í tw o ASHLAND Ö A t t t TIDINGS ............................................................— »s» A Q H i A N T) D A I T V (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) I T 1 T\Pl T N V P O ! without some definite and concrete advantage to them- • appear The brishter stars and planets . a ® during the total eclipse 1 I VPS ' —--------------------------------------------------------------------, ‘ ! and even a little before and after . It is possible, but not more probable than a profit it. The three planets, Venus, Mer- P ublished Every E ven in g E xcept Sunday by ‘ growing bananas at tile North Pole. i cury and Jupiter, should be seen THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. | Moreover, the .manner in which the administration ’ in a cl.ose grouP some distance t0 f 7"Z —Z— ---------:----------------------------------------------------------- — 1 , , , , .. .. ,, , , . . I the southw est of the sun. » • t r . Greer ....... ................................................................................. Editor! has conducted the negotiations so that no submission Although the event of this one George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager i oi the agreement to the senate might be necessary argues. day dw arfs ail others by compari- i'T'FICIAL CITY PA PER ................. - .................................Telephone 3 9 1 ¡ | g e o u r s e | ja s ROt b e e n SO unsophisticated as Hughes would s°n in the Jan u ary skies, it must E i-iered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Class Mail M atter be remembered th a t in m idw inter make it appear. Subscription P rice, D elivered in City J the evening skies are at their best, ( r-e Month ....................................................................................... „ „ ........ $ .65! It is well for the country that at Washington are a the American N ature Association •i i.ree Months ............................ ................................................................... 3 75 fe w vigilant public srevants like Senator Hiram W. Jolin- points out. There are mofe bril­ 1 « M onths ................................................................................................... c o s Y e a r .................. ........................................................ .................... 7.ho soil ever on. guard against America being further work liant stars in view than at any other time of the year. B y Mail and R ural R outes i- r s Month ... 5 .65 ed bv designing alien chancellors. Strange to say, many people fail ’im e e Months b:x Months ... v a j Year ...... 1.95 3.50 6.50 to notice how greatly the stars differ in color. Nearly everyone is aw are th a t the planet Mars is decidedly red, but how many know the colors of the first-m agnitude stars? Over in the southeast this month one will have a good study in star colors. Take the constel­ lation o f Orion alone. There is Rigel, blue-white in color, a per­ fect “ diamond in the sky” ; and Betelgeuse, in the same constella- ALFONSO BRAGS OF SPANISH SHAME Alfonso of Spain, safely within the confines of his DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES cu.gle insertion, pe? inch ............................................................ $ .30 kingdom, surrounded hv his dictator and his army and Yearly C ontracts Insertion a week ................................................................... .27% his palace guards, and by the impotence of his people, a * o insertions a week .................................................... .............. .25 makes faces at one Ibenez, adding insult to injury after Daily insertion ............................................. .................................. .20 having used international emenities to force the French R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising r i r s t insertion, per 8 point line ................ ................................ $ .10 le c h subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ............ .05 ' to bring charges against the author. » srd of Thanks ....................................................................... ........ 1.00 It is easy for Alfonso. u a itu atles, per line ....................................................................... .02% Perhaps Ibanez ought to he a hero, anil get shot. As WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING have numerous Spanish patriots, at various times in the ‘7 X ^ 7 , U S '. mere “All future events, where an admission charge is made or a u n e c tio n taken is Advertising. last generation. . i8 A ldebaran, the “ eye of the No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. But what Ibanez and men like him are trying to do bull;> another deep red star in DONATIONS is not to unhorse Alfonso—that would he of little moment the Hyades, a little to the north- , »no No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ west of Orion, 1« in APm Taurus. ing or job printing— oui- contributions will be in cash. —hut to create among their fellow countrymen ot Spain As an example of a perfectly a realization of their own political shame mad misery. white star th ere is Beta Tauri, BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT.