M MA* P A a g e T h MÎB Classified Column ClaMHifled Column Rates One cent the word each time To run every Issue for one month or more, ftc the word each time. AftfiWft DAILY « ñ u s » PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— -Above office. Phone 91. Tidings Saturday, January 24, 192S bciety Miss E dith Dodge, E ditor DR. C. W. HANSON Phone Items to her at 39, between i Dentist 8 a. in. and 5 p. m. M ith ed ist Episcopal Church Special attention given to pyor­ S. J. Chaney, Minister FOR KENT rhoea. Office upstairs In Beaver The Sunday School will meet YOU’LL FIND ME WAITING Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. at 9:45. Classes are provided for FOR RENT: — Garage on (By M artha N. C arter) ail ages and all are welcome. DR. G. C. PHETTEPLAC^ Fourth St. Inquire 662 B St. If I should tire first, my friend, I h e ia were 289 present a t the Dentistry 121— 6* A. J. ESHLEMAN Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ And slip out of the Game, Sunday School hour last Sunday. traction and minor surgery. b o n ’t mind me— FOR SALE Sunday will be the closing day of Special attention given to straig h t­ Keep on to the end; the special revival meetings which JEWS REBUILDING FOR SALE:—-Three choice lots ening and care of children’s And when of this w orld’s b’.uff have been very successful. The PALESTINE — THE REASON teeth. And feckless fame at corner Fairview and Iowa Sts., attendance has been excellent and Above Citizens Bank with the big pine trees. Easily Phone. Office, 151— R es.,-201-J And empty honor, The Prospect of Jerusalem Becom­ night a fte r night the altar has You’ve had enough, accessible ,and fine view. Price been filled with seekers and find­ ing the Capital of the W orld $1000.00. Easy term s. Address, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ You’ll find me waiting ers. Miss Caffray, the evangelist, tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano Round the corner. H. L. W hited, Visalia, Calif. wi 1 speak at both the morning Many have wondered why so th ro at— X-ray including teeth. W here the winds are not so rough. and evening church services. Spec­ num erous a people as th e Jews FOR SALK— A. B. Gas Range Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc — From th e L ariat. ial music by Miss Clara C hrist­ do not have a nation of th eir own horse, harness and spring wagon. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, * * * ensen and the chorus choir. All especially when 3,000 years ago 685 Boulevard. Ore. CALENDAR OF EVENTS are cordially invited to all t 101 & 103 Saturday, Jan u ary 24. P. E. O. they were the most prom inent meetings a t the Methodist chur< ----------------------DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic people upon the earth. The great­ 'will meet a t the home of Mrs. FOR SALE: Dry body wood, and Electro-Therapy. Office est and most w onderful and mys­ F. D. W agner. pine or fir. Telephone 383L or see ‘phone 48; residence 142. First j terious book on earth is the Bible, First Church of Christ Scientist Monday, Jan u ary 26. A rt Club Pioneer Avenue, South Jim Beagle. 121— 6* N ational Bank building. which is confessedly a Jewish pro­ --------------------------- ------------ «------- will meet at the Civic Club house. duction, inspired hiy the great Sunday services at 11 o’clock. W ednesday, Jan u ary 28. Upper FOR SALE: — A l Cow. Beth- CONVALESCENT HOME Subject of lesson “ T ru th ” . Sun­ Creator. Why have the dealings wick Concert Piano in good con­ W here the sick get well. Cot­ Valley Community Club will m eet day School at 10 o’clock. W ednes­ dition, Brunswick phonograph tage plan. We board and care for with Mrs. O. Johnson. Subject, of God with the Jews been so day evening meeting at 8 o’clock Why have the Jews with two dozen records, and one invalids and old people. M atern­ “N utrition” by Miss Ada Brew­ peculiar? Reading Room open daily from ity dept. Call 153. shunned C hristianity? Why is ster. invalid wheel chair. C. B. French, 2 until 5 p. m., excepting Sundays DECORATORS W ednesday,’ Jan u ary 28. High Zionism now engaging the a tte n ­ and holidays. Grandview Drive. 