F VGfi TWO ASHLAND O A íL t TIDINGS A SH LA N D D A IL Y ♦iatmüft), January 24, 192S T I D I N G S 1. mr . J oseph M c M ahon ij linked by geographical lines came healthy and strong. ’ ! "F or attics, use our COLUM- with North America. .There re c e n t' One feature of the new Der- Pluii to Protect U. S. i State Traffic Officer: irom Foreign Disease BIA plaster board .” — car- rapid development has hastened mondsey hospital is to be the Dear Joe: P ublished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by son-Fowler Lumber Co. 120-2 wk the day when speedy transporta- < beauty of the surroundings. Much Notice you have been knocking the boys off for speed­ tion between the two great con- time and money will be spent on ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. 23. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ing, reckles« driving, driving without a lieense and for tinents will be essential to econ- the gardens, for the prom oters be- Planb for co-operating with the L» t R. Greer .Editor lieve th a t pleasant surroundings I’ ederal H orticultural Board to t^ o rg e Madden Green ................. ....... ...... Manager other violations of tile traffic laws, per usual. Also, you omic progress.” actually help in the cure. They I)rcvent entrance into the United .......... .......................... have been after the stage operators for allowing their 17 av tt i BARTLETT, the Furrier make the feel happy, and States ot foreign soil or sand on ä at th e A shland. Oregon P ostoffice as Second Class Mail .Matter s t a g e s to he driven when ill had shape Good stuff, Joe, 3 1 H i d S W a i l t H e l p metaJ patient 3unniness New T heater B uilding reacts on the roots of imported nursery , , , x. Subscription Price, D elivered in City keep it up. If ever there was a man with his ego so well: From State for All the body, helping the healing pro- stock will be taken up by the < r e Month .......................... * s Oregon .65 American Association of N ursery­ Medford, cess. ’■»«.ren Months .............. ’777777.................................... , nc developed and with so little consideration for the safety; E’’ tt p, , 1 , Months .................................. ................................................. „„5 to Sir H erbert B ark­ men in Rochester at its annual f Yearh3..."................................~................................ 3.75 of others as to allow his stage to be operated without P Clops e r, According : ‘ the world-famed m anipulative convention next June. 7-®®icarefully tested brakes and other safety precautions, then! By Mail and R ural R ou tes In connection, with the conven- . surgeon, the building of this So- (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) i ,: «••“■A Month ..... “ •ibiee M onth. ____ 7777777777777777^..................................... b:x M onth. .................................. - 7 7 " ................................................ b u j Year , . , , 41 Yearly C ontracts $ .30 R a tes for L egal and M iscellaneous .Advertising ...... ,1 ,1 SALEM, Jan. 23. — Sponsored Most stage operators realize the seriousness of their tbe Senate today providing for an of $250,000 to be duty, and the damage which might he done through their appropriation used by the State Board of Con­ carelessness. A few either do not know, or do not care trol in affording relief to farm ­ what becomes of their passengers, and it is these few who ers whose crops were destroyed are in need of your services. It appears some of these by the recent freezing. A nother appjpriation bill, backed by E ast­ fellows have been a bit slow in learning, and I would ern Oregon provides for th e ap­ recommend a stretch in one of the county’s free lodging propriation of $175,000 for the houses for their thick headedness. There you might be creation of a state normal school able to call upon them daily, doe. and impress upon them east of the Cascades. The Polk county delegation introduced a «the necessity for careful operation of stages. Our lead­ bill asking $72,000 increase in ing universities and colleges recommend resident instruc­ the teaching force and equipm ent tion and I believe it might work rather effectively in this a t the state norm al school at Monmouth. case. t R epresentative Shelton of Bak­ Sncerely yours, ; er sponsored a house joint reso­ lution providing no poll tax to be AUNTIE ASHLÀND. 6.50; Cue insertion a week .......................... 1* 0 insertions a week .............. » «Uy insertion ........ • ............... <...7777777777........................ f r a t Insertion, per 8 point line ............. M uh sobsequent insertion, 8 point line . . .......................... 1 i rd of Thanks ......................... Ciuituarlee, per line ................. ii i ’ i Sr 10 Wei deserves the most severe punishment it IS possible* by the entire Eastern Oregon dele- „'/«Ito lliete Out. ' gation, a bill was introduced into 3.50, DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES eu.gle insertion, pe • inch ........................... , _ __ii $ .10 * .05 1.00 • 02% W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING . *ui ure event8> where an admission charge is made or a uuiection taken is A dvertising. _ No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. donations No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis •ng or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. THE LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of m y c u d - ou m aintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant .la ce s; yea, I have a goodly heritage.