for Aid in Conspiracy Case Diphtheria Fight Chief of Police McNabb and St reet Commissioner Merrill Re­ appointed to Offices by Mayor Johnson, Council Approves Action. Briggs Is Again City Attorney, While W. H. Gowdy Is Appointed Police Judge. Other Business Is Transacted. U SS : ' ■ ------------------------:------ Tuesday, February 17, was the date set last night by the city council for the special bond election to decide upon the issuance of bonds for the purchase of the Chautauqua building and site and the seventeen acre McCormick tract, to be used as an addition to Lithia Park. The resolution calling for the election was passed unanimously by the six mem­ bers of the council, although just before the calling of the vote on the proposition, it appeared as though some of the members of the council were opposed to the measure, and would vote against it. The issue in question was the wording in the resolution, which some of the councilmen understood to indicate they recommended the issuance of the bonds for the purchase of the park addition, while they* insisted they would place the measure before the people, only upon the understanding that they did not recom­ mend it, but simply to get the approval or disapproval of the voters. There was some discussion as to the possibilities of using the land to be pur chased, several members claiming there were but twc acres in, the McCormick tract which could be used for a tract upon which shelter cabins could be erected. Fran! Jordan, President of the Park Board spoke before the council, explaining that the board members intended to remove the elk now pastured upon a level piece of ground, two acres in extent, believed by many to be the finest piece of land in the park, to the rough land in the McCormick tarct. By this means, the additional two acres could be released to be added to the camp ground, thus making, in reality, four acres of addi­ tional camp ground land made available by the purchase. Jordan pointed out the profits made on the present shelter cabins had netted the park board a neat sum which had been used in the betterment of the park, and he declared that the addition which the park now wished to purchase would add still further to the earning power of the park. NE W YORK, Jan. 80. — Judge L indley th is afternoon sentenced M eans to tw o years a t A tlanta prison, w ith a fine o f $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . F elder w as lined $ 1 0 ,0 0 ) but w as given no prison sentence. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. — Gas­ ton Means, form er detective em­ ployed by the United States treas­ ury departm ent, prohibition di­ vision, and Thdmas Felder, his a t­ torney, were today found guilty of a conspiracy to bribe several governm ent officials. The offense carries with it a maximum penalty of two years in prison, and a 310 - 000 fine. The ju ry which returned the verdict against Means and Felder recommended Clemency for the attorney. Means when he heard the verdict of the ju ry seemed to take the entire proceedings as a huge joke. The governm ent charged the men with a conspiracy to bribe form er A ttorney General Daugh- terty, William Burns, form er head of the United States Intellegence Departm ent. United States Dis­ trict A ttorney Hayward, and John Clark. Means was indicted at ttie time of the uncovering of the Teapot Dome oil scandal at the result of which two cabinet members were swept out of office and indict­ m ents were returned against sev­ eral prom inent oil operators of the country. At th a t time, Means stated he would make a complete denial of the charges brought against him. L ater, Means made a complete confession of the charges, impli­ cating several influential oil men who are not at first connected with the crime. Almost immed­ iately he repudiated his confes­ sion, declaring he was forced into m aking the incrim inating state­ ments. NOME, Alaska, Jan, 30-*-Thls diphtheria stricken city today ap­ pealed to the world for aid. Conditions have become so ser­ ious th a t anti-toxin units are be­ • ▼ ing rushed into the city by a ir­ plane, as a necessary emergency move in order th a t hundreds of lives of those stricken with the disease may be saved, Mayor May­ nard declared. ANCHORAGE, Jan. 30— W ith strained muscles bound in h ar­ ness today in an effort to bring a million units of anti-toxin to Nome, the strongest and fleetest dogs of Alaska speed to the re­ lief in their “ death race,” Over ice and snow covered trails, in the b itter Artie cold, Dan Green, th ’rd champion dog racer of the North, today was racing on his way to Tanana, after driv­ ing all night. Seepala, Youkon