OA A ¿¿AA * FÄG je THAGB A ifttm u A M «mar« l^uewia)-, January 27, 1927 difficulty ln hiring the hall. A NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL large num ber of invitations have PROPERTY BY GUARDIAN been sent out and a num ber are IN THE COUNTY COURT OP > PHYSICIANS expected to attend from Medford. Classified Column Rates ; THE STATE OP OREGON, FOR Committees are working hard to One cent the ‘word each ---------- JACKSON COUNTY. OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings ln the M atter Qf the G uard,a n . make the affair a success and to time. office. Phone 91. all evidence the evening will be ' ship of the person and Estate of To run every Issue for one ■*>_________ Miss E dith Dodge, E ditor m onth or more, ftc the word i M RGINIA M. ROOT, also known P hone item s to h er a t 89, between one of the most enjoyable spent DR. C. W. HANSON for some time. A 5-piece orches­ each time. D entist : as Jenn,e Root, Jennie M. Root, 8 a. ni. and 5 p. m. tra will play. » Special attention given to pyor­ V. M. Root and Mrs. V. M. Root, ♦ * « rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver a n J nc° mp®tent Person H>K RENT ! Ashland Study Club— G. A. Gardner, form erly the MYSTERIES 233-tf. Block. Phone 178-J. The Ashland Study Club met FOR RENT — Two good rooms, honorable Judge of the County (By Florence S. M athii) at the home of Mrs. E lh art yes- DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE for particulars, inquire 172 Mt. Court of Jackson County, Ore­ Dentistry Ave. 122-3* gon, has made an Order au th o r­ 1 stood among thz leaked trees, j terday afternoon. ‘‘W andering in Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ izing and N orthern China” is the name of perm itting me, as Where fell a lone snow flake and minor surgery FOR RENT: — Garage on traction And saw beneath the Icy leaves, the book review by Mrs. Eu-. Special attention given to straig h t­ Guardian of the E state of Vir­ F ourth St. Inquire 662 B St. A wind-flower wide awake. banks. This is a very Interesting ening and care of children’s ginia M. Root, to sell the real 121— 6* teeth. j story of Chinese customs and property belonging to the said Above Citizens Bank Estate, which real property is' Each brought a burst of lovliness • Mrs. Eubanks gave it in an ex- FOR SALE Phone. .Office, 151— Res., 201-J A faint perfume— a snatch of play I cellent m anner. The selected described as follows^ to-wit: My h eart will never know FOR SALE: — Incubators at DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ topic was given by Mrs. Woods in T ract No. 2.— All of Lot one in W hich made it sing today. half price. A few cockerels from her, excellent m anner. February tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ana Block 24, of the City of Ashland, \ — From the Lariat. my 320 egg hens, Mrs. W. D. 2nd the club party will be held th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Jackson County, Oregon. * * * Booth. Phone 257-Y. 124-2t and plans are rapidly being for­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Tract No. 1.— An undivided CALENDAR OF EVENTS m ulated for this occasion. 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, { one-half of th e following: FOR SALE: — Newtown culls • * * W ednesday, Jan u ary 28. Upper Ore. : A strip of land 16 feet in a t 50c box. Bring your boxes, 125 Valley Community Club will meet B. Y. P. U.— — —3------------------------------- width off the south end of Lot Scenic Drive. Phone 440-J. 123-2t DR. a t the home of Mrs. O. Johnson E. ANGELL— Chiropractic N aught (0 ) in Block 14, and also The B aptist Young people of and Electro-Therapy. Office in Belleview. Subject "N u tritio n .” the Rogue River Association met FOR SALE OR TRADE:— 280 Lots num bered One and Two in phone 48; residence 142. First W ednesday, Jan u ary 28, High for their quarterly rally a t Med­ acres in Sams Valley, 14 miles Block 14, of the City of Ashland. National Bank building. School circle Parent-T eacher will ford Sunday afternoon. „ There from Central Point, good house, .... .. . . -- ----- ... -,— -A--. , . _______ _ Oregon, according to the Official m eet at 3:30 at high school. Any- were 31 present from Ashland, barn and out buildings. A b out450 Plat and survey of said City, CONVALESCENT HOME one interested is cordially invit­ 22 from G rants Pass and fifty acres in cultivation. T. C. Newby, W here the sick get well. Cot­ adopted December 17, 1883. ed to