Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 28, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    Lints W ítí»
■UM «
i In Ashland—
E. R. Phipps of Eugene is
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Osbourne]
spending a few days in Ashland of Ashland were week-end visit-
attending to business m atters.
ors in Klam ath Falls..
From E ugene—
A & B L ürb
ftB fw
H as New Car—
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mason re­
cently purchased a new Ford
The M etropolitan Q uartette,
last of Lyceum num bers, a t Metho­
dist church Friday evening, Jan.
Get tickets at C. of C.
office. Date changed due basket­
ball game at Armory.
At H otel—
Among those registered at the
Hotel Ashland are Mr. and Mrs.
L. W. Ragge, Seattle; E. Fland­
ers, P ortland; E. Inslie, San
Francisco: Mrs. Dorothy Black,
Tacoma, W ashington.
On B usiness—
S. B. Miller and A. B. Edward-
roa of San Francisco and B.( J.
Raney of Sacramento are in Ash­
land spending a few days on busi­
EOARD is the Ideal Wall Board.”
— Carson-Fow-ler Lum ber Co.
120-2 wk.
Arrived Yesterday—
Mr. and Mrs. A. Laffoon of Cot­
tage Grove arrived in Ashland yes­
terday and will spend several
months here hoping to benefit the
health of Mr. Laffoon who is suf­
fering with asthm a.
Balsamea Cough Syrup. McNair
Gone South—
Mrs. F. R. Merrill of the Boule­
vard has gone to Sacram ento
where she will visit with her
daughter, Mrs. C. A. B arr. She
will be gone for about two weeks.
In Central P oint—
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman More­
house, Miss Carabella Morehouse
and Miss Lucile Gilmore journey­
ed to Central Point Sunday and
visited a t the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gear, who recently moved to
th a t place from Ashland.
Civic Club—
Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar, presi­
dent of the Oregon Federation of
W omen’s Clubs, will be in Ash­
land next Tuesday and address the
Civic Club. A one o’clock covered
dish luncheon will be served in
h er honor by the members of the
club. Mrs. W. L. Maxey is chair­
man of the luncheon committee.
In Ashland—
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton a r ­
rived in Ashland yesterday from
Corvallis and Portland and left
th is morning for their home at
H ildebrand, in K lam ath, county.
Lynn Horton made the trip north
w ith them as fa r as Corvallis
where he is attending O. A. C. Mr.
and Mrs. Horton then went on to
Portland where they have been
visiting for the past two weeks.
FOR SALE — Fine large home
I close to Main street on Oak, 9 or
j 10 big rooms, lot 75 feet front by
about 190 feet deep, semi-business
i location sure to grow in value,
j Price now only $5,000. H. C.
Galey, No. 65 E. Main St. 125-21
Cliff Payne makes shelving.
R< tu r n s t,o W o rk —
j Miss Isabelle Silver, who has
A rrived Home—
■ been confined to her home with !
Mrs. J. C. Ferguson who under- mumps, hag resum ed her position
F rom San F ran cisco—
went an operation in San F ran ­ in th e T d in g s office.
J. McCregor of San Francisco cisco recently returned home
was among the business men last evening.
R e tu rn s fro m H o sp ita l—
v i-¡ting in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Lester Sutton of Klam ath
School Text Books.
McNatt Falls who underw ent an opera-'
“ For attics, use our COLUM­ Bros.
tion at the Community H o sp ital.'
is considerably improved and is i
son-Fowler Lum ber Co. 120-2 wk{ Gone South__
| convalescing at the Martin R e a l'
A. W. Moon and his m other J home.
I <»m Medford —
Mrs. Moon, who resides in G rants I
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wilson of Pass, left last evening for Mo-i Medford Enthusiastic—
Medford were in Ashland yester- desto where Mrs. Moon will visit
The trium phant trip north of
day on business. W hile here Mrs. with relatives for several weeks ; the Ashland high basketball team,
W i’son visited Mrs. A. L. Harvey. Moon will attend to business in -¡d u rin g which they trium phed over
terests in Ran Francisco and will I Roseburg high, University high at
Picture Fram ing. Studio Ash­ retu rn to Ashland in about ten Eugene and Salem High, the la t­
land. On the Plaza.
ter team being defeated by a
close score last night, together
lit re on B usiness—
Paulserud’s Suits w ear better. with Ashland high’s previous good
R. B. W auless of Portland was
123— tf (showing this season is haded with
in Ashland yesterday visiting lo­
enthusiasm by the Medford high
cal m erchants.