derby winner will receive the se­ rum from Green, and will drive 200 miles to Nome. This section will ever rem em ­ ber the wonderful sacrifice of “Curly” Refrew, The Pas derby favorite, who yesterday, the first of the dog team drivers drove two of his dogs to d eath ’ in the first rush, willing to sacrifice his pals in order th at the stricken humans in Nome might live. Today Refrew is broken heart­ ed. Lying on the graves of his dogs, every effort to get him to help h'.mself have proved unsuc­ cessful. So badly exhausted were his rem aining four dogs that they wiy never again be fit for racing. The sacrifice Refrew made was the greatest a man in the North can make, th at of kill­ ing his dogs in an attem pt to save a life. There is a move on foot here to have a medal awarded Refrew giving him The Pas der­ by championship for this year. Rev, B. (>. Miller and Board of trustees in Charge of Church Property at Present Are Charged With Obtaining Control Through Fraud. Matter Will be Fought Out in Court Be­ tween Two Boards of Trustees. Members Are Locked Out The factional fight for the control of certain church properties, raging between two organizations within the Baptist Church membership here, burst into open flame late yesterday afternoon with the issuance by the county court of an injunction re­ straining Rev, E. C. Miller, at present pastor of the church, from barring certain members from the church roster, and from selling certain of the church properties. ' The complaint filed in the county co irt in petitioning for the injunction relates the history of the Baptist church in AshlanI, and. the changing of the name of the ?hurch from that of the Ashland Baptist Church to the First Baptist Church of Ash­ land. Upon the changing- of this name hangs the entire factional dispute. According to the complaint, the church, when organized in Ashland in June, 1884, was incorporated as the Ashland Baitist Church. At that time the church re­ ceived title to a section of land at High and Church streets, and erected a church, under the name of the Ashland Baptist Church. Although the church was incorpor- ited under the name of the Ashland Baptist Church, by the common consent of its members, it came to be known as the Firs; Baptist Church of Ashland, the complaint states. In 1919, the Ashland Baptist Church, then known as the First Baptist Church uf Ashland, purchased land at First street and Hargadine avenue, and erected a new church at a cost of $15,000, The title to this land was held under the name of the First Baptist Church of Ashland, since the members contended that being the first Baptist church organized in Ashland, the church automatically became known as the First Baptist Church of Ashland, the name signifying the time of organization of the church. In August, 1910, according to the complaint, Sarah J. Merley willed the First baptist Church of Ashland a house and lot, with the understanding that it be used as a parsonage by the First Baptist Church. I - ' ■ ■ ------- ------- - ........... I — _____ _______ __. The couneilmen who at first op-' posed adding this measure to the council, on two occasions flatly refused to ratify these appoint­ ballot, were finally won over to ! The complaint sets forth th a t; are not in accord with the doc- ments. the proposition, but before the the teachings of the Baptist trines nd teachings of the Baptist In making these appointm ents, vote was taken, a new policy of Church have for a century been Church. Johnson quoted the Kelso, W ash­ the Park Board was given. The j distinctive, In that it had distinc­ The term s of the complaint ington, mayor who is now dead­ policy, according to Frank Jo r­ tive principles and articles of state th at Rev. Miller and the locked with the council over city dan, Is th at the Park Board will BRAZIL RESIDENT TO faith as promulgated in the ri- members of his flock OREGON ASKS VOTE who em- pay for the bonds which are to appointm ents, and who was or­ ON EDUCATION LAW GIVE LECTURE HERE tuals of the denomination, th at j braced the new movement obtain- dered a recall election in order to be Issued, out of the funds re­ these principles are known to the . ed a m ajority of the membership settle the m atter. Johnson said, Dr. Henry J. McCall of Bahia, WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.