t MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al N eva W ire Service! VOL. XLVIII Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43 ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1925 NO A S S O R A N C E j S i ^ NOME IS HIT BY IS GIVEN FOR .by Ra'ii'L i“ ,’""'LjBAD EPIDEMIC ROGUE BRIDGE OF DIPHTHERIA » XX H XX XX XX Railroad Company Declines XX to Replace Structure XX Washed Out XX XX DEFICIT IS NOW FACED XX R ailroad Cominis-sioners I)«> Not XX XX Wfadi to Issu e Order Vntil XX O ther M ethods H ave Failed WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, Jan Jan. 28 28. — The w eather bureau has sent out its last daily forecast card. The orna- m ent of postoffices, gen- eral stores and other of- flees since 1881 has suc- cumbed to the competition of newspapers and the radio and to the stern economy program of the budget bureau. The last issue, was mail- ed yesterday, n XX XX XX XX XX XX ASHLAND CLIMATE \\ ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. * CONNECTICUT FIGHTS FOR CHAPMAN. NO. 125 FAMILY GONE, 17765138 ; May Come Back i l l 11V LAKEVIEW GIRL DRINKS HOOTCH xxt ! IS NOW BLIND fi WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. XX — A m eeting looking to­ ward the completion of plans for the purchase by California interests of the original nugget taken from XX ‘ ---------- « Seattle Making Preparations the gold fields of th a t a ¡Men Held on Charge of Fur- to Rush Medical Aid to XX state is to be held tom or­ », nishing Liquor to 2 Young Stricken City XX row in the office of Sena­ Women xx- XX tor Shortridge. The pres­ 8 needed XX physicians ent owner, a New York 8 ARE H E L D IN JA IL XX nian, is to bring the nug­ 8 XX M illion A nti-T oxin U nits to be get to the meeting, to­ 8 District A ttorney A w aits R esult* xx Sent to City by M eans o f Ship, o f Case B efore F ilin g Com­ R ail and A irplane gether with papers regard­ 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxtxx XX Over by B urglars plaint A gainst Men xx ing its authenticity. It is 8 GRANTS PASS, Jan. 28. — SEATTLE, Jan. 28. — Held X X planned to exhibit the nug­ 8 Robbers, believed members Some m utual understanding tight in the grip of an exceeding­ LAKEVIEW, Jan. 28— H arry it get on the Pacific Coast. 8 of the same gang which have com­ among the various affected inter­ Ballard of Klamath Falls and ly serious diptheria epidemic and mitted several burglaries in this v z n t i t t n t t n t t u t t t t u ests now appears to be the only w ithout first means of combating Leo Wilkie of this city are un­ city during the past few weeks, solution for the immediate re­ the dread disease, Nome, Alaska der a rrest here on the charge of yesterday entered tlie home of building of the California and Ore­ was threatened with complete ex­ giving moonshine whiskey to two S. A. Arnold, ju st outside the city gon Coast railroad bridge over the tinction today, while the United girls under 18 years of age. One across Bear creek and removed Rogue River. This was developed States Public H ealth Service of­ girl Is nearly blind and accord­ articles valued at about $60. a t the hearing at the city hall ficers here were exerting effort ing to phyfiicians Is in a (serious According to Mrs. Arnold, who here yesterday when members of to stave off a general disaster and condition. The other girl is auf- reported the robbery to Chief of the public service commission the complete wiping out of the ferng ill 'effects from the liquor. Police George McNabb, the fam­ were here to listen to argum ents city. The two young men are being ily was away from home all day of the shippers and representa­ Ashland People Included in Acting upon instructions from held on liquor charges. Accord- yesterday, and the burglary was tives of the railroad, following Program Scheduled for Surgeon General Cummins, head *ng to the district attorney’s of­ not discovered until late yester­ the filing of complaints by the Medford of the United States Public H ealth fice a more serious charge will day. W hen the family returned shippers over the road. L ittle was service, Dr. G. M agruder, in In an effort to try Gerald Chapman, notorious gunman and' ban­ to the house they discovered the Portland Delegation Puts be preferred if the young girl MEDFORD, Jan . 