From Hornbrook—
basketball squad and local bas­
J. M. Baker of the firm of ketball enthusiasts generally, as I
Special Auto Accident Policy Dunn & Baker of Hofrnbrook, it means a trem endous interest;
for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo road contractors, was in Ashland and attendance here when the
ol course.
24-tf today on business. He reports th a t Medford and Ashland team s meet i
the j^ a d work Is practically fin­ in their contests later on, and also ■
lit A shland—
ished in th a t section.
more glory if Medford defeats
C. J. Cummings of Auburn,
their b itter rivals, as local play­
Oregon, was in Ashland yesterday
We put the chicken in our ers and enthusiasts feel sure they
attending to business interests.
tamales. The Plaza.
82— tf will.— Medford, Mail Tribune-.
Don’t miss The M etropolitan H as P neum onia—
Q uartette a t Methodist church
W alter K ittridge of 309 Scenic
Friday evening, Jan. 30th. Get Drive is reported to be ill at his
tickets at C. of C. office. Last home with pneumonia.
num ber Celebrity course. 124— 4t
W ednesday, January 2H, 1MÍ&
One acre and
CASH PA ID for false teeth,
good 6-room house near Baule-I dental gold> platfnura and dia.
n zl llioU
_ .
vard « and
High School, fine
1O“ ‘ carded jewelry.
Hoke Smelting
FOR SALE: — Good 6-room
cation, good street. $2900. H. C. & Refining Co., Otsego, Michigan.
house on 5th St., $2500, easy
Galey, No. 65 E. Main.
1 2 5-2t, __________________________ _____
term s. H. C. Galey, No. 65 E?
— - — -------- -
I FOR SALE: — One Hinman
Main St.
125— 2t
FOR SALE: — Due to the fact 1
Milker’ ch«*P- 107 4th S t-
I am leaving town, I must s e ll' 1 hone 2 *6b'
statemenxs. t o my 5-room residence by February
RENT: __ Furnished
vour order at the Tidings Office. 1st. Has bath, clothes closets and apartm ent, 3 rooms with private
We have a good Job printing de­ other modern built-in conveni- bath and porch. Phone 263R or
partm ent,
tf ences; located close to business^ call at Shook Bldg.
125 2
First Attractive Showing of
Beautiful Lingerie
Nighties; soft Nainsook in pink or white,
at from
7 5 c t0 $2.00
Chemise; Nainsook, flesh or white, with
colored st ¡tellings or laee
’■ZJeAw,.’ FSA N C IS'
B E V E R L Y TSzi'iSKE-
6 9 c t0 $1.98
Beverly Bayne, Star of the screen, nas startled Hollywood, Cal„
motion picture people by the announcement that she and Francis 7.
Bushman, movie star, have decided to part, and that divorce proceed­
In O akland—
would follow. District A ttorneyJoab B. Banton has ordered crimi­
Mrs. C. J. Brady of Allison St., |
nal investigation into the baseball scandal in which Jimmy O’Uonneil
has gone to Oakland where she
and Cozy Dolan of the New York Giants, are said to have attempted
to bribe Heinie Sand of Philadelphia to throw a close game in the
w’ill visit relatives.
pennant race. Ten ball players are sought as witnesses. Miss S. Pearl
who reigned only a short time ago as California’s queen of
D eliver R oadster—
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 28— Tinsler,
the swimming pool and dance floor, has now returned to San Francisco
The Automotive Shop has de­ The Presbyterian Church has as a full-fledged member of the bar, a doctor of jurisprudence, bar­
livered a n e w / 1925 Chevrolet gone to Hollywood, California, rister and patent attorney.
roadster to the City W ater d e ­ for its national Director of Girls’
partm ent.
W ork.
Deborah A. Clark, who en Gate lost one of its most pic­ his son, Jam es H. Hjul.
H jul came to the United States
for over a year has been Director turesque and lovable characters.
To the friends w-ho called for of C hristian Enducation in the
H jul was the owner of a coffee from Denmark when he was a
He wajs born at
me a t Mrs. Dennis’ and Dr. F irst Presbyterian Church of house— one of those truly de­ young man.
