4 MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings* Has Been Ashland's Leading Nezvspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News W ire Service! VOL. XLVIII Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43 ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use o f medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1925 Automobile Runs Five Miles After DOC TEAMS ARE BREAK i"'"'11 — T’,,k USED TO RUSH FROM OFFICERS AID TO NOME FIG URE IN THE DAY’S NEW S. NO. 126 PIERCE R EA DS HIS M ESSAGE TO ALL SOLONS Eclipse Removes Cataiact From Eye, Is Claim COUNCIL IS TO VOTE ON BOND ISSUE TONIGHT 8 GLOUCESTER, N. J. C 8 LODI, N. J., Jan. 29.— » Jan. 29. — How can an 8 As the result of looking di­ 8 autom obile run five miles :t rectly at the eclipse of the n w ithout a gasoline tank? » sun last Saturday, Louis « That is what local po­ 8 Pretola, 54, claims to have 8 lice are trying to solve Milo Eggers Escaped from :« a fte r the story Frank « regained First Driver Makes Sixty his eyesight, Special Message Is Given to « a fte r having been unable 8 Measure to Come Up for Ap­ Police in Post Office Build- ,» Murphy, of Pitm an Grove Miles in Four Hours, Joint Assembly of Senate :: to see w ithout glasses for 8 8 ing in Frisco • « N. J., told when he claim­ Breaks All Records proval at Special and House « seven years due to cat­ 8 ed a partly filled auto Meeting BROTHER IS KILLED n aract. gasoline tank at the sta­ ‘CURLY’ REFREW HERO 8 WARFARE IS STARTED n tion. A uthorities found the Pretola had undergone 8 ATTITUDE FAVORABLE A ccom plices Throw Antonia into K ills T w o o f Prize D og Tr am In :: four unsuccessful opera­ 8 tank on a business street L egislature now “G unning” for E yes o f M arshall and S tage E ffort to Rush M edical Aid « tions for removal of the 8 Either Action M u r lx» Taken To­ here. . G overnor by Introd ucing Bill Gun Eight to R escue to Stricken City night or New R esolution 8 cataracts. A fter he had 8 Muuray declared th at to Curb Pow er Draft c l for G onsidecalion I » gazed at the sun w ithout 8 his car ran five miles be­ SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29. — ¡! ** ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Jan. 29 fore it stopped. He s ta rt­ smoked glasses he suffered 8 SALEM, Jan. 29. — Before a I » Police officers along the entire — Fourteen team s of the fastest A fter being pushed from pillar ed to go up the hill at severe pains, but within a 8 joint assembly of the Senate and Pacific Coast are today search­ mucking dog team s In the world I » few hours I'is sight be­ 8 to post, postponed and investi­ North W oodbury, hq said, the House which convened at his « ing for Milo Eggers, alleged Can­ today raced against death. gan to return and he dis­ 8 gated, tbe resolution calling for and his car stopped. It was request, Governor Pierce today 8 adian bootlegger, and head of a Champion drivers with their carded tlie strong glasses 8 a special election for the voting several m inutes before he read a special meeting at noon, » gigantic rum running organization picked dog team s pushed to the of bonds with which to purchase discovered his “ gas” tank demanding the repeal of the pub­ « he had worn seven years. 8 who escaped from the custody of ♦♦. limit, rushed on th eir way fro m 1 the Chautauqua building and the was gone. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 lic utilities commission, insofar the Federal officers here this 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ' Nenao to Nome with the precious seventeen acre McCormick tract as the power of election is con-j morning. Eggers’ escape came life giving serum to be used . VVXLesuR> who were here training their tion is to be held in February. Are Advocated at H ear­ bers in K. F. Killing very little after the reading of his syringe full of ammonia which .Deim'H M . d Z E M E A l'T L v £ T H O M A S , A -E D lS o N T - -w z: .charges for the great dog derby Unless action is taken tonight it ing of Auto, Gas Bill message. was squirted into his eyes by two to be held at The Pas im m ediate­ KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 29— will be impossible to go through Governor Pierce asked th a t a attackers, who suddenly came m i , * monument to Thomas A. Edison, noted Inventor, while he U STATE HOUSE, Salem, Jan. 29. ly upon hearing of th e epidemic » atlll John Taylor, confessed leader of the legal proceedure necessary alive, a mammoth office building for the electrical trades is to be , law declaring —- — «•-»....... tele- — all -— telegraph, upon Donnelly as he was leading — A hearing th at took on the in Nome, and the lack oY facili­ the five charged with killing Os­ for the calling of the election in Na23? Secretary Curtis D. Wilbur narrowly phone companies to be common the Eggers brothers into the of­ proportions of a debate was held ties for fighting the dreaded dis­ escaped death when his automobile, driven by his chauffeur, collided with carriers. He asked a more equit­ car Erickson during the robbery time for