¿ A te malaria germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. !’ W J H W CuPid Makes u l l V I I * Change Garb ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use o f medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ZVie Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ■ VOL. XLVIII, SAaiM Mali Worn THIS YEAR IS T0 s' ' "' “ Y "' BE BEST EVER w « « K tt o (In te rn a tional News W ire Servicel A shland , O regon , rat G r p A y , J anuary JUNIOR HIGH ROLLIS MADE PUBLIC 24.1925 NO. 122 Miirt AMD WOMEN IN THE NEWS SPOTLIGHT. SUN’S ' ECLIPSE ™ ± t ATTORNEY IS IN TAKES P L A C E D '™ — Iü,,eï OPEN ATTACK ON EAST COAST ! UPONK.K.KLAN CHICAGO, Jan. 24. __ tt It took Cupid to change tt & YOKOHAMA, Jan. 24. £ this m an’s garb worn for tt — Tradesmen of Yoko­ » 17 years. tt hama are scrutinizing « ! tt Isadore Heftel, 73, ja n ­ tt tt itor in a foreign news­ tt carefully all American R ' ----- Members of Cast . W orking: » tt money th a t is tendered tt paper plant, had never « M tu,?“ ts Establish. H ard on Production to be ’ w changed his old suit of »! Good Marks for Semester 1 tt Conditions for Observation ♦♦ them these days. Given This Year Yreka Lawyer Objects to The reason is th a t sev­ clothes and old red sweat­ tt tt Ju st Ended Are Ideal, Sky Cloudless, „ eral counterfeit American Charge Against Client for 17 years until Cupid » tt Experts Say FEBRUARY 16-17, DATES tt a er « bill have been circulated tt took a hand, although he » ATTENDANCE IS GOOD Heid as Bootlegger ¡tt S t was well able, friends say. MANY PICTURES TAKEN ” i r ntlr One tt » N ineteen Pupil« K stablish Perf(X.t Carl Loveland in Charge o f Re-J St ------- -- | *100 bill which an obllg- » grand jury charged h e n announcem ent « hearsals for A nnual Show Put St was made th a t Heftel was tt Tliousands o f F oreign ers ln New 8 inB tradesm an changed » A ttendance Marks for P ast on by B ooster Rody St to be “ Mechuton” at the tt York Are Thrown Into Panic * for a custom er who made a » Claims Members Prejudiced When Sem ester « Indxtim nt Is Returned. Kian tt small purchase was found tt wedding of his employer’s tt by Solar Phenom «•non In the good old days for some, tt S t Got Kvidenee in Case to be “ phoney,” and sev­ « oldest daughter he at once tt Thirty one pupils of the Ashland ; in the good days of the present, S t St took steps to provide for » Ju n .o r High School finished the eral bogus $20 bills have tt NEW A ORK, Jan. 24. — Be- and the rip-roaring days of the tt YREKA. Jan. 24. — By filing S t evening clothes. And not last sem ester wMth an average of, fore an audience made of tw e n ty Ì » been discovered. tt » future for a lot more, will be the S t a motion trenchant with object­ Detectives are keeping only that, but he will 90 per cent in their daily work I tt millions of persons, residents o f 1- « principle them es for the coming S t ions to indictments returned by a close watch ln the hope dance with the bride. the Eastern section of the United ! „ tt tt and an average of 95 per cent in Lithia musical comedy to be the adjourned grand jury, Jam e, S t Heftel is the fath er of tt deportm ent, and were thus excus­ States, the sun, moon and stars 2 of capturing those respon­ tt staged February 16 and 17, at I S t M. ALen and J. P. McNamara, a t­ three children. tt ed from all final exam inations, convened today to stage a spec- ~ sible for circulation of the tt the Vining theatre. The good old spurious currency. tt torneys, fired a sensational broad- tacle unusual in its beauty and days, which are fewer day by day, n t t t t t t t t t t t t s t t t s t t t s t a according to a report issued to­ s'de Wednesday before Superior day. •t « t t t t t t s t s t s t t t t t u grandeur, a phenomenon that will need not be bulwarked with Mon­ Judge C. J. Luttrell. Of this total of 31, ten were 7B live forever in the memory of ticello Tonic, Beef. Iron anid Openly charging certain mem- students, ten 8B students, seven , those who were fortunate enough Wine In the retelling to make hers of the grand Jury with mem­ from the 7A class and four from 1 to witness it. th r illin g the pathos, joys, ro­ bership in the Ku Klux Kian, the the 8A class. It was a solar eclipse, one of mance, goodness and mljchiev- I two lawyers fought the validity The report shows th a t nineteen the most perfect known to the iousness of those days in remem­ of the Indictments against Frank s udents at the same school had scientists. It was viewed by the brance of youthful incidents. Nor L. Montgomery, form er manager a perfect attendance record for people strung along the map of to those who are experiencing of the W hite Front restaurant at the sem ester. This