28. — The charge of all public health ser­ dit, arrested developed at the hearing, other in Muncie, Ind., following a gun-fight, a grand ju ry has Ban on Bill. Denny Aid dies from the effects. than the disinclination of the rail­ Lincoln banquet on February 12, vice work in this d istrict early indicted him for the .alleged m urder of Policeman Jam es Skelly, of ¡entire building had been ra n ­ Th^ names of the two girls Measure Parsed road company to rebuild the which will be held a t the Hotel today completed arrangem ents to New B ritain. Conn., who was shot to death by a b urglar said to have sacked. From the appearance of are being withheld by the district bridge at the present time due to Medford, will be handled by the rush a million anti-toxin units to been Chapman. If th e Connecticut etalm L granted by W ashington things, it looked as though the STATE HOUSE, Salem, Ore., attorney at Lakeview until a fu r­ continued deficits, the fact th a t Republican Ex-Service League of- Seward aboard the Steam er Ala­ he will be tried there. In th e meantime he has' been returned to the burglar had taken his time in going over the premises, and re-! J a n - 28. — The house killed ther investigation. the Beaver Portland Cement Com­ Jackson County. Plans for one meda which sails for Seattle Sat­ Federal prison in A tlanta, Ga.. from which he escaped while serving One of the girls was totally a twenty-five year sentence for a 32,400,000 mail robbery in New its first bill Monday, No. 66, by moved only those things which pany will be forced to suspend op­ of the most interesting affair in urday. The anti-toxin will be York City. Chapman is shown here after his arrest, guarded by he could easily dispose of or use Shrock, providing uniform text­ blind' Monday for several hours erations if the bridge is not re­ honor of Abraham Lincoln, are taken from Seward by rail and Deputy W alter Cook and Deputy S. T. Hickman. himself. books for schools throughout the and today had not entirely re­ colmpleted. Much airplane to Nome, where the situ­ built and the inability of the city practically A fter a check had been made state. It went down to defeat gained her sight. It is thought of G rants Pass to take any action work has been done on the pro­ ation is said to have become ex­ upon the articles in the house, it upon attack of the Multnomah that the moonshine liquor had looking to the restoration of ser­ gram and the1 committee were trem ely urgent w ithin the past was finally discovered this morn­ county delegation. The bill was Po‘(toned her entire system and fortunate in securing A rthur two days. vice. ing th at a watch, several articles taken from the table,* where it th at her recovery was in ques­ Public Service Commissioners Moulton, prom inent trial lawyer Nome, isolated from * the re­ of clothing and a toy bank, con­ rested over Sunday, and put upon tion. T. K. Campbell and Edward Os­ of Portland, to give the principal m ainder of the world by the heavy Harry Iiallard came to Lake- tained several dollars had been Its third reading. tran d er presided at the hearing. address. Mr. Moulton has already snows of this w inter, is complete­ taken. view several days ago, according For the measure Mr. Shrock Commissioner Campbell stated im­ distinguished himself for his edu­ ly cut off from all outside medi­ to authorities. He was formerly Chief of Police McNabb and a said citizens who moved either in mediately following the session cational, interesting and forceful cal aid. „Rail service into the finger print expert worked for or out of the Portland district employed by the California-Ore­ th a t the commission does not want talks on Abraham Lincoln. He city was discontinued several some time today upon the case, were put to needless expense in gon Power company at Klamath to issue an order unless there is is a brother of Jackson county’ji weeks ago because of the heavy but they have not as yet announc­ buying a new set of school books Falls, it was said. • _____________ k 'u . ’ _____________ no chance for some agreem ent assistan t prosecuting attorney, snows, and as a result it has been ed the discovery of any clue. It for their children. Wilk e has been employed in among the shippers, the city and Moulton. The committee have also impossible to obtain either a n ti­ Lakeview driving a truck. appeared as though no finger Sports W r i t e r Declares Mercury Drops to 5 Above Representative Tucker support­ the railroad. They were acting as secured Mrs. Perozzi of Ashland toxin units or more doctors or Team Work of Ashland prints could be obtained, how­ A general investigation Into the in New York. Wheeling ed Schrock’s bill, but Bailey and interm ediaries between the con­ who will give a talk on Abraham nurses. It is believed th at a ir­ ever. Hi Quintet Marvelous Reports 12 Below Lonergan declared against it and liquor embroglio will be made by testing elem ents and are striving Lincoln's m other and her influ­ planes will be able to make the It appears as though the the Multnomah delegation were authorities, which might lead to to effect this agreem ent by which ence on “A be” . This subject has trip into Nome w ithout danger. Three victories scored by the NEW YORK, Jan. 28.