b\OI6 W o LATO D À l t f fctDINGS atme A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Monday, Janpary 26, 1025 dous responsibility and that, instead of airing their own (Established in 1876) views. or following their own hobbies, they must conduct — j their bank along well recognized business lines which safe­ Published Every E ven in g E xcept Sunday by guard their investments and deposits. THÉ ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Nothing will so quickly destroy radical ideas in the f - r t R. Greer ....... ..............................................................................Editor George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager .abor world as the starting of labor banks and the assum- ,bu.8 i n e a ! ta b « leaders. They soon i SPICIAL CITY p a p e r ...\........................................ Telephone 3» - - — - — ...................................................................... ....................................... i C I C p U U U C p. , i ;uered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Class Mail M atter U n d —_________ ___ ________________________________________ ____________ > that a 111 1 labor n ' t ~ I , , hailk IS not .much different from ... ... grees east along the n o rth er­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS | class music hall entertainm ent is There’s a message ly sideline of said lot one, 264 In The £ ? U R T ° Fl doomed In London because of a ¡Tidings Want Ads. feet, more or less, to the w est­ erly ?5 Granite Street,*: J ack I on ^ O U N T ^ 510^ F ° R j dearth <* talent and the fact th at thence -e north 21 deg. east along JACKSON COLNTT. I laid westerly line of Gran- In the M atter of the Estate of FCa y first*rate entertainers are) the said ite Street, 16 feet, more or GEORGE N. ANDERSON, De- able to command much higher sal­ ^ess, to the place of beginning, aries in the United States than be quieted in the Plaintiff, Irving ceased. Now is the tim e to buy spray NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN music hall managers are able to F. Finley, and th at you and each pum ps, plow s and harrows, of w ill you, h > eirs; the 12th of January ’ 7 u u a u u n n U C I I 3 , th a t IU C A a I I I U day U y O1 + Il 7 A V « and rt V * si the n m unknown — if X I 1925 b U on U the pay them here. a I npfpm of either and any of the above' underpinned waa — d rills and all k inds o f farm hnlfl t,p hirrnd nf o„„ I “ ” ’ uuuersignea was, by “ capitalist” bank. Both banks are responsible to the law o', K E f t "JJ » ‘id MwnU\u............................ ...................................... ? 1.JT5 -65¡and the penitentiary waits for the man who unlawfully v real property and for such other ? ufCH Mont ns ................ .......................... ........ ...... .......................... . • relief as the Court may deem t t Months ............................................................................................ ( 3.75'jeopardizes the interest of depositors in either institution. proper. summons Is served upon c “'i Year......... ............................................. ..... ......... Captal and . Labor are synonomous terms—one can- the This B y Mail and R ural R ou tes i . . . .n .. ,, non-resident Defendants, un­ i.* e M o n th ........................................................................................... 5 .6 5 1 not exist without the’other. known heirs and unknown claim­ •J hree Months ...................................................................................... ants, to said real property by pub­ Six Months ........................................................................................... 3.50 lication, by order of the Hon. C. b a a Year ......... ............... ....................................... WOULD INCREASE AUTO ACCIDENTS 6.50 M. Thomas, Judge of said Court, dated 15th, iy24, and At coming sessions of legislatures attempts will he by said December D ISPLA Y ADVERTISING RA TES order, such non-resident fcu.gle insertion, pe_- inch ............................................................ 3 .30 made to pass laws , making automobile accident insurance Defendants, unknown heirs and Yearly C ontracts l 1 , ants are required to appear O n ® in se rtio n a week .......................................... _ ................................ 27%'compulsory on automobile owners I11 addition to this, claim in said cause w ithin six weeks 1 * 0 insertions a week ................................................................... .25 laws will undoubtedly he proposed to establish monopolis­ from the date of the first publi­ Daily insertion ....................... .................................................................. YO of this summons, which is R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising tic state automobile insurance or state automobile funds cation the 22nd day of December 1924, f ir s t insertion, per 8 point line ................................. ............... 3 .10 time for answ er expires on with commissions to collect and expend the same, similar and Kavh subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ........... .05 the 3rd day of February 1925. 