ÁgirUyft öA iit TtíOfíg In Ashland**— Mrs. Volney H ühtley of Myrtle . Point is in Ashland visiting with friends. MEN A O WOMEN IN NEWS OP THE DAY. Cliff Payne makes shelving. Visited Yesterday__ Mr?. Loughridge of G rants Pass In A shland__ was in Ashland yesterday v is it-1 Jam es B arrett of Talent was a ing at the home of Mrs. John B. : business visitor in Ashland today. H air of Liberty Btreet. Save 110.00, walk upstairs to Ur res tailor shop. 17__I Paulserud’s Suits Cost Less. * 118-tf ( onfined to Home— -Moving— Mrs. Louise Bold of the Plaza John Finneran of Pioneer Ave­ has been confined to her home for nue will move Monday to the new i the past week with illness. J. W. Adams house on Grant St. I Kodak finishing. Studio Ash-! We put the chicken in our % land. On the Plaza. tamales. The Plaza. 82— tf T oday “SIN N ERS IN H EA V EN " Miss Grace Luman has re tu rn ­ Passing Through— Sc- ed home from Roseburg where , 5 ° Br,” n ! attle Passed through Ashland to­ »tie visited with friends and rela day on th eir way to southern tives for about a week. California. “COLUMBIA P LA S T E R Southern Oregon Clinic wishes BOARD is the ideal Wall Board.” to announce th a t from now on Carson-Fowler Lum ber Co. Miss Alice Ruger will be in their 120-2 wk. office from 10-12 and 1:30-4:30 daily as general office assistant. Returned H om e__ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hardy re­ F irst National Bank Bldg. 119-4t In Klam ath Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lusk of t-iis city spent yesterday in Llam ath Falls attending to busi­ ness interests in th at city. ‘T ■’ric?0' <“•“»« »“«««« m ■ •! norm al school system. tise all th eir wiles to induce t h e , W ashington and ' ela,In9 of Southern Ore#on before C alifornia be- i> girls to join th eir households, 1 nally unsuccessfn.lv ' U8- | cause of th i* greater efficiency'? n1ven5itles need e x p e n s e . the legislature and not allow the T_ R . . ■' y: and the larger num ber of train-! e<,Ulplnerii’ large libraries, well t®ache’’ training situation to go I la B u g a ria , a t le a« , servant !ed teachers available tor ' th e^eqUipped laboratories. etc., but in uncar«d for at this session. ; El Is are scarce. The t e . still | pob„ c school8. Some people a state norm al school these a r e 'Southern ° re« OD has nothing but willing to perform mental w«ork think th at norm al school work not so necessary. On the otfier 8ood wil1 for the Eastern Oregon ' are insisting upon treatm ent and should be centralized the same hand it is very essential and a l- * people’ who a,8° want a norm al • wages which the pre-war servants »3 with the University and Agri­ most im perative that adequate 8ch° o1 for their part of the state, would not have dared to suggest. cultural College, but this has not training school facilities should “ Your day is gone, m am ,” one proven true in other states. Ore­ be.available to a normal school; rirl told a prospective mistress. gon, with its great territory, is a several normal school system "You high-toned folk have abused a state which demands the sever- has much more opportunity to and tram pled upon us long give practice teaching than the enough.” one school located at Monmouth, Go your way, you bourgeois TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY because of the larger practice m am ,” declared another. “I teaching opportunities w ouldn’t come to work for you Southern Oregon has taken the FOR SALE OR TRADE:—>280 if vou were the K ing’s daughter.” lead in this m atter not with any acres in Sams Valley, 14 miles The insolent attitu d e is attribu idea of shutting out Eastern Ore­ ted to the Bolshevist experiment from Central Point, good house, gon but simply because this sec­ in Russia, by which the working barn and out buildings. About 150 tion felt compelled to press the girl believes she has gajned the acres in cultivation. T. C. Newby 122-3 asiendency over the bourgeois 63 N. Main. class. LOOK: — A nother real good m i g li t y; thrilling Throngs of girls seeking house buy in Automobiles, one Chev. work form erly flocked the squares Touring in first class shape, one South Sea romanee. in Sofia. They were to be had Ford Coupe as good as new. Apply for the asking and the mistress at Lithia Cafe, 1st St. 122-1» had only to make her choice. The Sofia Servant Ploshtad Is for rext _ T wo good rooms usually deserted now. One lone for particulars, inquire 172 Mt. girl seen lurking in a corner is Ave~__ 122-3» quickly surrounded by eager and 1923 Chev. Sedan . .