^-T his "jobs” which have been “ pulled” a unit in the vote .which was 36 implication of other young men, the bridge can be built and the never been covered at a Lincoln The diptheria anti-toxin tre a t­ Ashland High basketeers on, their city is today muffled up in over­ here recently are the work of against and 21 for the measure. it waii said. railroad continued in operation. banquet and is quite befitting the m ent is said to be the only means road trip which ended Monday coats and heavy wraps as the m er­ someone who knows the city and Three were absent The girls partook of the whis­ The commission could issue an o r­ occasion. of combating the epidemic which night with a win over Salem on cury in the official w eather bur- is pretty well acquainted with key Saturday night at a dance, it There was a brush over adopt­ d er immediately but is deferring A nother speaker on the pro­ has reached the stages of a plague. the Cherry City court m arked the cau therm om eter held steadily at the movements of the people. In developed. The poisoned liquor ion of house bill No. 91, by the such action until all other means gram who needs no introduction Two out of every three residents local tossers down as an outfit five "degrees above zero, the cold the Penniston. and Hill homer committee on education, relating began to taJie effect Sunday have been taken to have the and w ithout whom no Lincoln ban­ of the city are suffering from the which will give the high school est w eather recorded here so far robberies, the burglars waited un­ to selection of textbooks, but it morn:ng andi by noon both were bridge put in. quet in Medford could be held effects of the dread malady, while team s of the state a real b attle this year. til the families were gone and carried in the face of opposition. sick. A doctor was called and he At the hearing, the railroad of­ successfully is R > P. Campbell, many of the available physicians for the interscholastic champion­ A coast north gale followed yes­ then took their time in going The house voted an appropria­ immediately pronounced one girl ficials were present, as well as (Dick Posey) of Ashland who p ro ­ have been stricken with the dis­ ship this year. The Ashland terd ay ’s snow ■ and sleet storm through the houses. They appar- tion of $50 a month for the bien- hi a grave condition. representatives of the Union Oil mises som ething new and in terest­ ease. quintet have y£t to drop a game which left a covering of four in­ ently worked in the same m anner nium for the benefit of Mrs. Ger company, the Beaver Portland ing, as he always does. It is declared by public health this .season, and they have met ches of snow on the streets of yesterday, taking all the time they trude J. Denny, widow of the in­ Music will be played through­ service w orkers th a t with the ship­ Cement company and the lum ber­ some of the fastest team s in the Gotham. The city is almost en­ needed in riving the house a tlior ing interests. troducer of Chinese pheasants to out the banquet and vocal solos ment of tj?e anti-toxin units every state. , tirely tied up by the cold. Street ough ransacking. by prom inent Medford singers effort will have been made by this Oregon, the pension to be paid W riting of the Ashland - Salem car lines have been held up and will be on the program . Decorat­ section in fighting the epidemic. from hunting licenses; passed POOP WAT.TEP TS TA game Monday night, the sports all traffic is alm ost at a stand­ Representative H ercher’s bill pro­ GET H iß OWN NOW ions of the hotel dining room are It is certain the units will enable editor of the Oregon Statesm an of still, the subway trains being the STONE TAKES STAND in the hands of Tom Swem, which the physicians to stave off the I Salem says: hibiting unregistered rams run- only means of transportation IN BEHALF OF SELF tin g at large in Douglas county, SALEM, Jan. 28— The fighting speaks for itself. ravages of the epidemic until “Ashland high school came out available. STATE HOUSE, Salem, Jan. 28 Emil Mohr has promised a spring, when it will be able to spirit of the Senate and the and senate bill No. 25, which pre- of southern Oregon undefeated WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S— At Three persons were burned to Report of the Judiciary com­ House have been aroused over the menu th a t will please all. t scribes the m anner of making have sanitary m easure*com pleted this season and kept their slate death lapt night when tfiey were torney General Stone, named to contracts with teachers. m ittee of the house on three hills, Governor’s removal of the Port Tbe com m ittee h a , , decided to; „l.leh wll, destroy lhe the Supreme Court by President Nos. 13, 78 and 120, that they of Portland Commission, and an seat only 300 people, th a t all may i the disease. At the •present tim e ' teat to Salem high school by a trapped in a fram e building which Coolidge, today took the witness .____ _ __.... . w ’ss totally destroyed. Firem en pass No. 13 as amended, was answ er will likely be introduced be able lo see and heal the entire i these m easures are impossible be-,' score of 30 to 25. The red and and other would be rescuers were stand in h's own defense before CLEAVER USEFULNESS adopted Monday. No. 13 relates to into the Senate this week, leg's- program. | cause of the frozen g riu n d which black players made a desperate unable to reach th e - victims in the Senate judiciary committee to ' CONE STATES PROHI sale of real estate of a minor Tickets will be out in a few makes such work impossible. lating into office for another four rally in tlie last few m inutes of time to save th eir lives. Two of defend his professional record year term , members of the port days and those desiring same SALEM, Jan. 28— Prohibition Ward. No. 78 is the Multnomah Several Seattle doctors have vol­ play and succeeded in putting the bodies were recovered while against any senatorial criticism-. delegation bill relating to refund commission slated for retirem ent should secure them early, as last unteered to make the trip to Nome down the 12-point lead held by Opposition now lined up against Director George Cleaver “ has out­ of interstate bridge funds to the by the governor. year there proved to be a sh o rt­ to aid in fighting the epidemic, theK southerners but were unable the fire was still raging, while lived his usefulness,” according to th e third was not removed from him is due to his formal legal ac­ The question rem ains yet age. but it has not been ascertained to convert the game into victory. the building until this morning. tivities with the J. P. Mo-gan Superintendent Herwig of the county, and No. 120, ak o by the Multnomah delegation. ^permits w hether the Pish and Game Com­ w hether they can make the trip. Salem high scored first when Co., and hfa reported in te n tio n ,. Oregon anti-saloon league In his issuance of m arriage licenses in mission reorganization bills can Drager, guard, got two good bas­ WHEELING, W est Virginia, as A ttorney C enerai, to re-ind'ctl testimony befor* the Cleaver h> counties other than in which the be passed, as the governor may kets in succession. It looked like Jan. 28. — The coldest day in Senator W heeler of Montana. vestigating committee Tuesday bride resides. MAN DIVES OVER have enough votes m ustered to win, but Ashland was not several years was recorded here Stone said the indictm ent he night. Herwig said he had dis ’ NIAGARA, TO DEATH a to Salem The committee of education re­ prevent the over-riding of his ve­ be outdone, and Marske today when the m ercury dropped would seek would involy^ a con­ cussed this m atter with Cleaver, to. The bills may give the ap­ and they understood each other ported advisely on house bill No. BUFFALO, N. Y. Jan . 28. — the dim inutive forw ard, duplicat­ to twelve degtees below zero. spiracy to r defraud the govern­ perfectly on the m atter 79, and It was tabled. A like re­ pointive power in the Pish and Then the N q serious damage from the cold ment of its oil lands, and th at it “ God and everyone forgive me, ed the performance. port was made on house bill No. Game Commissions to the Board I know not whence I go or what m arvelous Ashland team work be- has been reported, but the fire was a newcase , having no con­ 107, but it was re-referred to the of Control. This session i's ex­ I do.” Leaving a card bearing g®n tO. an,d \ he P°int£> to tot&l departm ent has been kept busy nection