r \G K TWO ASH LA N D AinTTAim DAILY TIDINGS D A IL Y T ID IN G S mining on upgrade (Established in 1876) From all indications it appears that 1925 will far sur- — pass 1924 in the m atter of returning prosperity. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by Agriculture, livestock, mining and lumbering are the THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. [four basic industries of the Wefjj and they all bid fair to t y ike « hi8*> P°int °f stability aiid success. Father o f ■ -nctAL c m pjt?pBR............................ (1MiniIlg h“ b**'i thro" g1' its. slumP «"<1 is back again iered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Secoi«l Class Mail Matter <>11 the Upgrade. S il\ei, lead, Z1I1C and copper are C01U-j Physical inanding good prices. Subscription Pries, Delivered in City C u ltu r e i r«e Month „ ................. ..... ..... .......................................—-— $ •65- Chief among the reasons for returning prosperity is 1.95* phe settlement of European reparations through the adop- t ,/ ^ o ^ ^ t ^\Z .~ .Z .Z .L T ” Z L ...L ™ "."lL “ L ”L".L."...Z»i™L.." 375 I have met many people who c ’”* Y e a r..................................... ............................... .................. 7.tfo ijon of the Dawe8 plan. This opened up new markets for By Mail and Rural Routes ,, .. , . . . have found how to get along best Month ...... „........................................................................... $ .65 all lines ,bringing increased consumption of United States on two meals a day, and I have ................................................................. products, which in turn always means good prices. met not a few who find one meal fc;x Months Navy Departm ent will expend only $55,000,000 to Run 122,349,150 yen. The estim ate of Tokio for One Year ’ extraordinary expenditures.” which provides for the cost of TOKIO, Jan. 28. — It will cost ' special projects to be undertaken during the year, however, gives about $55,000,000 to run the city the navy an additional 102,575,- of Tokio during 1925. The an­ 958 yen, or a total of approxim ate­ n ual budget estim ate of Mayor ly 225,000,000 yen. N akam ura am ounts to 110,300,- TOKYO, Jan. 28. — Promises The chief items listed in the 000 yen, which is a decrease of of governm ental economy made Navy D epartm ent’s budget are: 13,200,000 yen as compared with by the Cabinet of Prem ier Kato Maintenance of ships constructed 1924. apparently are fulfilled in the under the already approved pro­ budget for the next fiscal year gram, 3,908,154 yen; m ainten­ which has ju s t been announced. ance of a new flying corps, es­ The budget Is to be formally prac- tablished under the already ap­ ed before the Im perial Diet soon proved program . 1,200,000 yen; a fte r it reconvenes after the construction of additional oil a day meets their requirements. New Year recess. iiu j Year ... ' . tankers, 300,000 yen; adoption of The good rule to follow in this re­ FORESTS ARE VALUABLE The national budget for 1925- DI SPRAY ADVERTISING RATES gard Is to eat only when you are new and modern weapons, 1,250,- Use Chimney Sweep tu.gle Insertion, pe.- Inch ................. ................................... $ .30 Only a few years ago, the state of Idaho sold fine tim- hungry. One *of the greatest er­ 26, as drafted by the Kato Cabi­ 000 yen, and cost of maneuvers, Yearly Contracts rors in this regard is to feel that and you will not have to .27% her as low as 25 cents per 1000 feet, and was glad to get one must eat by the clock—at cer­ net, provides for a total expen­ 700,000 yen. One Insertion a week ............................................... .............. contend with flying soot, 1 * o Insertions a week ................................................... ............... tain hours When one Is not diture of l,524,405>328 yen, or Combined appropriations for the money. Recently the state sold white pine stumpage hungry Daily insertion ............................... ................................................ enough to really enjoy his approxim ately $762,202,664. This the arm y and navy am ount to while smoke wlil depart ¡for $13.00 per M, and the land has to he scientifically log­ meal he cannot, as a m atter of fact, is a decrease , of 91,000,000 yen, Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising 417,116,895 yen. Significantly the from the chimney as the digest th at meal for the or about $45,000,000, as compar­ r trst Insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 ged and the waste cleared up to make it à permanent state completely total appropriation for education .05 reason that desire or appetite has h.sch sabsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ............ soot is consumed by chem­ 1.00 « »rd of Thanks .............................................................. ........... forest. Another similar sale was made for $9.95 per M. an effect on the secretions of gast­ ed with the preceding year. is less than 100,000 yen. The De­ Although there is bound to be .02% ric and other digestive juices. ical action. Vjitaarlea, per line ....................... :..........................................J.. .. . . . . . . A $11.00 sale was reported four years ago, but this $13.00 There Is considerable science In the criticism of the Kato budget on partm ent of Foreign Affairs will expend only about 16,000,000 yen WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING idea th at the desihes and emotions “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a sale is believed to top all lumber prices in American his­ increase or decrease the flow, and the part of opposition leaders, the end the Im perial Household must 25c per Package tory. i«.ilection taken is A dvertising. quality of the digestive juices. One general sentim ent seems to be th at be content with 4,500,000 yen, No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. never eat when angry, wor­ the Government has done very The growing interest in forestry and reforestation is should ried or grieved. By the same tok­ well in thus reducing its estim ates which is the sm allest item in the DONATIONS budget. . en it must be evident also that No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis bound to relieve the pressure on the Northwest forests cheerfulness and laughter a t the of essential expenditures for next •ns or job printing— our. contributions will be In cash. that i sindicated by this rise in Idaho pine prices. For- table aid digestion and th a t a dys- year. It is recognized th a t ab­ TIDINGS WANT ADS SELL estrv ' agitation mav J have frightened the nation into a sane {acquire ¡'peptl{c s^ou’^, not only study to norm al conditions, due to the ° o . for himself a healthful earthquake and to depressed busi­ ANYTHING. progr«..., so that as a result of conservation forest but r S ness conditions, make Government companionship of cheerful ................... “ ~ " prices may not rise greatly above the present high levels. persons mpanionshiD he shall direct thy paths.— Prov. 3:5, 6. while eating. o t c h e e w n i financing a difficult problem. Any Tidings Want Ads never fall. To drink a cupful of hot water reduction in national A penditure, Phe awakening did not come too soon, when pine stump In the morning oh arising aids con­ therefore, is looked upon as ful­ age prices can rise 5200 per cent in a little more than siderably m cleansing the stomach PRESIDENT NOT WEARING OUT and bowels of effete m atter th at fillm ent of the pledges made by a decade. has accumulated over night. Prem ier Kato and his associates With perhaps pardonable pride Bascom Slemp, in re­ That western sawmills can cut lumber fro,m such high The use of drugs, cathartics, when they assumed office. tiring from his position as master of ceremonies for the priced logs and still keep it the cheapest building material pepsin from a pig’s stomach, or One of the gratifying features rennet from a calf’s stomach, pro­ chief executive office in the United States, ' declares that of the G overnment’s financial sit­ ducing an unnatural vitality Is In available speaks volumes for their efficient management I itself a frequent cause of stomach uation, according to T. Hamagu- the President can be managed in a way that will not kill and manufacturing methods. and bowel trouble and their con­ chi, the Minister of Finance, is tinued use iE often responsible for h ’ni. As a performance, this perhaps is expected mostly to an acute condition becoming th a t a surplus am ounting to show up men like Christian and Tumulty, who did kill W hat an individual lacks in size of vocabulary he chronic. The fact is certainly sig­ about 221,000,000 yen is avail­ nificant th a t dyspeptics who will able as savings from previous bud­ off their chiefs. * * makes up in turnover. keep on trying this and that patent gets. This will give an adequate But the most of us will forget that there have been medicine or other artificial stim­ ulant become ‘confirmed dyspep­ fund to draw upon should any men like Cortelyou and Loeb and Tumulty and Christian tics.” Their condition usually deficit occur in the forthcoming I t ’s too late to weep about it, but perhaps poor Cain crows worse instead of better, and year. and Slemp, and will remember Roosevelt and Taft and had a complex or dual personality or something. the result Is a complete break­ The largest item in the 1925-26 AViIson and Harding and Coolidge. down. budget comes under the heading The best treatm ent