$62 am iable housewives, who resort ’ FOR SALE. —^Twa-acre~ranch to all sorts of argum ents and on the Applegate highway 1-8 1923 Chev. Coupe .. $45< tricks to persuade the girl to go mile from Applegate P. O. Seven- 1918 Chev. Touring $ 5( home with them. s room house, concrete basement, fine garden land, good w ater sys­ Salary is never mentioned. The 1920 Ford Conjie . .$250 girl sets her own price and she tem, barn, chicken house, garage. goes with the m istress who is Call or address A. L. Wimer, Ap­ 122- 2 wk.» m ost amiable and who can tell the plegate, Oregon. best story of the infinitesim al FOR SALE: — 925 shares in am ount of w ork .to be done. Gerber Terminal Town Site Com­ pany. Pays 2 per cent. T. C. New­ OREGON STATE SHOULD by, 63 N. Main. i 22-3 »** THeATOuSSfrx ai R eturns Home— turned home last night from Rich­ H ere Today— mond. California, and other south­ Mrs. W. W. Vannote and Miss ern California cities. They have Dorothy Vannote of Gridley, Cali­ been gone for about a month. fornia were visitors in the city this morning. Free Pants at Paulserud’s. 118-tf At Hotel — Sturila,, January 24, ¿ fófc? Bargains T om orrow and M onday «W.W; Among those registered at the Hotel Ashland from out of the New Year s state are H. G. Bolton, St. Louis, r < V in New York City in 1923. M i s w F her Denver home to prosecute Stokea will Ko to Chteoeo Mo.; H. Milton Seaver, P arish­ h arid. w. E. D. Stokes New Y orï S PT eha,'Bes «gainst her ville, Md.; A. J. Eshleman, Brook­ fc sought testimony there to rtamaee Wp° ,s c,lar^*l will lyn, New 'York. c- ! • uivurve divorce suit ®r repntaLlorl suit. Charles A ---------- his hi unsue on trial trial in In New New York f i r k on ° owner Wner ° of f the C .« s. s. on the New Yorb h - “ck „.v dears, logt lost hlg his ef effort to have ïhe S F FederaM eder'aM om ^6 t mal’S ^ 118 to tO defraud Visiting Here— the Judge Ind __ not a. fhe «n°Urt ”et aside * «ew r< winch permits th« raJ Gou,t Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stevens of «ectlve Jurors. Mary Garden famni.o , a tto rn ey s, to question k”n l a t% Chicag0 and been co m p elleT S cartel“ sudden^ Couer d’ Alene, Idaho, were in IK all her engage- I-ast Summer she caused much Ashland last night registered at comment by taking sun ba¿ ,s on U u H rA«. ____ for her heal’ h 1, in » a Europe. the Hotel Ashland. They visited friends here. ' have A utom otive Shop TWO MORE NOMALS W)R SALE: — Red Cedar Posts, 10c and up, f. o. b. Siskiyou Many A ttend Meetings__ reasonable delivery and other towns at some distance •Oregon, A large num ber of people are from Monmouth in order to par­ M ountain Fuel Co., or Reaver • ’tending the meetings at the 122-6» tially supply stu d en ts for prac­ R ealty Co. Methodist Church held by the tice teaching. The school at FOR SALE OR TRADE — 26 evangelists. Misses Caff ray and Monmouth will continue to grow ¡acres 1 mile South Medford mod- Christenson. Sunday night will tast enough w ithout holding back ern House, good barn and out- be the last night these evangelists J ° ng,e r_ esta^lishm ent of J buildings, about all in alfalfa will be here. On Business— he need no longer drive a car additional schools. The two ad T. C. Newby, 63 N. Main. 122-3 which puts him w ithin a few ditional norm als will provide F. E. H etharington of P o rt­ Text books for school at the FOR sale or TRA D E:— One months in the class of the “shabby many m ore teachers and these land was a business visitor in ^ Rexall Store. lot in Gerber, California, 40x120 Ashland today. teachers wil be available for the genteel. The new finishes are schools of Eastern and Southern ? ' ith foundation complete for a 30- impervious to hot and cold w’ater. Here Last Night— room hotel. T. C. Newby, 63, N Oregon, H ere From D unsm uir— gasoline, oil and grease. A few A num ber of the members of Main. For many years W ashington defiant dem onstrators even pour Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stevens 122-3 the Knights of Pythias were in -of Dunsm uir are in Ashland on a strong acid on the finish « f their has m aintained three state nor­ Ashland last night to attend the combined business and pleasure local lodge meeting. NEW YORK, Jan. 24. — Amer­ cars and ask a less daring com­ mal schools located in different trip. petitor to “ laugh th a t off.” parts of y ie state and the presi­ ica m ust have its luxury and in­ dent of the Bellingham Normal sistently demands its coftifort. Yet Special Auto Accident Policy School, the largest or the three, Return to Ashland— the man who is willing to spend! I. r >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo said several years ago th a t a Miss Ethel Reid and her m oth­ of course. 