— Num. 32:23. And it is some job, a job not to be helped by being a which is a t the tip of one of the horns of Taurus and directly south martyr. Educators are what is needed. SCANDAL AS NEWS of Auriga and north of Orion Pro- It may be that the educational effect of Ibanez’ writ­ cyon, in Canis Minor, the Lesser A number of newspapers of the state have become ings and his spectacular efforts to distribute them among Dog, is yellowish-white; and Sirus, quite hysterical over an obscure San Francisco girl, whose in Canis Major, the G reater Dog, life is revealed as a career of immorality and who has the Spanish people will have its effect, even if Alfonso following close on the heels of apparently terminated this career by murdering her makes the best “ copy” in speeches at Madrid. Orion, is w hite in color. mother. The crime she lias committed is an awful one, but FRANCE FEARS CHEAP MONEY is that the reason these newspapers are devoting columns INTEREST Clementel of France promises that there shall he no STRAHORN TO FIGHT KLAMATH •• nd columns to her escapades? Not for a minute. The inflation. Th other words, he avers that France will not, only reason she has become the subject for sob sisters and in order to meet its pressing needs, tax every one who PORTLAND, Jan . 21. — Repre­ others who have written about her is the fact that her life of the Oregon Trunk possess French money by watering that money by fur­ sentatives Railway, owned jointly by the has been immoral. G reat N orthern and the N orthern These newspapers are not satisfied with telling the ther issues of new and valueless money. That he should make this promise is either an indica­ Pacific will appear a t the next simple story of her life. They must go into sordid details. session of the K lam ath Falls city They leave nothing out. Is it any wonder, then, that some tion that the guardians of the present money’, the hankers, council to insist on the issuance are strong enough to coerce him, or that he realizes the of a franchise to .the Strahorn newspapers are barred from respectable homes? danger to the French nation of the repudiation which in­ Rail line under the common user A good act is, in the minds of these newspapers, worth provision of the city ch arter of about a stick. Ail immoral act is worth all that the im­ flation would lead to. ' As it happens, the interest of the hankers and of the th a t city. agination of lurid writers can picture. whole people in this matter coincide. They do not always. A defense is set up. It is that all this rottenness must And even the finance minister of a socialist govern­ Medford — Owen-Oregon Lum ­ I e told in every detail because it carries a moral. Is it Company builds two lum ber ment knows that it is bad politics and bad finance to rob ber storage warehouses, each holding necessary to go into all these details to preach the doctrine a whole people even for the sake of paying their just debts. 2,000,000 f^et, equipped with that the wages of sin is death? It is not. Some other way of getting something tor nothing mqst cranes for fast loading service. < THE ROAR OF LIONS NOW BLEAT OF LAMBS be devised. In a recent hook, Emma Goldman, the anarchist agi­ The army and navy may need many things, hut poli­ tator, deported to Russia in 1921, recorded the bitter story THROUGH THE tics isn’t.one of them. o f her disillusionment. / Patronage and Instead of finding the liberty there she thought de­ The cross word puzzle is doomed. The best minds are Good Will nied her here, she found a despotism as cruel and as re­ beginning to call it “ helpful.” of the Ford owners- ii> Ashland pressive as the old autocracy had ever been. and vicinity, we have ju st clos­ Even some who had helped to bring on the revolution i is never visible except during a ed’a prosperous year.. To show total solar eclipse and can be stu­ our appreciation of the pat­ in full the doctrines of the Bolshevists were hunted down ronage given us in the past, died only at th a t time. like common murderers. Those who find themselves we are holding our Annual And now she would he only too glad to return to this Free Tune-Up, and are anx­ w ithin the path of total eclipse ious to have ajl Ford owners country. • sho-uld look for the shadow bands in our territo ry bring in their — wavy bands of light and shade Another who went to Russia with equally strong- cars and have them thorough­ i th a t flit over the landscape and ly tuned up between ideas as to the hell he was leaving behind and the-Paradise ! buildings ju st before and after JAN. 20th and F E B . 