for stomach j And it will occur to us that the difference is not one That scientist who says there is no such thing as ab­ and bowel trouble is, after all, any 1 of “ finance.” The finance depart­ of office management, but of official temperment. If course th a t will build up one’s ' m ent estim ates its total needs for solute silence never heard a defeated candidate. vitality and general health in a Coolidge weighs eight pounds "more than het did 18 months 317,555,537 yen, natural way. As such a regimen the year at Improves the circulation, the or­ which is expected to provide for ago, and sees more people a day, and handles more offi­ Dr. Prank J. Monaghan, Com­ gans of secretion and digestion cial problems directly, it is because he, like the rest of missioner of H ealth jn New Y&rk must perform their functions more interest and sinking fund on the national debt and for general sta­ naturally, and the blood itself j City, said: ns, can “ keep cool with Coolidge.” ust carry nutrition to every part bilization of Government finances. ‘ When any one ill from an ii^ m Some men, even in high places, can get very much of the body. Next on the list is the depart­ fectious disease drinks, ice cream To«produce an evacuation of the ment of communications, which fussed over the daily work. While others are not put out soda or any other drink at a yub- bowels, an Injection of warm w a te r' expects to spend more than 300,- even by the most try ing of unexpected situations. They i lie place his saliva touched Abe is recommended, the warm water 1 to be followed by cold 000,000 yen during the next year, j glass. This glass if not properly- injection know that they have the d ay ’s work to do, with their own water. • A large part of this sum will cleansed will tran sfer the saliva hands and minds and capacities with which to do it. And go for railw ay improvements ahd NEW YORK, Jan. 27 For the and the germ s through the drink extension and im provem ent of the demi gods could not do better. protection of the patrons of soda served the next peroon. Thus, it Puccini’s Last Opera telegraph and telephone system. fountains and ice cream parlors {floes not demand any imagination to be Sung This Year The W ar D epartm ent will have against possible disease contagion. process to understand how the a total of 192,191,777 yen to the health authorities of m ost of common drinking glass spreads PERSISTING AFTER KNOWLEDGE —th at of a more beautiful home. VIENNA,. Jan . 28. — Signo spend next year. It expects to use the states and several hundred infectious diseased.” Time puts its stamp upon everything, so wall The eclipse has come and.gone. As a nine days’ won­ m unicipalities áre planning to In California the following Puccini’s last opera, “ T urandot,” 12,667,743 yen for general de­ will be^given for the first tim e by fense facilities, 4,706,662 yen for paper, too, becomes shabby. carry into effect th 's year more w arning was conveyed der it will soon be forgotten. by the the A ustrian State Opera Com­ improvement of the flying forces, You can brighten the bedroom—install cheer The scientists who have been looking forward to it stringent regulation of these dis­ state Board of H ealth over the pany during the coming season. 257,796 yen for the establishm ent pensaries. According to the Gen­ radio: and cosiness into the living room—add charm to A part from the final duet, the of anti-aircraft gun corps, 702,54 6 for months will take more months to determine just what eral H ealth Bureau the methods “In many public drinking opera is «aid. to be /complete. yen to establish a tank corps, and the dining room by a careful choice of vour wall they can learn from their observations of this particular for the safeguarding of public places particularly soda drink Signor Toscanini will give the 2,126,560 yen for the enforcem ent paper. I stands and soda fountains where eclipse. Since eclipses have been known, and studied, for health takes these forms: score its finishing touches. of the act providing for training The passage of more drastic , large num bers of people are iserv- Here you will see every variety of design—all centuries, it has not been supposed that anything strik­ of young men in m ilitary science laws or ordinances so th a t the e(j within a short period of time assortments of color to make your selection from. ing or critical would be learned from this one. The har­ peril may be reduced to a m ini­ Japanese Buying and tactics. there Is considerable carelessness Come in and have us show you new patterns vest for science would not be anything new in the eclipse, mum. Under the heading of ‘‘ordinary , B utter from Canada displayed in the washing of cups expenditure,” which provides for which will beautify your