120-3* tion of Jews th e world over? School Parent-T eacher circle will H. GEAR F. J. SWENNING When God made promise to m eet a t three - th irty a t high Landmark Missionary Baptist al pen p Phone 315-R Fancred special chix. Price Abraham respecting the land school. Subject, “ E ducation.” Church $5.00 each.— E. T. Morrison 1049 Dependable Painting Contractors. which is now Palestine th a t all * * * Tinting and P ap er Hanging Ashland Street. 120-4* the land which he could see in At “ W inter G arden” or Memorial Charming Reception— Hall. One of the outstanding teas of every direction would be given MONUMENTS FOR SALE for 2-year storage. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. the social season was given F ri­ to him and to his posterity for an Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 Federal one ton chain drive truck, ASHLAND GRANITE day afternoon from three to five ever lasting possession, did God p. m. assembled engine, -Ore. licenses, MONUMENTS o’clock by Mrs. B ert Moses assist­ keep His word? Or is the fulfil­ 81136— 1921, 30 days from date Blair Granite Co. ed by Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg at m ent still fu tu re; and, if so, what Jan. 16, 1925. L. C. Jaquette, Pro­ First Congregational Church S. PENNTSTON,- Manager the Moses residence honoring Mrs. has the present activity in Pales­ prietor H ornbrook Garage. 115-lm W. Judson Oldfield, M inister tine to do with the promise? Office 175 E. Main E rent Page of New York, who is ’ Boulevard and Main street. Sun­ House and office buildings are FOR SALE: — Good cook Res. Phone 444-Y spending the w inter at Sap-and- going up; orchards and gardens day school at 9:45 a. m., with stove. We repair stoves also. TÑY GIRL IN TROUBLE— Way Salt. classes for ali grades and ages. Eagle Brass & Iron W orks, 140 Practically all of the Civic Im ­ are being planted; roads are be­ Bring your Bible. Morning ser­ communicate with Ensign Lee ing built; hospitals and nurseries Oberlin St. 108— 1 mo.* ef the Salvation Army at the provement Club ladies were pres­ have been established; millions of vice at 11; Ju n io r C hristian En­ WhlteShield Home, 565 May- ent and availed themselves of the dollars are flowing to Jerusalem ; deavor a t 4 p. m. C hristian En­ MISCELLANEOUS opportunity to m eet Mrs. Page, fair Ave.,'Portland. Oregon. deavor a t 6:30. Evening service whose charm ing personality i3 an and every month thousands of FARM WANTED: — I want at 7:30; subject “ Sin Ever P res­ Jews are going th ith er. Railroads asset to every social gathering. PLANING MILL farm s for cash buyers. Describe are being built and many auto­ en t.” Prayer m eeting every Wed­ The rooriis w ere artistically de­ and give price. R. McNown, 269 JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET corated with a profusion of flow­ mobile routes have been establish­ nesday evening a t 7:30. The sub­ W ilkinson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WORKS, Cor. Helman and ers and a large bouquet of snap­ ed in the Holy Land. Great ac­ ject for next week is “ How shall WANTED: — Dressmaking at Van Ness. 194tf dragons formed the centerpiece tivity prevails and much encour­ we regard ourselves.” (P arable of agem ent comes from all p arts of the Pharisee and the Publican.) 582 C St. or will go to your home. for the charm ing appointed tea TRANSFER AND EXPRESS The sermon Sunday morning the world. W hat is the meaning? Prices reasonable. Jessie Searing. table. Mrs. V. V. Mills and Mrs. Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. will be delivered by Rev. B. E. Some claim th a t the Bible 121— 2* W. H. McNair graciously presided for SERVICE. teaches th a t Jerusalem ultim ate­ K ertchm an of Chicago, who is the at the tables. ANY WOMAN who can walk & Experienced movers and pack­ ly shall become the capital of the field representative of a movement * * * ta lk — th a t will w ear one of our ers of household goods. Deal­ world. W hat is the prospect of to put the New Testam ent into the Bridge Club— Chicknit heavy Stocking suit ers in coal and wood. Phone this coming a fact? And what hand of the Jews. Mr. K ertchm an The F ortnightly Bridge club dresses th a t retail for $5.50 can 117. shall be the system of govern­ entered a city mission in Chicago met Thursday evening at the home sell 12 to 15 every day. Not sold Office 89 Oak St. near oi M rs.O . W. Long on East Main m ent? Wili such an arrangem ent 17 years ago