1st 1 o which he was going was Bill Haywood, under sentence the total eclipse. Also, they to a term of imprisonment in Leavenworth because of his WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 22. should look out for the in terest­ This service absolutely free to you. — All traffic squads, attention! ing phenomenon known as ‘ Bailys t nti-war activities. Beads,” wrhich are seen as the thin On the tw enty-fourth of January A short time ago, a ragged, starving individual walk­ there will occur in the skies thread-like solar crescent breaks ed into the refugee camp of the Near East Relief at Alex- something th a t you probably will up into beads of light as the total H A R R IS O N andropol, Armenia, begging food and drink and a shelter never see again — a total eclipse eclipse is about to begin, and Brothers, Garage for the night And who should it turn out to be but this of the sun, in some places, and | which are seen again ju st as it Ford, L incoln, Fordson D ealers p artial eclipse over the g reater ends. same Bill Haywood. In a statement to the relief director, a part Look, also, for the scarlet solar of the United States. Caution he said: prominences during the total all drivers to go slowly. “ I am hungry and homesick and if I cannot find work If.you live in a belt 100 miles eclipse, which are flames of glow­ in Constantinople, I am going hack to the United States. wide and 5000 miles long and ing gases of hydrogen and helium from n o rth ern Minnesota rising from the hidden surface of 1 would rather be in Leavenworth than live in Russia. I flung act oss northern W isconsin and the moon to heights of thousands wish I had never run a wav.” Michigan, over the G reat Lakes of miles and visible beyond the * « ------------- a TOTAL ECLIPSE ÜN JANUARY 24 FIRST IN U S IN 10O YEARS MORE SYMPATHY FOR HART THAN HIS WIFE Winifred Westover Hart, wife of William Hart, pre­ mier gunman of the screen, has been awarded the right t o return to the silver screen under her full name; while at the same time retaining in full the $100,000 trust fund set aside for her by Hart, at the time of their separation, and also a similar fund for their infant child. • The court holds that when Hart insisted that in the agreement he written a provision that his wife should not do that which the court now says she mav do, lie did something which the law cannot recognize as binding. That may be true. But. at the same time, there is such a thing among honorable men and honorable women as keeping a pledge and being loyal to a pact, even though it may not be le­ gally binding. And in this case, Hart cannot be charged with hav­ ing treated either his wife or son ungenerously. Most American mothers, with only one child to care for, would not find it excessively difficult to keep the wolf away from the door if they had the inepme from a fund of over $200,000. This is especially true in view of the wife’s admis­ sion on the witness stand that when she married Hart, she and her mother were practically destitute. to New York, Long Island, Con­ edge of the mQon in queer forms necticut and Rhode Island, p arts and shapes. of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and M assachusetts you will see the flaming sun blotted out on the m orning of the tw enty-fourth. Those who live near this path across the country — a path th a t ends at sunset near the north of Scotland — will see the sun shad­ owed in part. Moon th e Cause Thursday, January 2 2 , 1925 ms SAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAINS IN A FEW MINUTES For the first time in more than ‘Rheum atism , lumbago, neuritis, a hundred years the moon will backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, pass between the earth and the strains, sprains, aching joints. sun, throw ing its shadow on our When you are suffering so you can sphere. It is the first to tal eclipse hardly get around, ju st try Red of the sun visible in this section Pepper Rub. of the country since 1806. Nothing has such concentrated, This eclipse will be total in penetrating heat as red peppers, D uluth, Buffalo, New York City, and when heat penetrates rig h t New Haven and many other large down into pain and congestion, re­ cities in this p art of the country. lief comes at once. The p artial eclipse will be very J u st as soon as you apply Red large, nearly total, in some of the Pepper Rub you feel the tingling largest cities in the United States, heat. In three m inutes the sore including Boston, Providence, Al­ spot is warmed through and bany, Philadelphia, Baltimore. through and the to rtu re is gone. W ashington arid Chicago. Even Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made as far south as New Orleans, and from red peppers, costs little at as far north as St. Louis and any d rag store. Get a ja r at once. Omaha, the partial eclipse will be Be sure to get the genuine, with large. the name Rowles on every pack-j The total eclipse in New York age. City will take place about 