with the Montana indict­ committee. The form er bill refer­ pected to be one of \£he wildest these words, a man, believed to be up. At the half the score stood during the past tw enty four hours m ent against W heeler. red to election of county school during the closing days, due to 28 to 10. putting out small fires resulting Niccholas Iverson, a New York superintendents in counties of a th e continued delay in legislation. MEDFORD, Jan. 28. — The bottling works proprietor today The local players came back from attem pts by householders to population of 200,000 or more and directors of the Jackson County leaped to his death over Niagara strong in the second period and thaw out frozen pipes. was designated to place functions succeeded in cutting the visitors’ F air Association met last night Falls. \ of the county superintendent of lead to 4 points, but then the de­ Silence Found Cure and started work for this year’s Multnomah in the hands of the fense failed and the southerners fair by settling the dates for Sep­ city superintendent of Portland for Throat Disease ran up a 12-point lead. From tem ber 16 to-19, the week follow­ schools within the Portland dis­ then „ on it was A shland’s game, ing the California state fair. This trict. The other bill referj-ed to LONDON, Jan. 28— A new cure although Salem made a trem en­ was done to get the race horses Jim Bowers, demon manager of ■ MEDFORD, Jan. 28. — This the m anner of conducting eighth dous effort in the last few min­ for tuberculosis of the larynx and exhibits from California. FA RIS, Jan. 28. — Gloria first public announcem ent grade examinations in the public utes of play, cutting the lead to (th e upper end of the w indpipe), the E lks’ basketball squad w ill; The Oregon state fair begins Swanson, beautiful American film a form of disease which has h*th- take his charges to Dunsmuir this tliat William F. Berrlan is the schools. ' five points.” the second week after the Jack- The livestock committee report­ actress, was m arried here today erto been nearly always fatal, was afternoon, where tonight the boys new superintendent of the Butte Probably no man in America son County fair or September 27. ed favorably on three m easures of a t noon to the Marquis De La described by Sir St. Clair Thom­ tangle with the Dunsmuir five Falls fish hatchery, having been It was decided to send C. C. is better prepared to speak on local,interest, Nos. 58, 69 and 81, Flaise, scion of one of the noblest son, laryngologfet to King Ed­ in w hat should be one of the appointed to th at position to suc­ world peace than Clinton N. How- ASHLAND LAYS HAND fam ilies of France. The wedding! Cate to Aberdeen. W ash., to at and the report was adopted. The tend the meeting of the Pacific ! a,(^» Chairman of the W orld Peace BEFORE LEGISLATURE ward VII. Sanatorium , Midhurst, toughest tussles the locals have ceed the late Jam es Berrian, revision of laws committee sub­ cerem ony was perform ed at the! Sussex in an address to the Royal scheduled for the season.' shortly after the death of his Northwest F air association Friday Commission, who will address city hall a t Passy, a suburb o f ( College of Physic’ans. Bowers has scheduled a number father, by the State Game com­ mitted a substitute bill for No. mass meeting on W orld Peace P aris. The Marchiness, as Miss! and Saturday of this week to pass! 38 protecting purchasers of m er­ The chief methods employed of games for his tossers for a mission. on the dates for all fairs, be-! *n *be Presbyterian church next SALEM, Jan. 28. — The dele­ are silence and whispers. By in­ chandise. Swanson will officially be known northern road trip w h ich l^ill be The young man is well quali­ Tuesday night under the auspices gation from Ashland late today and titled, will not retire from longing to the association and to duction of the voice to whispers started this week end, and the fied for the position, having hadi of the Ashland M inistrial Asso­ advised the ways and means com­ her film work she stated imme­ arrange for starters and judges ciation. fifty patients were curqd. One- game tonight will give them a several years’ active experience and transact other business in m ittee th a t Ashland will donate CHILD LABOR AIDS diately after the m arriage. He has devoted th irty years to the site for the erection of a third of the patients in whom good workout before they (angle i a ^ the hatchery under his father, connection with the different fairs. Marquis De La Flaise