— The ceived from the rent of cabins in pastor and the members of the in the church, and notified the “ I will not take the position of the camp ground, th at the elk will State of Oregon through it’s At­ Brazill, of the foreign mission Baptist Church, and th at until j members of the organization who the Kelso man in fighting his torney General, Van W inkle, to­ board of the Presbyterian shurch be removed from their present about 1923, the Ashland B aptist, had not embraced the new more- council, for I believe other busi­ Was One of First Residents day petitioned the United States who has been touring in the paddock, thus giving additional Church was governed by such , ment, th a t unless they took up ness of far g reater importance of Southern Oregon. To Supreme Court for an early de­ room for expansion, and th at the principles, and is still subject to this movement they would be than are these appointm ents, is United States for some time will Metropolitan Grand Quartet be Buried Sunday Park Board will not ask any fu r­ cision on the .validity of the Ore­ and governed by such principles, i dropped from the roster. The old to come before the council, and speak at the Presbyterian church Will Present Program at ther aid from the city in the de­ j The complaint states “ that *on members refused to acced to his deadlocked the w aj we are we. He has b6en M artha A. W alker Barron died gon state law which requires th a t tonight a t 7:50. Methodist Church velopment of the proposed addi­ or about the year 1921, the said demands, and they were imme­ children of th a t state attend pub­ cannot accomplish those- purposes at her home, 117 Almond street, attending the Foreign Missions tion. These statem ents could only lic schools w ithin the ages of six W ith the piesentation of the Ashland B aptist Church engaged diately barred from the church for which w’e were elected. I am this city last evening, aged 92 week conference in Portland and be quoted as a policy, since the and sixteen years. The federal going to back down, and in back­ years and 29 days. is m aking a tour of the state program tonight to be given by as its pastor, one B. C. Miller, services. park board members are elective Members of the body which had Grand M ale' a ^ Diat time claimed to be a ing down, I do not believe I am The foregoing short paragraph court a t Portland held th a t the speaking at Salem, Roseburg. the M etropolitan officers and thus may be out of quartet, the Ashland ¡Celebrity" i n,emi,er of the true Baptist been ousted met and elected a stullifying myself, for I am sim­ m arks the passing of one of the law- was unconstitutional. G rants Pass and Medford. ofTice before the bonds are re tir­ C ourse-series for the .season o f j C hurch’ and a duly licensed and board of trustees, consisting of ply sacrificing yone purpose in early pioneers of the Rogue River ed. 1924-25 will come to a close. The ! ordain«d m inister of said church, H. P. Holmes, V. D. Miller, J. L. order to accomplish a still great­ Valley, one who came here with Before the vote was taken on er purpose.” The program tonight will bo given in He proceeded to occupy the said Richey and F. B. Travis. the vanguard of home builders, th e election resolution, it appear­ parsonage bequeathed to the said members of the congregation sup­ Mayor Johnson made a blanket j the Methddist church auditorium . ed th a t every member of • the appointing George McNabb Chief finding it a veritable wilderness as church by the said Sarah J. Mer­ porting Rev. Miller also elected Although the attendance at the council was em phatically in favor of Police, Frank Merrill Street far as population and development three previoutwnumbers lias been ley. and still occupies the same, a board of trustees, consisting of of the purchase of the Chautauqua Commissioner, W. H. Gowdy, po­ were concerned. Here she lived discouragingly smart, it is hoped and officiated as the pastor of! w - T. Minor, Paul Held, J. W. and the resolution,' reading that lice Judge and William Briggs Jr., and labored for nearly three quar­ th a t the attendance tonight will I 8aid church for a year, more or W alkup and W. C. Jackson. the council “ recommends” the City Attorney. McNabb and Mer­ ters of a century to see this home be better, for the M etropolitan j ^ea®> but during the year 1922, on A member of the Baptist council purchase received no opposition. It rill and Briggs are at present of her adoption of which she was Grand is one of the finest male or abont September, the said pas- visited Ashland to investigate the appeared that several of the mem­ holding the offices to which they ever proud, developed into a veri­ William Henry Smith, Associate of Kit Carson, Famous ----- i tor embraced the schism, called m atter, and a meeting of those (Continued on page 4) bers were dubious about the suc­ were last night appointed, while table garden spot with all the : and known by several names, to- members who had been ousted Indian Scout, Dies at Age of Ninety-Three. of tw entieth cess of the resolution should the Gowdy replaces Clinton Baugh­ accompaniments , wit: The Aimee McPherson, Four was he'd. The m atter was discus- Was Há*e Since 1909 two propositions be coupled on man as Police Judge. sed, and the body then visited the Square Gospel, New Movement (Continued on Page Four) one ballot, and this obstacle held church, only to find the door lock­ Creed, promulgated at Ashland by Stuart McKissick. engineer who William Henry Smith, aged 92 and there wife employed by Max­ up action for some time. It is was retained by the city to survey ed. an evangelist of said creed, name­ years. 