Greggs’, my present location is! Hollywood, has become head of lightful gathering places, gay Halk, in Schleswig-Holstein, in
221 Oak street. Would be glad j all the girls’ work of th e denom- with cosmopolitan life and teem ­ 185'0. He opened his first coffee
to see you. — Mrs. S. F. Gregg, j ¡nation under the direction of ing wi,th color and amusement house in San Francisco in 1876,
124— 2* ! the Presbyterian Board of Clirist- th a t are only to be found in New six years after his arrival in this
1 ian Education.
Her headquar- Orleans and San Francisco.
M oving to L os A n geles—
: teds will be in the W itherspoon
And furtherm ore H jul was a
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Markley o f , Building here.
tru e patron of honesty, a firm be­ Fish Shoveled from
Gresham street are moving to Los j The Presbyterians have had a liever in the policy th a t all the
River. During Run
Angeles where they will m a k e ; Director of Boys’ W ork for a world is honest.
their future home. Mr. Markley j num ber of years, and the search
Not only did H jul believe in
KELSO, Wa,sh., Jan. 28—
is an employe of the Southern for a competent person to fill a this policy of an honest mankind.,
Smelt started running into the
Pacific and has been transferred corresponding position for girls but he practiced it, and practiced
Cowlitz River from th e Columbia
to Los Angeles.
has been prosecuted vigorously it with a devotion th a t is rare
recently. Catching these m inia­
by Dr. Harold M. Robinson, sec­ to find.
tu re fish is the event of the w in­
Photograph* of Quality. Studio retary of the division in charge
For th irty years anyone could ter, farm ers shoveling them up
Ashland. On the Plaza.
of this phase of the B oard’s/work. go into H. H. H ju l’s coffee house,
by the scoopful, filling barrels
The Presbyterians have a large count up w hat he owed, pay it and boxes; women us’qg lace eur-
Many A tten d C onvention—
church in Hollywood, and the re­ and! H jul would take his word
tain nets at the ends of portiere
About 40 Bible students a t­ sponsibility of Miss Clark there for it.
No checks were ever g iv -jpoltB; boyg and g ir,s with fath _
tended the convention of the In­ has been heavy.
en by the w aiters in H jul s res- e r’s auto cover for a sieve, and
ternational Bible Students Asso­
M’3S Clark has spent most of tau ran t.
the professional fisherman with
ciation held in Ashland last week. her life on the Pacific Coast, hav
Before the great earthquake his linen-thread nets.
Many were residents of nearby ( iug been graduated from the Uni­ and fire of 1906 H ju l’s restau ­
These fish, about seven to n ’ne
towns and northern California, j versity of California in 1922. She ran t was located on Sacramento
inches long, run in school^, often
The convention was held Satur-j has been director of a high school ■ street, between Kearney and Mon­ tilling the river from bank to
day and S u n d a y .a t the Moose girls’ club in Los A ngeled a gomery.
A fter 1906 he moved bank.
They are enroute
Delegates were treated teacher in all departm ents of Sun­ to Montgomery street, where his
royally by local members and day School, and active iq C hrist­ establishm ent came to be reg ard ­ stream to spawn, after which the
smelt retu rn to the bcean and,
were delighted with their visit.
ian Endeavor work.
ed as a landm ark. Both places like the fu r-se a l, spend a long
She lias paid special attention were in the heart of the financial time far from hum an eyes.
R eturns to Ashland— '
to vocational guidance, and has disti let.
The food value of the smelt is
Albert W illiams, who has b e en 1 done much research
in Christ-
H jul was th e first man to open what is so attractive, being pre­
employed by the Carson-Fowler ian work for gitls and in courses a coffee house in the financial served in glass jars, pickled in
lum ber company, ^ tu rn e d Tues­ of study of adolescent psychology d istrict of. San Francisco. It was spices, salted and dried.
day morning from H ubbard, Ore., in sem inaries and teacher train- a rendezvous of famous charact­
Where he made arrangem ents to lll& courses of various denomina- ers for over a q u arter of a cen­
manage the H ubbard lum ber yard.! t ’ons-
tury. David W arfield, am o n g 1 German Women Seek
Mr. W illiams expects to leave.
She has been an assistant in others, w a j s f a m i l i a r
Slaughter House Jobs
within ten days or two weeks for the F irst Presbyterian Church of there whenever lie came to town.