is con­ TO KEEP UP FIGHT complete silen ce. was enforced with the northern quintets. ! and has been making good accord- tlie platform as’ an advocate of state norm al school there and sidered the best swordsman in were cured. The silence tre a t­ The Elks have been working ins to local leading sportsmen civic righteousness, social justice, tu rn over its schools for practice JACK DEMPSEY’S WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. — France. He is the son of the m ent is more successful with out steadily for the past month, and other authorities. He was law enforcem ent, equal rights and teaching if the state locates a TRAINER SOUGHT Sponsors of the constitutional first Olympic worlds fihampion world peace and is w ithout a ques­ norm al school in the southern women than with men because of and are all now in great shape. introduced at the meeting Mon­ amendm ent prohibiting child la­ LOS ANGELES, Jan. 28— A swordsman, who won the title in tion the best known and ablest p art of Oregon. A bill now before the women’s g reater endurance A fter a rath er sloppy start, in day night of the Jackson County bor asserted today th a t the appar­ A thens in 1896. federal w arrant for the arrest of which they failed to show a lot of ( Game Protective association meet- speaker on these subjects in the the legislature calls for the ap­ an patience In the ordeal. ent fuilure of the amendm ent This is Miss Swanson’s third Theodore ( “ Teddy” ) Hayes, form­ land today. team work, the boys got down to, ing. propriation of $175,00® to con­ OHIO REJECTS CHILD through its « rejection by one m arriage, she stated. H er last er tra in e r of Jack Dempsey and real work, and as a result have L ater on Mr. Berrlan announc- He is now In the prime of life stru ct a norm al school in the fourth of the state would not re- husband. W allace Beery, was re­ now the cham pion’s secretary, un­ 1ABOR AMENDMENT developed a quintet which will ed th a t the hatchery has receiv-! sult and is devoting his great powers southern p art of the state. in the abandonm ent of the cently divorced by the film star der indictm ent in New York city mak.e a lot of team s hustle to cop ed 4 65,000 eastern brook trout to world peace^ through interna­ A house concurrent resolution COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 28. — fight for adoption. California on a charge of cruelty and de­ for alleged violation of the an ti­ eggs, which will be distributed tional agreem ent. He is now in was introduced by Representative The Ohio house of representatives a verdict. sertion. This is the Marquis* first prizefight laws, arrived at the It is probable th at most of the around this section next Septem­ A rkansas and Arizona have ap­ the midst of a nation wide tour to Carkin of Medford, declaring the today rejected the proposed child proved the am endm ent while venture into the w aters of ma­ office of the United States m ar­ be followed soon by a world tour legislature -opposed to the state labor am endm nt to* tjie federal squad will be shoved into the line­ ber 3, also th a t the take of silver- Louisiana. Texas, North and South trim ony. shal here today. An officer im­ on this subject. He lost a son up at some time or other during side eggs by the hatchery this mediately started a search for and a. twin brother in the world embarking on any further govern- constitution. A motion to ratify the tussle tonight, In order th at fall totals two and one - fourth Carolina, Oklahoma, W ashington. i ment ownership of operation of the amendm ent was voted down they may all be given a good Kansas, Ohio, North and South Tidings W ant Ads, lc a word. Hayes, who makes h k home h e re .' war million eggs, and the take of Dakota, Georgia, Deleware and 1 utilities. 85 to 39. workout. steelhead eggs numbers Î00.000. Massachusetts h¿ve defeated It, ATTORNEY WILL GIVE LINCOLN DAY ADDRESS IXX XX « XX XX XX Wptch. CPo+Jr’iff pnd Rank XX Taken by Burglars in XX Kaid Upon Residence i tt I! XX THINK OLD OFFENDERS XX XX H om e o f S. A. A rnold Near (Tty XX G iven T horough W orking ENTIRE HOUSE UNIFORM BOOK LAW IS KILLED IN LEGISLATURE SALEM WRITER GOTHAM HELD GIVES PRAISE TIGHT IN GRIP TO LOCAL FIVE OF COLD WAVE Six New Bill Are Put Before House For Consideration FAIR DATES FOR J. COUNTY ARE SET BY HEADS Gloria Swanson Is Married to Member of French Nobility Noted Lecturer to Give Speech Here on World Peace F. Elks Quintet Will APPOINTED TO Meet Dunsmuir in Tussle Tonight HATCHERYPOST