home—at a cost so small it More frequent and rigorous in­ and glasses. P atrons should insist hut something to be newly discovered because of the more VANCOUVER, B. Q., Jan. 28. the actual operating costs, the spection of drug (stores and foun­ will pleasantly surprise you. th a t they be served with clean accurate instruments now available, the most thoughtful tains to compel obedience to the drinking utensils. There can be — Shortage of cows and cream er­ use of the photographic art in star gazing, the more care­ existing statu tes or local regula­ no doubt th a t common colds are ies in Japan is building up an ful application of the conclusions of science to the cir­ tions. easily transm itted through the extensive 'm arket for Canadian W ider instruction of the public use of drinking cups and glass­ butter* in the Orient. Japanese im­ cumstances of tliis eclipse. The “ new” out of this eclipse would not, at the best be very great. But whatever it is, on the danger th a t menaces them ware th a t have not been properly porters purchased 3,220,910 lbs. of b u tter from the Dominion in through the use of improperly sterilized after use. being on the forward van of facts, it would be an advance washed glasses. “There is 'good reason for such 1924, compared with only 7,681 into the unknown which we htnnans are ever penetrating. The most recent figures of the a law as this, for it is not only pounds in 1922, according to a Anywhere — Anytime One interesting thing abouU.ee!ipses is that they arc United States Census Bureau possible but also highly probable report of the Japanese consul in quite “ n atural,” in the sense that we use th at word, and show th a t the m anufacture of soft th a t many disease's, such as tu b er­ Vancouver. Gur aim is and has been in drinks reached a total of $226,- culosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, the past to give the best ser­ yet have never become a part of “ nature,” as it is estab­ 188,562 in a year while th a t of vice possible. Our stock of mumps, influenza and other di­ lished in the mechanism of our power of comprehension. ice cream and w ater ices am ount­ seases are frequently conveyed You are welcome to compare flower's and plants is of the ed to $25S,666,575. For this year from m outh to mouth through the my Automobile rates w ith any beat quality and the greatest This is true of men I t i^ ju s t as true of animals. variety obtainable. And we For the most part, animals are more responsive to the the total will be more tl^in half use of common drinking utensils.” other rates in Jackson or Jose­ guarantee our flowers to be' dollars and for this out­ Dr. John S. Fulton, Director of phine Counties; you can be the fresh when they are sent out. facts of nature than are humans. I t is proverbial that a put billion the g reater p art will be serv­ the State, D epartm ent of Health Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. animals know more about the weather than do men and ed over counters. At present we are selling; in Maryland, characterizes the C arnations ......75c— $1.00 doz. women. In many other m atters the-lives which we and On the statu te books of forty- drinking glass th a t is public Laddie ........................ $1.25 doz. ’our ancestors for thousands of years have led as cultured six of the states are laws against property as “a great germ ex­ HP HERE are times when we want Snapdragons ..75c— $1.00 doz. the common drinking cup th at change.” Peas ........... , ...... $1.50 per 100 beings have blotted out our ability to know wli^t is hap­ strive to guard the public in this * to discuss. We don’t want to Lillies ......$2.00 and $2.25 doz. The Illinois Social Hygiene pening in nature. he handed merely cold facts. We consumption. These laws are sup­ League, which has for its p u r­ Still have a swell assort­ The rhythm of the years means little to us unless it plemented in many cities by local pose the prevention of the toll want to look at things froin all m ent of Ferns, Cenevias and is explained in our books or papers, in our schools, or in ordinances th a t Impose an added exacted by social diseases ha's in­ sides. Talk over vour finances Cyclemen. When our estab­ m easure of safety. All of these cluded the following as one of lishm ent Is inconvenient for the gossip about nature from our parents and friends.