11 months and 28 days, well in a flour mill. probable th at without the Chau­ the w ater possibilities in this sec­ The complaint sets fortlf th at ly Doctor Price, and ever since ■died at his home here this m orn­ tauqua purchase plan contained in tion gave his final reports last He left Santa Fe, going to Rev. B. C. Miller and his board the said time, the said B. C. Mil­ ing after an illness of but a few th e resolution, calling for imme­ night. The reports were accepted - Placerville, California, in April ler, by proselyting and through of trustees learning th a t the name days. W ith his death passes an­ diate action, th at the council and ordered placed on file for fu­ 1855. He rem ained in th at place Roland Eastwood, Steve Elek his sermons and teachings has of the Ashland Baptist Church had other of the pioneers of this sec­ would still further have delayed a ture reference. for some time, but finally moved 1 and Robert Duff, the three men industriously and continually used never been changed to the F irst tion, who have done much for vote on the park addition pu r­ .to Sacramento. From Sacramen­ who were arrested here last week, his influence and efforts among Baptist Church of Ashland, ex­ Upon the recommendation of Members of the victroious Ash­ the upbuilding of the city. chase. to he walked to Hornbrook and following the robbery of the Main the members of said Baptist cept through common consent of Earl Hosier, w ater superintendent, Mr. Smith was born in Roches­ For the first time since the new an ordinance was ordered drawn land High School basketball team Yreka with his partner, John street Union Oil station, were yes­ Church to cause them to desert the congregation, and th at the council took office early this putting w ater consumers now on were guests of the Ashland Ki­ ter, N. Y., on Feb. 3, 1832. His Hilt. A fter rem aining in N orth­ terday sentenced to 15 years in the faith and teachings of the property of the church was held m onth, six members of the body a m eter basis, upon a flat rate wanis Club at th eir regular week­ m other died when he was n’ne ern California, for a short while, the state penitentiary by Judge Baptist Denomination, and to em­ under the title of the F irst Bap­ faced Mayor Johnson at a m eet­ basis from June 1 to October 1, ly luncheon at the Hotel Ashland years of age, and he was taken he returned to Michigan, where, Thomas of the county court. The brace in its stead the McPherson tist Church of Ashland, filed a r­ today, in w hat turned into a reg­ into his uncle’s family, working on February 22, 1869, he was ing. Councilman J. H. Hardy during the irrigation season. men plead guilty to the ’charges or Four Square Gospel, or New ticles of incorporation under the ular boys’ meeting. w ith his uncle u n til he was twen­ who has been convalescing in m arried to Miss Ellen Shetler. against them, and signed a full Movement Faith, and has also, name of the First Baptist Church Mayor Johnson made several • Coach W alt Hughes and P rin ­ ty years of age. He cast his fiifet of Ashland, thus obtaining poss­ Southern California for the past changes in the standing commit­ He returned with his wife to confession of their complicity in through deception, hypocrisy and ession of the property, as they m onth was on hand last night tees in the council. The new list ciple Ben Forsythe were the prin­ pres'dential vote for President Henley, California, where the crime immediately after they i mesmeric influence, prevailed on Polk and Vice President Dallas. thought. cipal speakers of the luncheon and was sworn into office just of committees follows: Finance, •again engaged in gold mining. were taken into custody by Chief Quite a large number of the mem- At the age of 20 he removed He removed to Ashland in 1909 of Pollce George McNabb, T r a f f ic '’' bers Members of the body ousted a fte r th e m eeting opened. “ of other churches, as well Hardy Detrick, Burdic; Ordin­ hour. They gave an outline of the In order to