9-10 HUGHES’ STATEMENT NOT WHOLLY a. m., and the time of the great­ REASSURING est eclipse for m ost of the cities .Banker’s Wife Advises Ashland People Secretary of State Hughes has rushed precipitately in the E ast th a t keep Eastern standard time will vary but a few into print to declare most solemnly that the recent agree­ “ I had stomach trouble so bad inutes from this time. The m ent signed at Paris between those who expect to bene­ p m artial eclipse will begin about everything I ate soured and form ­ f it from the German reparations payments under the eight o’clock in the same section ed gas. - Was m iserable until I i Hawes plan commits the United States to nothing but ac- and the eclipse will be over about tried A dlerika. This helped the firs t day.” A dlerika helps any ' cept $27,000,000 annually from her erstwhile allies after half-past ten. case gas on the stomach unless The b rig h ter stars and planets, the expiration of two years. and also the beautiful solar cor­ due to deep-seated causes. The Hughes should know what he is talking about. ona th a t the astronom er is so QUICK action will surprise you. But the average American will not he entirely reas­ anxious to study, appear. This is BecausAi A dlerika is such an ex­ a m agnificent halo of pearly light cellent intestinal evacuant it is sured by his pronunciamento. extending to a great distance from w onderful for constipation — it Who ever heard _ of any of these European powers , rw n ruin . . i »A «« the sun, and different in shape and often works in one hour and never ¿lgreeillg to give up $1,000,000, not to speak of $-7,000,000, appearance at every eclipse. It grips. J. K. Bolton. i obtained from practically every H o ld s U p J e w e l e r country in the world,. Gold, sil-' and Picks Out Gems ver, iron pres, quartz, gypsum, ---------- bronite and tourm alines, beryls i VANDERGRIFT, Pa., Jan. 22. and garnets are properly labelled1— An unmasked bandit robbed the and placed on exhibition for the jewelry store of I. Potech of about convenience of the studentB an d ' 120,000 worth of gems and $46 to aid them in their study. There! in money, after holding up Potech is also a collection of rocks o b -; with two revolvers and compelling BERKELEY, Cal., Jan. 22- tained a fte r the eruption in Jan -' him to unlock the safe. Univers’ty courses / o r je w elry ! nary, 1914, of the Volcano Saku-I A fter making a careful selec- salesmen may be the next step in rajim a, in Japan, th at are unique, tion from the stock jewelry, the in their formations. modern education. gunman warned the proprietor Although it Is the co-eds who Some of the students take these agaiust m aking any outcry and show a profound interest in dia­ couraels as prerequisites to min­ backed out a re a r door, while he monds, it is the men students ing, while others are preparing kept Potech covered with the re­ who attend the cla/sses in the to enter the gem world. Jewelry volvers. study of precious stones, given by m aking is an old trade dating Professor A. S? Eakle, of the min­ back into medieval and ancient eralogy departm ent at the Uni­ times, and its different branches Insurance payments help recom- versity of California. open up vast possibilities to th e | Pense the insured in a financial “ The courses in m ineralogy and student, including work in ap-I waY but they cannot restore an precious stones lay the founda­ praising, «tone setting and engrav-; arm , a leg or a life lost through carlessness. tion for further study in the jew­ mg. elry trad e,” says Professor Eakle. “ Rocks th a t appear common and TALENT BOY FIXED ordinary to most people assume Clyde McGowan, a young man a different aspect to the student of Talent, was arrested by J. J. of mineralogy. He can determ ine McMahon yesterday for driving C. T. C. the physical and chemical prop­ w ithout a license. He was brought Tires erties of rocks and can recognize to the Justice Court here and such m inerals as quartz, felspar given tw enty days in jail by Judge and olivine, all of which are used Gowdy. KELLY in the development of gem stones. Tires The fundam ental value of these Boardbent — C o m m u n i t y courses is the acquiring of a keen BALLOON power of observation by the churCli dedicated with all - day services and basket dinner. tires in all sizes stu d en t.” The students study under the microscope the various form ations AMERICAN of the stones, and also learn their Hammered Piston Rings occurrence in the earth. Occas­ ional f'eld trips reveal th a t the GENUINE TIMKEN earth is rich in an unlim ited sup­ ply of m inerals th a t can be de­ Bearings veloped into beautiful gems. In Beacon Hall, on the univer­ Gears sity campus, there is a collection Pinions of m inerals and precious stones JEWEL SALESMEN SEE the two new 1925 Models Chevrolet on display FRIDAY at the Watch our Ad TOMORROW for Specials Automotive Shop Lithia Bakery All Balloon-f'quipiHM cars ne»*