24-tf er, returned to Ashland recently anywhere from $1,500 to $15,000 | fourth school can b© established for luxury 9«d comfort is at th e ' the bread which pleases in W ashington and would not ma­ from Eugene where the former Reports G iven Out— same time concerned about his; terially affect the attendance of has been attending the University “overhead” expense. The reports for the past se­ hundreds , those already at work. California of Oregon. Miss Reed is to re­ Such was the reaction of a lay mester were given out at the pub­ . has twelve norm al schools locat- lic schools yesterday and sched­ sume her teaching at the Junior man a fte r a visit to the National high school. 1 ed at various places so as to best Automobile Show now on here. ules for the next sem ester outlin­ serve th e young people of that \ ----------- An autom obile “ laym an” is any­ ed. The bookstores of this city From F alls City__ state. TJiis policy of having sev­ SOFIA, Jan. 23. — The B al- body. who has had a minimum of are very busy selling books to the eral norm al schools ha's proven W. J. W est, form er resident 1 three cars. karts, too, have a servant prob students. The new sem ester will of this city, is- in Ashland today begin Monday. While it may sound paradoxical, lem. U '- on his retu rn to Falls City, Ore­ autom obiles are to be cheaper and There are still families in gon where he is now working. more expensive than ever this Southeastern Europe rich enough In A shland — W H. G. Kiley and family of 7est was form erly connected with year. But the most of mainten t0 employ servants, bu t it is al- ance, the “ overhead,” will"be radi-1 niost Impossible to find servants, N orthspar, California, who have the H artm an Syndicate. cally less than in form er y e a rs.! Hnd w^ en f° und the mistresses been spending the past week in H ere Yesterday— Cars won’t use so much gas, there a r^ unabIe to keep them pleased. A-hland visiting left this m orn­ R. L. Burdic and J. M. Isham will be less oil consumption, tires The old situation, when willing ing for G rants Pass where they will stay for a few’ days and then of G rants Pass stopped in Ash­ will last longer and the surfac­ servant girls begged haughty mis­ land yesterday and spent a few ing of cars lias been alm ost re­ tresses to give them employment, return to their home. hours here on business on their volutionized. and the m istresses in tu rn -treated return from a business trip to the girls as slaves, has been re ­ • ndergoes O peration— There is a steady and determ in­ Los Angeles. ed trend toward closed cars. In versed. Now, when the mistresses The small son of Mr.*and Mrs. American homes the “ We are ! are lucky enough to find appli E. M. W allin of this city under R eturns to Tennant__ going to have a closed car next,” went an operation for the removal Mrs. A. H. Stroud, neq Virginia has become alm ost a household of his tonsils a t a hospital in Med­ CARD OF THANKS Jones, returned last evening to word, in many homes the final and ford yesterday morning. Wre wish to express our heart­ len n an t after visiting for several last word. So the women are felt appreciation to all those kind days with her mother, Mrs. C. R. going to have th eir way again, School books and Supplies. friends and the organizations who D. Jones of Mountain avenue. McNair Bros. with the aid of the auto manufac- ç2PJ C entral Point W in s __ our M eeting Monday— to a point where it is, in several darling little M argaret, also for Central Point defeated Grants instances, as cheap to buy a clos­ There will be a m eeting of the the many beautiful flowers. Passi by a score of 27-10 in the ed car as a “ hurricane box.” Jackson County Game Associa­ MR. and MRS. J. Ar PUTMAN basketball game a t Central Point Never before has there been ! AND FAMILY tion Monday night at seven-thirty _______ a t the Library building in Med- last night according to Clyde G. such regal elegance in the con- j ■ ord to discuss business relative \o u n g of th is city who refereed. struCtion and fitting of closed ! CARD O F THANKS to the Rogue River. All sports­ The G rants Pass girls defeated cars. Those on display are a dis­ the Central Point girls 16-13. tinct departure from the signifi­ I wish to express my sincere men are urged to attend. ’ cant m ournfulness of a hearse, thanks to my friends Tor their Com lition Same— tor the sombre black has given ; beautiful flowers, and sympathy The I. O. O. F. Benefit Com­ The condition of Louis Schwein way to more brilliant colors. Some extended during the sickness and m ittee will give their second En­ tertainm ent in the month of Ja n u ­ who is confined to the Commun­ cars have the luxurious appear­ death of my beloved husband. ary on Friday the 30th. Prizes ity Hospital in Medford is rep o rt­ ance of French enamelled jewal Peter Murray. cases. MRS. ANNIE «MURRAY will be awarded to the lady and ed to be unchanged. The “ stingy" roadster is becom­ gentleman wearing the most uni­ H ear Speaker— ing passe, if the exhibits are to be que costume. A num ber of Aishland people believed. The new sport models COMMITTEE. 