— Psalm 16:5, 6. levied in Oregon and no income tax to be levied until January, 1950 and the legislative assembly shall not declare any emergency in any ^ct regulation tax exemp­ tion. h OFFICERS McNABB, McMAHON, CRONEMILLER FORNCROOK, PARR AND CLAUSE: S SUPPLANTS PACIFIC FLIGHT FDR_ffllS VEAR ARTIFraL Ä IO FIGHI PLAGHE Dear Boys: It certainly warmed your Auntie’s heart to see you youngsters working together Thursday night following the lobberj of the I nion Oii station here. Every move just oozed co-operation, something needed the worst way in the work you are now in. Southern Oregon, or at least this section of Southern Oregon, certainly has as an efficient a set of officers as any part of the country can boast. When two deputy sher­ iffs, a game warden, two city policemen and a state traf­ fic officer can work together without some one man try­ ing to run the whole shebang it makes for the peak of effi­ ciency and a criminal has a slim chance pf getting loose. ( 'ouldn’t we have had a swell party though if a federal prohibition agent had been along? Ashland is just a few miles too far north to be annex­ ed by Los Angeles, but some of the boosters of the City of Angels attempted a little annexation of their own, with the result they are liable to become residents of this great : «.ate tor some little time. And it was the efficiency and co-operation of you boys which turned their flying trip into an extended visit as a guest of the state. Too* bad e have to keep those Angelenos on hand/ hut maybe by the time they are on their way again they will have be come convinced that Oregon is a pretty good place aftei all, (for those whose fingres are not sticky). More power to * vou hovs. • Yours for co-operation, AUNTIE ASHLAND. MR. FRANK JORDAN, President, Park Commission: Dear Frank: I am addressing this to you, tor since vou are the head of your civic organization, you can pass it on to the rest ot the fellows, each of whom is equally deserving of all thè praise we, the citizens of Ashland, can give you. Taking time trom your own affairs, you have given this time to the running of one of the city’s projects, and that you have ran it well is shown in your annual report What is more you have carried on the activities of the park, completing improvements, and at the end of the year show a substantial balance, on the right side of the ledger. That little item, of profit of $874 made on the sale < t paper d: inking cups was a masterpiece. A few more like that and the park will be paying the citizens a hand­ some dividend, besides the profit from the trade it at­ tracts to Ashland. .1 understand you contemplate extensive improve­ ments to he completed during the coming year. And in that you are absolutely correct. You know California has gotten over her little spell of hoof and mouth disease, and thousands ot tourists will come over the mountains out ¡of the Golden State, who were last year either barred i liighteueo away trom California. We must be prepar­ ili tor them and it we are ready when they get here, may­ be the cups will show a little more profit.* The people are ack ot you, tor they realize the park is our biggest asset. so just keep plugging along, Frank. Ì ours for an even better park, h AUNTIE ASHLAND. PROFESSOR IRVING E. VINING President, Oregon State Chamber of Commerce: Dear Professor: Congratulations. First you carried the doctrine of Oregon into the East, and made those conservative boys sit up and take notice. Now you have started a little campaign al! your own to let the whole Pacific Coast know that Oregon is just about the finest part of this great, section. And incidentally, I have an idea, you may have sneaked in a little Ashland propaganda every now and then. It would only be natural for you to do this and we like you the better for it. Oregon is indeed lucky to have such an able repre­ sentative as you certainly are, to carry out her cam­ paigns for betterment and to preach the doctrine of the est. our work is invaluable in building up this state, the richest in the country in natural resources and the best place on the face of the earth in which to live. Cap- Pal is what is needed to make this state equal to any of the other 47 in productiveness. We believe your recent visit East did much to interest capital in this spot on the map- May you long continue in this line of work and again I say, congratulations. Sincerely, L J»,». A U N T IE A S H L A N D . larium m arks a definite epoch in the age-long battle with tuber- culosis. • “ We are only slowly beginning to realize the marvelous power of the sun's rays in the battle with disease,” he says. “ The ultra-vio­ let rays of the sun spell annihila­ tion to the unseen, but deadly, germs which invade our bodies and eat' away our lives. “ People who live in the open, under the beneficent rays of the great, healer, the sun, are not prone to consumption. Consump­ tion is the disease of civilization. “ The Solarium, in my opinion, is the