attend. from Medford. The president of t»3 N. Main. 122-3 tage plan. We board and care for ALJ5O, Lot one in Block 33 of W ednesday, Jan u ary 28. W ed­ ,th e Association, Mr. Elton W ald­ invalids and old people. I&atern- Coolidge Addition to the City of FOR SALE: — Two-acre ranch ity dept. Call 15«3. Ashland, Oregon, as the same is nesday Club will meet a t Presby­ ron of Medford, conducted a very« on the Applegate highway 1-8 Bring needle, interesting and helpful service. designated, numbered aud des­ terian church. DECORATORS mile from Applegate P. O. Seven- th read and thimble. Everyone is Inspirational talks on different cribed on the Official P la t of room house, concrete basement, H. GEAR cordially invited. F. J. SWENNING said addition on file In the office religious aspects were giyen by fine garden land, good w a tej sys­ W ednesday, Jan u ary 28. Fra- Phone 315-R representatives of Ashland, Med­ of the County Recorder of said tem, barn, chicken house, garage. Dependable Painting Contractors. Jackson County. i tern al Brotherhood will have ford and G rants Pass, followed Call or address A. L. W imer, Ap­ Tinting and Paper Hanging by an address by Dr. W. T. Milli­ ALSO, Beginning at a point on lodge m eeting and dance. plegate, Oregon. 122- 2 wk.* W ednesday, Jan u ary 28. A m eri­ ken of Portland. Special music the west boundary line of D. L. MONUMENTS - - - I , C. No. 40 in Township 39 South, can Legion Auxiliary will have was rendered by the Ashland so­ FOR SALE: — 925 shares in J ASHLAND GRANITE Range 1 East of the W. M. in "Cookie Day.” Cookies to be left ciety. Gerber Terminal Town Site Com­ A fter a business session at MONUMENTS Oregon, from which the n o rth ­ a t Citizens Bank between nine pany. Pays 2 per cent. T. C. New­ and three o’clock. which reports from each society Blair Granite Co. east corner of Lot 4, in Section by, 63 N. Main. 122-3 Saturday, Jan u ary 31. Rebekah were given, a delightful luncheon S. PENNISTON, Manager 5 said Township and Range, bears FOR SALE: — Red Cedar Office 175 K. Main South no degrees 3 m inutes W est Lodge will hold food sale at Allen was served in the banquet rooms. Posts, 10c and up, f. o. b. Siskiyou Medford and G rants Pass gave Res. Phone 444-Y 343 feet distant; thence north no Building. Saturday, Jan u ary 31. Daugh­ special Oregon, reasonable delivery. num bers for en tertain ­ ^e8rees 3 mln“teS EaSt 209 ieet; te rs of the Nile will have ceremon­ M ountain Fufel Co., or Beaver V Ñ t u n t i, TS T B Ö U B L li-M ., ’ 1 thence ment. west 209 feet; thence communicate with Ensign Lee R ealty Co. 122-6* south 209 feet; thence east 209 ial at two o’clock in Medford. Ban­ of th e Salvation Army a t the quet at 6:30. feet, to place of beginning, con­ America’s Income Goes FOR SALE OR TRADE — 26 • * * * W hiteShield Home, 665 May- taining one acre. to the Wage Earners acres 1 mile South Medford, mod­ fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Cookie Day— EXCEPTING from tract No. 1, ern House, good barn and out- Tomorrow will be »“ Cookie a parcel of land 22 feet by 93 PLANING MILL hui'dings, about all in alfalfa. DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 27. — Day” . for the members of the feet, described in Deed of re­ T. C. Newby, 63 N- Main. 122-3 Three-fourths of Am erica’s annual ÍORDON’S SASH AND CABINET cord in VoL 78 Page 205, Jack- Auxiliary to the American Legion income goes to wage earners, ac­ FOR SALE or TRADE:— One WORKS, Cor. Helman and Eon County Deed Records, and end all of the members are plan­ l» ít f also excepting a parcel of land 40 ing to send cookies to the V eter­ cording to A. W. Frye, supreme lot In Gerber, California, 40xl2Q Van Ness. commander of the Maccabees, in feet in width dedicated to the ans Hospital in Portland. Any TRANSFER AND EXPRESS one who wishes to do something ' an drees here room hotel. T, C. Newby, 63, N. City of A ah land, for street p ur­ Eetween 1919 and 1924 the Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. Main. 123-3 poses, see Vol. 77, Page 601, for the veterans is urged to make i United States produced an income for SERVICE. Jackson .C ounty, Oregon Deed cookies and take them to the of $321,000,000,000, an econom­ FOR SALE: — Dry body wood, Citizen’s Bank between the hours Experienced movers and pack­ Records. pine or fir. Telephone 383L or see of nine and throe Wednesday, and ist recently fig u red ,” said Mr. ers of household goods. Deal- NOW TH EREFO RE, I will, in Frye. “ Of this total $240,000,- Jim Beagle. 