to learn the Eng- in stores. Something absolutely) be beneficial to the world at ish language and was converted. Hotel Ashland a street. A fter a very enjoyable new th a t sells on sight. To save large? Have the radio and its He subsequently became a gradu­ delay send money order for $4.95 T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ evening at bridge, dainty refresh­ present popularity anything to do ate of Dubuque College, Iowa, fer— Good team and motor m ents were served. Those pres­ with the fulfilm ent of prophecy? and of McCormack Seminary, Chi­ Bust size, Height and weight. trucks. G»od service a t a rea­ ent were: Mesdames George and" State color desired. W e will for­ Two lectures on “ Jews Rebuild­ cago. He spealcs in this church Hugh Gillette, Sanford, Beving­ sonable price. Phone 83. ward sample Dress and complete ing Palestine — the Reason” an­ in the morning and In the Chris­ ton, Byrud, Poor, Maxey, Merrill. Selling Outfit. W ill refund money swering these questions will be tian church of tyedford, in the McRae, Shutts, W innie and the FEHIGE- ROACH by retu rn mail if not satisfied. given, one by Mr. S. H. Toutjian evening. Transfer — Express — Storage hostess. CHICKNIT DRESS CO. 302 No subscriptions solicited, but a and one by Mr. A. J. Eshleman COUCH BLDG. PORTLAND, ORE. Hauling — Dray work of all under the auspices of the In te r­ free will offering taken. The pub­ 120-3t kinds. Quick motor service. Dry Old Spanish Mission national Bible Students Associa­ lic is cordially invited to all these wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Will Be Renovated tion, local branch, in Moose Hall, services in th e Congregational 375 B. St. 112-tf church. OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 23. — Sunday, Jan. 25. The speakers See— are said to be informed on these Mission S a i Jose, a picturesque WOOD SAWING BEAVER REALTY CO. The First Baptist Church and kindred subjects; and all are California landm ark, th irty miles for Bargains in Real-Bs- ’ “ God’s W ord or Men’s Tradi­ WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel south of here, is to undergo its invited to hear these, as the lec­ tate. We also handle In ­ 470-J. 63— Imo* first renovation since It was erect­ tures are free, and no collection tions, W hich?” At B aptist church Sunday morning. The Bible is wili be lifted. surance and Loans. 82-tf ed by the Spanish padres in 1791. THE FLORAL DRESSMAKING Mr. T outjian will speak at 3:00 the Word of God. It is o u r only The mission contains historic rec­ SHOP rule of faith and practice or ords; and in its ancient grave­ P. M. Mr. Eshleman a t 7:30 P. Over A shlanJ Tidings Adv.— It should b¿. Let us forget what yard there are m onum ents bearing M. 104-1 mo.* men have tqught and find w hat the names of some of the men the W ord of God teaches. Come • W hat would happen to the tax­ who opened the gates to W estern MEDFORD payer if the state were asked to and bring your Bibles. The study civilization. VETINARY HOSPITAL A fter the complete restoration spend the incredible millions th a t DR. E. C. McCULLOCH „ ‘ I I For 65 years, millions have of Carmel Mission, in Monterey have been spent in private oil ex­ G raduate V eterinarian rubbed soothing, penetrating St. County, in which the famous pa­ ploration, in m ineral prospecting Office Consultations Free Jacobs Oil right on the tender or in developing industrial en ter­ spot, and by the Cor. Grape and F ifth — Medford. dre, Junipera Serra, is buried, prises? The taxpayer would re­ THROUGH THE San Ju an B aptista Mission), in Phone 369— Day or Night time they say Jack volt. Robinson — o u t I will be in Ashland at the East San Benito County was rehabilit­ comes the rheu­ Side Pharm acy every W ednesday ated. The San Jose Mission is Letterheads, statements. t è matic pain and dis-i next on the program. 