hospital of the future. The novelty of today will become the commonplace of tomorrow. “ Our great-grandchildren will read of the ravages of this scourge in our time with the same amaze­ m ent as we real of the ‘black d eath’ which decimated Europe in the Middle Ages.” IMPROVED SCHLVETER ELEC­ TRIC FLOOR SURFACING MACHINE (All kinds of floor finishing) tion> fiftieth anniversary of lhe associaHon will be celebrated, TIRES One hundred and tw ehty west KELLY — E T C coast sawmills for week ending September 13, m anufactured 94,- — AXLES — SPRINGS 021,810 feet of lum ber; sold 101,- — TIMING GEARS 952,325 feet; and shipped 94,- — HEARINGS 010,569 feet. New business was — AMERICAN HAMMERED— 8 per cent above production. Ship- j RINGS — PISTONS— ments were 8 per cent below new — FLY WHEEL GEARS— business. E verythin g to your m otor with « “condition Fnllers SUDDEN SERVICE is a name which stands for the highest quality in the paint world. It is your guarantee in buying paints, varnishes and brushes. LEEDOM’S TIRE and REPLACEMENT PARTS SERVICE Acrosii from the new 9-story hotel J. O. RIGG Phone 104 LONDON, Jan . 23. — Unless WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. — Great Britain tu rn s her attention W hile 1924 witnessed the first C. V. CARY to the needs of A ustralia she may aerial circum navigation of the 107 2nd St. Phone 313-R find th a t American capital and globe, the present year is destined interests have taken the lead to ^witness the complete linking there. by air of America with Europe, Sir Hugh Dennison, of New South America and Asia, it was LONDON, Jan. 23. — Bermond­ South Wales, has gently intim ated predicted recently by Brigadier- sey, one of London’s poorest dis­ this to English capitalists. General W illiam Mitchell, Assist­ tricts is calling in the aid of a rti­ “ Money and man-power — those an t Chief of the Army Service. ficial sunlight to assist in the An imposing list of aerial .con­ fight against disease an.d death. are the two things required by A ustralia at present,” said Sir quests is planned by the Air Ser­ The Bermondsey Solarium, as When you think of a re­ Hugh. “ Great B ritain has both. vice fu rth e r to dem onstrate th a t the new hospital is to be called, membrance for your wife, the wonders o f'yesterday are but “ If Great B ritain, instead of will follow out the Swiss plan of lending money to foreign coun­ the m atter-of-fact occurrences of treatm ent for diseases like con­ sister, sweetheart or moth­ tries and industries, would turn today. sumption. Dr. Rollier, in Switzer­ er, do not forget the old Chief among those projected land, has been curing apparently her attention to the wonderful saying, “ She loves flow­ heritage she possesses in the flights a r e :’ hopeless cases of consumption by New York - Pekin, New York- exposing his patients to the blaz­ ers best.” Southern Seas, she need haye no fear of losing her money, as she Panama> New York-Brazil, San ing sun and the high a ir of the No m atter w hat the value of. the gift is, if she does not feel has done in the past, through Francisco - Honolulu and several Alps. And as Bermondsey has l.t- a thrill* of happiness aud joy lending to foreign countries. non-stop flights from New’ York to tle or ho sun of its own, it will when she receives it, the gift England. use the artificial variety. Every penny th at has been lent is valueless. “ Present - day planes,” said The hospital will be a long, low to A ustralia, both capital and in­ “ Say it With Flowers” General Mitchell, “ can fly across building, with a wide verandah terest, has been promptly repaid when due. Can such a statem ent the A tlantic in from tw’enty to running its full length and a con­ which form inexpensive gifts, but one« which bring the be substantiated in regard to any tw enty five hours. It is possible crete slope, where patients may greatest happiness. to do it in eighteen hours, if con­ be treated in the open, exposed other country? Phone 120 ditions are favorable, to the sun. “ There appears to be an im­ “ The present year will witness Inside there will be separate ac­ pression th a t A ustralia is over- a num ber of attem pts to demon­ commodation for men and women. Biggest Little Store in Town borrowing, and is an improvident strate th a t flying across the At- Here, when the sun is not shin­ community. To show how fallac--,„ ,, . . , - . ious this idea is, I might mention 18 *S Simple *S flymg acr(* s ing outside, sixteen artificial suns th a t the total borrowings of the portions of the American contin­ will shed their health-giving rays en t.” on the afflicted. six A ustralian States up to June, General Mitchell characterized Each “sun” is a large arc lamp, 1924, am ounted to £551,000,000, the San Francisco - Honolulu which sheds a golden, glowing and of this sum only £309,000,000 flight, which has long been a w arm th. To the healing rays of was obtained abroad. Out of that sum £266,000,000 was spent on dream of younger arm y aviators, these artificial suns the patients as not being particularly difficult. will be constantly exposed. the construction of our A ustralian “ That trif> can be made in from The discovery of his treatm ent railway system, which are valued tw enty to tw enty-four hours with originated in an experiment by at more