121__3t journeyed to Medford yesterday in their infinite variety hold three There is satisfaction of both afternoon to hear the address on persons and usually have a fbld- on are welcome to compare Comfort and Durability by away or “ rum ble” seat. my Automobile rates with any landscape gardening given IN Professor Peck “ Economy of operation” is the other rates in Jackson or Jose­ big message of the auto show phine Counties; you can be the thia year. The dem onstrator Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. alongside th e most expensive car M A N HELD HERE ON Medford R ehaving N icely__ BAD CHECK CHARGE emphasizes the “cost of upkeep” as though it were a vital point in The people of Medford and vi­ John Doe Edwards, alias H arry the point in the sales argum ent. cinity and also visitors here d u r W hat is of cheering interest to •ng th at time have been behaving Biglin and Mr. Austin, has been rent to jail to aw ait the action the man of modest means is that \e ry nicely, for since a week ago of the grand jury. Edw ards came there has not been an a rrest or criminal complaint of any kind to Ashland December 23, stating in the city.— Medford Mai] Tri that he was a member of a nation­ al lodge. He applied to th e corres­ bune ponding secretary of this city and the secretary, finding th a t he was I mwuc Perm its— really a member of the organiza­ Perm its for the use of snmmer tion, cashed a check fo r $15 for residence lots at the Lake of the him, which was returned from the Woods have recently been issued bank. t by th JVIbdford forest service of­ Edwards then went to Klam­ fice to Lloyd L. Mul’t of San ath Falls where he was arrested, Francisco and C. B. W ard of charged with a crime of a sim ilar Phoenix, according to th e , Med­ nature. He spent twenty-two days ford Mail Tribune. in jail at K lam ath Falls and when released he was held by author-, Ities for Sheriff Jennings. N otice to B u ilding Tradesm en. Jennings brought him to Jack- A meeting will be held In Med­ son county and he was taken to ford, Ore., in the near future nn- the local Justice Court where .he ie r the auspices of the United claimed he was not the man w ant­ iro. Hood of carpenters. W atch ed. He was then taken to Jack ­ his paper for fu rth er notice. J. sonville pending a grand ju ry ses- i Fleener, Ashland, Ore. 122-tf slon. (C ointm uea from page 1.) UPKEEP IS Z ... “Sally A n n ” L ithia B akery All Balloon-equipped cars need Snubbers— Wc have them AFTER THE TROUBLE A fter the fire has destroyed your property; after the acci dent has injured you; after your death— w hat about the insurance? Is it paid prom pt­ ly. or is there a long session of haggling and wrangling W’ith adjusters? Good policies, carefully pre­ pared. elim inate the annoy­ ances of adjustm ent. See that your policies are RIGHT, and that they afford you the pro­ tect’d , you should have. Let us talk insurance with you. B illings Agency Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 a Qlnun ytaamount G lor!ia s carper-crown­ ing triumph. A new-t,vpe romance which stirs the heart, feasts’the eye, and entertains mightily. -Sending Printing Orders Out Ashland o u ^ lT iT T WO" H be for ,1,,! l » ' " « i° «<> Ut of A shland te buy his groceries, d ry goods and o th e r necessities of life. y goods and i f th e p rin te r w anted to o rd er a car-load of these t”oToS? S’ ‘J th a t could save sufficient A m a] wholesalc h o u ’e and o rd e r them out of A shland; b u t very few p rin te rs need car-load lots of W. L. Douglas SHOES OVERLAND necessthes, ju st as very few business houses need u lciently large orders of p rin tin g to justify them A s h W t lClr nm ney With P rin tin g houses out of Shoe Shop Phone SC H O O L TEXT BOOKS M cN air Bros. Books and Stationery Waterman Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils X and we will call and ta lk over your p rin tin g needs. We teel sure we can handle y o u r order. T h e A sh la n d T id in g s _