9 H GE FüUfc ÁSHLAND D A LLI TIDINGS Has Mumps— . F r Way, January 2 3 , l « 2 ò R eturned— In A shland ¡down her cheeks and her face h a lf' Members of the Jackson county Louise Moor of this city is con- J. A. Lockhart has returned to Miss Joan McDonald arrived) hidden behind a handkerchief. I convention candidate for the uom- i fined to her "home with mumps, the Convalescent Home to remain ln Ashland yesterday and will vis- F a rth e r back in the audience sat! ination. ——— v. hi'e Mrs. Lockhart is in Med- it for the rest of the week w ith, John Taylor’s young wife and ' anyone feeling the urge to run Photographs of Quality. Studio ford.- .Miss Waive W ithrow of this city, i lour-year-old curley headed' for office from entering the pri­ f Ashland. On the Plaza. i ---- r— ---------- - ¡.daughter. H ere'an d there in the maries and trying to defeat the B iith — I audience were seen a num ber of ______ ________ i R eturns Home— Mr. and Mrs. W arren Hall, of H arry Hosier and Louis Dodge friends of the defendants, anxious- . | Thomas Anderson who w ascall Gardiner, Montana, are rejoicing were in Medford last evening at- ly aw aiting their pleas. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I r o in H ilt— o tv Minii-h um , I ed to Ashland by the death of h is 1 over the recent birth Dir of their tending to bus'ness concerning Outside the courtroom were r->ss visitor in il it T ,US * j b ro th er< Hum phrey, has returned second child, a son. Mrs. Hall the Southern Oregon Game Asso­ scores of curiosity seekers, anx­ FOR SALE: — Ford Coupe A1 2.ess visitor in the city vesterdav : . ______ ! Lo h*8 home in Stockton. was form erly Miss M argaret Hodg- ciation. ious to gain entrance into the shape, a good buy for the money. son, of Ashland. court room to see the four men Inquire a t Lithia Cafe, 1st St. W IN T E R GARDEN DANCE j* \ye put th0, c h ib e n Jn our L eave Today —r 121— 1* who are charged with the m urder FR ID A Y NIGHT. 111) î tamales. The Plaza. 82— tf From R ed B l u f f — John H. Doran and family of of Oscar Erickson. Court Bailiff ---------- Mrs. E arl J. Fraley, of Red this city left this afternoon in Mattoon stood at the court room j FOR RENT: — Garage on H ere From Medford— From D unsm uir— ' Bluff, California, is in Ashland their automobile for Corning, Cal., door to - prevent an overcrowding Fourth St. Inquire 662 B St. ____ A. E. Em bree, business man of 121— 6* M. W iseconier of Dunsm uir is with her two youngest children, where Mr. Doran will be in charge j of the court room, Medford, was a visitor in Ashland spending a few days in Ashland David and Thomas, to recuperate of the F irst F irst Presbyterian i only defendant who had yesterday afternoon. FOR SALE: — Dry body wood, shopping and attending* to other from a recent illness. She is at Church. retained an attorney up to this pine or fir. Telephone 3S3L or see business. j the Convalescent Home with her morning was John O'Shea, who Jim Beagle. 121— 6* Cliff Payne makes forms. 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ! T u i l l P l ’i t i l l l C C T n i ' n n i o " as re bresented by Horace Man- Aou are welcome to compare Barber, and the children are with j A* * * lv l IL c tllU C , l l l L O I i I t i : ning. At the suggestion of each MANTED: — Dressmaking at H ere From P ortland— my Automobile rates w ith any * J their O grandparents, Mr. . V and Mrs. • | g j j ] S la B B C d Tt 4 n I defendant, W illiam Marx was ap- 582 C St. or will ~ go ------------ to ybur -------- home. r * M. A. Perry of Portland is vrv**X5* latco 1 Fraley, on Mountain ave- other rates in UaVASUIl Jackson U or J J Jose- V c . . W. - l l K " 1 pointed by Judge Leavitt to de-** Prlces rea3onab,e- Jessie Searing , ........ " ................ J " u c a u il tu ue- ! among the business men register- n a . .. i . , Phine Counties; you can be the nue. 121- ♦■<1 a t the Hotel Ashland. L eg islativ e M easu re can fend to w s- Pate and Wllliàm DUn- Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. ______ represent Pete Sullivan. Ì FOR RENT: —— One of those L eave-T oday— Inheritance— 18 ' ! ? \ 1Or’ underst°od - d*d not nice comfy little furnished cabins Save 110.00. walk upstairs to Art Club M eeting — Dan F. Kay and Bert Thomp­ SALEM. Jan . ‘23." - " ^ ' ta x ! “ m e ’ at 153 Granite street. Phone 153. Orres tailor shop. 17— tf The Ladies A rt Club will meet son left this morning for Oakland 121— i t I at the Civic Club house Monday where they will inspect the Chev­ upon the inheritance or upon the! MOSS RECEIVES EASY SFN B usiness V isitor— income^ of residents or citizens TEXCE ,R £ £ CRIMES FOR SALE-—Saxaphone, fine evening with MesdSmes Selma rolet plant. They will- retu rn S. S. George of Eugene was a Gray and Hugh G illette as hostes­ 1 IES condition, half price. Simpson’s with a new Chevrolet 1925 road­ Oregon is included in a 'b ill in-l business visitor in Ashland today. ses for the evening. or 549 Allison. 118— 120— 122-3T* troduoed today by Senator Dennis ster for the city w ater depart­ (Cointiuueo from page 1.) of Union. This controversial ment. Paulserud’s Suits Cost Less. measure will be submitted- for the Southern Pacific freight shed Special Auto Accident Policy) 118-tf tor $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo adoption a t the present legislature! here- reniovi«g several tires, part 1Z In M edford— l j 24-tf M arriage L icense— and submission to the elec to ra te ! a shipm ent consigned to the A m arriage license was g ran t­ Of thq whole s ta te ,a r the general L. L. Leedom company of this city. He also acknowledged the Alarms, ed W ednesday by the county election in 1926. ' clerk to George Askew, 54, of Dennis said he introduced the theft of a cream separator from Medford and E lla B arr. 71, also measure with the hopes of attra ct the Nate High ranch near this of Medford. This is the fourth i ing people from the east and m id­ city. Southern Oregon Clinic wishes In A shland— wedding for the groom - and th e . die west to mkke th eir home in These robberies, which occured to announce th a t from now on Miss Virginia Hoeft of Marsh­ second for the bride.— Medford | Oregon and to do business unhar- several days ago, were reported to Miss Alice Ruger will be in their field. Oregon, is in Ashland visit­ Mail Tribune. rassed by constant changing in the Southern Pacific officials and office from 10-12 and 1:30-4:30 ing for a few days. the tax legislation. He said th e ' to the county officers. A search )-' daily as general office assistant. ! In G rants P ass— plan worked to F lo rid a’s advant-' was made for Moss and he was! Free Pants at Paulserud’s. 7 irst National Bank Bldg. 1] 9-4t ) H. H. E lh art of this city was age. Dennis favored the income located in N orthern California. 118-tf in G iants Pass W ednesday a t­ tax two years ago, but said the Upon being retu rn ed to this city Complete < Irganizat ion— tending to business m atters. repeal of the law convinced him a search of his property was made I ” Eight of the realty men of the Hei-e on Business— th a t the peqple would never let *hy Sheriff Ralph Jennings and the C. H ewitt Dix of Pasadena is A rchitect M arried— city met yesterday afternoon to such a m easure become a per-j tires and separator were recover- complete the organization of the visiting in Ashland for a few days The m arriage of F rank C. m anent law. ed. The tires were found in the Realty Board. Frequent meetings on business. Clark, wen known Medford archi­ creek bottom, w’here Moss states v ill be held to plan for the com­ tect and Miss Grace Gilmore, of PLAN NEW M EASURE he threw them to avoid suspicion, ) mon interests of the realtors of “COLUMBIA P L A g T E R Jacksonville, occurred January PORTLAND, Jan. 2 3 . ----- Wip­ while the jeream separator was this city during the future. BOARD Is the ideal W all B oard.” 9, in San Francisco. They have ing out the state prohibition en­ found on the place, in good con­ returned to Medford ' and will forcement office and tu rn in g over dition. »—Carson-Fowler Lum ber Co. A card party wilf be given at 120-2 wk. make th eir home at 1017 West to r tlj,e use of county officers fees A settlem ent was made out of the Civic Club House by the So- Tenth street. end fines which now go to the court yesterday by Moss’ fath er; c iil