the vote in February. fice of the United States Com­ Monday night by tlie house roads at Jntersectton in Washington. M. ClementeL ease, volunteered th eir services Most of the members of the fpr®n n .FlnanCe MJJ n,l8ter’ has beeQ toId Washington that the Amer able distribution of the tax prob­ of a basement gambling house missioner where they were to be and highways committee on bills in taking aid to the stricken city. I ^ ™ o 3 enUn^ nt^ ld notu c0,nf,ider Wa proposition to cut France’s debt council seemed in favor of the here January 4, entered a- plea lem and the completion of the questioned. introduced in both houses th at A supply of twelve thousand units a° f a 36»?Ca» ofiered resolution at the last session of basia ior negotiation. Deciding upon publicity of guilty to a charge of ^m an­ b'ghw ay program at an early date. Fourteen other federal officers have different theories of apply­ the senders of Black Hand letters re- which were on hand at Nenao celved by Benjamine to G combat the body, and all signified their slaughter before Circuit Judge lg ïT t o ^ ô f toe‘ Metropolitan ¿ X ‘he d-e lo p m e n t of the hydro ciec­ rushed from their offices In the ing automobile and gasoline were im m ediately loaded upon the hi» secretary gave coplee ofthem to the presa. intentions of voting for the pas­ w nipany, trjf> trie nnwa„ power of the state, and the Leavitt. An indictment charging building as soon as the first shot taxes. sled of “ Ourly” Refrew. driver reforestation of the cut over lands. him with robbery was dismissed sage of the document, but sev­ was fired and took up the battle, W. B. Dennis, chairm an of the of a six dog team and w ithin ten on motion of District Attorney eral of the members were not in but they were unable to frustrate motor vehicle license revision m inutes after volunteering his Ganong. Taylor’s arrest a week favor of the wording of the reso­ SALEM, Jan. 29.— A new’ Port the break made by the men. committee appointed by Governor services, Refrew was on his way, after the crime led to a solution lution. According to the wording, I of Portland Coipmission measure, A shot, fired by one of the of­ Pierce, reported the results of a t h e mushing through the snows in the council “ recommends’’ ' w riting In tlie names of the en­ of the m urder and robbery mys­ ficers struck Ariel Eggers in the year’s study of the problem. P res­ the purchase of both these direction of Nome. tery, as he made a complete con­ i t ire commission qs it now stands, head. Instantly killing him, but ent, too, were proponents of a Four hours later, word was re­ including the five members oust­ fession after he had been re tu rn ­ properties, and the councilman Milo was rushed out of the build­ gioup of senate bills th a t propose ceived from the first relay sta ­ ed by Governor Pierce was intro­ ed to Klamath Falls from Jack­ stated they could not favor the ing by the two men who attacked different taxation. Joseph Dunn, tion th a t Refrew had arrived at duced today. Thè m easure vests sonville. His confession im plicat­ recommending of any proposition M arshall Donnelly. A thorough president of the Oregon State the elections of the commissioners ed four others, three of whom until they had looked into the search of the city failed to reveal Motor association, was their the station, and th a t the second driver was on his way. It*jvas with the legislature. The bill are now in custody aw aiting trial m atter thoroughly. The park ad­ th eir hiding place, and the police spokesman. dition of seventeen acres was new hard for the officials here to be­ went through the Senate on the for m urder next Friday. are by this time certain the men Mr. Dennis and C. 1/ Boss, fel­ lieve th a t the stocky little driver to many of the members and they By reason of the fact, th at Tay­ first reading, and then to the com­ have left the city and are now on low-committee men, charged that therefore refused to “ recommend” had been able to push his team Sends Letter to Klamath . Metropolitan Grand Guar­ m ittee w ithout argum ent. It will lor had “come clean" and given their way to Canada. the senate bills favoring a 40 per over the snows in the elapsed Council Telling it. ino- Arem m ente ♦o* t »________ “ , Arguments tet to Present Program at come up tomorrow for final pas­ authorities every possible aid in The Eggers brothers were ar­ cent cut in m otor license tax and The two propositions have been bringing about the arrest of „„ , „ time which is nearly forty min- sage. Against Franchise rested near Santa Cruz, a t Half Methodist Church L6386 ,tO . CentS tax on gas- utes f a ^ r than the w o rld s rec­ separated on the ballot, in order other alleged members of the Moon Bay Sunday, when they a t­ oline were in the interest of the KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 29 , One of the finest musical nura- that each will stand on its merits gang, D istrict A ttorney Ganong The word received stated SALEM, Jan. 29. — A game tempted to land a cargo of illicit big car owner and th a t the man