1 srd. o f T hanks ........................................................................................ 1.00 jto present state workingmen’s compensation commissions. BRIGGS & BRIGGS Ghituarles, per line ....................................................................... .02% By E. D. BRIGGS, All this agitation for new .legislation and further ex­ Attorneys for Plaintiff. W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING Address: “All fu tu re events, w here an admission charge Is made or 3 tension of state activity into the field of private business PostofTice Pioneer Block, collection taken is Advertising. will be carried on under the guise of accident prevention Ashland. Oregon. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. work. The Sheriff is directed to serve but one copy of the com plaint in DONATIONS Here is one point to consider,: At present, private this cause, and to serve such copy No donations to charities or otherwise will be made In advertis­ automobile companies exert a restraining influence upon upon Virgil H. Chapmse ing or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash.- E. D. BRIGGS. reckless automobile drivers due to the fact that they re- One of P lain tiff’s Attorneys. ‘ A MAN THAT HATH FRIENDS m ust shew liimself frienid'ly; i o p rv p tin» rio-bt tn vot’iion wonvonnn ~ . 1 1 v . 6— Mon, re fe a friend th at stirketh closer than a b ro th e r.-P ro v e n ta I ' T , , " ‘ ‘ insurance to a m tln known to be and there ¡a had risk. 18:24 TO CREDITORS Under state insurance, there would be no incentive IN NOTICE THE COUNTY COURT o k W HY NOT THE PEOPLE? on the part of state employes to turn down a poor risk. THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR If the legislature is so certain that the people do not A compulsory state insurance law or a monopolistic state JACKSON COUNTY. want the child labor amendment, why not submit it di­ hind act would require that all carry insurance. The care­ In the M atter of the E state, of rectly to the people? That is in the spirit of American in­ ful driver would be forced to pay rates sufficiently high Andreas W eidner, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the stitutions and it is the practice in Oregon. The plain fact to cover the reckless driver or else the deficit caused by undersigned to all persons having is the opponents of the measure are afraid to submit it to reckless drivers would have to be made up out of general claims against said E state to pre­ sent them with proper vouchers, the people. They know it will be carried by practically taxes assessed against all the people. wlthiu six m onths from of an overwhelming vote. It is regrettable that the prohibi­ Any way it can be figured, wholesale automobile in­ first publication hereof, to the tion amendment was not submitted to the voters of the surance would open a wide field for fraud and the en­ undersigned, at the Talent State icspective states. The result woiild have been the same, couragement of carelessness. The present check of per­ Babk, in Talent, Jackson County, and opponents of prohibition would now he debarred from sonal liability and responsibility would be largely re­ O regon, of first publication be­ setting up charges that the majority of the American peo­ moved and the unprincipled driver would simply say, ing Date Jan u ary 5, 1925. ple are opposed to prohibition, which was foisted upon “ Let the insurance company or the state pay the bill. E. B. Adamson, A dm inistrator. L. A. ROBERTS, them by legislatures, yielding to organized political What do I care.” pressure. Automobile accidents will not be* prevented by mak­ A ttorney for said Estate. 105-5t Mon. Moveover, the child labor amendment presents an ing it easier for drivers to escape responsibility for. their issue that comes straight to the threshpld of the Amer­ own carelessness. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ican home. The people are particularly qualified to pass THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR upon that issue. The fathers and mothers of the land The frst essential in making a jingo is to let him get JACKSON COUNTY. fhould say whether control of the youth of the natiop above the draft age. In the M atter of the Estate of should be taken from the 48 states and yielded to the fed­ F. Sowash, Deceased. eral congress. The fathers and mothers of this land are Forbidden sweets are sweeter, but the theory doesn’t Notice is hereby given by the undersigned to all persons hav­ Letter capable of deciding whether they shall give con- hold in the case of hooch. ing claims against said E state to cress authority to regulate, limit and prohibit youthful present them with proper vouch­ industry *up to the age of 18, or let it remain with the state. V ater is a nuisance to oil well drillers, but it seems ers, w ithin six months from date of the first publication hereof, In theory—and it is sound theory—the people de­ to help the promoters greatly. to the undersigned, at the Talent termine the character of this government and the com­ State Bank, in Talent, Jackson position of their constitution. The legislature now in ses­ SU M M ONS by publication, then within SIX County, Oregon. TO QUIET W EEKS from the date or the sion could make no mistake in squaring the action with SU IT IN EQUITY Date of first publication, Ja n u ­ TITLE first publication of this summons, ary 5, 1925. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF that fundamental principle of American government. If you fail to -answer in said E. B. Adamson, A dm inistrator. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR California adopted the amendment as a good business JACKSON cause w ithin the time as above COUNTY. specified, the Plaintiff will apply L. A. ROBERTS, Irving F. Finley, proposition, and so it would be for Oregon. Oregon has A ttorney for said E state. to the Court for the relief de­ Plaintiff. manded in said complaint, to-wit: superior child labor laws now, and it is important to the 105-5t Mon. vs. That the title to a parcel of land and H. V. Mitchell, her hus­ situated in th® City of Ashland, business interests of the state that the competition of the band, Homer R. Chapman, an Jackson County, State of Oregon, low standard states he destroyed hv means of a federal Edith M. Chapman, an un­ being all th a t p a rt of Lot 3, Block law which will bring the backward in line with better m arried woman, Elsie Low and 4, of the present plat of the City We Knew That O. D. Lowe, her husband, Vir­ of Ashland, lying south of High regulations. gil H. Chapman and Blanche Subscription P rice, D elivered in City A PITY Secretary Hoover points out that the government is now upon a wasteful economic basis; that we are export­ ing foods that should he consumed at home and importing loods to lessen home production. This is an economic waste that is had for every citizen in America. The farm­ ers of course are directly hit because they are the pro­ ducers. We are importing, for illustration, enormous and increasing quantities of vegetable oils from distant islands of the Pacific and from China and other countries. These oils are admittedly an inferior substitute for dairy pro­ ducts. If it were not for the severe competition of these inferior substitutes the American dairy industry could quickly and beneficially be increased. The dairy industry, suffer^ from double foreign com­ petition—from these imported vegetable oils on the west coast of the United States and from imports of foreign butter and cheese from all parts of the world and into all Ihe large ports of this country. We are importing great quantities of tropical fruits, like bananas. The agriculture of the nation would be bet­ ter off if the money drained away for these products were spent for home-grown products. Street and more particularly des­ Chapman, his wife, Thomas D. cribed as follows, to-wit: Chapman and Zella H. Chap­ Beginning at the Intersection man, his wife, Cora A. Mitchell of the south line of High Street unm arried man, A. B. Chap­ with the westerly sideline of man and Clara E. Chapman, G ranite Street in the City of was a superior gasoline, his wife; H yptia K. McKend­ Ashland, Jackson County, Ore­ and the results users have ree, an unm arried woman, gon; Thence extending n o rth ­ Blaine Klum and Florence w esterly along the southerly procured have proved Klum, his wife; Otto Klum sideline of High Street 206 that it gives more power. and Mildred Klum, his feet, more or less, to the east­ wife; Charles W. Klum, and erly sideline of alley; Thence Fill up with General Jane Klum, his wife; Olive B. southw esterly along the east­ Parson and J. S. Parson, her erly sideline of said alley 105 Gasoline at the husband, Ella Calhoun and feet, more or less, to an in­ George S. Calhoun, her Hus­ tersection with th e northerly band, Fred M. Drake and sideline of Lot num ber 1, of Blanche Drake, his wife, Sarah Block num ber 39, per th e ’ re­ May Norris and John C. Nor­ corded plat thereof adopted by ris, her husband; The Trustees, the Common Council of said if any, of the Church of Christ, City of Ashland, November 5, BOULEVARD and SHERM AN successors in office of Isaac 1888; Thence south 68 de- Millqr, Weisley Mitchell and H. B, Valpy; Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, es­ tate, lien or other interests in Oranges, per dozen .......................................................................... the real estate described in the com plaint; and the u n ­ Oranges, med. size, pei dozen ..................................................... 20c known heirs of any of the above named Defendants, GootL Potatoes, per 100 lbs.................................................... $ 2 .50 Defendants. To: Each and all of the above Crown and W hite Loaf Flour, every sack guaranteed, named Defendants. per sack ............................................. .............................. $ 2 .7 5 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Baker Girl, A good Blended Flour, per 49-lb. sack ....... $ 2 .5 0 OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby summoned and Columbia H ard W heat In 98 lb. sacWs, per sack ............ $ 4 .5 0 required to appear and answer the complaint in said cause, a copy Mill Run, best quality, 80 lb. sack ................................... $ 2 .0 0 of which com plaint is on file with the Clerk of said Court, a t Jack ­ Crown Scratch Feed, 100 lb. sack ....................................... $ 3 .0 0 sonville, Oregon, w ithin ten days from the date of the service of Crown Egg Mash, 100 lb. sacks ........................................... $ 3 .5 0 this summons upon you, if served within Jackson County, State o-* Oregon, but if served within any other county of the State of Ore­ gon, then w ithin twenty days H. A. Stearns Gl N. Main from the date of the service of i this summons upon you. If served LEVYING TAXES The idea of levying taxes on vices rather than virtues originated with Napoleon Bonaparte. He discovered that people did not object to those being taxed. On this theory we are levying a lot ot taxes variously called amusements, •r nd they were taxed for a time as petty vices. It wasn’t iair, of course, and the taxes have practically all been lift­ ed, but there are little petty vices which can he taxed £6 profitably and these should be taxed because people com­ plain about them less than any other kind, and people do not have to use them. LABOR BANK GOOD Since the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers es­ tablished the first labor bank in Cleveland, 29 additional labor hanks have been formed, seven are in process of for­ mation and preliminary organization steps have been tak­ en for 60 more, according to Frederick J. Haskin, in the Hl Paso Herald. When labor hanks were first organized, it was pre­ dicted that their resources would be pooled and the banks would fight Capital as represented by the employers of labor. Persons said the labor banks1 would he 'used to fi­ nance strikes and other industrial controversies. As a matter of fact, nothing of the kind has happened. When a labor bank is opened, it makes itself liable to its depositors to safeguard their money and return it to Them when they ask for it. This being the case, its offi­ cers and directors find that they have assumed a tremen- GENERAL GASOLINE W. & N. Service Station PLAZA MARKET You’ll say when you try New Style H‘0 H*0| Energy «building corbohydrates, tissue-building pro­ teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And-New Style H-O takes only 2 to 3 short m inutes to cook —the quickest cooking cereal—quick a s a fla sh ! j/O O S -g Und« I Regular H-O Osta ì New Style H-° (Quick) of the State of Oregon for Jack- son County, in which is pending a petition for the appointm ent of R adm inistratrix of the estate of GEORGE N. ANDERSON, deceas­ ed, duly appointed and thereafter qualified and ever since has been and now is the duly appointed, qualified and acting adm inistra­ trix of the estate of said GEORGE N. ANDSE^SON, deceased. * All those having claims against the said estate present the same to the undersigned a t 1068 North Main Street, Ashland, Oregon, as required by law. Dated, January 17, 1925. DORA E. WIGHT, A dm inistratrix of the Es­ tate of George N. Ander­ son, Deceased. 117- 5-M D R O N C H ITIS High Pav in U. S. Hits London Music Halls LONDON, Jan. 26. — High- B At bedtlme rub »he throat and chest thoroughly with-— vlçks O v r I T M illion Jar, im plem ents. F en cin g in every le. H arness, collars, snaps, and pads. New and used Sew ­ in g M achines. A u to Robes, etc. PELL’S CORNER Y .a rly m Discussion npH ERE are times when we want * to discuss. We don’t want to he handed merely cold facts. We want to look at things from all sides. Talk over your finances with the officers of this bank and get warm and friendly advice. Chimney Sweep Use Chimney Sweep and you will not have to contend with flying soot, while smoke wlil depart from the chimney as the soot is consumed by chem­ ical action. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon 25c per Package Last W eek of Simpson’s Hardware DIX BROTHERS Winchester Store Tire and Accessories The Flower Gift lias no season. Flowers have seasons; but the joy and welcome which a FLOWER GIFT brings is the same at all seasons of the year. , There is always a flow­ er or potted plant which is appropriate to the season. Phone 118 we will suggest the kind which will form an appro­ priate gift. HATCHER “ The Florist” 1 0 7 0 Boulevard Open on Sunday— We Deliver “Say It W ith SALE! We are moving to Klamath Falls to locate, but will have many unusual bargains in tires and accessories at our Ashland store until January 31st. DIX BROS. F low ers’’ Is your wife wiser than you? It you read only the stock and sporting pages and your wife is like other women, she is wiser than you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won’t have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does? Comfortably at home in a cushiony arm-chair, she scans advertis­ ing columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. IE only oats that cook in to granular oatmeal! Nothing else like it. Meaty granules stim ulate digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful flavor. More than a new ¡oatmeal—a n e w cereal. tw„ the'Count, court She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows advertised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements—and to prepare you ail appetizing dinner. more T con,lder2tl'>" Buying advertised products is a bond investment—not a stock speculation u