means the pu­ the United States from Red Wing those emotions to the fullest ex­ Shastlna., and H arry H arrington, pils were neither absent or tardy Minnesota to the A tlantic Coast’ j tent today. To those ju st on the m anager for the Shastlna Club, at any time during the entire se­ and was visible to those aboard verge of budding into th at era of using these as tests for all indict­ m ester. which is . a fine record ship two hundred miles from the aggravating recklessness, t h e ments. The argum ents continue coast line. 3^r.IRapEEÏÊ. show will be an entirely suffi­ Klam ath T r i b a l Council according to the teachers a t the « ¿ w . before Judge Luttrell today. institution. Nine pupils of the Bars All Cattlemen from The eclipse got under way at Eastern Oregon Renresenta- cient thrill. In the confusion of the arraig n ­ tives Introduce Bill for B class, five from the 8B class, Rich Lands eight o’clock this m orning here, W hatever age you may be, the ment of the alleged bootleggers. three from the 7A class and two Institution «*«•*» coast deieMe ‘I “1 the ’ **» when the moon first nibbi ad at thè m ixture of all th a t is beguiling, Jam es W. Howard, charged with KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 24. __ rom the 8A class helped establish »-rpidiies Mrs. Florence E Knann w n « , / ^ ndered void by hominne sun’e disk, and reached the point intriguing and hilarious in the Yoru State, does not believe t a S S J ^ X w i n ^ X ^ SUte ol The announcem ent th at Senat­ m urder, and Jam es Pryor, charg­ Livestock men, dependent upon this mark. of total eclipse In New York at am using and happy Incidents of ors Dennis, R itner and Taylor had ed with assault with Intent to com­ tmn among the many workers in her Ail/nT aS ” UD or offiee con versa, Those who were exempted from 9:11, tone hour later, plunging youth, in fact or fiction, will make range land on the Klam ath Indian am Manning, Episcopal Bishop of N««/ y epart5neni- Bishop Will haa opeced a drive the m etropolist into darkness,! introduced a b'll yesterday pro- mit murder, were forgotten and th e coming Lithian show a \ b !g reservation, are threatened with the final exam inations and were then, for $15.000.000 to c S n le te iS . OOEB, then slowly posed toward X í n l ' ° r e s ,,b " 8h" th teach era givenness now is alm ost pajsse. land within the Klam ath reserva­ I odge, Max Hoover, Eunice Ha­ not been aw are of the date of th« ' DCrmal “Ch° O1 &t M° n' been organized as provided by the But. anyway, this ig one of the eclipse were utterly dem oralized ,3 8erVi,,g the N orthw est- cede of the state. They also set tion. on the supposition th at they ger, Celestia Mow, Madge Marean romances of the good old days and business in these X t i o ' s Z h T W° ,L up th at members of the grand jury could utilize the tribal range Dorothy Nininger, M arjorie Leer. when there was some real fun In and A « Grfuan | ^ | x H t?emcnd prejected and biased lands for caring for their live­ came to an absolute stop T h » " ' Lasteru and Southern Ore- were H arriett Bevington, Dor­ intriguing papa into agreeing against Montgomery and that cer­ stock. Chinese quarter was e s p e c ia lly ^ 0’1 ha,V® ” hown a P™ ^«- othy Crews. Richard Joy, Mildred There is to be no guarantee of tain members employed detectives According to authorities a t the Moss. bad, for the Chinese have a sup- :u h .,8P f ‘“i matteF ° f th e k (satisfaction or money back at the reservation, it is not believed th a t erstition th at an eclipse is a giant I L e L m e n t s ia i^ d h,ghH8Ch° o1 to gather evidence who were I hose who had perfect atte n d ­ box ofTice on this show. If you the action of the tribal council is « - dragon attem pting th swallow , evelopnient staited earlier in biased and th a t the official re­ ance records for the sem ester cry, because of the pathos and sun. Firecrackers prayel paper, I '’ n " “ ' 3 E“ ‘erD ,n d SOU,'1• porter of the proceedings had not »he Brotherhood final in this m atter for the coming were: * sorrow, two and a half and war g ratin g season. Frey A. Baker, the burning of p,„,k and p ray in g 1 ” “ • W l" a "'- been tw orn according to law. , ' 1 tch’ 7R— Franklin A rant, Bobby Firem en and Enginemen for t h e and wq„ ni« tax. plus inheritance, special The objections were routine un­ ette valley cities. It has been a State of Oregon met i n - s e s s i o n ' f granted a restrain- superintendent of the Klam ath were the means taken by the : privilege and surtaxes, will be j Indian reservation has arranged Dodge, Kenneth Hobbs, William a t Portland and t r a n s a ^ til toward the close, when people sZ and transacted m© fmm Howard, George Judy, F rank