12:30 to 5:30 tress. St; Jacobs vour order at the Tidings Office Oil is a harmless of the Ford owners in Ashland rheum atism a n d and vicinity, we have ju st clos­ pain l i n i m e n t CUT THIS OUT — IT ed a prosperous year. To show which never dis- IS WORTH MONEY our appreciation of the pat­ a p p oi n t s and We Knew That ronage given us in the past, doesn’t burn the we are holding our Annual Send this ad and ten cents to skin. It t a k e s Free Tune-Up, and are anx­ pain, soreness and Foley & Co., 2835 Shegield Ave., ious to have all Ford owners stiffness from ach- Says Excess of Hydrochloric Chicago, 111., w riting your name in our territo ry bring in their ing Joints, muscles * -j • « and address clearly. You will ro- Acid is Cause of cars and have them thorough­ and bones; stops ceive a sample bottle of FOLEY’S was a superior gasoline, sciatica, lumbago ly tuned up between Indigestion HONEY AND TAR CÔMPOUND and the results users have backache and neuralgia. 35 cent JAN. 20th and FEB. 1st bottle guaranteed by all druggists for coughs, colds and hoarseness, procured have proved A well-known authority states This service absolutely free to also sample packages of FOLEY th at stomach trouble and indiges­ that it gives fnore power. you. PILLS, a diuretic stim ulant for SAFE FOR CHILDREN tion are nearly always due to * the kidney’s and FOLEY CAT­ Mothers everywhere demand a acidity — acid stomach — and Fill up with General reliable cough remedy free from not. as most folks believe, from HARTIC TABLETS for constipa­ Gasoline at the H A R R IS O N injurious narcotics. Supplying this a lack of digestive juices. He tion and billiousness. These de­ pendable rem edies are free from demand for fifty years made FO­ states th a t an excess of hydro­ Brothers, Garage LEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM­ chloric acid in the stomach re- opiates and have helped millions. Ford, Lincoln, Fordson Dealers POUND one of the Largest Sell­ tards digestion and starts food, Try them ! Sold everywhere. ing Cough Medicines in the ferm entation; then, our meals BOULEVARD and »HERMAN W orld. Children like it. “ My sour like garbage in a can, form­ i little boy had a very bad cough, ing acid fluids and gases, which and after he used FOLEY’S inflate the stomach like a toy HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND baloon. We then get th at heavy, he got reUef at once,” writes Mrs. lumpy feeling in the chest, we A pipe’s sprung a leak! Van Belle, Penroy, Mont. Refuse eructate sour food, belch gas o r . substitutes. Sold everywhere. have heartburn, flatulence, w ater- W ater is seeping—it will brash or nausea. ruin the ceiling below! He tells us to lay aside all di­ ELECTRIC A phone call, a quick re­ gestive aids and instead get from pair, and the plumber pre­ any pharmacy four ounces of Jad I LAMPS — isaCombft.ed vents the damage. MG<11C1IB€ T r e a tm e n t, Salts and take a tablespoonful in ■ Reduced beth local and internal, and has beer a glass of w ater before breakfast, Ever think of our ser­ successful in the treatment of Catarrh while it is effervescing, and furth-i vice that way? How we ■for ovrr 40 years. Sold by all druggists erm ore, to continue this for one Fixtures which add keep homes comfortable F . J. CHENEY CO .. T oledo. Ohi. week. While relief often follows Charm to a home the first dose, it is im portant to and protect health and We have a new shipm ent of Are you planning any neutralize the acidity, remove the, household electric fixtures pocketbook, too? __ -v i. _ gas-making mass, start the liver, i which include many different house-wiring this spring? For quick repairs, new or a smoo s ave gtjm ujate t jje jci(jneya an d thus des-'gns and colorings. A small and quick service go promote & free flQw Qf pure dj j investm ent in fixtures adds We will be glad to es­ work or good advice about to the Shell B arber ; gest.ve ju .ces beauty to your home. , timate with you. . modern plumbing, let us We will be glad to show Shop. Ladies and ; Jad galtg ,g inexpengive and is these to you. serve you. get your hair made from the acid of grapes and bobbed and marcel- lemon jqice, combined with Lithia led sodium phosphate. This ! and harm less salts is used by thous- j W. A. SHELL, Prop. Phone 188 207 E. Main andB of stomach sufferers with Our Phone 82 $32 A. St. Ashland, Ore 240 East Main St Plumbing and Heating excellent results. i will be interesting and instruc- j Church of Christ ! Russian Orthodox five. Bring your friends with Great services all week with Seminary in Paris you. God holds us accountable fine crowds attending. The solos not for what men say but for j by O. P. Burris are worth going PARIS, Jan. 23. — The Soviet what His Word says. In the even­ miles to