Committee Friday evening. I in leigoin g T reatm ent— state coffers was recommended at and L. L. Leedom, representing! January 23. Bridge, Five Hundred John Esch, of Frederick, is at Satisfactory Sale of Gas— the session of the state associa­ the tire concern and with Nate i and Mah Jongg will supply the There has been a most satis­ tion, of county sheriffs here to­ High. It was for this reason th a t' the Convalescent Home while un­ entertainm ent. R efreshm ents will . • dergoing treatm en t from Dr. factory sale of General gasoline day. the light sentence on this charge be served. Tables are being fill­ Maud Hawley. by the firm of Judy and Fjoh- was imposed ed, but don’t wait for a special bash, Inc., wholesale distributors AT LAST TH E PA RK , HOTEL invitation, we ask all who wish School Supplied McNair Bros. for Southern Oregon. This gaso­ RETU RN ED TO ASHLAND NEW BILL FOR CONVEN­ to play cards to come. Admission line ha|s now been on the m ar­ TIONS IS INTRODUCED 120—2t In A shland— f-Oc. ket in this territo ry for two weeks (Continued from page One) Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Slagle of ,^nd *he second week’s business (Continued from page One) Goes to Portland— Storm Lake, Iowa, were in Ash­ exceeded th a t of the first by a ed and a business block is being Miss K atherine W alsh of the land this week visiting Mr. and surprisingly large margin, accord­ constructed, as well as the famous d e leg a tio n . say th a t their plan Sugg Millinery Shop has gone to Mrs. G. R. Richardson. Mr. ing to H. O. Frohbach who was hotel,” he stfld. Mr. Provost is does not interfere with the pres- ! Portland where she will spend »b staying at the Im perial.— Oregon­ ent prim ary, but merely supple- ; seine time at the wh„,eaale ! Slas1*- » " o ,s “ ^ » c e r. is looking in the city yesterday. ian. m ents It. One of the features of) for a location. He has been travel house. She expects to retu rn to the conventions is the promulga-i ing in the western country for sev­ P raise B ook let— A .hland in about a month. FALKS K ILLERS EN TER tion of platform s to which a l l , W. E. Hausler, managing editor eral months and says th a t South­ PL EA AT F IR S T HEARING candidates recommended by the ) ern Oregon is the most promising of The Curry County R egister of “ For attics, use our COLUM­ conventions m ust subscribe and ! ,, , v section he has visited. . He said Gold Beach, Oregon, w rites to ' BIA PLASTER BOARD.” — Car­ The Tidings relative tovthe Jack-i (Continued from, page One) uphold. he would probably retu rn to Ash­ son-Fowler Lum ber Co. 120-2 wk land this summer. son county booklet. “ W here N a -1 posed, his face like a mask and ture Lavished Her B eauties,” that j his voice firm when entering his At H otel— they have ¿just received two'copies plea. Among those registered at the Opera H ouse V isible— fro mtlie Ashland cham ber of . In the front row of the crowded Now is the time to buy spray Hotel Ashland are Don Albee, The old opera house th a t was commerce and highly praise the! court room sat John O’Shea’s pumps, plows and harrows, Endicott, N. Y.; Archie Jacobsen, situated in building recently va­ splendid booklet. m other, w ith tears stream ing drills and all kinds of farm Seattle; P. P. and A. F. Droeker, cated by the Ashland F u rn itu re implements. Fencing in every *T lie Dalles; A. K. McManus, Se­ Company is now visible from the style. Harness, collars, snaps, a ttle ; Fred G. W hite, San F ran ­ sidewalk and street. The stage and pads. New and used Sew­ cisco; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Camp­ is partly dism antled and in a short ing Machines. Auto Robes, etc. bell, Vancouver, B. C. time all evidence of the once fam ­ ous am usem ent house will have Picture Fram ing. Studio Ash­ disappeared. land. On the Plaza. The I. O. Oi F. Benefit Com­ V isits Ixx'al Men— m ittee will give their second En­ and George D. Chenoweth of Gold tertainm ent in the month of Janu- Beach, Oregon, was in Ashland ( ary on Friday the 30th. Prizes last evening and met with lo c a l! will be awarded to the lady and business men in regard to the I jj^ritlem an wearing the most uni­ fish and game bill now u p j n th e; que costume. „ legislature. ’ | COMMITTEE. 