Red- oí plenty of excuse for alleging from annoying her and their Chinese to drive the dragon away for a tribal council m eeting on key. C harlotte Leedom, Clarence usual business pertaining to leg and Southern in the court room Btopped their children. The couple were m ar­ from the sun. pricked conscience for failure to Jan u ary 30, a t which time all m urm uring and listeued to every islative m easures being presented Woods, Everett 'Yeo. Conditions were ideal for the Oregon could not have the same word. rie d in Jacksonville on Decem­ make proper income tax return stockm en who are interested in 7A— Russell P arr, B arbra Ed- a t the legislature at Salem and ber 1, 1915, and have three chil­ observation of the phenomenon by advantages for securing normal during the year the Oregon in­ “ Several members of the grand leasing grazing lands for the com­ sall. Pearl Howell. went on record unanimously in dren. Patch was also ordered by the scientists of the world. In a training as th a t afforded to the come tax law wah in force, but Jury,” said Allen, as he read from ing season will be present to lay ,SB— Lucile Carson, Anita support of ratifying the cloudless sky the whole affair Î young people of W illamette val- of little e ffe ct If you laugh out the motion, “are also members • ley. before the council th eir argum ents j Hanks, Madge Marean, Jean Put- Amendment started, and was completed H iin -i mi. loud, boisterously or display un­ of the Ku Klux Kian, and before dreds of pictures were taken ’o y |la tuie qUe9t‘° n before the L<* is- for keeping the range land open man. Kenneth Denton. .p re a d .b e “ u o X “ " ^ ,b“ í h'S controlled hilarity at any of the convening the grand jury, the Ku w hether u ls BA— G ertrude Ahlstrom , Har- With .Mrs. P atch ’s m other in ' scientists from all over the world scenes or jokes in the perform ­ m inutes: on increasing the plant a t Mon Klux Kian, in violation of the rie tt Bevington. but it is believed the most per­ Ashland. ance, you should feel flattered mouth and withholding any help constitutional rights of this de­ “ W hereas, it has come to the th a t you got your money’s worth. The following specific allega­ fect images were obtained from knowleidige bt members of the tions are made J n the complaint the dirigible Shenandoah and ¡ from Eastern and Southern Ore­ fendant, held a m eeting in the Waan t last year’s show good? To many people it 6eems county of Siskiyou, in which meet­ Brotherhood of the Locomotive i against Patch: I t was. This one will be better. from army airplanes which flew gon. HERBERT BANTA DIES th a t Monmouth has passed the ing members of the grand jury Firem en and Enginemen through “ That he cursed As M arjorie King's latest posters H erbert L. B anta, son of Mr. daily, and to a height of three miles at New Place where fu rth er additions to participated and the Kian, aided announced: “ New Chorusea, New and Mrs. C. W, B anta died a t the the local press th a t the ratifica- threatened wherever they hap- Haven, Connecticut. the student body can be handled and assisted by members of this Jokes, New Costumes.” Yeh. some home of hi« parents 57 F ourth tion of the Child Labor Law pened to b e’ efficiently. Located In a small grand Jury, did select, hire and Amendment to the United States! “ That he ’threatened new faces, too, for this return street yesterday, aged 42 years. to klll .PIONEERS DROP GO town of approximately 600, the appoint detectives, agents and Constitution is m eeting with engagem ent. nnauizii, i ^ t h a razor, and for several days 5 months and 5 days. TO MEDFORD TEAM training school facilities for members of the Kian to undertake position members 3 at at carri? d ' a razor in his pocket, Funeral services will be held tbn bi«. by , • certain . x to secure evidence against this de­ the btate legislature: In the prelim inary to the Med- teachers are said to be wholly in fendant to be presented to the MAN SOUGHT, CAPTURED That he threatened to kill ford-Phoenix Sunday afternoon a t 2 o’clock basketball game in | tMeq*ate and the 8chool has been KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 24.- LOS ANGELES, Jan. 24.