¿m m Ä A ö jf muras Thursday, Januar,» 22, 1025 PROFESSIONAL Classified Column PH YSICIAN8 Cla from any pharm acy; take a table- OFFERS A CHANGE spoonful in a glass of w ater be-J FOR YOUR MENU fore breakfast, and in a few days WHICH WILL BE your kidneys may act fine. APPRECIATED This famous salts is m ade from | — Ih e acid of grapes and lemon I Pain and congestion is gone.l juice, combined with lithia, and Phone us h as been used for year3 to flush Quickly?— Yes. Almost instant re-! lief from chest colds, sore th ro a t,' and stim ulate the kidneys; also backache, lumbago to help neutralize the acids in the follows a g e ntle , rubbing with S t.1 system, so they no longer cause Jacobs Oil. irritatio n , thus often relieving Rub this sooth­ bladder weaknesses. ing, penetrating oil Jad Salts is inexpensive; makes right on your chest a delightful effervescent lithia- and like magic re­ lief comes. St. J a ­ w ater drink which everyone cobs Oil is a harm ­ should take now and then to help less linim ent which keep the kidneys clean and ac­ quickly b re a k s tiv e and the blood pure, thereby chest colds, soothes often avoiding serious kidney the inflam m ation of com plications. By all means have sore th ro at a n d ELECTRIC breaks up the con­ your physician examine your kid­ gestion th a t causes neys at least twice a year. LAMPS pain. It never dis- t1 ■ -J U B .J " nnnoints and does not burn the Reduced skin. Get a 35 cent bottle of St. J a ­ cobs Oil at any drug store. It has been recommended for 65 years. No matter how long you have had BV FRENCH DEVICE open at the other. At the o p e n , end is a little "tongue” of mica, very thin, to which is attached a m irror. The tongue and the tube a ie attuned to the same note and will respond to no other, no m at­ ter how strong the emission. Thu9 when a piece of music is played and transm itted by radio, each re­ sounder embraces its own note and reproduces it. The response i9 exceedingly rapid and stops im­ mediately after the term ination of the note. N aturally the notes are longer and more m arked when they are strong. Speeches may be recorded in the j same m anner. If all notes could 1 thus be registered stenography would become a superfluous science and books would be p rin t­ ed w ithout ever having been p rin t­ ed. ---------- j. PARIS, Jan. 22.— Three houses out of every hundred in France have a radio receiving set, which means th a t there are more than a million in the entire country. The num ber of radio owners has been growing to such an extent during the last few years th at the governm ent has become alarm ed. The M inister of the Interior and the Director of the Surete Gener­ ate are now working to establish regulations and a service th a t will keep tab on the operations of all wireless owners. An effective surveillance over all radio sta­ tions, large or small, receiving or Vernonia — New W hite block ■sending, is needed for the good of will house >50,600 departm ent the public as well as th a t of the store, besides other business country. firms. The new invention of the radio- tonogram by Dr. F ournier d ’Albe now assures the photography of radio sounds. The apparatus itself is very simple, consisting of re- sounders. each one a glass or me­ tallic tube closed at one end and GENERAL Gasoline Fullers is a name which stan d s~ fo r the highest quality in the paint world. It is your guarantee in buying paints, varnishes and brushes. J. O. RJGG The kind that' they al­ ways call for again can be procured at this sta­ tion. Fill up your tank with General and you will note a difference. W. fir There’s a message Tidings W ant Ads. In T he There fc, sattefartlon of both J a 0 Comfort and Durability I m For a smooth shave and quick service go to* the Shell Barber Shop. Ladles und children get your hair ■ bobbed and marcel­ led. *V. L. D o u g la s ' SHOES OVERLAND Shoe Shop W. A. SHELL, Prop, »32 A. St. A shland. Ore . Bebe Daniels in the Raximount Picture MEN, HERE IT IS ‘Sinners in Heaven* • • At the VINING FRIDAY* and SATURDAY U. S. Army oil skin suits, hat, coat and pants $4.50 the suit ARMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little Store in Town House Wiring See us b efo re b u y in g t ♦ ♦ ♦ < We have the safety of the house and lives of its occupants in mind when we wire a house. KLAMATH FALLS STAGE Medford-Klamath Freight and Stage Line Two daily trips each way Our Aim Safety Our new E lectric Fixtures in­ clude many new patterns N. Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Service Courtesy Present Schedule The Ashland Electric Shop Leave Ashland ............................... S:15 \ M Arrive K lam ath Falls ..................... 11:00 A.M. * Freight and Baggage Truck in Connection 240 E ast Main St. Ashland Office; Tavern Cafe 3 I V w FLUSH THE KIDNEYS BEFOREBREAKFAST .t;*.»? u iiT ïT rr1 irr, F ish For Your Friday Meals RUB CHEST COLDS m i STOP PAINS Tomorrow, Friday, January 23 Safe Investment Day” Eagle Market Edison-Mazda Easy Way to Break Severest Cough a persistent, weakeningcough—no mat­ ter how many remedies you have tried without success—you can usually get relief in­ stantly, and often relieve the entire cough con­ dition in 24 hours, by a very simple method. The method is based on a remarkable pre­ scription known as Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs. You simply take one teaspoonful and hold it in your throat fo r 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it. without following with water. The prescription has a double action. I t not only soothes and heals soreness and ir­ ritation, but it quickly loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the di­ rect cause of the coughing. The prompt re­ lief seems almost magical, and the auickness with which the whole amazing. cough condition There is is disap­ noth- pears is often simply amazing. There notn- . _ . , , 'forcouj . _ i,chest colds, bronchitis, bronchialasthma.hoarseness.and almost every throat irritation. Economical, too, as the dose is on^jone teaspoonfuL On sale at all good A G ood T ilin g - * Sen? your name and address plain!» written together with 5 cents (and tin. •lip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co.^Dw Moines, Iowa, and receive in return > trial package containing Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup j bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs, and tickling throat: Chamberlain’a Stom­ ach and Liver Tablets for Rtomach trou- ^ indigestion, gassy pains that crowd heart,, biliousness and constipation! Chamberlain’a Salve, needed in ever» f . m i l , M r kn w ,. ij . „ j _ L _ -£ U™8’ ■ca, 8> wounds, ptle^ and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t mi«« ¡g DRdüüGS C oucH S With most people the most complete joy of SAVING is in order to SPEND—you should save to spend—but von MUST SPEND WISELY. Invest the money saved, so that it will earn a larger amount for you than it could earn if idle. Invest—in what? That is the question. We will be glad to es­ timate with you. Murphy Elee. Ce. The Thrifty, who save should he helped—so that their savings will be safely invested, and will continue to Increase. Are you planning any house-wiring this spring? M IS S IT . It is not enough to be thrifty and to Save. That is very fine, but what are you going to do with the money you have earned? It is approximated that about a billion dollars a year is wasted through lake investments and schemes—the savings which it took years to accumulate are then gone Ask us for prices Our Phone 82 Investigate and ask advice before you .make a plunge in an un­ known investment. Ask your hanker, a lawyer, or counsellor first Hall's Catarrh O - - J i« - I » ! — UaCombmeJ M S O lC lU G T r e a tm e n t Monmouth — Completion and Seth local and internal, and has beer dedication of section of W est Side successful In the treatment o f Catarri highway gives first unbroken pav- for ovir 40 years. Sold by all druggists ed road across Oregon, j F. J, GHENEY fit C O - T oled o, O hk 1 :30 P.M. 5 :15 P.M. THE ASHLAND KIWANIS CLUB and THE DAILY TIDINGS TIGS IS THE SEVENTH OF A SERIES OF THRIFT WEEK TALKS 'Ik/