121- •»f course. Medford— F. D. W agner, Postm aster, was a W ake u p ’ Westclox business visitor in Medford this $1.50 up. McNair Bros. afternoon \y PEIL’S CORNER SCHOOL BOOKS JLXM JLXM Vr THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY and TOMORROW S ig ^ " 5e/?e Daniels, Richard Db * ^ALANCROSLAND P R O D U C T IO N Marooned on a desert island, facing problems of hunger, cold and love. And solving them—lmw .* See the amazing, adventures of this man and woman, and thrill to as fascinating a story as was ever screened. ‘ “ TELEPHONE GIRL” Coined v » » tit« < JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE E X T R A O R D IN A R Y VALUES lor SATURDAY Blankets, P air $2.69 Percale, Yard 19c Sheets, Each $1.39 64x76 in., Cotton blankets in heavy quality, grey and tan. Belmont Percale, in light colors. 36 in. wide, 22c yd. Regularly. Pullaway Sheets, 81x90; bleached; extra value here. Crash, Yard 15c Lace Voile, Yard 39c Linen finish, crash Towel­ ing, fine quality for family use. Sold Regularly. 19c yd. 36 inches wide in all the colors for Lingerie. Regular value, yard, 48c. Gingham3’ 27c 32 in., fine Zephyr Ging­ hams in a good assortm ent of patterns, 32c yd. Regular­ ly. Half % Price Sale of Women’s Coats EVERY GARMENT MUST BE SOLD • • • $15.00 Coats $19.0H Coats $25.00 Coats $29.75 Coats $35.00 Coats $39.00 Coats CHILDREN’S COATS ONE-HALF PRICE Priced N o w .........$ 7.50 Priced N o w __ __ $ 9.98 Priced Now . . . . . .$12,50 Priced N o w .........$14.88 Priced N o w .........$17.50 Priced N o w .........$19.50 E. R. ISAAC & CO. “ The Quality Store” SUPPLIES PARK GARAGE GET THEM AT Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries E ast S id e P h a r m a c y ELH ART’S Books and Stationery Prescription Druggists We sell for less I I I . Phone 51 ... ■ ■■■■ ,11 ,, , ........ . FOR S A L E ! Friday - Saturday Specials A ll in good c o n d itio n a n d good p a in t, good tops, re a d y to ru n . Lunch Kits and • Thermos Bottles January Dollar Days $3.50 Lunch Kits,- Specials at ....... .......................... $2.29 $2.00 Bottles, Special at $1.29> . Drug Specials 25c Senna Leaves .............................................. 15c 25c Salt Petrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c 25c Moth B a lls ...............................................................15c 20c Stork Castile Soap; 2 for ............................ 25c 25c Laxative cold tablets, 2 f o r ......... .................. 25c 10c Creme Oil Soap, 4 for ................................ 25c A Season ’s-end Sale that just got under good headway yesterday, continues this week and until the end of the month. A lot of ridiculously low prices in this pre­ inventory clean-up of winter garments and piece goods. 25c 5-Minute Washing Powder, 2 f o r ................. 25c Films, Kodaks and Supplies Bring in your films to be developed and printed. All work guaranteed USED CARS Refer to Wednesday issue of Tidings if you missed the an­ nouncement Haynes S ed an ..................... $1250 Nash S p o rt. . , ......... ....... $1400 Stevens Touring . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650 Baiek T o u rin g ....................... $ 650 Chalmers T o u rin g ___ . . . . ’.$ 300 Buick T o u rin g .................. $450 Chalmers T o u rin g .......... .$ 650 Reo Touring ......................... $ 375 Reo Touring ........................$ 350 Reo Speed W agon.............. . $ 450 Franklin Touring . . ; .......... $ 450 Velie T ouring,.. >................. $ 250 Buick T o u rin g ............................. $ 300 Ford Touring ........................ $ 100 Overland Country C lu b ....... $ 100 Chandler C o u p e ..........................$ 375 Olds 8 T o u rin g ........................... $ 350 Overland Touring ............... $ 250 Chandler Roadster ............... $ 350 Overland S ed an ........................... $ 400 Chevrolet T o u rin g ...............$ 150 Ford D elivery................. $ 100 Overland B u g ............................... $ 50 Auburn T o u rin g ......................... $ 250