hear. The meeting is Government, having suppressed ing, “The Seven Deadly Sins.” virtually ju st beginning and its the sem inaries and theological Sit down— w rite them out as you results are ta r reaching. Many • colleges in Russia, the Metropo.i- believe them to be and then come are obeying the Gospel, and many J tan Evlogie, the accredited head and hear the sermon. See hov, others are Y etting for the first of the Russian Church in Europe, near you come to guessing them. time a clear understanding of has decided to establish a theolo- Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Come ( m an’s obligation to Christ. The I gical academy in Paris and for Carly to be on time. No young ; meetings continue for another ’ th a t purpose has contracted to people services in evening on week. N ext Lord's Day the morn­ ' purchase the sequestered German account of the quarterly union ing sermon, will be “The Greatest . church and schools in the Rue de session at Medford. O ther an­ B attle a n d 'th e G reatest Victory,” : la Crimee from the French Gov- nouncements founds in church cal­ Sunday evening the sermon will ; ernm ent. endar or given from pulpit. If you be “ Unpardonable Sin.” The premises are ample, and a are a stranger you come A kind invitation, always. staff of thoroughly competent Rus- you will not be when you leave. -------- -A- l sian professors and sufficient etu- B. C. M iller^ Pastor i deats are available. A COUGH RHMEDY WITHOUT OPIATES The Stone Church I There’s a message Many cough preparation^, con-, Tidlngs W ant Ads. tain one or more harm ful drugs which are added to take the place ---------- - --------- -- of opiates. None of these narco­ tic substitutes have ever been used in FOLEY’S HONEJY AND TAR COMPOUND. The name of every ingredient is plainly p rin t­ ed on every carton. You know w hat you are taking when you take Foley’s. It clings to the throat. Good for old and young. You have a cough, why not try it. Refuse substitutes. Corner 5th and East Main The full Four Square Gospel of Jesus Christ, Salvation, Healer, ism with the Holy Ghost and second coming. Jesus C hrist the same yester­ day, and today and for ever, Heb 13:8. Services, Sunday school 10 a. m. following preaching 11 a. m. Tuesday and Friday 7:30 p. m., Bible study, Thursday 7:30 p. m. 'You are cordially invited. Pastor E. H. Keene CHRYSLER CADILLAC Holy Communion at 8 a. m. | Church School a t 9 45. Morning j Service and Sermon on “ Are Peo­ ple Generally More or Less Relig­ ious than Form erly?” at 11. Every service and sermon on “A Hopeful Outlook,” at 7:30. An Oil Heater in the Cold Spot about The House will add a ldt of comfort to living. THE ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 83 N. Main Church of th e Nazarine C. R. Reeder, Pastor Sunday school will meet at 8:45 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Evening: Young people m eet­ ing, 6:30; Preaching, 7:30; Pray­ er meeting W ednesday evening, 7:30. Young peoples prayerm eeting Friday evening You are invited to attend our services, and will re- j ceive a warm welcome. has no season. Flowers have seasons; but the joy and welcome which a FLOW ER GJFT brings is the same at all seasons of the year. There is al ways, a flow­ er or potted plant which is appropriate to the season. Phone 118 we will suggest the kind which will form an appro­ priate gift. HATCHER “ The Florist” Busy Corner Motor Company Phone 250 Medford Range or Heater A clean, free-burning and maximum heat- producing coal, that is— Diamond Briquets which means less soot, less ashes, less work. That is the happy result of using Diamond Briquets. We will be glad to fill your bin. “In the Heart of Tow n’’ RUB PAIN OUT OF RHEUMATIC JOINTS Patronage and Good Will ID BEGIN ON SAITS GENERAL GASOLINE W. & N. Service Station COME RIGHT AWAY! Edison-Mazda Hall's Catarrh Ask us for prices The Ashland Electric Shop Murphy Bloc. Co. I Jerry O’Neal Ore. FOR YOUR Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. 1070 Boulevard Open on Sundav— -We D eliver “Say It With F low ers” The MAXWELL Trinity Episcopal Church Vicar the Rev. P. 7. Hammond The Flower Gift in Aâion convinces. Quick Starting Shell Gasoline starts quick. SHELL COMPANY ovcauFoaNU originated by SHELL maintained by SHELL soMevoywhoeby SHELL p < » < > < > 0 *