121— 6* ers^ in coal and wood. Phone i pursuance Of the said o rd e r, on they wi 1 be packed by the com­ 000,000 went to workers. The m ittee and sent north. 117. • FOR SALE for 2-year storage. and after the 7th day of March, year 1920 was the peak period * * * Office 89 Oak St. near Federal one ton chain drive truck, 1925, sell at private sale, the in national income, the total Ceremonial Saturday— Hotel < Ash land assembled engine, Ore. licenses, real property hereinbefore des­ $72,000,000,000. In The D aughters of the Ni’.e will reaching 81136— 1921, 30 days from date T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ cribed, and any p a rt thereof; a t 1921 it was $55,000,000,000. In hold a ceremonial in Medford Jan. 16, 1925. L. C. Jaquette, Pro­ fer— Good team and motor my office a t the Post Office in Saturday, Jan u ary 21 and a large 1922 it am ounted to $60,000,000,- prietor Hornbrook Garage. 115-lm ’ trucks. G )od service at a rea- Ashland, Oregon: such sale or num ber of Ashland members are 000, and in 1923 it reached $71,- sales, to be subject to confirm a­ 000,000,000. souab.'e price. Phone 83. FOR SALE: — Good cook tion by the County Court, of planning to be present. The cere­ We repair stoves also. stove. monial will be held at two o’clock Jackson County, Oregon. FEHIGE-ROACH Eagle Brass & Iron W orks, 14Û and followed by a banquet at 6:30. FRED DA1Y WAGNER, T ransfer — Express — Storage 108— 1 mo.* z ♦ Z* * Oberlin St. G uardian. H auling — Dray work of all Wednesday Club Tomorrow— TAKE ADVANTAGE 124— 5 Tues. kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry miscellaneous The W ednesday club will meet wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R of the rainy weather by letting a t the Presbyterian chuTch at NIGHT COUGH QUICKLY CARPENTER WANTS W’ORK 375 B. St. 112-tf us refinish the interior of your 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. All RELIEVED by day or job. W ork guaranteed. are asked to be present and bring house. This is the substance of a letter Phone 122. 123— 3t* WOOD RAWING th eir needle, thread and thimble. received from H. W. Webb, W ANTED TO R EN T:— 4 or 5- WANTED— Wo£d sawing. Tel Quincy, 111., “ I coughed a great Mesdames J. L. H arner and Ellis room furnished house with g ar­ 470-J. 63— Imo* deal, especially a t night. Tried will be hostesses for the a fte r­ age. IVrite Box C, care of Tidings. alm ost everything and have found noon. A general invitation is ex­ THE FLORAL DRESSMAKING nothing to equal FOLEY’S HON­ tended to all. FULLER PAINTS, VAR­ • ♦ * SHOP NISHES and BRUSHES EY AND TAR COMPOUND. One Over Ashland Tidings Dinner Party— See— dose relieved my cough, and I 104-1 mo.* Mrs. E. M. Wilson of Medford BEAVER REALTY CO. rested well all night.” One of the ....... ** was hostess at? a delightful two largest selling cough medicines MEDFORD for Bargains in Keal-Ks- A COUGH RHMEDY in the World. Contains no opiatee. o'clock dinner a t her home on VETINARY HOSPITAL tate. We also handle In ­ WITHOUT OPIATES Safe for children. in sist upon North Central Avenue Sunday. A DR. E. C. McCULLOCH surance and Loans. 82-tf Fo'ey’s. Refuse substitutes. Sold delicious three-course dinner was • G raduate V eterinarian Many cough preparations con­ served on an artistically a rra n g ­ everywhere. Office Consultations Free tain one or more harm ful drugs ed table. C H E E R F U L WORDS Cor. Grape aud F ifth — Medford. Following the dinner the guests p h ich a re added to take the place Phone 369— Day or Night attended, the B. Y. P. U. rally of opiates. None of these narco­ For Many an Ashland Household j wni be in Ashland at the East held at the B aptist church in Med­ tic substitutes have ever been To have the pains and aches of , Side Pharm acy every W ednesday ford during the afternoon and used in FOLEY’S HONEY AND a bad back removed— to be en-j 12:30 to 5:30 TAR COMPOUND. The name of evening. tirely free from annoying, danger-1 — — —— — every Ingredient Is plainly p rin t­ Dinner guests were Mrs. A. L. ous urinary disorders, is enough I : Harvey, Miss Morea Gilmore, Miss ed on every carton. You know to make any kidney sufferer grate- i Drink Lots of W ater All Birdena Elder and Miss Opal H ar­ w hat you are taking when you ful. The following advice of one take Foley’s. It clings to the ! vey of Ashland. Day Long to Keep * * * throat. Good for old and young. who has suffered will prove help­ Kidneys