Hubbard to reside, h e sayb con­ Berkeley, California, has had ac­
A man could eat a dpllar din-
Jan. 28— Women
work ner at H jul’s and; pay a q u arter have taken a hand in most of the
ditions in the H ubbard commun­ tive part in C hristian
among prisoner’s, and has helped for it, and the proprietor would trades and professions in Ger-
ity are very promising.
conduct shop meetings in Los
ask no questions. Many a time many since they were granted the
a man would come in to pay for rig h t to vote, excepting the butch-
Radio Association—
a meal a week after he had eaten er business, and now they are en-
To fu rth er the interest of th e|
j deavoring to get into that.
hundreds of radio receiving set
Several strong-arm ed
owners in Southern Oregon and
Apparently H jul’s idea th at a l l 1
have already done so.
to co-operate in a national move­
men werq honest was a paying
ment for the protection of the
proposition, for his business was
interests of radio owners, the
always prosperous, according to i Tidings W ant Ads never fail.
Rogue River Valley Radio asso­
ciation has recently been organ-
!zed. Corporation papers are in
the hands of the corporation com­
missioner at Salem, upon receipt W ith the passing of H. H. Hjul,
of which from the commissioner i famous San Francisco restaura-
a mass meeting of radio owners teur, who died at his home here
in Southern Oregon will be c all-! recently from heart failure at the
ed.— Medford Mail Tribune
1 age of 74, this city of
-- the « Gold-
-• •
A m eeting will be held in Med- '
ford. Ore., in the near future u n - 1
d er the auspices of the United j
Bro. Hood of carpenters. W atck
th is paper for fu rth e r notice. J. i
A. Fleener, Ashland, Ore. 122-tf
$1.39° $2.50
Stepins, of drop-stiteh voiles, in erahapple,
tango, flesh, peach, orchid and white. All
sizes at
$1.50f $3.00
Bloomers or Krinkle crejit in flesh or
white, all sizes
8 9 c anl $1.19
Lingette slips, permanent finish;
beautiful (’loth in all color#; all sizes
$1.69* $2.50
New Lingerie clothes in all the lead­
ing spring shades.
4 5 c 1 79c
CZ a m p a n
W here Your D ollar Has More Cents
a n d
C O.
“ The Quality Store”
Only THREE Days More
January Clearance Sale
\ Three
The Regular Price
More Days
of Wonderful
Priced to Close Out $6.95
Value Giving
Both silk and wool dresses in this lot.
January Dollar Days
Starting active operations in
Ms logging camp, Douglas Puck­
ett, one of the most progressive
logging contractors in this sec­
tion of the country, will have a
full crew at work in the Upper
K lam ath lake camp by February
1. The logging camp is equipped
w ’th the last word in logging ma­
chinery. and Mr. Puckett was one I I
of the first men in this p art of '
th e country to innovate winter j
logging.— Klam ath News.
Save $10.00, walk upstairs to
Or res tailor shop.
17— tf
N otice to B u ild in g Tradesm en. j
Combinations in Nainsook, flesh or white,
all sizes çt
W inter L ogging—
FOR SALE: — Splendid tract' section. Bargain price until Feb-
of 3 1-5 acres, good soil, fine ruary 1st. Phone 98 or 403-R.
slopes, lots of fruit, w onderful!
125— tf
view-, delightful location for nice *--------------------------»— - 1 ----------
home. For short time can sell for
R )R SAbR: — Gas range- cost
$1600. H. C. Galey, No. 65 E ! *55 00, wiU 8eU tor >30.00. Carl
Main St.
125__2t L0*®1®“ *1- Roo,n <*, over McNair
Drug Store. Phone 134.
Values to ....... .•.........................$14.95
Misses’ and Children’s Winter Coats, Now!
, Season End Coat Sale
The Regular Price
Pre-inventory Sales all Around
the Store
Latest styles ir. fascinating feminity—hundreds
of dazzling sirens—bewitching beauties—daring dam­
sels all combined in the greatest rib-tickling vampire
picture ever made. And don’t forget—it’s the inside
story of Hollywood and how pictures should be made.
“Never Mend”: Pure Silk Hose, Pair $1.00
Every Pair guaranteed. Made with Ravel $top, Seamed Back, Wide Grip Top;
Extra Elastic; Mercerized Lisle Top; Fashion.Marks; Narrow Ankle; High
Spliced Heel; Double Sole; Specially Reinforced Heel and Toe; Comes in all the
Wanted Colors.
« ►