- with the officers of this bank and your personal visit, a phone laws or municipal regulations a re the means to prevent infection: But animals, who do not have books, or schools, or applicable to soda founatins and get warm and friendly advice. call will command* the same “ Do not patronize soda foun­ attentioA. friends that can talk with them, “ feel” the facts about Ice cream parlors bu t because of tains using glassw are th a t’ is not 'sterilized between We deliver Phone 120 nature. The coming of spring or winter, the threat of the g reat num ber of these dispen­ properly saries it has been impossible to drinks. " • This refers also to res­ storm or drought means something definite to them. compel full obedience to the tau ran ts and other public places.” But animals cannot feel the eclipse. measures. In One Minute * The warnings and indications The eclipse is just as sure to come as is winter. But In the city of Buffalo, for in­ of vigilance are th e prelim inary Ipply Ely’s Cream Balm in the Ashland, Oregon il strikes animal life with a terror that is amusing to us. stance, a recent report shows that indications of an extraordinary ac­ nostrils and breathe it. Almost AVe have heard of eclipses all our lives, so we feel no in the inspection of 226 soda tivity on the p art of health offi­ instantly the air passages clear. fountains, 40 were compelled to cials to keep the soda fountains fright. But animals know nothing of eclipses, and their make correction in their methods an d ice cream parlors safe for the The germs ate combated, inflam ­ m ation is soothed. T hat stuffed-up bodies do not join in. the rhythm of the eclipse rotation, of serving drinks or Ice cream. public. feeling ends. This same rati.o, says the General as they do in the rotation of the sun and moon. T h at’s the way to tre a t head Our ancestors, who knew nothing of eclipses, out of H ealth Bureau, obtains in large Canada Ranks Third colds. The cause is germs in the cities and J n sm aller places * in Natural Wealth m embranes. Fight them where books, felt this same animal terror. reaches an * -e n higher figure. *they start. The cold can’t develop Our ancestors, to a lesser degree, felt this same Two towns of North Carolina, MONTREAL, P. Q„ Jan. 28.— if you do th a t promptly. It is re* rhythm o tth e years. They knew when winter was com­ Durham and Goldsboro, found it Canada ranks third among the na­ lieved alm ost instantly. ing, because it came with sufficient frequency. They did necessary recently to solve the dif­ tions of the world in n atu ral re­ A n y 'd ru g g ists can supply you ficulty by ordering glasses out of not know when a neclipse would come, its “ regularity” all soda fountains. This has nec­ sources, Recording to 'S ir Vincent with Ely’s Cream Balm. Let it end misery of cold and catarrh. was too irregular for them to appreciate, or even to re­ essitated the substitution of san­ M eredith, president of the Bank all of M ontreal, in an address before Don’t wait. member. itary single-use containers in these the in stitu tio n ’s annual stock­ It .is one of the most notable achievements of our places. holders’ meeting. » ¡II Rhode Island promises to be “Canada possesses halt of the civilization that it has extended into the far -unknown the the first of the states to put a forest area of the British Em­ “ regularity” of life. Now is the time to buy spray sim ilar law Into effect. A bill pire, said Sir Vincent. "The Do­ pumps, plows and harrows, It was this scientific spirit that urged early mariners was Introduced a t the last legis­ minion’s mines produced $214,- drills and all kinds of farm into unknown seas. It was this same scientific mind that lature for this purpose but because 000,000 worth of metals last implements. Fencing in every of the early adjournm ent was impelled thinkers to watch the heavens for years to find lost. A sim ilar bill has been in­ year, and the surface has been style. Harness, collars, snaps, barely scratched. Canada stands out the coincidences of the stars. ON DISPLAY AT troduced for the present session second in the world in coal de­ and pads. New and used Sew­ It is this same scientific spirit that will discover in and the weight of public opinion posits. Its water power resources ing Machines. Auto Robes, etc. our own human natures, as well as in the world that is leads to the expectation on the are estimated at 18,000,000 horse­ of public health w orkers th a t power. Its transportation facil­ around us, new developments of m atter and of spirit for part it will be carried to early enact­ ities are not excelled anywhere our greater happiness. ment. ïlbits CUT 545,000,.000 Chimney Sweep Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store HEALTH OFFICERS T T SODA FOUNTAINS Two Minds with but a Single Thought Say It With Flowers SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company Discussion Stops Head Colds The Ashland Greenhouses The Citizens Bank of Ashland You Will Always Find a Fine Assortment of tU atch es, D iam onds, deccielry, Silvcpuuare a n d flovelties PEIL’S CORNER In the world.” Enders Block Charles A. White, Formerly IV. H. Hodkinson Store