than £500,000,000. com parative ease, barring unfor- Dr. Rollier, in which he found ! “ Why do not some of the great seen difficulties. The plane, car­ ELGIN English steel m anufacturers es­ rying two men, would follow the th a t tubercle bacilli, when placed I on a glass slide, died in two m in­ tablish works in A ustralia, where ship lanes, and, with w ir^ess utes in sunshine. This led to his! the raw m atreial is already at equipment, would be able to signal sunlight tre a tm e n t for disease. hand? Thus they would prevent for aid should it be needed.” . From the first the results were a large proportion of the steel sup­ The New ‘York - Pekin hop so amazing th a t they astonished plies required being purchased in w’ould follow the route taken «by the medical world. P atients given the United States, Germany and the American round-the-world up as incurable slowly recovered Belgium, as otherwise will be in­ fliers over the North Pacific. th eir health and strength. Chil­ evitable. . “ We have the ships to make al­ dren tw isted with rickets straig h t­ Why should not the English most any sort of a flight nowa­ ened out, put on weight and be- 16 Size Hamilton, 21 jeweled R’ R. 16 Size Elgins, 7 jeweled, new m anufacturers, also, combine and days. Mechanical knowledge is Watches, in finest 14 Karat eases, shapes, beautiful eases. Regular establish cotton mills In A ustra­ far advanced beyond th at of war N. E. Models, Regular $75, now $20; now lia? One American firm has set days, when the airplane was de­ NIGHT COUGH QUICKLY up spinning mills in New South veloped from a toy to a machine R E L IE V E D Wales. As A ustralia takes £11,- capable of flying faster than man This is the substance of a letter 000,000 w orth of cotton goods believed possible,” said General received from H. W. Webb, from B ritain, surely this trade is Mitchell. Quincy, 111., “ I coughed a great worth keeping.” 16 Size Hamilton, 17 jewels, ad­ The South and Central Ameri­ deal, especially a t night. Tried 17 jeweled, 12 size Elgins, a great The complaint which Sir Hugh can flights have long been plan­ alm ost everything and have found justed; a very fine timepiece in 14 makes is echoed from many other ned by Air Service experts, and nothing to equal FOLEY’S HON­ \arietv ol styles of fine eases in Karat, Gold filled case; a lifetime Dominion quarters. There seems the present year is destined to see EY AND TAR COMPOUND. One green and white gold. Regularly of tine service. Regular price $55; to be reason to believe th a t B rit­ the first aerial linking of the two dose relieved my cough, and I priced at $38.00; now . now rested we’.l all n ig h t.” One of the ish capital is not finding its way continents. into the Dominions, and th a t the “ Such flights are of inestim able largest selling cough medicines Dominions are not at all satisfied value to civilization. The day is in the World. Contains no opiates. In sist upon with the treatm en t they receive coming, in a very few years, when Safe for children. from the financiers of the m other larger passenger and freight-car­ Foley’s. Refuse substitutes. Sold land. Unless there is a change in rying planes will fly on regular everywhere. A fine line of high grade Swiss this attitude, it is very probable schedule between New York and watches lor young men; 16 jeweled; th a t American capital will find a Buenos Aires and Rio de Jan eiro .” many shapes. Regular $2.3.50; now fine field for expansion in British General Mitchell declared. Dominions. “ South Am erica’s development Oeser’s Ashland Service Station GENERAL GASOLINE ASSOCIATED GASOLINE Slie Loves Flowers Best Valvoline Oil and Grease Pennzoil and Grease Dr. Oeser and Son TENTS ' TARPAULINS ARMY GOODS STORE The Ashland Greenhouses We Are Making Some Special Prices Until Our Watch Stock is Reduced to Suit Us $57.50 $14.25 $37.75 $27.50 $14.50 AIR Beats Electric or Gas r j f c » g Glorii'Swanson. and Ian Keith in the. Allan Dwan Production 'H e r .Love Story • K Paramount Picture At the VINING St lY and MONDAY A new oil lamp th at gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, w hite] light, even b etter than gas or electricity, has been tested by the U. S. Government and 35 lead­ ing universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns w ithout odor, smoke or noise— no pumping up; is simple, clean, safe. Burna 94 per cent air and 6 per cent common kero­ sene (coal oil). The inventor, V. M. Johnson, 161 N orth Union Ave., Portland, Ore., is offering to send a lamp on 10 days’ FR E E trial, or even to give one FR E E to the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. W rite him to-' day for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and w ithout experi­ ence or money make $250 to $500 per*hionth. A wonderful stock of Ladiesr Wrist Watches at big discounts during this sale. We aye displaying the best line of two-tone Ivory goods in Southern Oregon in Toilet sets complete or single pieces. See this line while the seeing is good. Also the high class quality in manicure sets in fine silk lined leather rolls; all sizes. Qur clock stock is very complete; all styles. Now is the time to get a good clock. We invite you to come in and inspect our new up-to-date lines. We are making low prices- Johnson’s Jewelry Store