Flushed You have a cough, why not try ful to hundreds of Ashland read- j Dane? W’ednesday— The F ratern al Brotherhood will it. Refusé substitutes. era. . i Too much rich food forms acids hold th eir regular lodge meeting Mrs. Jennie Hammond, 649 E. Ease you tight, aching chest. which excite and overwork tho Main St., Ashland, says: "My Stop the pain. Break up the con­ kidneys in their efforts tQ filter it and dance a t the Moose Hall kidneys troubled me for some time gestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up from the system. Flush the kid­ Wednesday, Jan u ary 28. The date and I had such severe backaches in ju st a short time. neys occasionally to relieve them was changed from Thursday night "R ed Pepper Rub” is th cold like you relieve the bowels, re to W ednesday on account of some It was hard for me to keep going. I was hardly ever free from diz­ remedy th at brings quickest re ­ removing acids, waste and poison, ziness and headaches and the ac­ lief. It cannot h u rt you and it else you may feel a dull'm isery in tion of my kidneys was irregular. certainly seems to end the tig h t­ the kidney region, sharp pains in Excepting only in rare in­ Doan’s Pills helped me more than ness and drive the congestion and the back or sick headache, dizzi­ soreness rig h t out. ness, the stomach sours, tongue T t e a in ten t any other remedy I ever tried and N othing has such concentrated, is coated, and when the w eather toth locnl and internal, and has bee stances, and with certain it was not long before I was free penetrating heat as red peppers, is bad you have rheum atic iicressful tn the treatment of CatarrE from the backaches and other fabrics, we can give two- Rnd when heat penetrates rig h t twinges. The urine is cloudy, full or ov 4 0 year.-. 3okl by all druggist- signs of kidney complaint-” down into colds, congestion, ach­ of sedim ent, the channels often r. J. CHENEY , CO.. T oledo. Ohi. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t ing muscles and sore, stiff joints day service on all classes get irritated , obliging one to get sim ply ask for a kidney remedy relief comes at once. up two or three tim es during the of washing. Our methods — get Doan’s Pills— the same th at The moment you apply Red night, Mrs. Hammond had. Foster-M il­ Pepper Rub you feel the tingling To help neutralize these irrita ­ and sjieed have displaced burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. heat. In three m inutes the con­ ting acids and flush off the body’s No. 41 gested spot is warmed through urinous waste, begin drinking the old Monday session and through. W hen you are suf? water. Also get about four ounces over steaming tubs in fering from a cold, rheum atism , of Jad Salts from any pharmacy, backache, stiff neck or sore mus­ take a tablespoonful in a glass scores of households. Tt is cles, just get a ja r of Rowle» Red i of w ater before breakfast for a Leaves a bad congh. So does “flu” „ „„ . i and la grippe. B ut these lingering Pcpper Rub- made from red pep- j few days and your kidneys may genuine economy to have coughs yield easily to' the healing pers, a t any drug store. You will then act fine and bladder disor- and curative qualities of have the quickest relief known, ders disappear cured without surgery us assist you in your C H A M B E R L A IN ’S ---------- ----- •--------- This famous salts is made from 2^ £Y METHOD of treating Piles, j reccginzed as so successful, is non* SAFE FOR CHILDREN the acid of grapes and lemon juice. COUGH REM EDY surgical. No inconveniences, embarrass­ housework. Phone 165 to- Mothers everywhere demand a combined with llthia, and has Every user is a frie n d ments or confinement dun ng treatments. j reliab.e cough remedy free from been used for years to help clean One may come and go about his duties : dav and try our srevice. injurious narcotics. Supplying th is' and stim ulate sluggish kidneys as usual. Relief 1 b apparent from th e . very first, and I positively GUAR AN* For a sm ooth shave demand for fifty years made FO­ and stop bladder irritatio n . Jad Î I TEE to cure any case of Piles or refund Bundles received up until LEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM­ Salts is inexpensive and makes a the patient’s fee. and qu*ck service go 9:30 Friday Morning POUND one of the Largest Sell­ delightful effervescent lithia - If you will write to me I to the Shell Barber ing Cough Medicines in ‘ the w ater drink which millions of