— An­ Klamath Indians will realize an I i™ "1 * * famUy rea,dence and ln' - Therefore, be it resolved by with an axe, and beat out her forced to go into Independence! RF8nd jUFy f° F th ® purpO8G of 9G- the lembers of the state legisla­ brains with a sledge hammer. the Medford Armory last night drew Peppal a form er agent of proximate.y $1,000.000 enring the indictm ent of this de- will be in the I. O. O. F tive board representing ledges in the Treasurer of O ntario, Canada, 1925 from receipts received Horn CCmetery “ That he struck her with his the local Pioneer team led by ( Continued on page four) fondant and alleged evidence was the State of Oregon and entire clenched fist, and hit w 'th a Captain Dick Hitchcock, dropped was arrested today a t Long Beach secured against this defendant and the cut on reservation tim ber un­ membership of locomotive fire­ shovel, causing violent illness for a go to the fast Roosevelt team. on an extradition w arran t charg­ presented to the grand Jury and its. Fred A. Baker, superintendent men, hostlers and enginemen several days. The final score was 32 to 12. ing him with the embezzlement of an Indictment resulted. throughout the State of Oregon Hitchcock was high point man 3380,000 from the Province of of the Klam ath Indian reserva­ “ That a few days after the tion, announced today. Ontario. that we are strongly in favor of youngest child was born,, he came for the locals* converting four out OPPOSITION TO STONE W ith the lumbermen cutting the ratification of the Child ,n to th e room, and threatened to of four fouls and shooting one SHOWS UP IN SENATE the minimum as provided by the Labor Law Amendment • to the beat out her brains with a ham basket. The team was as follows. governm ent contracts, the Indians WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. — Op­ United States Constitution by the mej. Captain Hitchcock, Hartley, Code, will receive $830,000. Indications position to the confirm ation of Steve Elek., Roland Eastwood legislature of the State of Ore- That plaintiff was forced to F ranklin and Crawford. A return point to several ow ners of the I Attorney General Stone as Asso- and Robert Duff, the three ban­ gon, and th at wo fu rth er resolve work beyond her power and abil­ game will be played here soon. ! elate Justice of the United States units exceeding the minimum set dits captured, here Thursday night th a t every member of our organ­ ity most of her m arried life, to by the government, Mr. Baker Supreme Court today flared into following the robbery of the ization a 3 well as every member help support the family. said. the open in the Senate. It re- Union Oil station in this city, of organized* labor and also any “And th a t the family jived most I UP tO advance Predic-| volved around an attem pt by The tim ber is paid for as it is yesterday waived a prelim inary patriotic American, who believes of the tim e in a te n t.” 1 Ashland High basket-: Senator Heflin, Democrat of Ala- A shipm ent of 125 Old Mexico cut. The governm ent, stipulates th at our governm ent can only be! K ** fu rth er alleged* th a t on hearing and signed confessions as 99 the Roseburg outfit b a ^ a . to reply to a newspaper ar- deer skins has been received by a minimum and maximum cut al to their complicity in the crime. m aintained by properly educated M e m b e r 2h, last, Patch struck ♦ i tI0uncing Qn th © Roseburg: tid e which charged him with op­ C. L. McKinney, local tanner. lowed on each unit. children, to at once get in touch her with £'«t, whereupon she court last night. The tussle was posing Stone’s confirm ation be­ The (skinp were received from the Klam ath Indians will be assured They announced they would plead with senators and representatives guilty to the charge before Judge returned to her m other’s home the first out of town go for the cause the la tte r was an “attorney W. B. Sum ner Co., of San F ran­ of $830,000 ta c h year for years Jones, iesiuem resident OI of tnis this » I Price vuiice,, fro m th eir various districts in A s h la n d Thomas and wllf begin their sen­ p p o rt’ hen t h « ™ „U?"??11? C‘ty f° r tWelve years> died at his locals, who still have two games for J. P. Morgan.’’ Three times cisco, and are to be used in the to come, Mr. Baker stated. The throughout the state and request to su pport tences immediately. her three children, down for their present trip. m anufacture of gloves and other receipts from the tim ber cut are the adm inistration leaders raised them to support t h e . ratification whose custody she «eeks, along home on Liberty street this m orn­ The men confessed to the According to reports, the the points of order against HefHn, In like articles. turned over to the United States ing. Mr. Jones was a well known of this hum ane m easure, and th at with a (dissolution of the m arriage The Oregon law on the ship­ treasu rer and disposed of as the crime a t the tim e of th eir cap­ resident of this city and has been local outfit completely outclassed his attack upon Stone, but each we fu rth er resolve th a t the bonds. ture, Duff, under questioning by ment of skins Is very stringent,: Ind *an departm ent deems advis- retired for sometime. He was their opponents, and