ord. alone. Proponents of each meas­ action w,as taken on the Stra- her» of the season will be pres- bill, providing for the appointment perm itted him to withdraw his liquor, said to have been brought of small means who drove a light th at two of Refrew's dogs were President Tur- ented to Ashland m usic'lover» to­ of the game commission by the I lea of not guilty to the first de­ ure desired that the two proposi­ down from Canada. The federal car 'would pay more under that dead, while the rest were in a orn ranc ise. ner of the Oregon Trunk line did . morrow night when the Metropol state board of control, but not gree m urder charge and plead tions be separated, each fearing terrible conition at the end of officers obtained the inform ation system thau at present. th at a combination of the two not a p p e a r ‘in person for the ¡R an Grand q u artet will p re se n t! nam in& th e commissioners was in- guilty to the lesser crime. the trip, and th a t Refrew himself th a t the cargo was to be landed Mr. Dunn controverted that council meeting Monday night, i their program in the M ethodist1 t r °duced today. The fish bill will At the request of the district would mean the death of the en­ and were is hiding when the first flatly and said the gasoline tax was nearly dead from the terrible but sent a letter, in which he church under the auspices of the be introduced today, will vest the attorney Judge Leavitt delayed tire program. lighter containing the liquor a r­ proposed was a sales tax and it tr'.p at the great speed. again urged the insertion of the Ashland Celebrity Course com ­ appointm ent with the hoard of the passing of sentence until Feb­ Tiie term s of the resolution rived on the beach. They a rre st­ was right, because the man who common user clause. The coun­ which will come up tonight call ruary 10. \ ’his war. done in or­ control. The bills are a flareback SEATTLE, Jan. 29— The diph­ m ittee. The lu m b e r will be the ed the Eggers brothers and two used the highways most would cil members gave no indication for the issuance of $8.000 bonds fourth and last presented here to %the governor’s open w arfare der to wait until after the trial's other men, but failed to capture pay most. He gave a general defi theria epidemic a t Nome may as to when tlie m atter would be for the purchase of the C hautau­ on. the- legislature. of the other three men had been this w inter by the committee. the rem ainder of the crew of the to the appeal th a t any attem pt to claim hundreds of lives, accord­ settled. concluded before facing Taylor’s qua building and site, and 'th e The M etropolitan Grand is con­ vessel who were alarm ed when raise gasoline taxation w ithout re- ing to a dispatch received by Dr. When AV. F. Turner, president penalty. It can rang« between Issuance of $4.500 bonds for the sidered one of the finest quartets 41 Vessels Launched their confederates failed to re­ auction in license^ would be re­ M agruder in charge of the public of the Oregon Trunk ra ilro a d ,' now’ touring the country, and Tom purchase of the McCormick tract. one and 15 tu rn after the first trip. ferred to the people by the mo­ health service heie. The disease ound it impossible to go to j Lane, w’ell known Cleveland music in Japan in 1924 itentiary. years In the state pen­ It may be that the resolution is said to have started among the The police are almost certain torists. Klam ath Falls to explain the po- critic, who organized and coached will be changed and no action the fugitives are now working The committee considered house Eskimos and to have spread rap­ sition of his road he sent a letter .. », . » i TOK^ O, Jan. 29. — Forty-one taken at tonight’s meeting, and the M etropolitan Grand declares ships, with a gro«s tonnage of th e ir way toward Canada, and po­ bills 18, 21, 22 and 23 and senate idly, until now almost every other to the mayor and council stating a later date set for the calling of the members to be the best suit G8.4S3, were built in Japan dur­ person in the city is infected. lice throughout N orthern Cali­ bills 13, 14, 15 and 47 his argum ents against an excly the election, but those in close fornia and Oregon and W ashing­ Jam es H. Cassell, secretary o f ' But one physician is available sive or ham pering franchise. In ed for ensemble work he has ever ing 1924, according to statistics touch with the affairs of the city had under his direction. ton especially have been notified the Dennis com m ittee; Jam es S. ° ght the disease and the re- issued by the D epartm ent of Com­ this he repeated, in indirect man­ be'ieve the resolution will be pas­ A program ranging from the munications. Compared with an to be on the lookout for them. Stew art and others expressed their | 8ayS he 13 showinS signs of ner, hints previously given th at sed tonight and the thing rushed classical to the semi-popular, in­ opinions on the varying proposals failing under the terrible strain, annual tonnage of 100,000 dur- the Oregon Trunk m ight decide through, in order that the election with old favorites and