men returned Saturday will send you my FREE Shop. Ladies and W orld. Children like it. “ My and women take now and then to i book on Piles and other; children get your hair little boy had a very bad ¿ough, Rectal and Colon disor­ help prevent serious kidney and j ders. bobbed and marcel and after he used FOLEY’S : bladder disorders. led. HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND | By all means, drink lots of good w ater every day. Have your Í. A. SH ELL. Prop. 532 A. St. A i U pp A. Or« ' Belle- PenroJ'. Refuse physician examine your kidneys a t ; substitutes. Sold everywhere. I least twice a year. Classified Column PROFESSIONAL J. O. RIGG TAKE SALTS FOR k E RED PEPPER HEAT ÌT TWO-DAY Hall's C atarrh M e d id c e "“ ' Laundry Service Relic of Gen. Jackson , Gravity Gives W hitehall I Sand of Mojave Desert Given to Tennessee Abundance of W ater Threatens to End Tow; NASHVILLE, Jan. 26. — One 27. — of the latest relics received by th e ! WHITEHALL. Jan. State D epartm ent -of Archives, t o , W hitehall’s new gravity water ; KELSO, Cal., Jan. 27.— Unless go into the new State Museum in supply system was put in opera­ ' effective means are found to con- the W ar Memorial Building, is an tion leceutly and furnishes the i trol tlie shifting sands of the Mr • old-fashioned wooden lock from j*ty with an unlimited supply of jave Desert, the town will be one of the doors of the lirst house : w ater from the Adirondacks. One buried under fifty fetff of sand occupied by Andrew Jackson when of the novel features of the con­ within five years, it is estim ated. struction is that the pipe line he came to Tennessee. A huge dune, half a mil« running from the original dam in square, has been moving toward The house, known as the Dis- muke place a t Hadley’s Bend, is the m ountains to the reservoir in Kelso for three years and th re a t­ be’.ng razed to make way for the this city crosses South Bay, of ens to engulf the entire town. erection of the Du Pont silk fibre i Lake George, on the lake bottom. Laying the pipe on the lake bed plant. was not so difficult as it sounds. The pipes were laid from a IMPROVED SCHEI ETER ELEC­ Wields Wicked Needle scow onto a wooden crib, and TRIC FLOOR SURFACING at Ripe Agé of Ninety when the full length was finished, MACHINE (All kinds of floor finishing) it was simply dropped overboard. LEWISTOWN, Pa., Jan. 27. __ C. V. CARY Amos Bowen, ninety, celebrated Co-Eds’ Barber Shop' 107 2nd St. Phone 313-R his birthday in company with his Has Sign “ No Smoking” wife after sixty-one years of happy m arried life. YPSILANTI, Mich., Jan. 27.__ Mr. Bowen was born at Allen “This is a barber shop— No sm ok-' Bank, Bedford County, December ing, please,” reads a new sign 25, 1834, and worked on tlie farm as a boy. In 185G he learned the erected over a barber shop here. Twenty-five hundred co-eds who tailoring trade and worked at it attend Michigan State Normal j practically all of his life until he School here in a town of a few retired to live with the children thousand and 2,499 who have eight years ago. He still wields bobbed hair caused the notice. a wicked needle. CUT THIS OUT — IT IS WORTH MONEY ORDER YOUR MEAT from Eagle Market and always be assured of the best quality meats and the quickest and most courteous service. Send this ad and ten cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Shegield Ave., ( hicago, 111., w riting your name and address clearly. You will re­ ceive a sample bottle of F O L E f’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND i for coughs, colds and hoarseness, ! also sample packages of FOLEY j PILLS, a diuretic stim ulant f-or the kidney’s and FOLEY CAT­ HARTIC TABLETS for constipa­ tion and billiousness. These de­ pendable remedies are free from opiates and have helped millions. Try them! Sold everywhere. Rhone us 1923 Chev. Coupe . .$450 We have a new shipment of household electric fixtures which include many different des'gus and colorings. A small investment in fixtures adds beauty to your home. We will be glad to show these to you. The Ashland Electric Shop 240 East. Main St Our Aim To establish oicrselves in the esteem of those requiring our services during their hour of bereavement. Barges 1923 Chev. Sedan ..$625 Fixtures which add Charm to a home To. perform our sensitive tasks in such a way as to mitigate to any possible de­ gree the burden of sorrou\ 1918 Chev. Touring $ 50 1920 Ford Coupe . .$250 Automotive Shop All Bnlioon-equipi>e