although un- time the Alabama Senator continu­ Chief of Police McNabb told the i 8Weat-®faop plan of forcing ch ll-, lanr.liar with the court were in ed. born March 13, 1841. according to Deputy Game W ard­ a b ’.e. entire story of how the men had dren of scfa°°l age into the daily! — _______________ en Roy Parr, and Oregon deer M r.' Jones is survived by his the lead throughout the tussle. ‘ stolen the car in which they grind of the factory i8 not con­ BRYAN MAKES VISIT The guarding of the entire Ash-i A s l l l illlil K IL fi tA hides cannot be used for com­ SONS HOSTS TO DADS vsife, M artha A. Jones, one daugh­ land team was wonderful, and th e ’ were traveling, how they had ducive to good governm ent.” TO PRES. COOLIDGE ter, Estelle Jones of Ashland; mercial purposes. Those shipped AT SOCIAL MEETING driven through California, rob­ two sons, H erbert Jones of Ta­ Roseburg outfit was unable to get from the outside m ust be certi­ bing and stealing as they went WASHINGTON, J an. 24 — Thursday night in Pioneer Hall PADRE OF RAINS SAYS fied and an inventory turned coma and Raymond Jones of Oak­ any of their plays under way. along, and how finally they held William J. Bryan today viewed the local High Y Club, under the The Ashland five will take on STORMS ARE COMING over to the game warden in the land, both of whom are in Ash­ up the station here. A fter Duff’s the eclipse of the sun from the leadership of V. O. N. Smith, call­ the University High five of E u­ d istrict In which they are receiv­ SAN FRANCISCO, . Jan. 24.__ vantagfc point he has so long land now to attend the funeral; confession, Elek and Eastwood ed in th e Dads for a set-to. With gene at th a t city tonight, and ed. one brother, Thomas Jones of All B rother Elks are requested E arthquakes and general w eather the President Albie Beck p resid -! ® ave McNabb the same informa- sought, the W hite House. The Monday evening will tangle with Blue Island, Illinois and a sister, According to P arr, 250 game to be in attendance at lodge to­ tion. disturbances, the la tte r especially the Salem ' quintet at* Salem. Commoner was an early caller on Mrs. Nell Knickerbocker, Eureka, tag s have been used in Jackson ing a short program was held. night. Initiation, a special pro­ It is probable th a t Eastwood Z Ü ? WeSteFD part of the President Coolidge, and was The second team , headed by South Dakota. County since January 1. r is A. C. Joy and Rev. M ergler gave and Elek wH T* sentenced to the j L j gram , and a good lunch wll be W1” / o,low the closeted with him for a q u arter of Coach Henry and Principal For­ necessary to tag any game taken talks*. The rem ainder of the State P enitentiary at Salem im -' Funeral services will be held the order of the evening. P of the 8Un> F a th er Ricard, au hour. W hat the object of the evening was spent in games. While syth invaded Applegate last night.' into a public place. Sunday afternoon at two o’clock The E lk’s Orchestra, has made astronom er at Santa Clara College mission was, he declined to say, the Dads furnished the brains for mediately, but because of Duff’s from th e Dodge Funeral chapel. but were handed a 13-11 trounc­ a special effort to have a good stated today. Confirming his pre­ b u t* concerning the eclipse he The body will be shipped to Oak­ ing by the Applegate tossers. The the evening the boys furnished youthfulness, it may be th a t he From M edford— program ready for the occasion, diction made several days ago, said: “ The eclipse was much like land for Interm ent in the Ever­ locals fhow’ed nice basketball, but the feed. When the cook, lard er will be sentenced to the State In­ Including orchestra, violin, and Mrs. Stone of Medford is spend­ Duff will not F ath er Ricard said he was con­ the Democratic defeat— it is only green Cemetery. the Applegate outfit put up just was emptied every one hit the dustrial School. in g a ih o rt time in Ashland. vocal numbers. W hile the even­ vinced his predictions were cor­ tem porary, the sun will shine trail. : u 1 be 18 until late in May. as good a game and had the ad­ ing session will not be long, there rect. again.*4 Tidings W ant Ads ar« go-getters vantage of playing on their home will be a profitable meeting for all . ». J court. Elks who attend. KLAMATH LAND RANGE CLOSED TO ALL WHITES OREGON STATE SHOULD HAVE 2 MORE NORMALS W lH E R H 0 0 D ASHLAND PAIR IS IN FAVOR OFGOING THROUGH NEW LABOR LAW DIVORCE MILL - KLAMATH RED MEN GET MUCH FROM TIMBER Oil Station Thugs Waive Preliminary Hearing on Crime Shipment of Deer Hides Is Received by Local Tanner Price Jones, Well Known Resident of City Passes Away FIVE TOPS ROSEBURG OUTFIT 23-10 Put on Special Program Tonight