Ing the war period the figures which remain for the committee to Doctors and nurses will be rush­ to build southw ard from Bend to terspersed . can be held on the original date. support as it may determ ine la­ ed to Nome on the Steam er Ala­ enter Klam ath territo ry and even hum orous num bers will be pre- I are an Indication of the depres- sented tomorrow evening. But sion prevailing in the Japanese meda which sails from here Sat­ ter. the city. urday. one solo num ber has been placed shipbuilding industry. This position on the p art of the on the program , the q u artet w ork­ Oregon Trunk, owned jointly by ing more on ensemble numbers. the Great N orthern and N orthern Attendance a t the three previous STATE HOUSE, Salem, Jan. MEDFORD, Jaw. 29— The po­ Pacific railroad systems, had been num bers of the Celebrity Course 29. Under the provisions of a bill lice again warn residents of the apparent for* many weeks. When series was very poor, scarcely introduced by Senator Eddy, any city who leave their homes iD first made known through Mr. more than two hundred making person driving a m otor vehicle either,, daytime or evening, the T u rn er’s request for postpone­ up the audience at the presenta­ while intoxicated .would be guilty SALEM, Jan. 29. — The big la tte r especially, to request neigh­ m ent of action by the Kl&math tion of ‘'‘L’Ombra” the best a t­ of a misdemeanor, and upon con­ irrigation bills which have come bors to keep an eye on the house WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. — An Falls council on the S trahorn, tended num ber of the series. The VICTORIA, B. C. Jan. 29. — viction would be subject to a fine out over thex objection of the to see th at thieves do not break arm istice has been declared in the franchise request it dxew the fire entertainm ents so far have far The inner working of the gigan­ of not less than $100 nor more Fleischacker banking lobby made in and loot the premises and point Senate following the fight made of Robert E. Strahorn, who built above the standard usually ob­ tic liquor ring, operating in the than $500 and by imprisonment their appearance in the house to the experience of Mrs. F. M. by the Democratic members of and controls the Oregon^ Cali- tained on a lyceum circuit, but states of W ashington, Oregon and in county jail for a term not less today. One would give irrigation Radovan la stg ltg h t, and the fact the body against the promotion od fornia & Eastern line the support has been so poor that California may be revealed in the than 60 days nor more than six districts power to contract with th a t seveihl ^ h l a n d homes have MEDFORD, Jan. 29. — Med­ A ttorney General Stone to the Mr. Strahorn charged th a t op­ it is doubtful if num bers of equal near future when Owen “ Cannon- months. the government under term s of recently b « | so visited } afltl ford hi meets the University of position of associate justice on the position to his franchise would quality will be obtained for the ball" Baker is placed on trial Such conviction would in itself the federal “fact finding bill” of plundered* mnriKvahles. Oregon freshm an basketball team Supreme Court bench. Although delay extensions he contem plated city again until sufficient guaran-j here for the m urder of Captain operate as a revocation of such December 5, last, which provides Mrs. Raddvau on returning to on Friday and Saturday of this the Democratic leaders declared ' drivers’ license, and the person classification of project lands and and react to the detrim ent of the tee is made to make them success-! Gilles and his son her home on South Ivy at 9:30 week at the Armory. In all prob­ today that the fight’ was “ not so convicted should not be eligible repaym ent of construction charges K lam ath territory. He charged ful. Baker was arrested yesterday o’clock from the first theater ability these two games will be ended the adm inistration spokes­ to apply for or receive a license on th at basis. th a t it wa's “ preposterous” and Tickets for the program tom or­ in New York, and will be re tu rn ­ perform ance, was somewhat s u r­ among the best to be played here men were confident of obtaining savored of confiscation for the row night are on sale a t the ed to this city to face the m urder for a period of one year. The second bill would allow dis­ prised on approaching to see a this year, for in the past three confirmation of stone's appoint­ northern roads to talk of com­ If any person whose license has tricts to sell their surplus w ater Chamber of Commerce office. charge. His arrest is said to be light in the house, hot thinking j years when Medford met the ment when the judiciary commit­ mon-user arrangem ents, perm it­ There will be no reserved seats. due to one section of the liquor been revoked following conviction and provides machinery by which th a t a neighbor had gone in to frosh they have never been suc­ tee again submits his name to the ting them to en ter K lam ath ring squealing.' and the prisoner under this act shall thereafter the consent of the