clear the way for ance, Hardy. Wiley, W right: Elec­ work of the basketball team this! to D etroit, where he made his and resided at 166 East Main Officer Joe McMahon, Game W ar­ as members of the B aptist Church, from the church complain that Im portant business, which he de­ tric Light, Detrick, Hardy, Wiley; year. The team has a w onderful; home with his fath er’s brother street until the time of his eath. den Roy P arr and Deputy Sher­ to become adherents to the said tbe board of trustees supporting a year. At this tim e the gold clared to be be of far greater im­ W ater, Burdic, Wiley D etrick; chance of capturing the state! iffs Forncrook and Cronnemiller. schisms, which schisms are an- Rev- MIller are attem pting to sell Mr. Smith retained hi's faculties championship, and the K iw an is; rush to California had started, portance than several appoint­ Street, Peters. Detrick, W right; The men staged a sensational tagonistie to the established doc-!the Parsonage on Oak street willed until the last, although he was members gave the players to un- and a lthough both his uncles m ents which have deadlocked the Fire, Hardy. Wiley, W right; Cem­ holdup in the center of the busi­ trines of the Baptist Church. That to the F irst Baptist Church by council during the past meetings. etery, Detrick, W right, Burdic; derstand th a t they were behind tried to dissuade him from the w ithin three days of his ninety- ness district when they drove up he has caused a large num ber of Sarah Merely, and th a t board has He third birthday. Mayor Johnson last night ac- Indigent, Peters, W right Detrick; them, supporting them to the last. venture," he started West. to the service station, and after m alcontents tt> embrace the new obtained a deed of correction to went from Detroit to 9t. Louis, He is survived by a daughter, ceeded to the wishes of the coun­ Sanitary Burdic, Peters, Detrick: backing the attendent into the doctrine to the detrim ent of the the property upon which the Mrs. Cleo V. Howell entertain- thence up the Missouri by boat to Mrs. W. R. Parshall of Montague, cil members and appointed George Building and building looted the till and drove Baptist Church and contrary to church building stands, w ith Realty, Wiley, the local Y. M. C. A. gave a ta lk ' McNabb Chief of Police and Frank Hardy, W right; Board of Health, on "Boy’s work in A shland.” M r . i ^ es^ Ror^’ where he m et K it Car- a grandson, Em ery S. Parshall of away. They were captured within the ordinances of the council of them8eIves named as trustees. It has been explained by E. D. M errill, Street Commissioner.’ Peters. W right. Burdic, meeting Howell has charge of the boys of son the famou's scout and Car­ Montague, and a great grandson, two hours, however, when the en­ said church, duly called and held.” Briggs, attorney of the plaintiffs, These two appointm ents have held with Drs. Swedenburg and Woods. the association, and his talk was son’s partners, Maxwell and R obert S. Parshall of Montague. tire law enforcing fbrees in the “ The complaint also sets forth H atcher. These men were ship­ th a t the Baptist Church has no A son, A lbert E. Smith, died in up the final appointm ents ever county co-operated and blocked that “ the doctrines of the new based on th e activities of the Y. ping goods from St. Lou’s by June, 1883. centralized head, each church since the council took office. May­ every "road out of the county. In movement embraced speaking in A gasoline tax comes high, but in helping boys’ affairs since its boat, and Mr. Smith w ent into o r Johnson favored J. W. H atcher tourists ought at least to help inauguration here. Funeral services will be held addition, an intensive search was unknown tongues, extreme hys­ standing upon its own ideals, and as Chief of Police and E. J. Fraley nave the roads with good inten­ Mrs. Cleo V. Howlel en tertain ­ th eir employ. He took a load of Sunday at 10 a. m. from the started in this section which re- teria. lying on the floor of the that therefore, there is no re­ as S treet Commissioner while the tions. ed the members with a violin solo. supplies to Santa Fe, New Mexico, Dodge Chapel. Interm ent will be suited in the capture, first of Elek t church and other unaccountable course except through the courts. one of the distributing points, at Yreka. and then of Eastwood and Duff. acts are a m atter of ridicule, and (Continued on page four) MRS. M. BARRON PASSES AWAY LAST LYCEUM NUMBER TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT ANOTHER PIONEER BUILDER OF WEST DIES IN ASHLAND Basketball Team Guests of Local Kiwanis at Lunch Oil Station Thugs Are Sentenced to 15 Years in Jail