bond holders aw ait her coming, shouted cheer­ cessful in beating them altho the full .Senate. Falls over his line. He even went ILLUMINATING GAR will likely tell all about the ring operate a motor vehicle upon the may be gained to^such a sale. games have all been close and ily, “ Who is in th e re ? ” The adm inistration leaders de­ so far as to hint at a possible A free text book bill, asking KILLS SIX PEOPLE when he is placed on the stand. highways within the time for At the same tim e an unknown hard-fought. clared today th a t the opposition rail way/ between "pow erful in­ which the license was revoked, he $75,000 appropriation of state The m urder of Gilles and liis The freshm an squad is com­ to Stone was brought about be­ man bolted out of the rear of SCRANTON, Pa., Jan . 29. — son followed the hi-jacking of the shall be deemed guilty of a mis­ funds made its appearance. The terests’’ if the issu© were carried the house pell mell before she posed of the high school stars cause" of his determ ination to in­ too far. , Louis Deisno, his wife and four rum running boat, Beryl G. out­ dem eanor and upon conviction be bill provides the act be subm it­ could catch sight of him and dis­ from all over the state, including dict Senator W heeler of Montana, punished by a fine of not less than ted i to the vote of the people at small children were killed today side Victoria a few weeks ago. appeared. The police were noti­ two form er Medford men on last form er Progressive candidate for, . _ by illum inating gas th at flooded ( “ Cannonball” Baker is one of| $200, nor more than $5000 and the next general or special elec­ fied and a search was made, but y ear’s team . Beeney playing for­ the vice-presidency, in connection i ^ ^ E N D MENT TO FQST ------ th eir home here after a pipe had the best known automobile record , by im prisonment in the county tion. nothing was found missing. She ward on the first team and Reich- with an oil scandal while the OFFICE BILL LOSES . been broken by a mine cave-in. breakers in America. He h a s ' jail not less than 90 days nor 'V had just returned In time, and stein sub. Democratic leaders declare A nother entire family was over­ been employed by several of the more than one year. A lthough Jim m ie Allen is again [ Stone’s record as counsel for the th e burglar, who had gained en­ WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.— W ith come by the gas but the police ar- For the first offense, the motor in su r . Coach Allison does not In- financial interests of the coun- their ranks holding firmly, the rived with pulm oters in time to leading automobile m anufacturing vehicle being driven in such vio­ Fire Station Bums Over trance by cutting a rear screen corporations to make test runs, door, was so panic stricken on tend to use him for a time until try. Senate adm inistration forces to -' save them. Heads of Gossiping Crew and he holds more cross-country lation shall be held in the custody hearing her return th at he swift-, he gets in condition after his long ■day defeated the George ameiid- records th a n any other driver now of the sheriff for not less than absence from practice. It is not The reason astronom ers see meht to the Moses postal rate and ly fled. DUBUQUE, la., Jan. 29. — 30 days nor more than six AID IS PROM ISED alive. expected th at Mervyn Chastain new stars is because so many salary bill. While firemen were discussing the m onths; for the second offense WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. — The am endm ent would restore Federal co-operation in the prose- I t ’s a good thing for lynotype will be able to play in either of new thoughts strike them. scarcity of fires here this w inter, the vehicle driven shall be held A successful man is one that the 1.920’ postal rates on news­ operators they didn’t add motor these games' on account of his their attention was called to for not less than six months or You can’t beat the farm ers: papers and magazines reducing cution of th e Olmstead liquor con- can ‘kid ’em along’ and get away more than one year. flames overhead. fatalities to those 350 m urders infected foot which has been with them a ‘rainy day” is often the rates of the proposed Moses spiracy ease now on trial .at Se-!w ith it; while an unsuccessful reported In Qhicago last year. Before they could get to their In case an intoxicated driver a ttle .has been pledged by pro-J man is one who doesn’t always (Contlnned on page four) the thing most wished for. bill by one half. apparatus, the station was de­ hibkion commissioner Haynes, j get away with It. (Continued on page four) molished. TAYLOR ENTERS GUILTY PLEA TO GAS TAX TALK DEVELOPS INTO WARM DEBATE RAIL OFFICIAL FINAL NUMBER FAILS TO SHOW OF SE R IE S IS FOR GATHERING ON TOMORROW DRUNK DRIVER IS TARGET OF SENATE BILL Irrigation Bills Thug Frightened Away by Return • Home of Family MEDFORD FIVE TO MEET FROSH IN T O GAMES Armistice Now on in Senate Is Over . Naming of Stone Rum Runner Ring- Near . • Uncovering ® it Is Reported I Appear in Spite of Strong Lobbies